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1. Does Wally still use his powers (for example, running to his school, visiting his parents) or he decided not to use it anymore.
2. Are Wally and Artemis doing sports in their college? If so, what kind of sport?
3. As of now, who knows Nightwing's secret identity?
4. Did Robin/Nightwing showed the picture of Artemis and him taken during Homefront?
5. Did Artemis and Wally kept contact with the Team, like Nightwing (to hang out or doing not-hero stuff), or they were all too busy?
1. Casually, sure. And when necessary.
2. I don't think so. Maybe some intra-mural stuff for fun.
3. More than a few people, but not everyone.
4. Huh? (Guys, please proofread your questions to increase the likelihood that they'll get answered. CLARITY is appreciated.)
5. They're all still friends.
Mr Weisman,
Who is La'gaan's best friend on the team?
After the events of Misplaced and the subsequent decision by the League to let Captain Marvel remain on the roster, is Billy given any authority to access the Zeta tubes?
In Failsafe we hear for the first time M'Gann's "I love you" to Conner. Was that THE first? I believe it is several episodes before we hear those words again on screen.
1. Yes.
2. Maybe.
i LOVE this show even if KF is gone (snif) but there is something wich disturb me. Miss Martian isn't to powerful ? I mean she has a more powerful spirit than her uncle and she beat him in the last episode of the first season that her teammates wasn't able to do.
Last question, how many members are in the JLA?
1. I'm not sure what you're asking here.
2. As of January 1st of Team Year Six: 23.
Dear Greg,
FINALLY got to see Saturday's newest YJ, very nice. I like Jaime trying to be the detective, feels in-character for him. And Alpha Team was awesome, thank you for spotlighting Cassie & Barbara. I love her putting Dick on the spot like that, hilarious. Also, good lineup for the Fearsome Five, kinda nice to see Icicle Jr. again. Keep it up and I'll post comments next week!
I recently got to watch the first two episodes of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" on YouTube (I hadn't seen them before now, since I don't have cable) and enjoyed them.
I noticed at the end the MasterPlanner's line to Kraven about "hunting in packs". While it works in its own right as a hint of things to come (presumably super-villain team-ups), I thought "pack" was appropriate. Kraven was hunting Spidey for the same reason that the Pack initially hunted the gargoyles - the "Most Dangerous Game" motive - and, like Wolf, had himself upgraded into a mutate (though feline rather than canine). He even got photographs of Spidey at the start of the episode from the MasterPlanner, just as the Pack got the photographs of Goliath at the start of "The Thrill of the Hunt". I don't know if the "hunting in packs" line was intended as a "Gargoyles" hommage or in-joke or not, but I liked it and thought it appropriate.
I can't remember for sure. But it probably was.
Hello Mr. Weisman congratulations for your amazing show!
I would like to ask you if you were influnced by the character Lois Lane Robot from the comics to make Mercy Graves a cyborg in Young Justice?
No. I don't think I'm familiar with any Lois Lane Robot character. Not that I can recall, anyway.
Hi Greg,
I was just curious if the user 'Gweisman' on the Young Justice Wiki is actually you. Of course, they claim to be, but I this is the only place I know of where I could get real confirmation.
Thank you so much for an amazing show, and for taking the time to answer these questions!
Yes, it is me. But it's wise to be dubious.
I am once again back, to first state how impressed I am with Invasion. I don't think anyone saw a five year time skip coming, especially after only one season, and it was handled beautifully for the show. Everything that is revealed about what has changed over the gap creates more questions, effectively keeping us hooked on finding out exactly what happened over five years.
The original members of the team now being seasoned veterans leading an expanded team is always something that feels cool to watch. I nerded over Dick's ascension to Nightwing and Barbara's joining of the team and I found the lack of status quo in Conner and M'Gann's relationship to be a good choice in character development. My initial prediction for where Wally and Artemis were was that Wally became Flash and Artemis was dead. I was extremely happy to be proven wrong when I watched Salvage. I do suspect they'll probably be suiting up again later in the season (what with Sportsmaster still playing an important role in The Light's plans) but I'm not about to ask for spoilers on that.
I'm happy with what you've done with Bumblebee. Her being The Atom's protege is an interesting idea and it really works. I also enjoy many aspects of Earth 16's Beast Boy, mainly his base form and relationship with M'Gann. Above all, though, I find myself liking Jaime Reyes as Blue Beetle the most of the new additions to the team. His constant conflict with the Scarab AI makes for both good black comedy as well as some interesting character depth.
Well, once again, now that the wall of text is done with I shall ask my questions.
1) Given the Scarab's aggressive tendencies, does its influence ever keep Jaime from sleeping or eating?
2) Have M'Gann and J'onn removed Garfield's enthrallment to Queen Bee by the time of Happy New Years?
3) How fit have Wally and Artemis been keeping since their retirement from the team?
4) Kaldur made the statement "blood is thicker than sea-water" before launching his shoulder rocket at his former allies. Was this phrase meant to be offensive towards Atlanteans or simply as a light pun?
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Young Justice continues to be one of my favorite shows of all time, animated or otherwise, and I eagerly await what is in store for the future.
1. Not generally.
2. Yes.
3. Very.
4. A minor play on words.
Should Devastation be assumed to have the same origin as in the comics, or is she simply a metahuman?
You can't assume anything.
In "Salvage":
1. why does Artemis have on only a jersey?
2. Does this mean Artemis and Wally are in the "mating" stage?
1a. Who said she's only wearing a jersey?
1b. She's in her sleeping attire.
2. I guess that depends what you mean. They're a couple.
1.Where you a fan of the Hanna-Barbera created heroes (Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, Samurai, and El Dorado) who were a part of the Challenge of the Super Friends show growing up?
2.Do you feel that they ended up being the positive representations of their cultures that they were intended to be?
3. Do you feel that superheroes of certain ethnic descents still get the short end of the stick in terms of how they are treated in stories, the quality of the books they headline, etc. and if so why do you think this is the case? I ask your opinion on this because throughout your career in animation you've done a good job (imo) of including/writing characters of various ethnic backgrounds in your stories (and even changing the races of characters at times) in a way that dosn't feel forced or stereotypical.
Thanks for answering and keep up the great work on Young Justice! Watching the premiere of the 2nd season surprised me, but I'm really happy with what you guys have done so far!
1. I grew up on the original Super Friends, but was a little too old for the version that came later. But Brandon - that stuff's RIGHT in his wheelhouse.
2. I don't know.
3. I don't know. I'm not reading many comics these days. I think things have improved, generally. But I believe there's still a ways to go. And diversity is still somewhat lacking on television, though I do feel that children's television is a tad ahead of the curve when compared to prime time.
Does Dick still live with Bruce?
No. Though he still has his old bedroom at Wayne Manor, if he feels like crashing there.
Considering the group hug-like scene at the end of "Beneath," was it suggesting that Wonder Girl learned a very important lesson from the mission in Bialya?
I don't know about "very" important. But she did good and learned a little.
1. Does Alan Tudyk have any comments to say about his birthplace "El Paso" appearing on YJI?
2. Does Alyson Stoner and Eric Lopez have any comments to say about voicing Batgirl and Blue Beetle?
1. Not to me.
2. Probably. I think they enjoy it. (Plus, hey, it pays!)
Really, Greg in the YJI episode "Beneath" whenever Jaime says "shed", it sounded like he was saying the "four letter word". But I still find it funny. It's also funny whenever a villian calls Batgirl "Bat-brat" or "Brat-girl".
Didn't hear that. And neither - obviously - did Cartoon Network.
1. What is the range of M'Gann's telepathic link? In other words, if a member of M'Gann's squad moved too far away from her, would that person lose contact with the rest of the squad?
2. Do the Robin and Batgirl costumes have stealth modes? Granted, Batgirl's costume is pretty subdued. The black gloves, boots and Bat-logo make much more sense than yellow, but I don't get the yellow cape linings and Robin's red tunic doesn't exactly "blend into the shadows."
1. About a mile.
1a. Yes.
2. No stealth modes. But they're trained in stealth.
A couple of Beneath questions. I love the guest voice cast, by the way.
1a. Holling mentions they're Mescalero. I shan't claim to be an expert on the matter, but from what I've read, they're from New Mexico, not Texas (or, not El Paso's corner of the state). Was Holling a chief of all Mescalero, or only of a small band that moved south?
1b. Was the tribe chosen because of Michael Horse, who's Mescalero?
1c. Is Maurice also Mescalero?
2. Holling's neighbor in the trailer park is called "[...]ilson [...]Clain" (likely Wilson McClain). Was he named after Mark McClain Wilson?
1. Did Holling say he was a chief? And I believe there are Mescalero Appaches in El Paso, as I recall from our research, but it was a long time ago.
1b. No. Casting was done after the script was finalized.
1c. Yes.
2. Probably.
I was wondering if there is any way you can talk to Cartoon Network and get them to change the advertisement for Young Justice. They keep showing the old team from season 1, and I think it's a bit misleading to those who don't know what's going on and such. I think it'd be better if they'd advertise with the new team instead, from season 2, ya know?
It's outside my control. We've given them the assets. There's nothing else we can do.
in issue #6 the glass cracked while the g-nomes feeding superboy memories.
how did that happen?
I didn't write issue 6, and I don't remember.
Hi Greg,
I have a few questions from the episode Beneath.
1. Was Tai Longshadow supposed to be based on the character Longshadow from the Justice League Unlimited series/ Apache chief from the Super Friends? Cuz i thought you were only using original comics characters, not original characters created for other TV series.
2. Was DC comics and Cartoon Network okay with you doing a story about domestic violence? Were they also okay with portraying Tai's mom as being compliant towards abuse towards her son and herself. Was there a reason you choose to make her so weak spirited?
3. What's with having Maurice pirating dvd's and videogames and how can anyone make money from that system? Most piraters distribute stuff online for free and make money by sharing links with their downloads. They don't put it onto a hard copy and distribute and sell it to people. (You are thinking of bootleggers and that profession is dying out). Maurice wouldn't have a customer demographic at all.
Most people who view/play illegal movies and games can get it online for free. If people wanted illegal versions, why would they pay Maurice, when they could get it for free?
Even if people aren't tech savvy, they have cheaper legal options. Most used dvd's sell for a few bucks anyway (I live near several stores that do nothing but sell used movies and games for a few bucks). And if given the choice between legally paying cheap for an actual DVD or paying nearly the same price for a hardcopy of a ripped DVD (from a shady guy with no accountability of whether it works and is illegal) people would choice to buy the used DVD's and games legally. How could he compete against that? Its a poor and ineffective business model. Plus, why are you still talking about DVD's, get with the times and move on to Blu-ray. You can buy a Playstation 3 relatively cheap these days (It plays blu-rays and would be fun for your kids. You can also play Young Justice Legacy on it when it comes out.)
4. Did you like my bunny?
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my questions. (I know these might be somewhat exhausting).
Enclosed: A funky dinosaur for your amusement.
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1. Yes. And I don't know where your misconception came from. We already introduced Wendy, Marvin and Mercy in Season One.
2. Cartoon Network's Brian Jones and Tramm Wigzell are great partners creatively and had no issue with how we were trying to handle the subject, i.e. with a certain amount of subtlety and sensitivity. Shelly was created to be a certain version of a real world mom in that situation that gave us what we needed for Ty's character.
3. I never said he was a smart criminal.
4. Um...
Thank for creating Gargoyles and Young Justice
I have a question do Psimon,Devastation,Icicle Jr,shimmer and Mammoth are the fearsome five in this universe? Because I saw Beneath and I thought it was them thanks.
Yes, basically. Though they don't go by any fancy names.
I was browsing the archives and noticed that you said Atom was one of the six founding members of the Justice Society.
1. Was this a mistake or was Atom really a member of the Justice Society?
2.If it wasn't a mistake, is this Atom the same Atom that is currently in the Justice League or is it a different Atom?
3. If this Atom is the same Atom that is in the Justice Leage, how old is Ray Palmer biologically and chronically?
He doesn't old enough to be a founding member of the Justice Society.
4. If this is a different Atom, what are his powers? Are they the same as the current day Atom?
5.If this is a different Atom, how come Ray Palmer was able to take his superhero identity?
1. Not a mistake.
2. Different Atom.
3. See above.
4. He had none at the time of the JSA's founding.
4a. No.
What exactly happened to Maurice after Jaime turned him in for bootlegging?
He was arrested and fired.
How many different character models are there for Bialyan soldiers?
I don't recall.
Since Wonder Women fought in world war to did she wear her original is costume?
Her original Earth-16 costume.
Is Matt resentful or embarrassed of having been forced out of the FBI and into police work?
At different times, he's either or both or neither.
Does the Flaming C have an arch-nemesis?
I don't know.
What exactly has Miss Martian been doing to the Kroloteans? Did she kill them?
When exactly did Bumblebee and Mal discover Superboy's and Miss Martian's true identities?
Why did Queen Bee kill Marie? Was it revenge on Miss Martian for betraying her?
You mentioned that Wonder Woman became a superhero in 1941, when she was 16 years old. As Pinja said, that's no older than the physiologically oldest members of the Team (in 2011). At that age, I don't think that that many people would have taken her seriously enough to call her a "woman". So was "Wonder Woman" her first superhero name or did she start her superhero career being called "Wonder Girl"?
It's an appealing notion, but I think it more likely that she was dubbed "Wonder Woman" by the press. Perhaps the first photo of her was taken at a distance, and they didn't realize how old she was or wasn't. (She is an Amazon, and was tall for her age.)
In the episode Alienated Catherine says: "And finally, we have the four surviving host bodies used by a race of alien energy beings, known as the Appelaxians, who attempted to conquer the Earth. Of course, the attack also brought together Earth's mightiest heroes to form the Justice League."
"Earths Mightiest Heroes" Is a tagline used by Marvel's Avengers. Is there a reason you chose to put it in, or was it just a coincidence? :)
It's an inside joke. A wink. A nod.
Does Zattana still like robin and robin Zattana?
Of course.
1)During the 5 year gap, has m'gann improved her shapeshifting ability to the point that she can perfectly imitate males?
2) can all shapeshifters change their anotomy, e.g. shifting to male to female vice versa?
1. Yes.
2. ALL? No.
Can Parasite absorb Red Tornado's power, or is he restricted to organic beings?
I'd think organic only. But I honestly hadn't considered it until this second.
When Superboy was being "educated", was there any anti-gay stuff being "taught" to him? Such as, if Miss Martian was never introduced, would Superboy have been attracted to, say Kid Flash?
There wasn't any "anti-gay" stuff. But Superboy's not gay, so, no.
I don't for a second believe that one's sexual orientation has anything to do with "education".
Hi Greg! Just want to say that I LOVE all of your work!
And now, a question about Miss. Martian: After usual suspects, I understand that she would want to keep her human form, but why does she stay green? Wouldn't she perhaps change her skin tone to white to take pride in her alien origins? I hope this doesn't come off as a criticism or a suggestion, I'm just quite curious.
Once again, love all of your shows and I'm really excited to see the next episode of Young Justice!
That's not where she is.
In the end of the Season One finale, Superman finally decided to accept Superboy and started the "father/son" relationship by telling Superboy his own secret identity as Clark Kent. Five years later, in Season Two, Superman and
Superboy's relationship has grown to the point where they treat each other like brothers instead of father and son. As their relationship strengthened during the five-year gap, has Superman told Superboy everything about himself?
"Everything" is a big world, but most of everything, certainly.
I have a whole slew of questions about Zeta-Beam transport. I doubt I can bring it down to five...
1. Why do the Cave and the Watchtower have two portals next to each other? Also, the Cave has two portals, and the Watchtower at least three. Is this for logistic reasons, or does the Watchtower have no elevators?
2. What's the maximum capacity of a tube? On multiple occasions, three people entered at the same time. Could the entire League fit, or is that why there's two portals next to each other?
3. Because we'll possibly never definitively learn with the time skip, and the comics won't reach December for another two years: was Rocket's designation B09?
4. In Misplaced, Billy had to speak an override code before being scanned, but on all other instances (the phone booth, the TARDIS, the main portals) the computer scanned people as soon as they were in range. What if a stranger entered the booth, would he/she be scanned?
5. Is the Manhattan portal under the bridge in "Secrets" only an exit? It doesn't look practical for an entrance.
1. Why do some buildings have multiple elevators? To handle the traffic.
1a. The Watchtower has elevators.
2. I'm sure there's a limit. It also has to do with the number of destinations.
3. Yes. (Which I'm NOT revealing here. It was already revealed in the comics.)
4. Scans take place automatically, silently and without any visible sign that they are taking place. If the computer doesn't recognize the subject (as with Billy in "Misplaced") it says nothing, unless a code is spoken, asking for a follow-up scan.
5. It's both.
1. Is the show's Sandman based on the Golden Age version of a Bruce Wayne-lookalike, or the Sandman Mystery Theatre-version of a bespectacled investment banker?
2. What year was he born, does he still live, and if not, when did he die?
3. Did Sandy the Golden Boy (or any of the Golden Age sidekicks) exist, or was Robin truly the first kid sidekick?
2a. 1914.
Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for Lian. Her fate in the mainstream comics is one of the things that made me stop reading the mainstream DC books....her appearance was a touching surprise. Thank you.
You're welcome.
1. what is zatanna's best subject
2. is zatanna considered an above average student
3. wats her GPA
She's very bright. Beyond that, I'll leave the rest to your imagination.
A simple question re the "Golem" from Salvage. Was it suppose to be a homage to Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man?
It was a homage to the Appellaxian Golems.
Hi, Greg, quick question. As season two goes on, i can't help but notice Megan's radically different personality. She's no longer the slightly naive Hello Megan fangirl, and is instead alot darker, thinking nothing of labotimizing others for her own gain.
First of all, why does no one call her out on it. Martian Manhunter was right there, telepathically linked the guy to boot.
Second, does her self-acceptance have something to do with this? In season one we see her afraid of having the others see her as a monster, but, now that she knows she doesn't have to worry about it anymore, is she now turning into one?
If I see you've answered this, then thanks a ton! If you don't, well, do it anyway ;). Thanks!
First of all, if you look carefully, you'll see that Manhunter had severed his link just before Miss Martian did her thing.
Second, I'll leave to your interpretation.
Greg just want to start off by saying i love young justice and gargoyles and i still watch some gargoyles to this day. My question is why did the writers primarily decide to make Superboy and Miss Martian the only characters that really get focus and are in every episode?
In season 1 once in a while Aqualad or Artemis would get an episode even Wally but Wally and robin barely did anything. Now we skip into season 2 and Wally is retired and Grayson is team leader but only seems to make cameo apperances. You mentioned season 3 if it happens will have another time skip i assume Nightwing will probably be gone but i was just hoping that the guy would actually have important story lines before he is gone. The other character also i feel should get some type of importance it feels like the Superboy/Miss Martian and friends show.
I don't buy into the premise of your question. Even a little.
First of all i just wanted to say... great first season and even better second season. Young Justice is the favorite in my household and its one of few shows that holds my two year old attention for its entirety. My question is, whether it be the month or the quarter, when would you hope to get word on a third season for YJ? I can't imagine that this show would not be on for years to come.
There's no set time when they make these decisions.
Since you have confirmed the ice villains involvment in the Ice Fortress incident, I must ask you...
1) Who was on Ice Fortress-1?
2) Who was on Ice Fortress-2?
3) Who was on Ice Fortress-3?
4) Who was on Ice Fortress-4?
5) Who was on Ice Fortress-5?
If you're asking which ice villain was on which Fortress, my answer is... "Yeah, I don't care. Knock yourself out."
I'm curious but does the possibilities for third season look bleak? Or does discussions for the future of Young Justice sound encouraging? Just wondering as I hope that this show goes beyond season 2.
And finally, if the show gets cancelled, do you plan to continue where Invasion left off in some other form of media? Like a webseries or a comic book? Perhaps maybe on another network. Thank you so much. I'm a huge fan of Young Justice =)
None of this stuff is up to me. The comic book is - at least for now - ongoing. The series is too. We haven't even aired half of the second season yet. Beyond that, we'll have to wait and see...
I have another Blue Devil related question for you Greg. Blue Devil was considered for membership by the League, but did not join (at least not before the time skip). Why did the Justice League decide not to invite him? It's clear why Guy Gardner and the members of The Team weren't invited, but for what reason did they pass on Blue Devil? Was it because he was too inexperienced, or because none of the Justice League members knew him very well? Or was Blue Devil invited after all, but he declined to join? It would be very in character for him if he did decline.
I think they felt - at that time, that he was too inexperienced. Later, I think he declined.
Your comments regarding Megan's ethnicity are very interesting. Do you see her feeling towards her green martian form are more in alignment with how a post op transexual feels about their new body?(I.E This was always who she was) Or do you think it's more alignment with some very dark skinned women bleaching their skin because they feel unattractive by western ideas of beauty? It seems like you could go either way here.
It seems you could. But I don't think Green or White skin is the point. I think her human Megan Wheeler inspired form is the point.
Is Sha'lain'a really Kaldur's mother?
So, out of curiosity. When Demona and Thailog were living in Paris, where was Demona living? We know Thailog was living at Notre Dame (although, I assume that after Sanctuary, they didn't go back). But was Demona living there as Dominique when she wasn't out seducing Macbeth into marriage?
I'm sure she had a flat.
Who else auditioned for the role of Artemis?
Lots of very talented people.
Something i've been curious about in 119 when Batman freed himself from Thorn's vines as he lands we see Faust launching energy blasts at someone off screen so was he still fighting Red Tornado, or had that fire blast he used at the beginning of the fight already knocked him out?
From memory, I think he was still fighting Tornado.
I'm confused you said Megan/M'gann is the daughter of a female green martian and a male white martian-
so if she's part green why were full greens being jerks to her 24/7?
is intercolor marrige common(i mean has it ever happened besides this)?
so technically is she's part green she was'nt really lying about who/what she was?
so J'onn is aware she IS his sisters daughter right?
1. Compare the trials and tribulations of mixed race children in almost every society on our world.
2. Not common, no. But not unheard of.
3. By Martian standards, she was.
4. Yes.
Hi! First off, I would like to say that I am a HUGE fan of your work, especially with Young Justice, and now Young Justice: Invasion.My favorite episode of the new season so far has to be Salvage, because it had everything that I had been waiting to see. I also want to thank you for bring Lian into Earth-16. It really makes me happy to see her.
I checked the que and the archives, and i didn't see any of these questions, so herewe go:
1) What bree is Wally and Artemis's dog? What's his/her name?
2) How long have Jade and Roy been married?
3) How old is Lian when Jade brings her to meet Roy?
4) Are you aware of all the 'Shipping' names for the various couples on the show?
Thank you so much for making such a wonderful show, and for taking time to answer our questions.Oh, and have a nice day!
1. Pit Bull.
1a. Well, Stephanie's dog is named Brucely, so maybe on Earth-16...
3. Under a year old.
4. ALL of them? Probably not.
1. So the reason Guardian was in a trance-like state in the Season One finale was because he was a clone of the real Jim Harper all that time?
2. Catherine Cobert appears to have an accent. What is her nationality?
3. How does Paula Crock feel about her daughter's relationship with Wally West?
1. Nope. It's because he was a clone of ROY Harper, and they had used his pre-programmed code word to shut him down.
2. She's French.
3. Happy, generally.
Hi again greg, If I remember correctly, it's been established that Martians age 1 year for every 3 earth years, New gods from Apocolips and New genesis are ageless, Lords of chaos and order are ageless, Amazons are immortal and Superboy currently can't age visibly.
1. This made me wonder if there were any other aliens or metahumans that age at a different rate than humans or have a longer lifespan, such as maybe Rannians, Genomorphs and Clayface since he got his powers from overexposure to the Lazarous pits.
2. Back in infiltrator, Robin used an override code to get past the security at Wyne Tech. If I'm correct, the code RG4 consists of his initials (Richard Grayson)and 4 would either mean that he's the 4th person to have a similar override code or he has 3 more for other uses. If it's the first case, would the 3 other people be Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox and Alfred Pennyworth?
3. In the episode Salvage, when Superboy said he could relate to the Appellaxian Golem when it said through blue beetle that it wanted to end the pain and essentially destroy itself, does that imply Superboy has contemplated suicide at one point? I just want to be sure about whether or not that was the case.
Thank you for your time and I hope the long queue isn't too tough on you.
Amazons are only immortal (i.e. unaging) on Themyscira. If they leave the island, they age normally.
1. I'm sure there are, but I'm not going to go down a list. Clayface though is kept alive by a morphic field. This may grant him a certain immortality as long as the field survives. No telling whether or not the field may break down over time.
2. Possibly...
3. The "noise" that came with "birth" was the part of the Golem's speech that Superboy identified with.
I know he's obsessed with finding the real Speedy, but underneath his obsession, is Roy suicidal? Has he contemplated taking his own life during the past 5 years?
There's a self-destructive edge, certainly. But his obsession doesn't allow for actual thoughts of suicide.
First, I just want to say how much I enjoy Young Justice and have loved Invasion from the beginning. I give my thanks to the whole creative team for the work. My question:
Who is Garfield Logan's legal guardian?
Hi Greg, First of all Im a huge fan of young justice, all production aspects of the show are mindblowing. How do you produce such a quality level product on a weekly basis is beyond me, congratulations to all of the staff for their hard work. Secondly Im a huge fan of spectacular spiderman, seeing it cancelled was so dissapointing , but even worse was the show you got replaced with , Ultimate spiderman. Now there is news of the Avengers series being cancelled , to be replaced with a show of similar tone than ultimate spiderman, with the reason that Marvel wants a show focused on stand alone episodes than storyarcs. My question is, why great shows, that respect their source material with great voice acting and stories get cancelled, while other shows that talk down to their audience and have weak story lines are still on the air? I really really hope Young Justice stays for many years to come, its an example of how good shows are made. Thank you and all your team for your efforts everyday, keep up the good work
I don't have an answer... other than the BIG ALWAYS ANSWER: RATINGS.
If the Powers That Be believe that they can get better ratings in their target demographic by doing a different kind of show, that's the kind of show they'll order.
1.-Does the pouch on Lagoon boy's ankle contain anything or is it just decorative, and can he grow hair? i've noticed something that looks like a ponytail in some shots.
2-Did you give any thought to the tool on Tigress' back in her holo-mug shot?, if so would you mind sharing?
3-Is the orange suit Aquaman wears armor? because manta's laser sure ut throught it easily.
1. It's not just decorative, but what he carries in there depends on what he feels he needs at any given time.
1a. No hair. That's a fin pony-tail.
2. I'm sure Phil did.
3. It's mail. But that doesn't make it invulnerable.
1-Whose idea are the classic literature references?(ex-jabberwock,cricket)
Asuuming invasion episodes make DVD-
1-do you get to add any input?
2-if the answear is no-if you could would you add translated subtitles to the non english(ex krolotean/rannian)words or you like to imagine viewers guessing?
1. Generally, but not exclusively, mine.
1. It's not up to me whether or not I get input. So far, I haven't. But if they ask for input, I'll be happy to give it.
2. We put in subtitles where we wanted them. Left them out where we didn't. It was always up to Brandon and myself.
1-Based on his build was Bibbo ever a boxer?
2-Does the mask affect how Karen changes size-in 103 the put it on before changing but did'nt return to normal size after the blast knocked it off.
3-Regarding beast boy-would he revert back to normal(non-simian)form if rendered unconcious?,and if he can turn into ET animals, has he ever tried a dinosaur?(a yes/no will do)
1. He's boxed. Also wrestled. But not professionally.
2. The blast didn't knock it off. She took it off because soot from the explosion had covered her goggles and she couldn't see. Beyond that, it feels like you answered your own question.
3a. No.
3b. He can only turn into real animals that he's had contact with.
My questions are about the "kiss" of MM and SB in issue 15.
* Would she have done the same for Wally or Robin?
* How long were they liplocked until SB got a new breather?
* Did they feel awkward afterwords?
* Did they discuss it at all (afterwords)?
1. Of course.
2. On and off.
3. Probably.
4. Definitely NOT. (I mean maybe MONTHS afterward, but not until after they were an actual couple.)
If you find these questions in violation feel free to delete them but i will not be satisfied unless i ask
1-Why would Megan mention that she'd learned about the 16 hours while Alanna was there?-in that area the league are outlaws
2-How could the Krolotean possibly have been able to ID Karen,and Jaime in regular cloths?
1. She didn't state whether the Leaguers were allies or enemies. But, having said that, I think eventually, Zeta Squad would have told Alanna and Sardath the truth of the situation.
2. He didn't identify Karen at all. And it wasn't Jaime that he identified, but he sensed that he was a Reach Warrior.
Regarding powers
1.If Lagoon boy's expansion power is magic induced and not genetic does he NOT have the power to generate and fire pufferfish quills.
2.Can the scarab armor let Jaime be under water without visible life support tools?
3.Are Kaldur's tatoos still visible?
4.Are Wonde Girls powers derived from any magic artifacts like in the original comics?
1. Not on our series. At least not yet.
2. Yes.
3. Depends what he's wearing.
4. Not her powers, no. But her bracelets and lasso expands her repertoire.
Dear Greg,
Wow, the newest episode of YJ was great! I goota say, props to you and Brandon for coming up with a way to get Roy's addicted look without the addiction. Very nice. And thank you for showing Wally & Artemis, I was worried they might have switched sides or been killed or something. I thought it was sweet (and Artemis looks good in a jersey). Also, i like someone discovering the scarab talks to Jaime, and you even got in a reference to Ted Kord! Thank you! Please keep up the awesome!
Who says there's no addiction?
I really liked Salvage especially how we saw a better look of Blue Beetle and his abilities.I just want to know if Artemis and/or Wally have Jobs;if they do what are they ?
They're mostly full-time college students. Which is not to say they don't have part-time jobs, but I haven't given any thought to it.
First of all, as a huge fan of DC comics lore, I want to thank you so much for including so much of DC's history in your show. It makes the show so much more enjoyable for me.
I was wondering how the writers choose the characters that are showcased in the show. I noticed you included a lot of lesser known characters in the DC universe such as Lagoon Boy, Blue Beetle and so on. How do the writers pick and choose with such a huge who's who list of superheroes and supporting characters to choose from?
I don't think Blue Beetle would still be considered "lesser known".
Mostly, this question is ASKED AND ANSWERED. We had a "huge... list". We gave a great deal of thought to juggling powers, backstories, personalities, etc.
You mentioned you had kids, what ages are they? Do you have any grandchildren? ((Sorry if that last question is rude.))
"I'm old but not THAT old."
My kids are currently 18 and 15. No grandchildren.
First off, I just wanted to thank you for being a part of what makes superhero cartoons awesome. I'm loving Young Justice/Invasion so far, and each episode just gets better.
I've just got one random question to ask that's been on my mind:
Did Dick go through a phase of resenting being Bruce's sidekick like in some continuities or has he always been happy to be a part of the Batfamily no matter what costume he wears?
I'm not saying it was always 100% conflict free, but largely they're good, and have never had a major falling out. Resentment isn't really Dick's style.
Why did Wally decide to stop being a hero? Did Nightwing try to persuade him to continue with him?
1. It's complicated. There isn't one single reason, one single event. It's cumulative. It involves things that took place over the five year gap (SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.), his relationship with Artemis and his general maturing as a human being. A choice to leave behind things that seemed extremely important to him as a child - and not so important as an adult. Also, keep in mind, Wally didn't decide to stop being a hero. Wally and Artemis together decided to stop being heroes.
2. Nightwing wants what's best for his friend. I'm not saying they didn't have a conversation or two. Or six. Or whatever, but...
I'm currently sitting in the Control Room at L.A. Studios while voice director Jamie Thomason records Mark Rolston as Lex Luthor for YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY. Later today: Eric Lopez, Jesse McCartney and Cameron Bowen. More to come next week after I get back from visiting my daughter in New Orleans.
Also, James Harvey at Worlds Finest is reporting that reruns of YJ and YJ:I will be appearing on Boomerang:
This is good news, and I'm guessing must be a direct result of fan response to the latest hiaturs.
Hi Greg,
This isn't a question, so I understand that it might be deleted, but I have no other way of contacting you, so I thought I might give it a shot.
I just wanted to thank you for an amazing show. You and Brandon have done an amazing job, along with everyone else who works on Young Justice. It's beautifully done, and I love it to the point of perhaps unhealthy obsession, but I like to think I'm just a really, really, really big fan.
I'm sure you don't remember this, but I came to your signing on Free Comic Book Day at Meltdown Comics, and I just wanted to let you know that that was a truly amazing moment for me. You are one of my biggest heroes, and the Young Justice issue you signed along with the photo my dad took of me with you are now two of my most prized possessions.
I can't wait for the rest of the season, and I'd just like to let you know that you have made one thirteen-year-old girl very, very, very, very happy.
And one more thing that actually is a question:
In an interview with IGN, you said: "Tune in and give us some huge ratings! Who knows, maybe it'll happen? Maybe we'll get that third season sooner than later!"
Where could we give you huge ratings, or who could we write to strongly advise that you get a third season?
Thanks for answering all these questions and being so patient with us!
P.S. You and Vic also did a great job on Mecha-nation! It's amazing!
Thank you for the very kind words.
I do remember that Meltdown moment.
Ratings are determined at time of viewing. Really by people with Nielson boxes in their homes, though in theory, the more people watching, the more Nielson people watching. You can always express your fondness for the show directly to Cartoon Network.
Thanks again.
What are the names of the trophies in the Hall of Justice that were in Alienated?
I think most are listed here: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Hall_of_Justice#Background_in_other_media
Hey,Greg, what is Black Lightning's League Designation?
Wait and see.
1-Did your time as the assistant editor on Infinity Inc, which featured Artemis Crock influence your use of the character in YJ?
2-If so in what way?
1. Probably.
2. I remembered that she existed.
1 .When did Superboy meet Ted cord for the first time? 2. did Greg Cripes ever audishion for the role of Beast boy?
2. In Season One, we cast Logan Grove to play Garfield Logan at age 8. I love Greg - he was Caleb in W.I.T.C.H. - but he was too old to play our Garfield (and that's on top of the fact that we weren't particularly inclined to cast any of the five original Teen Titans actors in their signature roles). Then in Season Two, Logan just continued on to play the 13-year-old Garfield/Beast Boy.
Why does Sevarius willingly work for Thailog after he previously attempted to kill the "good doctor?" Is he willing to forgive that for Thailog's money, or is there some fear involved?
No hard feelings. Sevarius follows the money. And the science. And the opportunity for drama.
I have a few questions about the Bio Ship
1; What powers them
2; Do they eat? Drink? Defecate?
3; How long do they last?
1. Fuel.
2. They absorb.
2a. See question 2.
2c. See question 1.
3. Their life-span is long, assuming no catastrophic injury.
Hey Greg,
I'm assuming Wally and Artemis go to Stanford as they live in Palo Alto (so glad you decided on Palo Alto. I always love when my hometown gets mentioned haha). Just wondering, is the number jersey Artemis wears in Salvage significant? Like, does it represent a certain player? If it was number 12, I'd understand it'd be for Andrew Luck, but it's 13. Thanks!
<sigh> It was supposed to be 16. But it was too late/too expensive to change.
Did you came up with the idea of "Apple Laxative"?
That specific phrase? Yes.
Each member of the Light seems to represent a certain sphere of influence, Lex Luthor being business, the Brain science, Klarion magic, Queen Bee politics, Ocean Master the sea, with Vandal Savage representing experience as befits a leader or first among equals. My question is what Ra's Al Ghul's sphere of influence is and do you agree with this assessment?
To a certain extent, yes. That was part of the equation. But not all of it. And there's some obvious overlap too.
Ra's represents the underworld, specifically the League of Shadows.
What's Wally and Artemis's dog's name?
I want to say Brucely.
Dear Mr. Greg and Whoever Else May Be Credited With The Writing For "Salvage":
I absolutely loved this week's episode. "Salvage" has, in tumblr terms, provided "so many feels" for many shippers of the Spitfire (Wally/Artemis) and CheshRoy (Cheshire/Roy) pairing supporters; those "feels" were multiplied even more with the introduction of Lian.
I LOVE that Wally and Artemis are still together after 5 years and are a cute, loving couple. I LOVE that Lian has been born and that Jade seems to be doing her best to not only fix up Roy, but to have some stability in her family for the sake of her daughter. I also LOVE that she and Roy were married.
Once again, thank you. Words cannot express any more of what I am feeling, but let me just say that all throughout this morning I had to stop myself from involuntarily smiling at the thought of this episode.
Keep up the AWESOME work. :)
Thank you.
OMG! I just LOVED today episode! "Salvage". I thought for sure that the hero that had "fallen from grace" would have been Kaldar considering what happened last week but I was just as glad to see Roy come back into the picture! Now everything is complete and all my questions have been answered! I know what Roy's doing and what happened to Wally and Artemis! I LOVE the fact that after 5 years that they're still together! Now my mind can rest. It's been driving me CRAZY for the last 3 weeks to know what happened to Wally and Artemis, I already knew that Kaldar would be making a showing and that he now had a Black Manta connection but not knowing what was going on with Wally and Artemis was making me nuts. I figured that they'd be in school since it didn't seam that they had passed on (some people thought that Artemis would have gone bad but I figured that that wasn't true. You went through the trouble of having this Artemis of Earth-16 go down the hero path instead of a villainess one and in "Unusual Suspects" had her reveal her family connections to her friends and her finally being able relax and find acceptance I found it highly unlikely that her future would swing the other direction...) I hope to see them again! They're so cute together!
Now I can wait for the upcoming episodes in peace. ^_~
But on to my questions these are regarding Miss Martian and Superboy and their aging processes.
Now M'Gann is approached as having been of an equivalent of "16" in season 1, and Martian Manhunter mentioned that she was 48 earth years old. Now 48 divided by 16 equals 3 so what I was wondering was:
1. Does M'Gann age at a Martian emotional and physical equivalent so that every 3 earth years of ageing and development for her is the equivalent of 1 human year? So instead of her being "21" she's more like "17 and 3/4"? Almost "18"?
Now Superboy. He was force grown to 16 years in 16-weeks, and he can't visibly age on the outside. But he can age internally / physically on the inside. So it can't be said that he's "21" like Kaldar and Wally are.
1. So does this mean that at some point internally he'll be elderly with all the negatives that with it but sill look like a 16-year-old hottie?
If so that really is a "standard blessing and curse".
2. Exactly where is his age in the emotional sense since that's the only "ageing / maturity" that would be visible?
3. How old is Superboy internally? He was force grown to 16 years in 16 weeks. So does his body think that it's 16 in season 1 and 21 in season 2 or does it read it's self as younger since he's only almost 6 chronologically?
PS: I loved the "You freshman never do the homework." Statement that Conner made.
I also noticed that in the last episode that Superman called Conner, Kon-El. That made me happy too. Although the caption on my TV said 'Conner' instead. Like in "Earthlings" when Conner says that he doesn't visibly age, the captions said physically age. Which means two entirely different things. Not visibly aging means that you can't see the aging, but that it is occurring. Not physically aging usually equates immortality.
4. Dose it annoy you when closed captions get things wrong like that?
One word that seams to give a similar impression like visible and physical can give a person 2 distinct understandings, and in this case it would be the wrong one.
a. Yes, she's the biological equivalent of an 18-year-old, give or take, by Martian standards. Of course, that has nothing to do with how old she chooses to look as a shape-changer.
b. Yes.
1. Yes.
2. That's a matter of opinion.
3. I don't think his body is quite as obsessed with numbers.
c. Yes, captions are notoriously unreliable. Which is a shame. (I don't know why they don't work off the scripts.)
4. A lot.
d. Agreed.
Does the Speed Force exist in Young Justice? I was confused by the character profiles that came out because I was certain that it did not, but Barry Allen's profile said his suit was Speed Force resistant.
And I don't know what "profiles" you're referring to.
Greg, I'm a big fan of Young Justice, and I think it's really great that you are willing to answer questions about your creations like this. I have 3 questions:
1)In "Salvage", Artemis and Wally go to school in Palo Alto. Is this meant to imply that they attend Stanford? I ask because I figure you won't be mentioning an actual university on the show.
2)Also in "Salvage", Red Arrow's apartment appears very similar to the apartment at the end of the "Under the Red Hood" movie. I'm guessing you recycled the animation to save money, but did you intend it to be a nod at the Jason Todd/Roy Harper Outlaws, or was it just coincidence?
3)In "Targets", during the scene outside Happy Harbor High School, there is a moment where 4 people wearing logos on their shirts are lined up as follows: Superman ("S"), the high school ("H"), Flash (a vertical lightning bolt), and Batman (which in this case looks a bit like a "T"). Was this meant to resemble a certain 4 letter word that would be inappropriate for a cartoon, or was it just a coincidence? I laughed when I saw it because it's pretty clever.
Anyway, thanks again for such a great show. I hope you get many more seasons!
1. Yes.
2. It's the same apartment from "Auld Acquaintance".
3. I never noticed.
1.) Does Icon have a starship like in the comics?
2.) Can Rocket increase the force of her strikes using kinetic energy?
2. "Strikes"? Maybe her spares.
It is of earth shattering import that we all know:
That kid sitting in the booth at Bibbo's (not Blue Beetle or Bumblebee) at the begining of Alienated... how old was he?
The guy who tried to shoot Lobo in Secretary-General Tseng's office (but Lobo blocked the barrel with his finger), how many times has he eaten corn in his life? Please list by types of corn.
Could you give a detailed description of every last time Batgirl has ever stubbed her toe? Ignoring occurrences taking place on Tuesdays that fall on odd numbered dates (for obvious reasons).
The guy who comments that G. Gordon Godfrey thinks the League is working with the aliens during a tour of the Hall of Justice at the begining of Alienated. Does his Earth 11 counterpart have a good relationship with her mother?
Lastly... Where are my car keys?
Thank you.
"Please list by types of corn," actually made me chuckle out loud.
When exactly did Owen reveal himself as Puck to Xanatos?
Before the start of Season One.
1. Are Wally and Artemis now married, engaged, or still just dating?
2. If they're married, how long have they been married?
1. They're a couple. Not married or officially engaged.
2. Not married.
And seeing how I'm pretty sure that you have more class than to kill her off in the most pointless fashion ever (though the fact that real!Roy does have a missing arm disturbs me because that means you've read or at least heard of Cry For Justice), LET ME LOVE YOU MORE.
Love me more. Go ahead. I dare you!
I just wanted to tell you I love your show!!! The guessing going on in my head this season has me wanting to watch more...and thanks for all the hard work you and your team are amazing!!! I figured since people come on here and bash you sometimes it would be nice to here a fan who appreciates it!!!
Thanks. It's very appreciated.
Though much less negativity came my way than everyone seems to think. Maybe the moderators removed a lot of the negative stuff for various guideline flags.
What was the creative incentive for writing "Salvage" personally?
The intervention scenes.
When did Jade and Roy (clone) get married?
How old is Lianne?
Is Jade a still technically a reform villain or a villain?
2. By the end of Team Year Five, she was born, but not yet one.
3. I'm not sure "villain" is a "technical" term.
1. How did Count Vertigo retain his diplomatic immunity after openly unleashing giant mutant plants on the world for a huge ransom? Surely the international political fallout would force Vlatava to revoke it, or risk starting a war with one or more nations. I certainly can't see the USA turning a blind eye to a nation who had one of their diplomats openly committing what amounts to terrorist acts on American soil.
2. Who created the Kobra Venom? At the end of Drop Zone Brain says they can reverse engineer it, which I assume means it wasn't Brain. Is Kobra a scientist, or does he have a minion who is, and they created it?
3. Did the Team ever find out that Miss Martian mindblasted them into unconsciousness in Image? I realise this might be a spoiler request, but with the five year skip I'm not sure whether it was ever intended that it was going to be addressed.
1. He released no plants in Vlatava. (It's more complicated than that, of course, but Perdita's hands were legally and politically tied.)
Hi Mr Weisman, I read your response a while back about how you pay your voice actors for their roles and after watching the episode 3 of season 2 I realized something. I noticed that Aquaman is voiced by Phil Lamar who previously voiced Green lantern John Stewart in Justice League, where as you have Kevin Michael Richardson voicing him. I was just wondering if you were aware of the fact and if, when first auditioning actors, thought about getting some of the previous actors to reprise their previous roles. I know that in some of the direct to DVD movies some of the former cast from previous works did voice the same character again.
We didn't audition any Justice Leaguer except Superman. (And only him, because we wanted an actor who could play both Superboy and Superman.)
I am very aware of who played characters in the past, and we LARGELY chose to AVOID direct comparisons to previous works by NOT using the same actor in the same role. There were a few exceptions, such as Bruce Greenwood's Batman, where we felt the actor wasn't already over-identified with the part. But for the major leads from the old Justice League/Justice League Unlimited series, the truth is that if they played the role there, it all but eliminated our interest in having them play the rolls in YJ.
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