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Beast-boy in episode 2... and then Bokorra the same day... I... I just really need a hug right now.
I ... don't know who Bokorra is, though I'm guessing it has something to do with Legend of Korra. And PLEASE, DO NOT SPOIL this for me. I'm still slowly working my way through Season Two of Avatar, the Last Airbender. I'll get to Korra after I'm done with Avatar.
Hi, Greg!
I have a question about Lagoon Boy:
You said it was a bit of a shock to Aqualad when he started breathing surface air, so was it harder for Lagoon Boy, since he's more...uhm...fishy?
No. Don't be fooled by superficial appearances.
You've mentioned before that name designations don't mean much to Gargoyles. Does that extend to things like dates, months and seasons? For example if a Gargoyle clan lived totally isolated from humanity would they bother with any kind of classifications of time as they already seemed to be very attuned this by their biology.
I don't know. You'd have to have retroactively isolated them to know. They definitely seem more 'at one' - and thus less dependent on language.
Was that Noor and Bibbo in the water with Tseng at the end of Happy New Year?
In a recent response, you said that there were at least seven major characters you wanted to include in season 2, but couldn't because there wasn't space for them. My question is: were those seven characters B08, B09, B10, B11, B12, B13 and B14? Am I right about some of those guesses but not others, or am I completely wrong?
Well, B-Zero-Eight is Zatanna, and B-Zero-Nine is Rocket, who are both in the show with significant supporting roles, so you're clearly wrong about them. But, yeah, you're right about some.
Hi Greg! My name is Connor with an O. I wanted to ask, since "Connor/Conner" means "Dog/Wolf lover" in Irish, as Superboy's friendship with Wolf deliberate?
Wow, I WISH it had been. But, sadly, no. Just a coincidence.
1. Where does John Stewart live and fight crime in on Earth 16?
2. Where do Hawkman and Hawkwoman live and fight crime in on Earth 16?
3. Where does Captain Atom live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?
4. Where does Black Lightning live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?
5. Where does Guy Gardner live in and fight crime in on Earth 16?
3. WASHINGTON D.C. is where he lives. When not with the Justice League, he's kind of an international spy/hero type.
4. SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. (But the answer is coming soon in the YJ:I comic issue #21.)
1. How old is Black Lightning?
2. How old is Randy Eiling?
3. How old is Peggy Eiling?
4. What is the name of their mother?
5. How old is Tseng?
These questions have now officially gotten complicated with the new season. So, what follows are their ages at the END of Team Year Five, i.e. December 31st the day before Season Two starts - ASSUMING they're still alive AT ALL. Unless you've seen them, no guarantees:
1. Black Lightning was 28.
2. Randy Eiling is 50 if still alive.
3. Peggy Eiling is 46 if still alive.
4. Angela Randall Adams Eiling.
5. Tseng Dangun was 59.
About the running gags, I had to ask, how did you come up with them, like the one of the bus.
And thanks for including nightwing, hopefully my classmates now will like him as much as I do.
Greetings from Costa Rica
The bus just sort of happened. We did an endangered schoolbus on a bridge. Then I think someone did another endangered bus on a bridge. We could have changed it, but instead we decided to run with it and keep it the same Metropolis District School Bus with the same driver and kids - even though we were now in a different city.
When you were developing season 2 episode 1 and decided to leave Roy, Kaldur, Artemis, and Wally out, did you expect the reaction and the amount of questions (that I'm assuming will all be answered as the season goes on)that you're getting?
Pretty much. We certainly WANTED the audience to be extremely curious to know where they all were and what was going on with them five years later.
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