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1. Does Wally still use his powers (for example, running to his school, visiting his parents) or he decided not to use it anymore.
2. Are Wally and Artemis doing sports in their college? If so, what kind of sport?
3. As of now, who knows Nightwing's secret identity?
4. Did Robin/Nightwing showed the picture of Artemis and him taken during Homefront?
5. Did Artemis and Wally kept contact with the Team, like Nightwing (to hang out or doing not-hero stuff), or they were all too busy?
1. Casually, sure. And when necessary.
2. I don't think so. Maybe some intra-mural stuff for fun.
3. More than a few people, but not everyone.
4. Huh? (Guys, please proofread your questions to increase the likelihood that they'll get answered. CLARITY is appreciated.)
5. They're all still friends.
Mr Weisman,
Who is La'gaan's best friend on the team?
After the events of Misplaced and the subsequent decision by the League to let Captain Marvel remain on the roster, is Billy given any authority to access the Zeta tubes?
In Failsafe we hear for the first time M'Gann's "I love you" to Conner. Was that THE first? I believe it is several episodes before we hear those words again on screen.
1. Yes.
2. Maybe.
i LOVE this show even if KF is gone (snif) but there is something wich disturb me. Miss Martian isn't to powerful ? I mean she has a more powerful spirit than her uncle and she beat him in the last episode of the first season that her teammates wasn't able to do.
Last question, how many members are in the JLA?
1. I'm not sure what you're asking here.
2. As of January 1st of Team Year Six: 23.
Dear Greg,
FINALLY got to see Saturday's newest YJ, very nice. I like Jaime trying to be the detective, feels in-character for him. And Alpha Team was awesome, thank you for spotlighting Cassie & Barbara. I love her putting Dick on the spot like that, hilarious. Also, good lineup for the Fearsome Five, kinda nice to see Icicle Jr. again. Keep it up and I'll post comments next week!
I recently got to watch the first two episodes of Season Two of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" on YouTube (I hadn't seen them before now, since I don't have cable) and enjoyed them.
I noticed at the end the MasterPlanner's line to Kraven about "hunting in packs". While it works in its own right as a hint of things to come (presumably super-villain team-ups), I thought "pack" was appropriate. Kraven was hunting Spidey for the same reason that the Pack initially hunted the gargoyles - the "Most Dangerous Game" motive - and, like Wolf, had himself upgraded into a mutate (though feline rather than canine). He even got photographs of Spidey at the start of the episode from the MasterPlanner, just as the Pack got the photographs of Goliath at the start of "The Thrill of the Hunt". I don't know if the "hunting in packs" line was intended as a "Gargoyles" hommage or in-joke or not, but I liked it and thought it appropriate.
I can't remember for sure. But it probably was.
Hello Mr. Weisman congratulations for your amazing show!
I would like to ask you if you were influnced by the character Lois Lane Robot from the comics to make Mercy Graves a cyborg in Young Justice?
No. I don't think I'm familiar with any Lois Lane Robot character. Not that I can recall, anyway.
Hi Greg,
I was just curious if the user 'Gweisman' on the Young Justice Wiki is actually you. Of course, they claim to be, but I this is the only place I know of where I could get real confirmation.
Thank you so much for an amazing show, and for taking the time to answer these questions!
Yes, it is me. But it's wise to be dubious.
I am once again back, to first state how impressed I am with Invasion. I don't think anyone saw a five year time skip coming, especially after only one season, and it was handled beautifully for the show. Everything that is revealed about what has changed over the gap creates more questions, effectively keeping us hooked on finding out exactly what happened over five years.
The original members of the team now being seasoned veterans leading an expanded team is always something that feels cool to watch. I nerded over Dick's ascension to Nightwing and Barbara's joining of the team and I found the lack of status quo in Conner and M'Gann's relationship to be a good choice in character development. My initial prediction for where Wally and Artemis were was that Wally became Flash and Artemis was dead. I was extremely happy to be proven wrong when I watched Salvage. I do suspect they'll probably be suiting up again later in the season (what with Sportsmaster still playing an important role in The Light's plans) but I'm not about to ask for spoilers on that.
I'm happy with what you've done with Bumblebee. Her being The Atom's protege is an interesting idea and it really works. I also enjoy many aspects of Earth 16's Beast Boy, mainly his base form and relationship with M'Gann. Above all, though, I find myself liking Jaime Reyes as Blue Beetle the most of the new additions to the team. His constant conflict with the Scarab AI makes for both good black comedy as well as some interesting character depth.
Well, once again, now that the wall of text is done with I shall ask my questions.
1) Given the Scarab's aggressive tendencies, does its influence ever keep Jaime from sleeping or eating?
2) Have M'Gann and J'onn removed Garfield's enthrallment to Queen Bee by the time of Happy New Years?
3) How fit have Wally and Artemis been keeping since their retirement from the team?
4) Kaldur made the statement "blood is thicker than sea-water" before launching his shoulder rocket at his former allies. Was this phrase meant to be offensive towards Atlanteans or simply as a light pun?
Once again, thank you for the opportunity to ask these questions. Young Justice continues to be one of my favorite shows of all time, animated or otherwise, and I eagerly await what is in store for the future.
1. Not generally.
2. Yes.
3. Very.
4. A minor play on words.
Should Devastation be assumed to have the same origin as in the comics, or is she simply a metahuman?
You can't assume anything.
In "Salvage":
1. why does Artemis have on only a jersey?
2. Does this mean Artemis and Wally are in the "mating" stage?
1a. Who said she's only wearing a jersey?
1b. She's in her sleeping attire.
2. I guess that depends what you mean. They're a couple.
1.Where you a fan of the Hanna-Barbera created heroes (Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, Samurai, and El Dorado) who were a part of the Challenge of the Super Friends show growing up?
2.Do you feel that they ended up being the positive representations of their cultures that they were intended to be?
3. Do you feel that superheroes of certain ethnic descents still get the short end of the stick in terms of how they are treated in stories, the quality of the books they headline, etc. and if so why do you think this is the case? I ask your opinion on this because throughout your career in animation you've done a good job (imo) of including/writing characters of various ethnic backgrounds in your stories (and even changing the races of characters at times) in a way that dosn't feel forced or stereotypical.
Thanks for answering and keep up the great work on Young Justice! Watching the premiere of the 2nd season surprised me, but I'm really happy with what you guys have done so far!
1. I grew up on the original Super Friends, but was a little too old for the version that came later. But Brandon - that stuff's RIGHT in his wheelhouse.
2. I don't know.
3. I don't know. I'm not reading many comics these days. I think things have improved, generally. But I believe there's still a ways to go. And diversity is still somewhat lacking on television, though I do feel that children's television is a tad ahead of the curve when compared to prime time.
Does Dick still live with Bruce?
No. Though he still has his old bedroom at Wayne Manor, if he feels like crashing there.
Considering the group hug-like scene at the end of "Beneath," was it suggesting that Wonder Girl learned a very important lesson from the mission in Bialya?
I don't know about "very" important. But she did good and learned a little.
1. Does Alan Tudyk have any comments to say about his birthplace "El Paso" appearing on YJI?
2. Does Alyson Stoner and Eric Lopez have any comments to say about voicing Batgirl and Blue Beetle?
1. Not to me.
2. Probably. I think they enjoy it. (Plus, hey, it pays!)
Really, Greg in the YJI episode "Beneath" whenever Jaime says "shed", it sounded like he was saying the "four letter word". But I still find it funny. It's also funny whenever a villian calls Batgirl "Bat-brat" or "Brat-girl".
Didn't hear that. And neither - obviously - did Cartoon Network.
1. What is the range of M'Gann's telepathic link? In other words, if a member of M'Gann's squad moved too far away from her, would that person lose contact with the rest of the squad?
2. Do the Robin and Batgirl costumes have stealth modes? Granted, Batgirl's costume is pretty subdued. The black gloves, boots and Bat-logo make much more sense than yellow, but I don't get the yellow cape linings and Robin's red tunic doesn't exactly "blend into the shadows."
1. About a mile.
1a. Yes.
2. No stealth modes. But they're trained in stealth.
A couple of Beneath questions. I love the guest voice cast, by the way.
1a. Holling mentions they're Mescalero. I shan't claim to be an expert on the matter, but from what I've read, they're from New Mexico, not Texas (or, not El Paso's corner of the state). Was Holling a chief of all Mescalero, or only of a small band that moved south?
1b. Was the tribe chosen because of Michael Horse, who's Mescalero?
1c. Is Maurice also Mescalero?
2. Holling's neighbor in the trailer park is called "[...]ilson [...]Clain" (likely Wilson McClain). Was he named after Mark McClain Wilson?
1. Did Holling say he was a chief? And I believe there are Mescalero Appaches in El Paso, as I recall from our research, but it was a long time ago.
1b. No. Casting was done after the script was finalized.
1c. Yes.
2. Probably.
I was wondering if there is any way you can talk to Cartoon Network and get them to change the advertisement for Young Justice. They keep showing the old team from season 1, and I think it's a bit misleading to those who don't know what's going on and such. I think it'd be better if they'd advertise with the new team instead, from season 2, ya know?
It's outside my control. We've given them the assets. There's nothing else we can do.
in issue #6 the glass cracked while the g-nomes feeding superboy memories.
how did that happen?
I didn't write issue 6, and I don't remember.
Hi Greg,
I have a few questions from the episode Beneath.
1. Was Tai Longshadow supposed to be based on the character Longshadow from the Justice League Unlimited series/ Apache chief from the Super Friends? Cuz i thought you were only using original comics characters, not original characters created for other TV series.
2. Was DC comics and Cartoon Network okay with you doing a story about domestic violence? Were they also okay with portraying Tai's mom as being compliant towards abuse towards her son and herself. Was there a reason you choose to make her so weak spirited?
3. What's with having Maurice pirating dvd's and videogames and how can anyone make money from that system? Most piraters distribute stuff online for free and make money by sharing links with their downloads. They don't put it onto a hard copy and distribute and sell it to people. (You are thinking of bootleggers and that profession is dying out). Maurice wouldn't have a customer demographic at all.
Most people who view/play illegal movies and games can get it online for free. If people wanted illegal versions, why would they pay Maurice, when they could get it for free?
Even if people aren't tech savvy, they have cheaper legal options. Most used dvd's sell for a few bucks anyway (I live near several stores that do nothing but sell used movies and games for a few bucks). And if given the choice between legally paying cheap for an actual DVD or paying nearly the same price for a hardcopy of a ripped DVD (from a shady guy with no accountability of whether it works and is illegal) people would choice to buy the used DVD's and games legally. How could he compete against that? Its a poor and ineffective business model. Plus, why are you still talking about DVD's, get with the times and move on to Blu-ray. You can buy a Playstation 3 relatively cheap these days (It plays blu-rays and would be fun for your kids. You can also play Young Justice Legacy on it when it comes out.)
4. Did you like my bunny?
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer my questions. (I know these might be somewhat exhausting).
Enclosed: A funky dinosaur for your amusement.
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1. Yes. And I don't know where your misconception came from. We already introduced Wendy, Marvin and Mercy in Season One.
2. Cartoon Network's Brian Jones and Tramm Wigzell are great partners creatively and had no issue with how we were trying to handle the subject, i.e. with a certain amount of subtlety and sensitivity. Shelly was created to be a certain version of a real world mom in that situation that gave us what we needed for Ty's character.
3. I never said he was a smart criminal.
4. Um...
Thank for creating Gargoyles and Young Justice
I have a question do Psimon,Devastation,Icicle Jr,shimmer and Mammoth are the fearsome five in this universe? Because I saw Beneath and I thought it was them thanks.
Yes, basically. Though they don't go by any fancy names.
I was browsing the archives and noticed that you said Atom was one of the six founding members of the Justice Society.
1. Was this a mistake or was Atom really a member of the Justice Society?
2.If it wasn't a mistake, is this Atom the same Atom that is currently in the Justice League or is it a different Atom?
3. If this Atom is the same Atom that is in the Justice Leage, how old is Ray Palmer biologically and chronically?
He doesn't old enough to be a founding member of the Justice Society.
4. If this is a different Atom, what are his powers? Are they the same as the current day Atom?
5.If this is a different Atom, how come Ray Palmer was able to take his superhero identity?
1. Not a mistake.
2. Different Atom.
3. See above.
4. He had none at the time of the JSA's founding.
4a. No.
What exactly happened to Maurice after Jaime turned him in for bootlegging?
He was arrested and fired.
How many different character models are there for Bialyan soldiers?
I don't recall.
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