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REVELATIONS 2012-10 (Oct)

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Doctor What writes...

Sorry, one last question:
1. Throughout season one of Young Justice, the Light seemed to be behind almost every plot. Has anyone ever jokingly compared the Light to Zanatos?

Greg responds...

1. Not so jokingly.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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rider4898 writes...

1) were dick and artemis friends while at gotham academy?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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skye4376 writes...

hi again, i just wanted to ask you a few questions in your earth 16 dc universe, if you have the answers of course...

1) how old was clark kent when he started working at the daily planet?

2)how old was bruce wayne when he took over Wayne Enterprises?

3)how old is jon stewart, and how long has he been a green lantern?


Greg responds...

1. Twenty-one.




I want to make a point here, explaining why I'm willing to answer question 1 and not 2 or 3a. Clark graduating college and starting work at the Planet, is just a matter of course. Not that I couldn't tell an interesting story about his first day on the job, but the FACT of him starting work there is only that. A fact.

But how the orphaned Bruce Wayne took over Wayne Enterprises and how Jon Stewart became a GL are STORIES by definition, and so are not going to get answered here.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Zergrinch writes...

Hi Greg:

I have a few questions that pertain particularly to Amazo. As I believe his story is over, I'm hoping none of these questions will run afoul of the spoiler rules.

1. Amazo's powers appear to be based on technology (when he replicated the Canary cry, there was a sonic cannon in his mouth. Given this, would he have been able to replicate powers that are hard to replicate with technology, such as the Green Lantern ring, Martian Manhunter's telepathy (he didn't mind-read Superboy's intentions when he was accessing Martian Manhunter), or Zatarra's incantations?

2. It was never shown on-screen, but does Amazo also have the attendant weaknesses when he is accessing a specific hero (say, Kryptonite to Superman or fire to Martian Manhunter)?

3. Given that Professor Ivo was revealed to be a Light agent, why didn't he build more Amazos to do all that work on Rimbor? Wouldn't it have been easier to do so, than to try to infest the League and the Team?

4. The Amazo display in the Hall of Justice museum (in Alienated) has an intact head. Is this a replica of the original? If it is a benign replica, why is it shown in a disassembled state?


Greg responds...

1. These are fair questions, but I'm not sure I know the answer. But I'm going to say... yes, some powers are more difficult to copy than others. For example, even though he encountered Green Arrow, we didn't show him shooting arrows... because he didn't have access to a bow.

2. I'm going to say no. Unless the weakness is inherent in the power, i.e. density-shifting around an invulnerable solid object.

3. How is that easier let alone convincing?

4. It's the real thing. So obviously, another Amazo was built during the timeskip.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Jake the Fearless Leader writes...

First thing's first: give credit where credit is due. Congratulations on the completion of Season 1. What an action packed final two episodes! I was very disappointed when CN decided not to air them back to back. I was literally sitting on pins and needles for a week between "Usual Suspects" and "Auld Acquaintance." The revelations, the fight sequences, the plot! Everything was incredible. You and your entire team deserve a pat on the back.

Now, onto Season 2. I'll admit, after the opening segment, I was completely thrown for a loop. I did not expect a time skip like that. A few days, possibly. 5 years, absolutely not. I had believed that it would be way to soon to make that kind of a risky move. So when I saw it happen, I was naturally very worried. Now, three episodes in, I am pleased to say that I have officially been drawn into the new season and am anxious to see where the story goes from here.

I suppose the concern came from my love of all things Dick Grayson. He is my favorite hero of all time. It's been a long time since we've seen a young Dick tackling the streets of Gotham as Robin the Boy Wonder (last series that covered Dick as Robin for an extended period of time was "The Batman"). Seeing him advance to Nightwing so soon made me nervous, seeing as he usually becomes less of a focus whenever Tim Drake comes onto the scene. There were so few Dick moments last season (well, in comparison to the others, at least) that I didn't want to see who I believe is the best DC character get shoved to the sidelines too soon, but seeing as he's Team leader, obviously not gonna happen.

So, onto my question: Were you prepared for the audience's reaction to Season 2? Or has all the negativity towards the time skip surprised you?

Greg responds...

Okay, so (a) I don't agree that Dick got short shrift last season and (b) not that there hasn't been some negativity, but in general it hasn't been that bad, and mostly the response has been positive, particularly among those who were willing to be a little patient and give us a few episodes to show that it was still the show they had come to love.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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JC writes...

Do you find it as annoying as I do when people ask if Atlantians eat fish? I mean they live in the freakin OCEAN for cryin out loud...thats like asking "do Americans eat land mamals?"

Not so much a question, but a plea...if its not already decided on, please dont make Beast Boy vegitarian...most animals are preditory, it seems to me his conection to animals would enhance his carniverous Human traites, as Humans are primarily meat eaters.

Greg responds...

1. It seems like an odd question to me, for the reasons you state. But it doesn't rise to the level of annoyance.

2. Hmmm. You make a good point. But I could see it go either way.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Rory writes...

Is Apokolips and New Genesis in a dimension connected to all DC Universe's or is their a unique version of the two planets in each universe?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Marty writes...

Hi Greg! Thanks for answering our questions!!

In the comic book world, Superman's ability to freeze things can be fully explained by the "Joule-Thomson effect" in physics - Where the release of highly compressed air through a valve (such as pursed lips) causes it to drop radically in temperature. (Wikipedia!)
With HIS level of muscle strength doing the exhaling, he could freeze things easily.

Also, a major by-product of invulnerability should be that his lungs are alot tougher than normal humans and even other superhumans. So logically, his lungs should be able to COMPRESS and store much more air than normal people because he can handle higher levels of air pressure.

Sometime last year, you said the reason why Superman doesn't have his freeze breath in your show was because it wasn't believable enough.
It's a very fair point and i do respect your opinion, but which part was it exactly that's not believable?

In a way, his freeze breath can be explained by real-world science better than his heat vision. :)

That's my fanboy moment done!!!
Thanks for your time. Your doing a brilliant job.

Greg responds...

Yeah... I'm still not buying it.

I buy heat vision (for Superman, not Superboy) because the guy is solar-powered, and who's to say what Kryptonian eyes are like.

But the ability for a lung to compress air just doesn't play for me. Volume is limited. So being able to take in enough volume of air to create "super-breath" isn't working for me. And the ability for pursed lips to than take this "compressed air" (which again I'm not buying into) and "valve" it into something truly freezing still isn't working for me.

And that's on top of the fact, that it's just too goofy for me visually and conceptually.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, great job so far. Ignore the people who whine or think they know better than you do. The effrontery and rudeness and arrogance of some fans always amaze me. Your show is successful because of the way YOU are writing and plotting and not because what they think something ought to play out. I know I don't want to see something that has been done over and over in comics and in former cartoons. What is the point of that? I like YJ because it offers up something fresh and modern and it is part of the multi-verse? Earth-16? So nothing has to follow anything that is on other earths or continuity, right?

Greg responds...

Right. Thanks. (Though I should point out that I'm not a one-man show here.)

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hi there! I have two questions, if you don't mind my asking.

1.Why did you decide to call Hawkgirl "Hawkwoman" instead of "Hawkgirl?"
2. I recently learned that in some continuties, Thanagarians' wings are attached to some sort of harness. Are their wings genetic or artifical in this world?

Greg responds...

1. Since both names are legit, we wanted to push the adult characters toward names with "man" and "woman", to save the "boy"s and "girl"s and "lad"s and "kid"s for the Team.

2. Genetic.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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