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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

This posting is about my thoughts on the May 12th episode of YJ:Invasion. If you see questions, you'll know when you see it.

I watched "Alienated," and I still can't believe Aqualad became a traitor. According to his claims, he blames The Team for the death of Tula. He also blames Aquaman for not telling him about his relationship to Black Manta. I'm surprised that Aquaman knew all along in this Earth-16 continuity. When Aqualad tries to escape, Nightwing and Superboy try to take matters into their own hands and attempt to stop him on their own, but the distraction of the bomb complicated things. It's worth nothing, as I'm sure you've seen on the episode, that it seemed like Aqualad personally wanted to fight one-on-one with Nightwing (since he said "Just you and me, old friend"). He obviously didn't get a chance this week, but I have a feeling that their personal showdown is inevitable.

Otherwise, this has been a great episode this week. We got to see Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl team up. We got to see the entire Bat Family (sans Jason Todd) in action. We also see Superman's relationship with Superboy greatly improved as they treated each other more like brothers rather than as father and son. Was it my imagination, or was Superboy called Kon-El?

The sad part, beside Aqualad being a traitor, was the fact that the accused members of Justice League (along with few that are joining them voluntarily) had to leave for trial since they now found out what they did. I hope everything goes well in that trial on whichever episode shows up in the future.

Oh, and another thing, since Black Manta is replacing Ocean-Master (who's oddly been disgraced for unknown reasons), is he filling in his former position in The Light?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

1. It was not your imagination.

2. I'm not sure what you're asking - unless you answered your own question.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Absolutely loved this episode! I was AWSOME!!! I especially loved the interaction between Clark and Conner; when he called him "little brother" I couldn't have been more happy!! I was all AAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW! ^_~

Also Blue Beetle doesn't fail to bring a chuckle to me with everyone constantly thinking that he's talking to himself...

Question regarding him though; I know this series is different considering that this is another Earth, but in the comics the scarab was against causing physical harm to living things, even almost getting Jamie killed sometimes. Yet in "Alienated" it sounds like the scarab wanted to vaporise the Krolotaian.

1. So is this scarab different in this way?

Also I noticed a young African-American boy with dreadlocks in the Hall of Justice looking at what I guess were a pair of Cheshire's katanas?

2. Was this a young Virgil Hawkins?

One of the many things that I love about this series is that it's like a "where's Waldo" of DC comic book characters.

Keep up the good work! Hope you get a season 3! I'd love to see this show continue past this season.

Greg responds...

1. Apparently.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Joe writes...

Dear Greg.
I am a big fan of your work, in particular Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, and as an aspiring writer, your technique of plotting, use of foreshadowing and Chekov's Guns are a big influence on me.

Here are a couple of questions:
1. What is your approach to plotting a series?
2. And who are your influences as a writer?

To end this off, I would like to thank you for all of your excellent work in every field you have participated in, and I hope to see further projects from you in the future.


Greg responds...

Both these questions have been ASKED and ANSWERED many times before. Check out the ASK GREG archives.

But thank you for the kind words.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Jody writes...

Was that a young Virgil Hawkins in Young Justice: Alienated?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, DC should let you do a Justice League series based on the New 52. I like the way you write and have a healthy respect for all characters and development of them feels more authentic than anything I saw even in the JL/U series. You don't dumb anything down and treat your audience as intelligent by challenging us to think/react. Thank you for such a great show as Young Justice.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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d writes...

Hi Greg!
Thanks for the amazing work on YJ! I was never even into comics before, but after watching episodes with my little brother, I have to admit I'm hooked. So thanks :)

Anyway, just one question: You guys were permitted to continue with Season 2 : Invasion around the beginning of Season 1 I think. So if you hadn't been allowed a Season 2, would Season 1 with a different, finite ending? And once you were granted with S2, did you have to change a lot of plans?

Thanks so much for your time, I can't wait to watch the next episode!

Greg responds...

Nothing would have changed. The plan was the plan.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Aqualad, NOOOOOO!!

1. Is the original Black Manta now a member of The Light?

2. Were there villains in The Light that preceded the seven we saw in season 1?

3. Do any members of The Light know that Kaldur is Black Manta's son? Do they know that father and son are working together?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. No.

3. All of them know. (Although whether Klarion remembers is a legit question.)

3a. Yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Cathryn writes...

1) How many issues of the Young Justice companion comic will there be? Is it an ongoing, or is there an issue cap?

2) How many issues plots have you got laid out already? (I won't ask you what they are, I'm just curious how far ahead they've been planned.)


Greg responds...

1. It's ongoing, I assume as long as sales hold.

2. I've JUST finished writing the script for issue #25. Turned it in early this morning. I haven't started on 26 yet, though I have many, many, many story ideas to chose from.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

Three questions
1. Does Jaime want to be a dentist?(it's his comic dream job)
2.Since it looks like Jade knew Roy2 was a clone was the flirting just to annoy-a him,b-Artemis,or c-both?
3.Could Red Arrow and Superboy be considred 'brothers' since they were both cloned by the same orginization?

Greg responds...


2. C doesn't cover it.

3. By Dubbilex's definition, yes.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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J writes...

In 201 Robin, and La'gann appear to think Jaime is talking to himself, but logically could'nt Miss Martian have checked and confirmed the Scarab is sentient.
2- is the scarab named Khaji dal
how long has Jaime been a hero, was it somepoint before the skip or during?

Greg responds...

1. How? And why would she?


3. During.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Diana writes...

1. How old is Sardath?

2. How old is Alanna?

3. When you're creating the YJ characters, do you think about what ages they are first or do you think about their overall personality/character and then give an appropriate age suited to their traits?

Greg responds...

As of December 31st, Team Year FIVE:

1. Sardath is the human equivalent of a 58-year-old.

2. Alanna is the human equivalent of a nineteen-year-old.

3. The latter, generally.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Alexia writes...

I have some questions regarding the episode, Earthlings.

1. I noticed there were no subtitles when the Rannian language was spoken. I am curious, what were Adam, Alanna, Sardath and the Rannian police saying in the Rannian language throughout the episode?

2a. Does Sardath know that Alanna has a crush on Adam?

2b. If so, how does he feel about it? Does he accept his daughter's liking for Adam or is he against it or entirely neutral about it?

3. Does Adam have a crush on Alanna as well?

4. Do Rannians age the same rate as humans?

Greg responds...


Alanna: A-dahm! A-dahm! [Adam! Adam!]

Alanna: Ol fao aeli vier qu, A-dahm! [It is good to see you, Adam!]

Adam: Sardath-Cho, Alanna… olf fao Miss Martian, Superboy ul Beast Boy… leps Urth. [Honorable Sardath, Alanna… these are Miss Martian, Superboy and Beast Boy… from Earth.]

Sardath: Lam talsa, "Urth-lingz". Fao A-dahm ililoc qu duss maol ao Apic-Zeta? [Greetings, Earthlings. Did Adam tell you what happened with the Zeta-Beam?]

Science Patrolman: Thom-Ranagari tho faor doh-heger! Vier glusten! [We cannot allow the stranger to escape. Keep searching.]

Science Patrolman: Tomtel! [Don't move!]

Alanna: Duss? Qu ililoc Urth-lingz?! [What? You're speaking Earthling?!]

Sardath: Duss maol? Fao tertel bu ael? [What happened? Is my daughter all right?]

Alanna: Ba sistris qu, Mis Mar-shawn. Su-pear-bo sistris qu emsec… [I'm worried about you, Miss Martian. Superboy is too.] {I think this line might have been cut for time.}

Alanna: Ba lalto onamao ol dol qu wake up! [It would really help if you would wake up!]

2a. It's hard to miss.


3. It's hard to miss.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Mr. Curious writes...

Why is Rocket in the Justice League in YJ: Invasion? The conversation between her and Icon in the Season One episode "Usual Suspects" suggested/implied that she was going to stay on The Team.

Greg responds...

Yes, five years ago - at age 15, she was quite happy on the Team. Five years later, at age 20, she was offered a spot in the League and took it. These two things are not incompatible.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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milo writes...

Mr Weisman, I have a few questions regarding the dynamics in Young Justice:
1. Who was Rocket closest to on the team (in a best friend way)?
2. Are Beast Boy and Lagoon Boy good friends?
3. Nightwing aside, who on the Team is Tim closest to?

Greg responds...

1. If you mean in episodes 125 and 126, I'd say Zatanna. If you mean beyond that: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

2. Good enough.


Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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farsider writes...

I am an Aquaman fan and am a bit disappointed to see Aqualad MIA so far this season, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. When we last saw Mera she was two months pregnant. If the pregnancy and delivery went well, there is a 4-to-5 year old heir to the throne around somewhere. (Arthur, Jr.(?) if she had a boy).

1. Were you aware that the original Aquababy was 5 years old when he died?

2. Are you familiar with the outstanding blog, www.AquamanShrine.com?


Greg responds...

1. It's immaterial.

2. I am now. I was interviewed by them recently.

And by now, I think you know that we're hardly low on Kaldur'ahm this season.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman was at age 33 when Young Justice started (at 2010), and he officially started his superhero career at age 21, that mean he was born in 1977 on Krypton, correct? Also, assuming this occurred before his superhero career officially started, when did Clark Kent finally found out (or at least, accepted) the truth about his origins?

Greg responds...

On your assumptions: He landed in Kansas in 1978 and to all appearances seemed to be a one-year-old. I won't confirm or deny the year of his actual birth.

As for your question: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Deprive writes...

What was the conversation between Superman, Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter toward the end of episode 2?

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on October 09, 2012

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Chris writes...

1) In an earlier interview you had mentioned that the first episode of season 2 had a character you really enjoyed writing. Now that episode has aired are you willing to reveal which character that was?

2) I hope this isn't considered a spoiler question. Would legal issues arise in using characters like Behemoth and his Gargoyle clan from JLA Showcase 1? Or are parody/homage characters like that useable in Young Justice? (Just using them as an example. The question is in regard to all similar characters.)

Greg responds...

1. G. Gordon Godfrey.

2. That would be really weird to me. But I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know if "It feels weird" is a legal term.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

Seeing as you have stricter guidelines, I figured I try something different today.

Can you tell us at least five things that the Earth-16's version of Wonder Girl have in common with her mainstream counterpart? Please understand that I am NOT asking for any sensitive "SPOILER REQUEST"-type of information (aka. the BIG details)whatsoever.

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

I don't see how this isn't just another way to get a Spoiler.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Someone writes...

1. Out of curiosity; if you had to choose out of all ALL the characters who are parents in this show who would win "absolutely worst parent of the year award" in Young Justice?

2. How bad was this parent, Green Goblin bad, Firelord Ozai bad, Fourth kazekage bad or Gendo Ikari bad?

3. Regarding each characters past, a) was there reasons you decided to modify the pasts to make them harsher and realistic or was it a more of story point necessity? b)Out of all of them, who would you consider the most dramatizing?

Greg responds...

1. I'll leave that to you.

2. I don't know who those last three are.

3a. Who are we talking about?

3b. "Dramatizing?"

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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An Intelligent Mackinaw writes...


I heard down the grapevine you're a fan of Joss Whedon.

1.) Have you gotten to see the Avengers film yet?

2.a) If so, did you draw any inspiration from it, seeing as it's in the same "super-hero ensemble" genre you write (so well) for?

2.b) What modern works (be they film, television, literature, art, or not at all) do you draw inspiration from? Or just like?

3.) Over your career, you're written generally high-concept stories. Now more than ever, it seems like high-concept stuff has entered the mainstream (aliens, super-heroes and giant transforming robots running around everywhere). Since everyone's playing in the same sandbox artistically, does that make it more difficult to come up with original ideas? Without subverting or straight-up parodying the genre you're writing in?

4.) How do u rite so gudd? What would you recommend to new, ambitious writers, to help us learn to write with confidence and voice and stuff?

5.) Your decision to skip ahead 5 years (in YJ) shocked me, upset me and piqued my interest. I've never seen a show jump so much time, so I'm very excited to see how you all bridge the two season together. How did you let the studio powers-that-be let you take such a big narrative risk? Was it a big struggle?

Thanks for (presumably) taking the time to read and answer my questions. I love that Ask Greg makes it so easy to reach out to an artist I admire, whose work I respect. I'm the biggest fan ever of everything you've ever done, yadda yadda more accolades, etc. But really, you are an inspiration.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2a. We were WAY done by the time I'd seen the movie.

2b. Check out the "INFLUENCES" archive here at ASK GREG.

3. I'm not sure you're defining "High Concept" correctly. I think you mean "genre" has entered the mainstream. In any case, I just don't think in those terms. I'm just trying to tell good stories.

4. READ the classics. WRITE a lot. Proofread scrupulously. Get yourself VERY educated. Read newspapers. Etc. Or check the ASK GREG archives for a more complete answer.

5. No struggle. Everyone loved the idea.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Kenneth Mora-Hatcher writes...

Is it true that they are making a Gargoyles movie, only that it's not going to be about the series at all?

Greg responds...

I haven't heard anything about it recently, but that was their plan a couple years ago.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi There Greg!!
Here is my question.
I'm guessing that the reason why you guys put WW's age into the 80s was to emphasize
the fact that she's immortal, which was a great move.
I know that Superman is in his 30s on your show, but i've read and seen in multiple portrayals of Superman (like Kingdom Come, DCAU), that while he's not immortal, he has a much, much longer lifespan than normal humans.
Was the reason why you chose not to give him a advanced age, was to emphasize the fact
that inside, he's more human than alien?

Greg responds...

I'm not confirming or denying that Superman has a longer lifespan. Nor am I confirming or denying that Wonder Woman is immortal.

In any case, your premise regarding Wonder Woman is incorrect. She's older because she first came to "Man's World" during World War II.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Lulu writes...

Questions about the episode "Earthlings".
1.Is it fun having Beast Boy in the show with having his abilities of animal shape shifting?
2. Can Beast boy only turn into animals he's seen? Or if he concentrates on the form can he turn into them?
3. I noticed that when Beast Boy was looking at the alien bird it was only his head that changed. Can I safely assume that Beast can also change certain parts of his body?
4. Can Beast Boy stay in a sort of in between stage when turning into animals?
Loving YJ so far! Keep it up!

Greg responds...

1. Yes, it is.

2. He has to have seen and made physical contact with them.

3. Yes, though he doesn't make a habit of it.

4. In theory.

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why did cameron's dad frezze himself?

Greg responds...

Huh? When did he do that?

Response recorded on October 08, 2012

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