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In "Salvage":
1. why does Artemis have on only a jersey?
2. Does this mean Artemis and Wally are in the "mating" stage?
1a. Who said she's only wearing a jersey?
1b. She's in her sleeping attire.
2. I guess that depends what you mean. They're a couple.
1.Where you a fan of the Hanna-Barbera created heroes (Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, Samurai, and El Dorado) who were a part of the Challenge of the Super Friends show growing up?
2.Do you feel that they ended up being the positive representations of their cultures that they were intended to be?
3. Do you feel that superheroes of certain ethnic descents still get the short end of the stick in terms of how they are treated in stories, the quality of the books they headline, etc. and if so why do you think this is the case? I ask your opinion on this because throughout your career in animation you've done a good job (imo) of including/writing characters of various ethnic backgrounds in your stories (and even changing the races of characters at times) in a way that dosn't feel forced or stereotypical.
Thanks for answering and keep up the great work on Young Justice! Watching the premiere of the 2nd season surprised me, but I'm really happy with what you guys have done so far!
1. I grew up on the original Super Friends, but was a little too old for the version that came later. But Brandon - that stuff's RIGHT in his wheelhouse.
2. I don't know.
3. I don't know. I'm not reading many comics these days. I think things have improved, generally. But I believe there's still a ways to go. And diversity is still somewhat lacking on television, though I do feel that children's television is a tad ahead of the curve when compared to prime time.
Does Dick still live with Bruce?
No. Though he still has his old bedroom at Wayne Manor, if he feels like crashing there.
Considering the group hug-like scene at the end of "Beneath," was it suggesting that Wonder Girl learned a very important lesson from the mission in Bialya?
I don't know about "very" important. But she did good and learned a little.
1. Does Alan Tudyk have any comments to say about his birthplace "El Paso" appearing on YJI?
2. Does Alyson Stoner and Eric Lopez have any comments to say about voicing Batgirl and Blue Beetle?
1. Not to me.
2. Probably. I think they enjoy it. (Plus, hey, it pays!)
Really, Greg in the YJI episode "Beneath" whenever Jaime says "shed", it sounded like he was saying the "four letter word". But I still find it funny. It's also funny whenever a villian calls Batgirl "Bat-brat" or "Brat-girl".
Didn't hear that. And neither - obviously - did Cartoon Network.
1. What is the range of M'Gann's telepathic link? In other words, if a member of M'Gann's squad moved too far away from her, would that person lose contact with the rest of the squad?
2. Do the Robin and Batgirl costumes have stealth modes? Granted, Batgirl's costume is pretty subdued. The black gloves, boots and Bat-logo make much more sense than yellow, but I don't get the yellow cape linings and Robin's red tunic doesn't exactly "blend into the shadows."
1. About a mile.
1a. Yes.
2. No stealth modes. But they're trained in stealth.
A couple of Beneath questions. I love the guest voice cast, by the way.
1a. Holling mentions they're Mescalero. I shan't claim to be an expert on the matter, but from what I've read, they're from New Mexico, not Texas (or, not El Paso's corner of the state). Was Holling a chief of all Mescalero, or only of a small band that moved south?
1b. Was the tribe chosen because of Michael Horse, who's Mescalero?
1c. Is Maurice also Mescalero?
2. Holling's neighbor in the trailer park is called "[...]ilson [...]Clain" (likely Wilson McClain). Was he named after Mark McClain Wilson?
1. Did Holling say he was a chief? And I believe there are Mescalero Appaches in El Paso, as I recall from our research, but it was a long time ago.
1b. No. Casting was done after the script was finalized.
1c. Yes.
2. Probably.
I was wondering if there is any way you can talk to Cartoon Network and get them to change the advertisement for Young Justice. They keep showing the old team from season 1, and I think it's a bit misleading to those who don't know what's going on and such. I think it'd be better if they'd advertise with the new team instead, from season 2, ya know?
It's outside my control. We've given them the assets. There's nothing else we can do.
in issue #6 the glass cracked while the g-nomes feeding superboy memories.
how did that happen?
I didn't write issue 6, and I don't remember.
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