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Earth-16 Timeline FYI

So I JUST NOW finished updating the EARTH-16 Timeline. It is exactly 250 pages long.

I hadn't had time to update it much during the production of Season Two - or rather, I was pretty inconsistent about updating it. So since we finished, back in October, I tackled a little bit at a time. And I finally finished. It's the final version of the Earth-16 timeline, until or unless we ever get to make more stuff set in that universe.

It includes (as far as I can tell) everything from both television seasons, everything from the 20+ issues of the comic and everything from YJ Legacy. There's a bit of extra backstory in there too, (particularly Golden Age stuff) that I mostly figured out way back before Season One. And I tossed in some of the characters from the five year gap that were basically defined by what we DIDN'T do with them. But mostly I intentionally left out characters we didn't cover yet. We can always add guys like the Question or Gleek later, assuming we ever get a later. But Brandon and I will figure out where they fit on the timeline if and when.

And, no, before anyone asks, I will NOT be posting it. Even Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC don't have it. It's just for Brandon and I. But I can refer to it to answer specific questions, as long as I don't deem those questions to be spoilers.

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, no I just heard that Legacy may be pushed back until October. I hope that everything's okay, since the last interview I saw said it was basically done. Not really a question, but just a note saying I am really, really looking forward to it, and I hope it's going really well!

Greg responds...

Last I heard it was September.

Response recorded on May 03, 2013

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Galena writes...

Dear Greg,

I have a few simple questions about Players, Chapter One: Wheelbarrow, Shoe, Thimble.

1) Why was Bette at Nightwing's house? I mean, one could infer many different things, but I'd like the answer of a professional... no, THE professional.

a) Why did Barbra has such a knowing/amused smile when Zatanna and Nightwing share a passionate kiss?

b)How did Nightwing and Zatanna/Rocket break up, and in which order did they date?

c)And (with such an intense kiss and Nightwing's fond remembrance of his birthday during Team Year 0)is there a possibility of a future Zatanna/ Nightwing relationship?

a) Is Young Justice really ending?

b)If so, is there a way to help save it, maybe by writing letters or something?

Young Justice has been such an inspiration to me, I really appreciate all your dedication to this amazing show. The characters, plot, and everything is so deep and intricate and magnificent!

Sincerely and Humbly,

Greg responds...

1. I'll just leave that to your imagination.

2a. I think that's fairly clear now in light of issue 25.

2b. Robin dated Zatanna first. Rocket sometime later. And I only say that because it seems quite obvious to me. Otherwise, it's all a lot of SPOILER REQUESTS. NO COMMENT.

2c. Past, present, future. Anything's possible.

3a. No. Young Justice Legacy will be out in September.

3b. I don't know.

Response recorded on April 30, 2013

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HOPE FOR YJ? writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to keep YJ alive?! We love the show! Don't tell us this is the end!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Cries inconsolably.... T_T

CN has pretty much officially/unofficially put the last nail in the coffin of YJ:I.

It's just such a cop out, giving people and fans the run around, saying that the show isn't canceled since they still have new episode premieres left.

That isn't what people are asking, we already knew that the end of season 2 was going to air. We wanted to know about a season three.

And then to list the show a not returning but not officially say that she show isn't coming back due to cancellation? There's a big difference between a show having run it's course and end, than a show that's going fine and then just not renewed. The public views that as canceled, not just when a show is yanked mid-season and the episodes that remain are never shown.

And why won't they just say GL:TAS and YJ:I are not coming back? Why can't they say that officially? Why treat the fans so badly? We had horrible hiatuses, and then the stunt they pulled back in October. They owe us that much. They should just officially say that they're killing both series.

I just don't understand why. Both shows do well in ratings as far as if can tell. They may have not done so well in toy sales but I could never find them anywhere except Target and there's no Target where I live; had they sold them at Walmart then I would have bought Conner, Wally, Artemis and Robin. But the Young Justice Comic sales are HUGE so I don't get it.

The people are right, what there needs to be is a DC Channel on tv. I think DC shows would fair better if they did so.

I just thought that DC Nation would rotate between GL:TAS and YJ:I and TTG and BTB. It made sense to me. I mean that doesn't bode well for any DC Nation show, I mean either they are going to be on air forever with no room for anything new or no series is going to last long which isn't fair to fans who hope for more than 2 seasons.

Where's the petition to bring back YJ? I want to sign it.

I knew I was fortunate that Smallville lasted as long as it did and was able to end properly, and even it is still going in comic form. Pretty much for every other show I watch I don't hold out for it. I'm thankful when they get renewed, but I'm not so attached to live-action anymore, because almost everything new I like gets cancelled. When the shows brake during the year or for the summer I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore like I did with Smallville and for that I'm thankful. But I am that way with Young Justice. I've just never come across an animated series that is as amazing as YJ is.

As much as I live GL I could survive if it didn't come back, but not with Young Justice. It's just so perfect. If it is really gone this is officially the last time I'm going to allow myself to get attached to ANYTHING that comes on tv. It just if you find a show to love be thankful you have it while you can because no matter how popular or well written/animated a series is the next season isn't promised.

It'll be like life.

I just keep hoping that they'll say that the show will come back because even though YJ:I isn't coming back it's under another production name like they've done with all the Ben 10 series. The new shows are separate from each other as if there's no relation even though it's the same continuing storyline, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Which is sad because something like YJ could go on for quite a while. It's open to SO many more stories and adventures. With these 2 season we've seen a lot but at the same time we haven't. I would love to see inside these characters lives more, not just what happens on mission or the fall out from missions. I want to see how Conner handles his state as his friends "outgrow" him. That would be very interesting to see.

Why is it that all the thought provoking, and engaging series are the ones that get axed, and stupid humor/comedy somehow has immortality?

I think it's because people don't want to watch anything that makes them think, or watch a show where they can't figure out the ending within the first five minutes.

I just wish you could post and tell is that Young Justice is really gone. I won't believe it until you say it.

Morning with you...


PS: I am though very much looking forward to seeing "The Runaways" this Saturday. I can't wait to see Virgil/Static. It just pains me that I maybe won't be seeing him past these next seven episodes.

Greg responds...

Um, I'm mostly going to assume that you just felt the need to vent. And chose Ask Greg as your vent-location of choice. Which is fine. But there's not much for me to say.

YJ returns this September in the video game Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Devastated writes...

Young Justice was the only thing that could get me through long, hard and stressful weeks... Now I have nothing.

Greg responds...

Don't you think that was a bit premature to post. Back in January there were multiple episodes and a comic or two left. And Legacy is still to come.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Paul writes...

If it's true that Young Justice is cancelled, I hope it's all right if I ask this question:

Would you please reveal who the the Team members who joined and left the Team during the five year gap were (other than Tempest, Aquagirl and the second Robin)?

If the remaining season 2 episodes and Young Justice: Legacy don't answer this question (or only answer it in part) then I hope you'll answer it, please.

Greg responds...


Though, Paul, I have to ask, why WOULD you ask this now? Why clog the queue? Why not wait and SEE if your question is answered?

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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ASK GREG LIVE - Correcting the web

So, I still maintain that ASK GREG LIVE was a great success, but I've seen a few posts on the interwebs that... undercut that success a bit.

With the best intentions, I'm sure, people have attempted to relate what I said, and although they got a lot right, they also got a bunch of stuff wrong. They either misheard me or mistyped or related the information second-hand or whatever, but I'm going to try to set some of the misconceptions straight.

Myth #1: "Greg categorically stated that Wally West is dead and will never come back."

I did not. Surprisingly, I was not even asked this question and thus never responded to it at all. Now, let me be clear. I also have not stated categorically that Wally West is not dead will definitely come back. And I'm not going to do either. Let me illustrate why with an example:

You've seen memorial holograms for Jason Todd/Robin and Tula/Aquagirl. There are four potential scenarios for those two characters coming back:

Scenario A) Both are going to come back.

Scenario B) Jason is going to come back, but Tula is staying dead.

Scenario C) Tula is going to come back, but Jason is staying dead.

Scenario D) Both are staying dead.

Break it down like this, and it becomes clear why I won't answer any questions about either character in this regard. Assume, just as a hypothetical example, our plan was Scenario C. Then someone asks me about Jason. They say, the show is over; if he's really dead, why not tell us. This sounds logical (in the moment), so I state that Jason is staying dead. No harm, no foul. I've only confirmed something that the show itself already stated. No big deal. That is, until someone else asked me about Tula. I don't want to answer this one, of course, because I want her resurrection to be a surprise. But I also don't want to lie. So I go for my standard "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." But then someone realizes that I was willing to be clear about Jason, but not about Tula. Ipso facto, Tula must be coming back. And I've just spoiled my own show. Which, as I'm sure you know, I am quite LOATHE to do. Clear?

Myth #2: "Greg stated that they killed off Wally instead of Barry because Barry's death would be too telegraphed."

That's almost exactly the OPPOSITE of what I said. Rather, in response to comments I've seen that Wally's death was out of the blue, I said I found those comments to be ironic, because Brandon and I spent the whole season afraid we were telegraphing WALLY's death too much. We cut lines of dialogue from and about Wally because we thought it would send too obvious a signal that Wally was going to buy it at the end. (And this is NOT meant as a statement with regards to Myth #1 above. As far as Season Two is concerned, Wally is considered dead. What that may bode for the future, is something that I won't respond to for the reasons outlined above.)

We did - at the very beginning of the season's development - briefly consider taking out Barry instead of Wally. But we decided that Barry was too much of a minor character, and that his death would have no resonance for our audience, would exact no cost. I suppose, as some have argued, we could have spent the entire season bulking up Barry's part to make sure his end had resonance, but we didn't have either the screen time or, frankly, the desire to do that. Wally mattered to our audience. Even with relatively little screen time in Season Two, he MATTERED. And I think the proof that we made the correct choice is obvious in how it's torn fans apart over his demise. It hurts. It hurt us too. I still well up watching that scene - and I've seen it dozens of times by now. It is sad. It's supposed to be sad when a hero that we love dies. Given that, I don't have any regrets.

Myth #3: "Greg stated that Ocean-Master will have a huge roll in Young Justice: Legacy."

No, I didn't say anything of the sort. You guys have seen the villains who are participating in Legacy. You already KNOW he's not in there.

Myth #4: "Greg stated that Troia will have a huge roll in Legacy."

No, I did not. You already know the heroes participating in Legacy - except for the these-are-just-for-fun-and-don't-count-toward-the-canon-story characters. You already KNOW she's not participating in the story.

Myth #5: "Greg stated that Mary Batson is Lieutenant Marvel."

No, I did not. First off, I've never once mentioned anyone named Mary Batson. I have mentioned Mary Bromfield. But she is NOT Lieutenant Marvel. I did give a small spoiler about the Marvel Family at ASK GREG LIVE, but I'm going to leave it as a prize for those who attended in person.

Myth #6: "Greg stated that the plan from day one was to use Donna in Season One and Cassie in Season Two."

This is more of a half-truth. EARLY, early on, Donna was one of our leading candidates for Season One. This was before we had even narrowed things down very much. And BEFORE any true decisions were made, we were informed by our DC Liasons that both Wonder Girls were off-limits for legal reasons that were never explained to us. (So don't ask me.) So neither Wonder Girl was seriously considered. Then Geoff Johns came aboard and made both Wonder Girls available. Unfortunately, by that time, it was flat out too late to include Donna. So we decided we'd put Cassie in Season Two. And have Donna be one of the characters who joined and left the Team during the timeskip, and cameo her in Season Two. Unfortunately, for reasons reported fairly accurately from ASK GREG LIVE, we were unable to cameo either Troia or Mary at Rocket's bridal shower because there just wasn't time for Phil Bourassa to design FOUR new characters, i.e. the two girls in both their civilian and super-hero costumes. Had they appeared in "Satisfaction", then they would have also had cameos in "Endgame", since their designs would already have been completed. But since they didn't appear in the earlier episode, we weren't able to get them at all. This is a sadness to me. But there are realities of production that we're all subject to.

Myth #7: "Greg stated that rumors about DC wanting Wally killed off were 'complete horses#!t.'"

I NEVER used the term "Horses#!t" and never would. I clearly said "complete bulls#!t."

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Ittybittyartemis113 writes...

I read in another post about a Young Justice game. What is this game and when will it come out? Also, where can I buy this game once it comes out or if it is already out? Thank you!

Greg responds...

Young Justice Legacy will be out in September and for sale, I assume wherever video games. Are sold.

Response recorded on March 23, 2013

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Kaitlyn writes...

Did you have to pitch up Logan Grove's voice when recording for the Legacy game, especially since Beast Boy is supposed to be younger in Legacy than he is in the second season itself?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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