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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Kat writes...

First- Invasion is great. It's so much better than I thought. I didn't think I'd like it better than season 1- but I do. A lot more (which is hard to say because season 1- the show in general- is incredible). I love the details you guys put it in, and I'm loving the characters a lot more than I thought I would.

Second- Are you guys working on Season 3 yet or are you waiting for Cartoon Network for a renewal?

Greg responds...

We have a LOT of ideas for Season Three. Beyond that I can't comment.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

How do you guys do Dr. Fate's voice? Do you play his voice and the person he is possessing at the same time or is it some sort of echo effect?

Greg responds...

We record Kevin Michael Richardson as Nabu and then whomever plays the host (Jason Spisak/Kid Flash, Khary Payton/Aqualad, Lacey Chabert/Zatanna or Nolan North/Zatara) saying the same lines. Then in post-production, we double-track them, so you here two voices. It's a trick I learned on Gargoyles while doing Anubis & Jackal and Anubis & the Emir. I've always been fond of the effect.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Jack-Pumpkinhead writes...

Dear Greg,
Saw Darkest today, and DAMN. You said it was their darkest hour and you weren't kidding. I mean my reaction to Mount Justice going up was "0_0 ..." And that's a good thing. Gotta say I kinda liked seeing the Terror Twins again, and Icicle still holding a torch for Tuppence even though they never met before now. And Tigress, nice work. Kudos on working her comic book roots into it. And I'm kind of surprised the guys are unsure of Kaldur's allegiance. Granted, I'm an optimist and hope he gets a chance to redeem himself before all is said and done.
Again, excellent work and keep it up! You are my soul source of enjoyment from DC characters right now!

Greg responds...

Um... thanks. But have you tried Green Lantern Animated? I'm really enjoying it myself.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Are Queen Bee's powers natural (in that she was born with them) or was she gain them through artificial means (messing with her DNA)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hey Greg! LOVING the crazy that is season2!
P.S. I went to Stanford too! I stayed in the Okada house. It was painted like the Joker from Dark knight :)
(I'm still in school, so 3/5 of my question will be related to that horrible, but amazing place!)
1) So Artemis is undercover, and died in March. But they were both still attending school (Can we say Stanford yet?) in February. So has Wally taken time off school while this is going on? or is he still sticking it out?

2) I feel like Artemis would get a scholarship since she comes from a poor (ish) family and her parent(s) have been in and out of jail. Would this been correct?

3) If not, how ARE they paying? Are they just 80+ G in debt? or did Batman given them uni. money for saving the world? That'd be sick.

4) Clark told Conner his real name, and seemed pretty open about it. Since Conners only 'real' family is basically CK, and the original 6, do they now know too?

5) Now that Clark & co. have been MIA for a couple weeks, does Conner hang out with Lois? Now that they are both temporarily single, does he just come over Sundays nights for Game of Thrones? 'Happy Birthday' text of his birthday kinda stuff?

THANKS! You and everyone else are awesome!

Greg responds...

1. I think for the time being he's sticking it out, as the routine helps him to stay sane.

2. Probably, yes.

3. It's a private matter, don't you think?

4. One doesn't necessarily follow on the other, so this feels like a SPOILER REQUEST.

5. Anything regarding Lois on Earth-16 is also a SPOILER REQUEST.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Okay who is moderating these? Perfectly normal questions I've asked get deleted and then I see ridiculous grammatical monstrosities approved...?

Greg responds...

Incorrect grammar is not (currently) a criteria for deletion. Plenty of other things are. And you can and should (a) review the rules to see if one of your questions broke one or more of them, or if that provides no clarity, you can (b) go to the Station 8 Comment Room and ASK one of the moderators why your questions were deleted. Be polite, please.

[FYI, if incorrect grammar WAS a criteria for deletion, I could kick this question too, which has multiple grammatical errors in it.]

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Paul writes...

In "Darkest", Impulse lured Blue Beetle into the desert, away from civilians, knowing that Aqualad's attack was coming. This leads to ask: in Impulse's timeline, did Aqualad's team attack Jaime at his home in front of his family, thus exposing his identity as Blue Beetle?

Greg responds...

You're assuming facts not in evidence.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anon writes...

Why are Bart's eyes green instead of yellow?

Greg responds...

Are they?

At any rate, why would they be yellow instead of green?

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

In regards to Bart Allen's placement in Earth-16's timeline, was the reason you had him living only 40 years in the future instead of the 30th century (like in the comics) was because there are difficulties in imagining what kind of architecture and technology (among other things) would possibly exist in the distant future, or are there other reasons?


Greg responds...

He's the grandson of Barry Allen. What would he be doing a thousand years in the future?

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Kati writes...

Why does Wally where a jacket throughout most of Season 2? Is he an inspiring crime scene investigator?

Greg responds...

Or maybe it's winter.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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KLARION writes...


Greg responds...

Who says you're not in the show more? We both know you're capable of invisibility and stealth. Maybe you've been in every episode.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...


Thank you for Young Justice and the shows that came before it. I'm eager to see what happens next.

I have a couple of questions about the Belle Reve inhibitor collars that made a reappearance this week in Darkest.

1. How finely tuned do the collars need to be? Would a collar prepped for someone with with super-strength work right away on someone similar powers from a completely different source? (e.g. Blockbuster & Superman)

2. Would the collars as they are be able to nullify powers involving magic, such as Captain Marvel or Zatara/Zatanna?

Greg responds...

1. Not necessarily. But maybe.

2. They could probably nullify a result of magic, i.e. Captain Marvel's strength. But unless they removed Zatanna's ability to speak, it might be tougher to stop her from, say, creating a mighty wind (or a ythgim dniw).

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Cat writes...

I would just like to comment on how well developed the storyline and characters are becoming in Young Justice. While a great many of the changes I did not see coming, that was the beauty of watching them pan out. I love the development on Miss Martian, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Aqualad etc. I look forward to having a great many of my questions answered, in particular in regards to Kaldur and Kid Flash in the comics/episodes to come.

If there's anything I really miss, it would be the friendship Wally and Richard had in Season 1. However, it's interesting to see that it still withstands, even with all the pressure of Season 2. Their friendship in the older comics, both Flash, Nightwing, Teen Titans etc has made them a favorite of mine and I love the little hints to that friendship that both the comic and the TV show has made. I watch with anticipation each week to see where the plotlines take us. Great job overall to your team Greg!

Greg responds...

Thanks a lot.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Sammy writes...

I just wanted to say I love all th puns on your show! I especially love the Powerpuff Girls pun in "Darkest" or rather, the Rowdeyruff Boy reference xD

Greg responds...

Not that I don't love the Powerpuff Girls and the Rowdyruff Boys, but you do realize that that nursery rhyme WAY pre-dates that show, right?

Also, it's not a pun.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Rhian writes...

Greg, I love the show. After the hiatus to come back to this sudden explosion of drama and hunger for the next episode, I have to ask Do you truly hate us? You know making us wait a whole week before the next episode? I love what you've done, Young Justice is one of my favourite shows.

Greg responds...

So if we come back from hiatus with love-inspiring and dramatic episodes, that means I hate you?

I guess that means when we stay on hiatus and/or come back with hate-inspiring and insipid episodes, it must mean I love you.

Gee, now I'm going to have to rethink EVERYTHING!

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Clark Cradic writes...

Tommy Terror seems to have gotten a LOT bigger in the five years since we've seen them. How did he get so big? Natural progression of his powers or did he get a little chemical assistance?

Greg responds...

Phil Bourassa's decision, so we'll figure out the rest later.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Hannah writes...

Why did Artemis have to become Tigris? If Wally is so worried about her why couldn't Artemis go into hiding?

Greg responds...

How would that have been helpful?

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

from where Captain Marvel got his powers?

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean by "from where".

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

what happened to the real parents of Billy Batson?

Greg responds...

They're dead.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Takeshi writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I really liked Darkest. It had a great plotline and got me on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode. Anyway, I had a few questions about it.

1. How much control does the Scarab have over Blue Beetle (as shown near the ending)

2. Are the inhibitor collars used to capture the Team the same used in Belle Reve?

3. Did Artemis know about the passage she used to enter the Cave and put the collar on Wolf from when she and Dick used it in Homefront?

4. Why does the Light show their actual faces as opposed to the blurry lighted ones we saw in season 1? ( I had a hunch, but upon further inspection, it turned out to be wrong)

Anyway, I really love Young Justice, and you guys are doing a great job on season 2. Hope things turn out better for the Team in the next episodes. Thanks for answering my questions.

Greg responds...

1. What you see is what you get.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

4. Not much point in being secretive among those who know the secret.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Yolymar writes...

"Darkest" was such an intense episode. I loved it~

As Tigress, Artemis sounded much more deeper than usual. Was this all Stephanie Lemelin's acting skills or was there some editing done to make her sound that way?

Greg responds...

Both her acting skills, and we pitched her down ever so slightly.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

What an episode "Darkest" has been; I hope the next episode will be as equally impressive! No questions for you today. I'm giving my thoughts this time around. Feel free to respond to my thoughts on each topic if you want to.

My Thoughts on these topics in "Darkest":

A. The Destruction of Mount Justice - So THAT's how it happened! I have to say: up until this episode, I actually thought the U.S. military would have something to do with it, considering how Godfrey is spreading his anti-hero propaganda throughout the second season. Well, I guess I was wrong after all. Also, considering Mount Justice was not repaired prior to 2056, I guessing it's beyond anyone's ability to do so…

B. Distrust Among Our Heroes - Considering what Aqualad and Artemis (disguised as Tigress) were technically "forced" to destroy Mount Justice, I can understand why Wally is on edge about Kaldur being a potential TRIPLE agent and why he's worried about Artemis' well-being. My personal fear is that this could lead to a chain of events in which Nightwing and Wally will lose everyone's trust on the Team and that loss of trust will spread among the other members (thus no more teamwork or cooperation). I guess we'll have to wait and see.

C. About Impulse - For someone who came from 40 years in the future, you'd think that Impulse might have gained access to some kind of information or record about missions that the Team undergoes and find out about Aqualad's and Artemis' undercover assignment. During Impulse's brief fight with Aqualad, I'm surprised that Impulse didn't give any indirect hints to Aqualad at all… Hmmm, I guess that mean Impulse doesn't really know EVERYHING about the state of his future and how it came to be in the first place.

D. It's Time to Reveal the Partner's identity at this point in the show? - I don't know… I'm DEFINITELY sensing some kind of a mislead approaching. After all, it happened in "Revelation," with the Injustice League and The Light. I'm also sensing this is some kind of a pattern that's going on in the series.

E. The Secret History Between Aqualad and The Terror Twins - SO… somehow the Twins escaped Belle Reve… and Aqualad was trying put them back there two years ago (sometime in Year Three: 2013-2014)? Based on the Terror Twins' conversation, it seems to imply that Aqualad tried to do this himself. That sounds impossible and I'd wager Aqualad probably had help in handling that problem.

Thanks for taking the time to reading my thoughts. Again, feel free to response to each one if you want to.


Greg responds...

A. Pretty much.

B. Guess so.

C. Not everything, no.

D. We at least TRY to avoid patterns.

E. A story for another day, I suppose.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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btgr writes...

Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes question:

Why doesn't Blue Beetle fire a warning shot or say something like "Stop or I shoot!" whenever he confronts villains?

Greg responds...

It's situational.

Response recorded on December 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If this isn't too much of a spoiler: What happened to Shimmer because I saw her in one of the capsules with the abductees and lagoon boy in "Darkest"

Greg responds...

How could that NOT be a spoiler?

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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Mirami writes...

The ending to "Darkest" made me cry. Good show, sir and to all others involved in the making of this episode. Good show.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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NuclearBLt writes...

Hi Greg. I have two questions for you.

1. Are there more villains on Earth other than the recurring 50 or so individuals we've seen so far?

2. Several of the villains seem to have broken out of prison at different points in time. Are some of them lacking the ability to escape from their cell?

Greg responds...

1. Of course.

2. Depends on the villain and the cell.

Response recorded on December 01, 2012

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