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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Thomas writes...

I know Beast Boy is young, but does he really know what Megan does to people like Aqualad or the Kroletean? He seems to be rather innocent.......and not as likely to be called a psycopath as Megan

Greg responds...

No, I don't think he knows.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

When writing a series, especially a superhero series, there usually are a set of recurring villains that the hero(es) face off against.

My question is once you've introduced a villain for the first time, how do you decide when or if you'll bring a villain back for another episode/issue?

Is it random? Do you say to yourself "I haven't seen this character in a while so I'm bringing him/her back"?


Is it more situational/theme-oriented? Do you say to yourself "This is the place my hero(es) are in right now and this is the message I want to convey"?

I'll use Batman as an example of what I mean by situational/theme-oriented. Let's say Batman has just lost a loved one, and since Batman is dealing with lost you use this as a perfect opportunity to introduce Mr. Freeze, a villain who is also dealing with the lost of a loved one. Mr. Freeze is thematically tied to the idea of isolation and lost; but you can't keep killing Batman's love ones just to bring Mr. Freeze back, so what do you do?

Greg responds...

If you follow ANY of the above paths, I don't think you're listening very much to your characters. Generally, when things are working right, they tell you what happens next.

See, you track them all. Track what motivates them and what they would do next and look for the intersections.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

I was re-watching Gargoyles and I was looking at how you give your characters' arcs: Goliath learning to trust humans again; the Manhattan clan expanding their philosophy of protecting the castle from the physical castle to the city itself.

I recently read an article by another writing about a type of character she called the mysterious stranger. This character is basically a character that doesn't change. I've read that characters like James Bond have been described as such a character. These type of characters sometimes change the lives of other characters in story but by the end of the story they are still the same character they were at the beginning.

A lot of superheroes are said to be these type of characters. One writer said that Batman shouldn't become happy, Bruce Banner shouldn't learn to control his anger, and the Hulk shouldn't become intelligent (though it has been done), or these characters lose what makes them who they are.

I wondering what are your thoughts on protagonist that don't change.

Can characters be kept the same after going through major events and still seem believable?


Is character change necessary to make believable characters?

Greg responds...

I don't believe in hard and fast rules. And I don't think you've asked an either/or question.

Can characters be kept the same after going through major events and still seem believable? It depends on the character and the event.

Is character change necessary to make believable characters? Depends on the character and the change.

If a character is changed by everything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a leaf in the wind. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.

If a character is NEVER changed by anything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a block of wood. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.

But VERY interesting characters can be created from leaves in the wind and/or blocks of wood too.

So, again - I'm not big on sweeping generalizations or hard and fast rules.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Irritated writes...

Some people who ask questions are so RUDE! They demand, they want to tell you how to answer, how to run your own blog, they whine...They claim to be fans but act with no respect. Greg, why/how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...

Some people say to me: "You have the patience of a saint." But anyone who knows me, knows THAT'S not true. The ugly truth is probably closer to this: "He has the ego and insecurities of a petty dictator." Generally, ASK GREG helps feed that ego and assuage some of those insecurities. Most of the time, anyway.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused here. If the years on the timestamps as indicated on Young Justice issue #20 are correct, then it seems that the entirety of Season One took place during Year Zero. The present day events of the issue indicate that 2015 is Year Five. If that is true, would Season Two technically be Year Six in 2016? Also, If Young Justice: Legacy takes place one year before Season Two, would that be Year Five or Year Four?

Greg responds...

As I've said before, all attempts to LOCK in a real world year are fruitless. If it pleases you or other fans to regard Team Year Zero as 2010, I can't stop you, and it should fit most (though not necessarily all) calculations.

But, yes, all of Season One of Young Justice takes place during Team Year Zero - except for the occasional flashback and the last couple minutes of "Auld Acquaintance, which take place during the early hours of Team Year One.

Season Two, i.e. Young Justice: Invasion (with the exception of the occasional flashback and the occasional flashforward to Bart's home era), all takes place during Team Year Six.

The action - though not all of the backstory - of Young Justice Legacy, all takes place during Team Year Five.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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fan21 writes...

Why couldn't Miss Martain or Psimon sense each other in Beneath like they did in image

Greg responds...

Ultimately, they did. But keep in mind in "Image" she was looking for him, and the very act of that registered. In "Beneath", neither were expecting - let alone searching - for each other.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Demi writes...

Hi Greg, thank you for taking time from your free time to answer questions for the fans. As a kid I was a big fan of Gargoyles and I still think it's amazing. I also watched W.I.T.C.H. but my questions are for your show Young Justice which I am currently obsessed with.
1.How did Artemis know so much about the League of shadows since she obviously didn't know that her sister was working with them and that she was the assassin Cheshire.(mentioned in Infiltrator).
2. Were Sportsmaster or Paula ever involved with the shadows before Paula was sent to prison?
2a.Did Sportsmaster get Artemis involved with the shadows in any way?
2b. Was Sportsmaster involved with the shadows before Artemis joined the team?
I'm really sorry if these are spoiler requests

Greg responds...

1. She was educated on the basics by her father.

2. Yes.

2a. Are you counting the company picnic?

2b. Yes.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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anonymous writes...

dear greg, i have a few questions about YJ (which is an amazing show) concerning Artemis.
I read in another question that you answered, that before the official decision for who the mole was, you initially suggested Artemis.
1. How do you think the story would have changed if Artemis was the mole instead of Roy?
2.Would Artemis be a mole from free will or would she have been forced to, or would she think she had to because she believed that she belonged with her family even though she didn't want to? OR would she have been a clone?(By the way, I know that all this would have needed planning with you and Brandon but these questions are to what you would want to have happened if Artemis was the mole)
2a. Would Artemis become a villain at the end of season 1 or help the team and regret her mistakes?
sorry for the long questions and I hope I'm not wasting your time. Thank you!

Greg responds...

Where did you read that? Not here. And it's not true.

1. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals. (How many times can I say that.)

2. Again, the premise of your question is based on a fallacy.

2a. Ditto.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Some questions about Macbeth and Shakespeare...
1)Did Macbeth have a particular reason to choose the names Lennox and Macduff as his alias? I mean, why those and not, for example, Donalbain and Seyton?
2)You previously stated that Macbeth was mostly amused by the shakespearean version of his story. Is this true also regarding Shakespeare's portrayal of Gruoch?
3)A)What do you think is Macbeth's favourite shakespearean comedy?
3)B)And his favourite tragedy?

Greg responds...

1. I seem to recall Michael, Brynne or Lydia having a clever reason for why Macbeth specifically chose those two, but I can no longer remember what it was.

2. Ultimately, it was so far removed from the truth, that all Macbeth could be was amused at the bad history (which he was already long-accustomed to) and marvel at the artistry and the truths revealed there even if they were not hi truths. As for Gruoch, he saw so little (really nothing) of his wife in the boy playing Lady Macbeth that he couldn't be too upset. It may have also helped that the name Gruoch was.never used in the play.

3a&b. I'll leave that for each fan to imagine.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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andrews luiz writes...

what are the powers of the hawkwoman? she can talk to birds and give sonic screams?

Greg responds...

Neither. She can fly and fight and has access to some advanced Thanagarian tech.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

what the Scrab mean that Wonder Girl triggered biochemical changes in Blue Beetle's Body?

Greg responds...

It's hormones. He finds her chemically attractive.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you make Tim Drake so quiet? Do you interpret the character as being shy or is he just reserved and serious? He's my favorite DC character of all time by the way, thank you for including him; like actually him with his personality and not the "Timmy Todd" they had in New Batman Adventures (though that show was pretty awesome too). It's the only place I get to see the character now since the New 52 butchered him...

Greg responds...

He's reserved and serious and maybe shy also.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Kyle writes...

Hi Greg,

Can i say you're quite unlucky because first you're show Spectacular Spiderman was awesome and critically acclaimed then it gets cancelled and left on a cliffhanger (which people got so upset and frustrated) and then young justice is on hiatus when it gets better and better. Why does bad things happen to things that are going good?

Greg responds...

Dude, if I only knew...

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

First I like to tell you that I'm a big fan of your work, especially Gargoyles, I sad that the series ended and that you didn't get chance to create the season 3 you envisioned; I hope that you get the opportunity to work with the series again someday and tell the rest of the stories you had in mind. Secondly, I like to thank you and the moderators in advance for taking the time out of your schedules to read my questions.

I read that when you worked on Spectacular Spider-Man you had a central theme for the series "The Education of Peter Parker." So I was wondering:

1. Did Gargoyles have a central theme? If so what was it?
2. Do you think that a series has to have a central theme?
3. Do you think that each episode within a series has to have its own theme? Can some episodes be non-theme oriented? (Ex: Can the heroes try to stop the villains from committing some terrible act without there being a deeper meaning to it.)

Greg responds...

I hope you've picked up our three Gargoyles Trade Paperbacks, which contains at least a portion of our Season Three.

1. I'm not sure I had it boiled down quite as clearly, but it was probably something along the lines of: "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

2. No. Not every series.

3. No. Not every episode. But most benefit from one, even episodes that are mostly one big fight.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Louissa writes...

Okay, I really want to know what is going on here. I mean another hiatus?! This is the best animated show in years and they just keep putting up hiatuses? It's not okay, dude. What if they decide to cancel it? I wouldn't bear it.
You know, this show really makes me happy. It's the best DC animated show yet, seriously. You and your team do an amazing job and you give it that DC Comics spirit I love.
I'm a huge fan of the show, ever since I saw it for the first time. And you know, I always said that your show gave me the feeling that it could even bring Jason Todd. And it did, there's no way you can deny something we all saw.
I just, I don't know, if you only knew how mad I ma right now...They can't do it. This show is big. Bigger that Teen Titans, bigger than The Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. Almost bigger than Batman Beyond. They shouldn't do that.
I just, I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for the fact that you created the best animated series ever. Being a fan since I was little(I'm 15)l, and not seeing one good animated series made me mad, but your show has it all. And with all that I'm sure that we'll see in Invasion, well, it's just perfect.
Not to mention that your characters are amazing. I love Wally and the way he is portraied. And thank you for bringing Artemis as his love interest, I never liked Linda, anyway. And in Invasion, let me just tell you that Bart Allen was the best gift ever. He's one of my all time favorites, and I really love the way he acts. It's just perfect.
Well, I hope that the show will come back on Cartoon Network soon and that it will last for at least 5 seasons(it's an ordrer).

Thank you for all!

PS: Please don't reply this just with a boring "Thanks" or something,I'm curious to know what you are thinking about the hiatus.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I have no comment on the hiatus, beyond what I've already stated here:


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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VanDee writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman!

I just wanted to start off by saying that regardless of the sudden hiatus and some of the negative feedback the show got around the beginning of season 2, You are doing an excellent job on Young Justice! I can't even fathom the right words to explain how highly I think of this show, but basically it's the most intelligent, entertaining, and well thought out show I've seen, animated or not. As I'm constantly busy and stressed quite often, this show provides me a moment to submerse my mind into something I fully enjoy. I look forward to this show every week and I have to say I was literally heartbroken when I found out that "Before the Dawn" along with DC Nation entirely was postponed until January. I'm not sure if you've noticed but this fandom has your back! Since I'm not aware of the real reason for the abrupt hiatus, I haven't mouthed off to cartoon network or anything, but I'm doing everything in my power to support the show. I bought the episode on itunes, signed the petition (which is well past 10,000 signatures!), I watch both Sat. and Sun airings on both the East and West networks, and buy the comics whenever I can on comixology. And this I suppose leads me to my first question:
1) What can we as a fandom and individually do to support the show in the most respectful and effective way possible?
2 )I've been really interested in buying YJ merchandise like tee-shirts and iphone backgrounds, for a while. I've seen some around online, but seeing as I think they're fan made I haven't cared to purchase any of it as I don't think the profits would benefit the show. And I know purchase of the toys are encouraged, but as a 17 year old girl without younger siblings around, I have no use for them (and I've never seen any in stores regardless). Is there any talk of producing miscellaneous merchandise, sort of how Regular Show, Adventure Time, and other DC titles do through stores like Hot Topic? Seeing as Young Justice has quite a lot of older viewers, I think this would be a good idea.
Thanks for your time. I just really wanted to know the best ways I can support the show and hopefully do my part to help Young Justice get back on air and a season 3

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know anymore. But there are some obvious things: WATCH IT. Even the reruns. BUY MERCHANDISE licensed from the series. Buy it on iTunes, I guess. Buy the DVDs. Sending respectful correspondence to the networks can't hurt, I wouldn't think. Buy Happy Meals (or the like) when they have a YJ promotion. Etc. Buy the video game when it comes out. Buy our companion comic book.

2. None that I've heard about.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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YJ Maniac!!!! writes...

Dear Greg,
First let me say that you and your team are awesome! YJ is one of my favorite shows ever!!!
I have three questions:
1.) Did you plan from the beginning that Artemis would take on her role as super-villain Tigress.
2.) Whose your favorite new character from this season.
3.) In episode "Before the Dawn" Shimmer melts some metal with her hands...what's this power called?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'm not sure we planned it literally from Day One, but we figured it out pretty early on.

2. I don't have one.

3. <shrug>. Transmutation, maybe?

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed Icon was removed from #21's cover. Did you do this or did someone else?

Greg responds...

Me? No.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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JB writes...

In Bloodlines was Bart's apparent interest in Blue Beetle foreshadowing?

Greg responds...

Well, if you remove the word "apparent" from your question, then you don't even need to refer to it as foreshadowing. He was objectively interested in Blue Beetle - now you know why.

But I guess from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, it was laying pipe or 'foreshadowing'.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I love Young Justice very much, thank you for this great show.
Here is my question, in YJ comic book #5 and #6, the team have a camp and told the story of why they become young heroes. I appreciate these plot. But I found there is no story of how Roy became Speedy and when did he met GA and why did he became his partner. I'm really curious about it.
Hope this is not a spoiler question, somehow I don't think it would be.

Greg responds...

Well, of course it is.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Cynthia writes...

Did Ted die in that explosion at Kord industries?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Chris writes...

Quick question about The Light and The Reach; how long have they been partners?

Greg responds...

Long enough.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Super Steel writes...

Did Stephanie Brown really appeared in the YJ ep. Beneath the Depths?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Bob writes...

In Performance, did you know that in one of the what was supposed to be Dick Grayson in the flashbacks was actually Bruce in The Batman?

In fact, all the flashbacks of Robin were from The Batman.

Is Young Justice and The Batman in the same continuity.

Greg responds...

1. What flashbacks are you talking about? The only one I can think of is the one in the Cave where Robin is giving a mission briefing, and that certainly was NOT Bruce, nor was it from The Batman.

2. I really don't think so.

3. No.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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GhostDog401 writes...

Why do Nightwing and Robin wear sunglasses, while Batgirl doesn't wear any?

Greg responds...

Batgirl, like Batman, wears a cowl - not a small domino mask.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't know if you sometimes surf around the internet during your free time, but I wanted to let you know that it's been crazy since DC Nation was pulled off of Cartoon network without warning.

Here are a at least two things that I know that have been happening:

A. A Petition to Bring DC Nation Back A.S.A.P. - Apparently, someone started an online petition sometime after the announcement that DC Nation was coming back in January 2013. It seems that that the massive negative response to this announcement is what prompted the petition in the first place. From what I understand, the petition is trying to go for at least 10,000 people to sign this petition online. I believe you can find on Young Justice Wiki and from what I've read around the internet, I think that the people who doing this petition find it extremely beneficial if you and your co-workers gave your signatures to this petition. The fans are angry, and that's understandable.... since the press release info for the latest Young Justice DVD DID SAY that Season Two would be all done by December.. I guess the loyal fans of the show just want to see everything run the way that they are originally supposed to be...

B. Theories going about on why DC Nation was removed - This was the most insane part of it. On Young Justice Wiki there was a blog that mentioned three theories about what happened. Of the three, the most ridiculous two that I've read are about the possibility that DC Comics lost its rights to Milestone-related Characters (like Static) and that the presence of Stephanie Brown on your show had something to do with DC Nation being temporarily removed from Cartoon Network. This appears to be ridiculous, and I'm sure you'll agree with me on this. Considering the genius of you and your co-workers into putting this parallel DC universe together and how you plan things WAY in advance, there is no way theories like these would be true.

Thanks for hearing me out. I just wanted to let you know what's been going on.


Greg responds...

Uh... thanks for the update.

A. No comment.

B - Yes, theories about any particular characters - all already approved - being the reason why DC Nation (i.e. both YJ and Green Lantern) were pulled are ridiculous.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Ablackraptor writes...

I was fairly amused, and a little happy, to see Stephanie Brown get a guest spot in the latest episode. Were you and the rest of the production team planning to introduce Steph for a while or was it a 'lets toss her name in to be nice' moment thing?
I won't ask if she'll become a regular as Spoiler or not, but I really hope she does get more time, Steph needs some love right now.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Allan Calderini writes...

Thanks Greg for the Amazing episode of Before the Dawn my favorite of the second season sadly because they take DCNation. I see it on itunes sorry if that affect the ratings I am so angry at CNN at this moment.thanks for all. my little brother was crying yesterday when I told him about Dc Nation being out of the programming.thanks again.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed that after Impulse explained to Blue Beetle about the future, he starts to say that this was the REAL reason he came back to the past, but then he quickly corrects himself and says that it was the MAIN reason he came back to the past. Based on Impulse's statement, does that seem to suggest on some level that Impulse is admitting that he may know that multiple factors/key events in history are what leads to the "Reach Apocalypse" as he so calls the event?

Greg responds...

I'm not confirming or denying anything that hasn't already been established on the series, for example the fact that he ALSO went back in time to save Flash and cure Neutron.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Satisfaction Oliver had his own bunker with a Zeta-tube. Does the Batcave have it's own Zeta-tube as well?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Do you feel like each episode more or less features one character more than the others?

Greg responds...

No. Some do this. But most have a mix.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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btgr writes...

In "Before the Dawn" how is Tim Drake able to see through his sunglasses when it's night-time?

Greg responds...

Probably the same way I can see through my ski goggles in low light.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Mirami writes...

Very, very sorry for CN's abrupt stunt. Hopefully, they either had a good reason for doing this or they'll have the heart to give us back Young Justice before 2012 ends. Anyway, thanks to iTunes, I watched "Before the Dawn" and there were so many absolutely fantastic things in this episode. But there was one thing in particular that touched me and that's Bart's attitude towards Blue Beetle.

I mean, wow. Yes, it's pretty clear that in the future, Jaime is actually just another one of the Reach's victims. He would never do something so plain awful. But it would be very, very difficult for most people to be able to get past that. That little flashback to Bart's future suggested that he's always been enslaved, mistreated and threatened by Blue Beetle. And in cases like these, some heroes would try to pull the whole "the need of the many exceeds the need of one" shctick, but not Bart. He wants to help save Jaime AND the world.

He could have very easily awaited for the scientist to extract the Scarab and kill Jaime then done something about it. It seemed to me like letting him get killed now might help prevent everything that went wrong (or at least, what went wrong because of Blue Beetle), but he rushed in fully determined to save Jaime, actually upset that someone was trying to hurt Jaime. Actually concerned for Jaime.

Bart has gone past understanding that isn't Jaime's fault, but he's easily and very readily forgiven him and grew to care for him right away. And even though he's keeping some extremely heavy secrets from the Team, he's still trying to fix things the honest, heroic way- by fighting for the innocent.

And just, wow. Bart's been in what? Four episodes? And I already love him like it's nobody's business. There are many other characters in this show I adore (there's a special place in my heart reserved exclusively and permanently for the original six, for instance), but this is the quickest I've grown to love one of them. Hell, this is the quickest I've ever grown to love a character, with the arguable exception of Heath Ledger's The Joker, but that was more love in the sense that he was a stellar character. I love the Bart you guys have given us for being a stellar character AND a stellar human being overall.

Really, wonderful job! Hope to see more of this sort of dynamic between Impulse and Blue Beetle, as well as more of my other favorite relationships and characters. Keep up the epic work and here's to many more future seasons!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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JapanRider writes...

In Satisfaction, what was Captain Cold's bank robbery had to do with that episode?

Greg responds...

Life goes on.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Anonymous writes...


By the time you answer this question, it may be a moot point, but I figured I would ask:

You've made your opinion clear on people watching "leaked" or subtitled episodes of YJ. How do you feel about people watching "Before the Dawn" on iTunes before it was broadcast?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Praise for "Before the Dawn"

Wow! What an awesome ep! This show just gets better and better! You just have to get a third season!

I was SO relieved and excited when I heard on the net that the ep was on iTunes. I downloaded it right away! And it was AMAZING to say the least.

Nice to see when a girl's deductions are right on the money! Well 85% right.

Don't know if the rest of the season will be released on iTunes in the coming weeks, but if we all do have to wait until January for the rest I think I can handle it now. ^_^. With all the hype that you and your amazing team had heaped up for this ep I was just desperate to see it and so was everyone else.

But in any case when it dose come back to air in January I will DVR it (don't know if that counts as a rating) and watch it on the CN West to help out with the ratings to keep them up just in case DRV recordings with an off TV don't count. Everyone should. It would be sad if CN says that Young Justice won't be renewed for a third season after it comes back due to low ratings because everyone downloaded it from iTunes and then didn't watch it air on DC Nation because they're mad at CN and have already seen it.

Hopefully the money that iTunes brings in from this will catch CN's attention and they'll see what a MaJOR mistake it was to pull DC Nation from the schedule until next year. They'll see just how many people wanted to see it; since no one was able to see it on TV the number of downloads should give a good picture of the number of fans out there (those with Internet access and the funds to pay; {which if they don't CN still has created an unfair situation} but at 2 dollars even I was able to buy it and I'm always broke! ^_~.)

Maybe this will give hope for a third season too? By us buying it off iTunes without seeing it on TV first should show just how much we want it to stick around.

Umm... Now a question:

(1) What dose "on mode" mean?

Is that like hijacked? And dose it have any relation to when someone from Bart's time says that they're feeling the mode?

Once again to you and your team:

Good work!

Now after that's been said back to watching it all over again!

Greg responds...

Depends who's talking. To the Reach, it means that everything is functioning properly, but to the humans of Bart's era, if things were functioning well for the Reach, that was bad news for the humans. And so to them it was always better to crash the mode rather than feel it.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Wishingmyhairred writes...

I was wondering if Batgirl was the leader of the rescue mission or if the mission had just played out in a way that she had to take more charge in it.

Greg responds...

She was a squad leader with Robin and Bumblebee.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

So I found out on Young Justice Wiki that "Before the Dawn" was viewable on iTunes for people who use it. I guess whoever was able to watch it that way was able to download it on the internet for people who can't watch it. Good thing too. It was a crazy, action-packed episode! Here are my thoughts below (even though the topics of discussion are not in order).

A. Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Artemis - By the AllSpark, M'gann, what have you done?! Serious, I don't know exactly what she did and I don't know if Aqualad is catatonic or not! Plus, having Artemis just arrive to find out what Miss Martian did, I wonder is she'll really become a bad guy for real? I really do hope Aqualad will be okay in the episodes to come. As for Miss Martian, I think her actions will probably get her expelled from The Team for sure.

B. The Pieces Are Coming Together - A part of Bart's past shows that Blue Beetle was in turned to the dark side in 2056. So the reason he came back was simply to save Blue Beetle from becoming evil? Somehow, I think there's more to it than that. There may be other factors involved that lead to the apocalypse in 2056. But at least Bart formed a friendship with Blue Beetle to make sure nothing bad happens.

C. Stephanie Brown on Earth-16 - Yup, I should've known we would meet the next "member" of the Bat-Family. After all Earth-16 does its best to closely match pre-Flashpoint continuity. No other words need to said…

D. Godfrey and the Reach - I sensing a Reach-Apokoliptian collaboration on the horizon if something like this is going to happen. Beyond that, it makes me wonder….

E. Static on Earth-16 - He may not have used his powers yet, but I wonder what was the meaning of having him around to watch the other heroes get beaten around by Black Beetle? Hmmm… Maybe this moment is supposed to make him realize that he needs to become a hero later on… I don't know… I bet something special is being planned for him. Here's to hoping to see more of Static…

Thanks for hearing me out on my thoughts.

Greg responds...

Not going to confirm or deny any of your assumptions.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Chronos X writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman!

I'm a Gargoyles fan writing all the way from Puerto Rico.
Anyway, just dropping by to ask something:

1) Is it just me or is the neck in Derek/Talon's shirt (the one he wears after his mutation runs full cirle) very closely designed after the neck gauge in Xanatos' exoframe (the tubes and buttons David uses to remove the helmet)?

2) Is there any particular reason why Talon wears a brooch-like object around his shirt neck, again not dissimilar from the gauges and other machinery in the exoframe?

3) If so, what's its purpose: is it something like a marker, a badge of authority or something of the sort, something more practical, like a moneyclip or a transmitter, or just decoration, like Demona's tiara and jewelry?

Greg responds...

1. I can't picture it, but I think it must be just you.

2. Again, I just don't recall. But I'm fairly certain that we weren't trying to make a conscious visual connection to Xanatos' armor.

3. I'm guessing decoration.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Michael writes...

Why the decision to use the name "Black Beetle" for the Reach character based on Dawur from the comics? In the comics, "Black Beetle" was the name of a completely different character.

Greg responds...

Yes, we know. But we felt for Earth-16, that this was the way to go to keep our universe clean, straight-forward and understandable.

Response recorded on December 09, 2012

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Alejandro writes...

1. Why were the Reach so interested in Beast Boy's powers? He is but a mere human with martian DNA after all. If they want to weaponize his abilities so much, why not just go to Mars and abduct EVERY SINGLE PERSON there? Mars is full of people with these abilities while Earth is full of people who "might" have a meta gene. Why not just test Martians?
2. DC is rumored to be having legal trouble about using the milestone comicbook characters. Is this true? Will it affect the portrayal of Icon, Rocket and Static on the show?
3. There is a trailer for the show going around featuring characters like Black Beetle, Static Shock, Deathstroke and others. How do you feel about trailers spoiling future episodes? Obviously a lot of trailers do this, but do you agree with the practice?
4. Why didn't the Earth-bound leaguers accompany the team on their high-priority mission to recover the abducted teammates? It seems like Aquaman, Captain Atom, Zatanna and Black Lightning would have been a huge help against the Reach. I can't come up with a reason as to why they sat out on this one.
5. Assuming the Big Bang Explosion has been completely written out of Earth-16 and Static has been christened with a new origin story, are you still hypothetically able to use characters such as Hothead, Gear and She-Bang? I'm not asking for spoilers here, just asking if you are able to use them.

Greg responds...

1. Okay (a) for all you know they are testing Martians, but (b) you're entirely missing the point. What's interesting about the Earthling meta-gene is its flexibility. Most other species wod not adapt to Martian transfusion by gaining shape-shifting powers.

2. I don't know.

2a. No, as to Icon and Rocket. As for Static, Spoiler Request.

3. My first impulse is always to withhold. But I understand the commercial need to tease in order to help market the show, and with that in mind, Brandon and I cut most of the teaser trailers ourselves with Jho Reyes.

4. One reason: Nightwing.

5. What's done is done.

Response recorded on December 08, 2012

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Mark C writes...

This is not a question but simply a statement. After the way cartoon network cancelled the new episodes of young justice, i wish there was someway you could move your show to a different channel. One that treats its shows better.

Greg responds...

And what channel is that?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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maria writes...

question about the clones; superboy wont age because he wasnt fully developed yet, right? will roy clone age? also, if roy could have a child, can superboy?

Greg responds...

1. No. Superboy's lack of visible aging was caused by a combination of factors.

2. Yes. In fact, he already has.

3. One case doesn't justify or deny the other.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why does the Reach call humans "meat"? Aren't they made of it too?

Greg responds...

It's a pejorative term. Don't overthink it.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Coco writes...

I understand that Cartoon Network pushed back Young Justice (and GLTAS) to January, possibly because of holiday reasons, I'm not really sure, but YJ was still released for purchase on itunes. Will the rest of the Invasion episodes be released weekly on itunes?

Greg responds...

It seems it was not.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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The Greenman writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Well, we're on a cliffhanger with Kaldur possibly being a triple agent in "Darkest".

Quick YJ questions:

1. What is Aquaman's level of knowledge of sorcery? scale from 1-10, 10 being none at all. If my wife was a doctor I would tend to pick up some basic knowledge moreseo than someone who has no interest or clue about medicine.

2. What was Vandall Savage's participation in World War 2?

3. Did Vandall Savage keep the meteor that caused his immortality?

4. Is there a relationship/ connection to the meteor that caused Savage's immortality and the lazarus pit that allows Ra's Al Ghul his temporary spurts of longevity?

5. When did Vandall Savage first meet Ra's Al Ghul?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno. Like you said. His wife is a big time sorcery teacher. He probably knows enough to have an intelligent conversation with her. Kinda like I know enough about Early Childhood Development to have a somewhat intelligent conversation about it with my wife. But I'm hardly an expert. So what need we a numerical scale, my friend?

2. Yes.



5. Way back when.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

First off let me begin by saying that I give you my complete and absolute condolences about what Cartoon Network has done to your beautiful series and by proxy to us your faithful and loyal fans.

I just want you to know that I'm going to stick by you and this series no matter how many times CN stabs me in the heart. I just hope that everyone else feels the same. I'd hate to see you lose viewers due to CN constantly jerking us all around. Some people just get so mad that no matter how much they love a show they just can't take the ill treatment of networks and refuse to watch after a while; anyway...

Now begins my rant of frustration that been building inside me like a volcano for the past 12+ hours that's now finally erupted due to Cartoon Network's latest announcement.

I know people have been saying how they feel all day (I've been reading their posts) but I just had to say I how I felt about it too.

OMG! I am SO confused, frustrated and distressed! I don't think I've been THIS mad since Kyle XY got this same type of treatment by its network and got canceled as a result. (And I'm STILL mad about that.)

With this last hiatus I wasn't surprised or that upset when it happened. YJ went on break at the beginning of summer so I wasn't expecting it back until the fall season rolled around anyway. That's natural.

And I was SO excited two weeks ago when the new eps started back! I knew that there had been enough time for the season to have been finished (or close to it) without there having to be another break till the end of the season so I was looking forward to 3 solid months of awesome new episodes.

Now I'm not home on Saturday mornings when YJ airs on the east coast so I don't see it until around noon from my DVR; I'm a central standard time fan. (I like it better that way on some level because I don't like commercials. {I'm the kind of person who will start watching a live show and pause it for fifteen minutes so I can watch it "live" and skip through all the commercials at the same time.} I can't stand the suspense for even that long because I love this show that much. It's given me my superhero and "S" shield fix since Smallville ended, well kinda ended. (We have the comic now ^_~.)

But I was home today due to being on vacation. So I was super excited to be able to see what was sure to be one of the biggest eps of the season "live" so to speak. I get up early, sink into my favorite chair, turn on the TV and what do I see? "Dragons: Riders of Berk"!

Now don't get me wrong - I adore that show too but I was REALLY confused. At first I thought that I had accidentally turned to the WEST station so I pressed the info button and checked channel guide to be sure but they both said "Young Justice: Invasion". Then I checked in my DRV and saw that Green Lantern: TAS was a D:RoB episode too! I didn't know what was going on. I've been on the net all day trying to find out what's been going on and to my horror have found out the worst thing possible:

It's been postponed to JANUARY 2013! It might as well be 2014. Why for the love of everything would they do that?

The gall of those people!

They have some NERVE to change the schedule less than 12 hours before the show airs in the dead of night when no one will notice and then delay it for ANOTHER three months!

After they PROMISED us new episodes for the month of October!

We've already waited for four months as it is! This is worse than the 6 month hiatus that was in the middle of season one that drove me crazy. This will be SEVEN months!

Did they think that giving us two eps would tide us over?

Did they plan this in some back room from the start?

They left us with a bigger cliffhanger than they did back in June! I mean this one is ten times worse. The synopsis for this episode said that in trying to rescue their missing teammates that Blue Beetle and Miss Martian were going to discover shocking secrets and devastating truths. I can only assume that at the least that maybe they would find out that Artemis is alive and that Kaldar hasn't gone to the dark side - maybe. I was TOTALLY looking forward to seeing that fallout. And was curious to see that if maybe my suspicious are correct in thinking that the guy in black/shadow that accompanied Sportsmaster in "Salvage" is a future version of Jamie.

It seems like a perfectly plausible hypothesis to me. I mean with Impulse in the mix (I absolutely LOVE him - I love his voice actor too; Jason Marsden is one of my favorites) we're dealing with time travel.

Once he arrived in 2015 or 2016, (I'm not exactly sure what year it currently is in their world since I was never sure what year it started in. Did "Independence Day" and "Fireworks" take place in July 2010 since the show premiered in November 2010 or July 2011 since the show officially started airing January 2011?) But anyway after Bart enters into their lives he takes a quick liking to Jamie. I mean one of the first individuals he asks about when he arrives is Blue Beetle.

"Beast Boy is two words, Blue Beetle is two words. Hey is he here?" - Impulse, "Bloodlines"

And once they do meet he's stuck to him like glue ever since. Like he's singling him out for some reason under the guise of friendship.

This season has so far focused a lot on Jamie too like the first season did with Conner. Conner got the big reveal that Lex is his Dad (and I sill wonder whether Superman knows about that or if anyone else outside of Conner, Lex and DoubleX (I know that is not how his name is spelt) know about Match). So will Jamie get the shock this season that he has the potential to become a future villain?

I'm not asking you to answer those questions, I know that's spoiler territory and I wouldn't want you to answer them anyway; I'm just thinking out loud. But it frustrates me that I'm going to have to wait a whole nother three months before I find out if I'm right or wrong.

I just don't understand it!

Young Justice is simply the BEST animated show that I have EVER seen, and I've seen A LOT. I LOVE animated series.

Before this the best that I'd ever seen was JL:Unlimited and Spectacular Spider-Man (which when YJ started I found out that the latter was also produced by you - so that made me excited for it from the start, even more than I already was){I'm also still upset that TSS-M didn't get a third season after it ended with such a great cliff hanger. I don't understand why it got cancelled in favor of "Ultimate Spider-Man". With the time that it took for that series to make it to air TSS-M should have completed it's third season anyway and if it had continued past that and ran side-by-side with US-M would that have been so bad? TSS-M was out first! Shouldn't it have come first in line and had priority over another series that was just a concept if there was only room for one Spider-Man? Couldn't US-M have waited its turn? Can't we all just get along?} However, as much as I love all those series Young Justice has blown both of them out of the water! I've never seen anything so well written or animated in my life!

It's FLAWLESS the animation never gets sloppy anywhere! Some animators take shortcuts where they think no one will notice but that's simply not the case with this series!

I just fail to understand why our Young Justice has been so ill treated! Do the suits just not see that this series is pure spun GOLD!?

I mean superhero's are money makes on their own and when they are done well, like Young Justice, they are usually milked for all the bank they can bring in and YJ has a HUGE following as far as I can see so I don't get it!

It really makes me nervous for the prospect for there being a third season. I want one SOOOOOOOOOO BAD! I won't be satisfied with two. I just hope that when season two comes to a close it won't end with a big cliffhanger in case CN shafts us all and doesn't renew YJ for a season three and with hopeful wishing beyond.

This series has such potential! You have a TON of young heroes to pull from - the freedom of an alternate Earth, what's not to love!?

I want to cry now! T_T.

And I know you have to be frustrated at the very least too. You sounded so excited when you posted the return of Young Justice with "Satisfaction." I'm sorry if this has put a rain cloud over your trip to the Shakespeare Festival. It's been said online that the creators were upset this morning too when they noticed that their shows weren't airing. I know its ruined my weekend and beyond for who knows how long...

I just don't understand. Why dose Ben 10 have everlasting life? (I'm not bashing Ben 10 - I enjoy that franchise too although not as much as I did at it's start. I like Rook, but I miss Gwen and Kevin.) And shows like Generator Rex (it only hand like six? eps left in that season before it got put in limbo, CN still hasn't given the word if it's been canceled or not) Code Lyoko (it only had five eps left before the SERIES FINALE when CN gave it the boot) and now Young Justice/DC Nation get treated so badly when they all have just as good/BETTER and more intriguing story lines and are all well written?

Dose CN now resent the three year contract they signed for a DC Nation block and is trying to wast and squander the time that's left?

I mean Disney has Marvel why wouldn't CN want DC?

I agree with the poster who said that Marvel and DC should form their own channels for their series. Their shows have always been mishandled on other networks. Legion of Superheroes comes to mind.

Should we start making and signing petitions to try to protect Young Justice before the Cartoon Network executives start getting any ideas about cancellation? We could beat them to the punch with a preemptive strike and show just how much we want the series to continue.

I mean they had the nerve to pull a sucker punch trick like this and then say and I quote:

"Fear not, DC NATION fans! Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Young Justice will return in January with new episodes, only on Cartoon Network!"

Like another three month wait after a four month break is no big deal.

And to replace the time slot with an hours worth or reruns? That has never made sense to me; when networks pull new eps in favor of reruns of another series. Dose it cost less to air reruns instead of a new show that's not doing well? And I highly doubt that "Young Justice" is doing badly.

Plus I watch "Dragons" on Wednesdays and save it in my DVR, I have no use for reruns.

I just REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that when (if) CN explains themselves that they make up for it just a little bit by telling us that you are going to get renewed for a third season. I mean what more do they need to give Young Justice a fair shake? Dose the show not get enough ratings? It seems like the show as a lot of viewers.

Do iTunes downloads and DVR recordings factor into ratings for those of us who can't watch it live? People have busy lives - we all can't sit down and watch out favorite shows when they air. When we do watch dose that still count? Do more of us need to buy the tie in comic? I have to admit that I didn't read any of the season season one comics, but I did purchase the first "Invasion" comic and it was totally worth my three dollars. I'm now hooked to it too. When I saw Brainiac that was just the finial nail in my coffin. That guy is just the ultimate villain in my eyes, i love to hate Lex, but Brainiac just doesn't die! He ALWAYS comes back! ^_^.

But seriously why?

I'm so feeling the MODE! This isn't CRASH! Its totally heavy on the DIS and there isn't any ASTER in sight! (face plants) T_T.

I give you my well wishes, absolute condolences, and hope like a blue lantern that as Nightwing said: "We'll laugh about this one day."

Your forever fan,


Greg responds...

I sympathize, truly. And your passion is not lost on me. But by now, January is only a few weeks away. And hopefully, you've been getting a monthly fix of YJ:I from our companion comic. So hang in there. We'll be back.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Zazu writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman.

I'm a big fan of the show and I was devastated to hear that "Before the Dawn" was delayed all the way to January. I have to say that I'm starting to question Cartoon Networks manegerial prowess.

Anyway to some questions:
1) Now that Superboy is close to Superman, and know his secret identity, has he ever meet or visited Ma and Pa Kent?
2) How long has Tim Drake been Robin?
3) During the time skip, has the Justice League issue another recruitment?

Greg responds...


2. Tim became Robin at the beginning of Team Year Five.

3. I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I think it's clear that they've added members, specifically Blue Beetle (Ted Kord, since deceased), Black Lightning, Green Lantern (Guy Gardner), Zatanna and Rocket. The first three were inducted together sometime during the time skip, the last two were inducted together shortly before the start of Season Two.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Dick Grayson writes...

1) Devin Grayson, writer of some of the Nightwing comics, said she wrote Dick as bisexual. Is this the case for Young Justice?
2) Did Artemis and Jade attend public school when Sportsmaster was raising her?
3) Was Sportsmaster a particularly strict parent? Like, did he allow Jade and Artemis to date? If he didn't allow them to do certain things, did they still do them behind his back?
Thanks! I hope the hiatus is resolved in the near future.

Greg responds...

1. This is news to me.

2. Mostly.

3a. On some issues, yes. On others, no.
3b. I don't think he cared, as long as it didn't interfere with his own plans.
3c. With Jade, often. With Artemis, occasionally.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Christina writes...

I don't have a question, and you don't have to post this at any point, I just wanted to express my sympathy over the way Cartoon Network changed the Young Justice show times. It seems rather unprofessional of them to have done so and not told you ahead of time (I assume, because of the post about the 210 episode). I will watch the episodes when they return because you have a good story even with how long each installment takes to come out (through no fault of your own)

Greg responds...

Thank you. All of us involved with making the series truly appreciates your patience and understanding.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Pongo writes...

First off sorry for what cartoon network did and now on to my question.

Since Beast Boy didn't turn back to his human form when the collar was put on him, is his simian-like form what he normally looks like now.

Greg responds...

As we've seen with Miss Martian, unconsciousness does NOT cause reversion.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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W.C.Reaf writes...

I've been rewatching Spectacular Spider-Man over the summer, as well as introducing it to some friends who loved it, and I noticed some interesting subtle things that I hadn't picked up on before.

Such as Adrian Toomes and Otto Octavius worked together as scientists and they each have tech that relies on some form of mental control interface. Otto's is obviously more advanced because it needs to be since it controls extra limbs, but they have the same basic control principle. So I assume they worked together on a project that required such an interface with the brain.

And Dr Curt Connors was doing the spider experiments, combining different traits from many spiders into one super spider, as possibly a stepping stone for his research into combining lizard traits with humans.

Were these intentional or am I seeing connections where none were intended?

Greg responds...

That was all intentional. Among the villains, we didn't want them to all be generic bad guys, who would work together or feud, simply as the need arose. We wanted to show that there were complex histories, alliances, friendships, rivalries, etc. between them all.

In short, we had backstories in mind.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Rowan writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,

I asked you questions a long time ago, but now I write to thank you.

Two weeks ago Young Justice came back! And my whole family was so happy (myself included). I could not believe my eyes when I watched the fight between Young Roy and Mercy. It was so amazing! I have never watched a fight scene that was so interesting before. Usually I get very bored during action parts, since it is the same thing over and over, but in this one, for the first time, I was so excited!

Oh my, Darkest was very sad. I can't help but pity Aqualad (He is my favorite character). I thought, it's so funny and sad, how that when Aqualad finally begins to gain the Light's trust, he is starting to lose his friend's.

I miss the first Young Justice very much, but it's hard to be unhappy when it has become this amazing series! Invasion is very good, I especially admire the writing. All the characters speak so well! Please, if possible, thank the voice actors and the writers (you too) for their work. They do a wonderful job.
The animators need a thanks too. The fight scene between Mercy and Young Roy was perfect!

Thank you once more for this show. It brings my family together, which doesn't happen very often in my house.


P.S. Very sorry, but I do have one small question!
Where is Atlantis located in the ocean? (Sorry if this seems silly, but I am really curious about it).

Greg responds...

In the Atlantic.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Lillia writes...

soo, this isn't so much a question as it is me saying sorry about the hiatus, as it seems cartoonnetwork is doing to your show what they did to generator rex. havent heard of that show b4, just blame CN. sorry again for the hiatus, it sucks.

Greg responds...

It is what it is. Onward and upward.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

On this day of this posting (which is the day before my 25th birthday), I woke up early in the morning with the anticipation of watching the newest episode of Young Justice. I do not watch it on TV because I do not have cable. However, I usually watch it after it is posted on the internet; this is the only way I am able to watch the show due to the lack of having cable television, as I mentioned before.

Being that I live in California, the sad news hit me when I looked into the AskGreg website to see if people from the East Coast were asking questions about this week's episode (since they would normally watch it first). Apparently, Young Justice never aired (as indicated by people asking questions about what happened). Cartoon Network threw a bombshell at us by celebrating its 20th anniversary or something and showing completely different cartoons.

I have to say that this was pretty poor timing on Cartoon Network's part. However, I am in no way blaming you, since you'd probably have no idea what the heck just happened. After I found out what Cartoon Network did, naturally, I was extremely disappointed.

The first announcement by Cartoon Network implied that Young Justice: Invasion was been held off until November. At the time, I wasn't worried. I figured since I learned that episode 19 and 20 were the only ones that weren't ready to be aired, I thought in my own mind that perhaps DC Nation was eventually going to do something special and throw some kind of 90-minute or 2-hour season finale for Young Justice: Invasion to compensate for the weeks in which the show was supposed to air.

THEN, sometime after 3 pm, more unfortunate news came in which Cartoon Network made an announcement that DC Nation would resume on JANUARY 2013. While I feel that this was an injustice, I did my best to maintain my cool. I'd imagine, however, that fans of your show throughout the country are probably throwing fits or are crying to their parents (all depending on their ages).

I have waited three months of the summer for Young Justice: Invasion to come back and I was happy that it did. However, after only seeing TWO episodes and having forced to go through ANOTHER hiatus, I feel that we, the fans, should be given some kind of compensation. I REFUSE to wait out another three months, just when the show was about to get exciting and we were about to see some kind of resolution after the "Darkest" episode…

Thanks for hearing me out,

Greg responds...

"Compensation"? Really?

And please do not "REFUSE to wait out another three months". That helps no one. We're coming back, that much I can guarantee. I think you'll like what you see when we do. So hold tight.

Meanwhile, I've convinced Cartoon Network to send a check for twelve cents to every fan of Young Justice: Invasion, who's home address was registered with the United Nations Cartoon Liberation Foundation. The Man from U.N.C.L.F. should be contacting you soon.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Another reason for me to get even more upset: There will be NO new shows until January 2013.... Cartoon Network has made the most heart-breaking screw-up ever!!!! Now we'll never find out what happens on the next episode of Young Justice!

Read this if you don't believe me: http://www.nickandmore.com/2012/10/13/dc-nation-has-been-replaced/

Greg responds...

"Never" does not equate with "January". Please have patience. We're almost there.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Emma writes...

I just wanted to thank you for Young Justice. During the first season, the characters grabbed my heart and wouldn't let go. And, though I was initially surprised at all the change in season 2, I'm so excited for how it is turning out. Every Saturday I wake up early (my mom says that you do in a half an hour what she couldn't throughout my whole life; make me wake up before noon on a weekend ;D )to watch it, and every weekend I love the show more and more. Dick Grayson and Wally West are my favorites, and I love their interactions (be they best bros or fighting.) I'm sorry that Cartoon Network cut Young Justice out - I'm boycotting them until they bring it back. Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know how much I love the show, and that I'm firmly against CN for taking it down. Keep on being awesome.

Greg responds...

We'll try, thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Robert writes...

Hi, Greg

This really isn't a question. More just offering my condolences to you and the whole YJ team. It's obvious that you guys have put forth a lot of effort into creating an absolutely MAGNIFICENT show for people to enjoy...
And yet, for all your hard work and dedication, Cartoon Network decides to pull this kind of nonsense. It's shameful, really.
As of now, there hasn't been any official statement or any sort of explanation as to why the DC Nation block was removed for the foreseeable future. It seems to me that the respectful thing would have been to air previously aired episodes of both YJ and GL -- but to replace these shows with Dragon Riders (or whatever it's called) is just rude: it shows a complete lack of respect for those involved in the making of YJ and GL, as well as those who wake up early every Saturday/Sunday morning to watch. In my case, I was up at around THREE O'CLOCK. Seriously. That's how excited I was. I just couldn't sleep! And it was virtually the same last weekend and the weekend before that.
I really am sorry that CN shows you and others so much disrespect. They owe everyone an explanation and an apology -- especially to you and the whole YJ team.

Greg responds...

Well, technically what's "owed" and what's "politic" are probably two different things. But thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Aubrey writes...

Hey. This isn't really a question so much as an apology.
I know that your ask box is probably getting flooded with angry asks about why the DC Nation block was suddenly pulled, leaving us Young Justice-less. I also know it's not your fault, and I'm sorry that this wonderful, gorgeous show that you guys have worked so hard on and that we love so much has been mysteriously pulled for the month of October.

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate all that you and Brandon do, and that I love your show. Thank you so much. :)

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Honeysuckle writes...

Hiya, Greg. I just wanted to tell you that i'm a really big fan of Young Justice and I think what Cartoon Newtwork is doing is really unfair. They shouldn't just change the scheduel last minute like that when fans are waking up just to watch the show. Anyways, I really love and admire you. I hope things get straightened out soon.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry about Cartoon Network pulling this on you. We're still supporting you guys so no worries. Just....try to stop breaking my heart every week.

Greg responds...

What exactly is breaking your heart? The content of the show? Or the lack of content when the show doesn't air?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Catie writes...

Hello, Greg.

I just wanted...to give my condolences. It's not fair, and I'm not sure if it's true that you found out about the cancellation from the fans of Young Justice, but if it is I am extremely sorry!

With love,
Someone who understands it's not your fault.

Greg responds...

Thanks. (But... was someone suggesting it IS my fault?)

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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young justice fan610 writes...

On young justice invasion episode 7 why did night wing keep that picture of him and Artemis all those years and when Artemis and wally kissed at the end night wing looked away does night wing love artemis

Greg responds...

1. Why wouldn't he?

2. Not in the way you're implying.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Ember C. writes...

Hey Greg! First, I'd like to say sorry about what CN did with DC Nation! So rude...! Anyway, my questions:
1. Is there any other network you guys can have air your shows (YJ and Green Lantern) or is it just Cartoon Network?
2. What the heck happened to Tommy Terror!? He went from a blonde, punk version of Superboy... To a snorlax with blonde hair and piercings. Did he take too much cobra venom? Or did he eat too many small children?

Greg responds...

1. Well, there's BOOMERANG. In fact, reruns of YJ:I (specifically "Alienated" and "Salvage") will be airing this weekend and for the foreseeable future.

2. I like your second answer. But mainly, I think when we met him previously, he just wasn't done growing yet.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I was looking forward to seeing a new episode of Young Justice this week for the resolution coming out of last week's episode, and Cartoon Network has the nerve to pull off a last-minute stunt like this?! The reason I'm in a bad mood is because I just found out about this news on worldsfinestonline.com

Greg responds...

Okay. And the reason you posted was...?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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colton writes...

cartoon network better not cancel young justice,or we'll all be feeling the mode.

not crash cn,not crash

Greg responds...

I'm sure we'll be back. Most likely in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Erica writes...

So by your update on the status of the airing of "Before the Dawn" I'm guessing that you weren't informed of DC Nation being inexplicably cancelled either?

Greg responds...

Not in advance, no.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Philip Chatham writes...

Hey Greg,

The new episode of YJ did not show today...WHAT UP WITH THAT?

I was SOOO looking forward to seeing what happened after you guys blew up mount justice and kidnapped Beetle, Impulse, and Beast Boy. So tell me...what happened?

Greg responds...

No comment. But I'm told we're back in January.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Peter writes...

hello grieg i would like to ask you just a few questions
1.why did you chose "Spectacular Spider-Man" instead of "Amazing Spider-Man"?
2.it seems like you you building up to the Peter & Mary jane relationship if you don't mind may i please get your thoughts on that?
3.and the origanal con.jupiter suit was built by Tony Stark dose Stark and Earth's mightiest heroes have a place here and is this inline with Chris Yosts Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes? oh and by the way you and chris yost are big time geniuses thank you the both of you.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, that was Marvel's decision. Our original plan was to call it Amazing, but Marvel told us to change it to Spectacular. The reasons for the change were above my paygrade. But I'm not sorry about it. I like the alliteration, and it gave us our great theme song.

2. No, you may not. At least not at this time.

3. We weren't in continuity with any other series, period. We had our own plans for how the rest of the Marvel Universe fit into our Spectacular corner, but since we weren't allowed to use any non-Spidey related characters, those ideas were largely moot. But if you check the archives you can get a taste of them.

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

At the end of "Performance," Jack Haly suspected two things:

A. He knew Dan Danger was actually Dick Grayson (for certain).

B. He suspects that Dick Grayson might have had something to do with saving the reputation of the circus (but not quite certain)

Judging by this, I'm wondering if Jack Haly somehow knows that Dick Grayson was Robin at that time? If he ever did, and considering the fact that Jack was the closest thing to a grandfather to Dick, how would Jack feel about the fact that Dick Grayson is a superhero?

Greg responds...

I don't know why Jack would have any idea of Robin's involvement. Do you really think Agent Faraday was in the mood to share?

Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I'm not sure if the comic will eventually answer this question or not, but I wanted to hear your opinion about it.

During the five-year gap, why did Superman chose to specifically call Superboy by the Kryptonian name, Kon-El?

The reason why I asked this particular question is because of this: In the New 52, Superboy's Kryptonian name is not one of honor in the House of El anymore as it was before the events of Flashpoint. In Superboy #6, Superboy had an encounter with Supergirl, and when Supergirl learned he was a clone, she attacked him and called him by his Kryptonian name, which she translates as "Abomination of the House of El." The reason such as translation given is explained Superboy #0, which told the story of a renegade Kryptonian clone named "Kon."

So, while I assume that Superboy's Kryptonian name might be something that honors that House of El on Earth-16, I want to hear your opinion on how Kryptonian naming works on Earth-16.


Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 07, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

In Depths, Lagoon Boy said that it was his first time fighting alongside Artemis. But in the Young Justice: Legacy game, both of them are on the Team, are they not? I read that Bumblebee and Lagoon Boy are on the Team at the time of Legacy but are on another mission or something. In any case, if L'gaan joined the Team before Artemis and Wally quit, why didn't she go on any missions with him in that time?

Greg responds...

It was a big team, and they only overlapped for a short time - and the luck of the draw had it that they never happened to be on the same squad. There's no story to it. It's just what happened.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

1.)How old is Adam Strange?
2.)a-Is Felix Faust a normal human?
b-If so,how old is Felix Faust?
3.)How old was Ted Kord when he died?

Thank you so much for your time and keep doing your awesome work!

Greg responds...

1. Adam Strange was 26 at the start of Season Two.

2a. No.

3. 32.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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F.H. writes...

I've seen the novel The Mysteries of Udolpho pop up multiple times in the series (Young Justice), and I've scanned the Wikipedia page (I would read it, but Outlaws of the Marsh isn't something you flick through in an afternoon, and my to-read list is long enough already), and I can't see anything tying it to the plot outside of a girl with a bad father, which would be Artemis, I guess?

1) Is there reason or rhyme to this, or is it just you showing off your literary power level, as you're known to do (which we all love, by the way).

And another question on a similar idea:

2) Where's the Shakespeare, man? Your name on a show promises Shakespeare, and YJ remains bardless. Bring a little of him back from Oregon for the team, wont you?

Greg responds...

1. It's kinda the original gothic novel.

2. Stuff has to fit, you know? If I just wedge it in artificially, how does that help anyone? And I find it hard to believe there have been NO Shakespeare references at all. That seems unlikely.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

If Starro-tech allows The Light to gain access to the memories of the people that are affected by it, then when it was used on the Justice League in Season One, were the secret identities of certain Justice League members compromised and does The Light now know who each of those Justice League members really are?!


Greg responds...

Yeah, pretty much.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tasha writes...

Do you have a complete list of all the things you have worked on? Also you have a great talent and I hope you keep doing what you do and that you enjoy your work :)

Greg responds...

I think I do.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Bruce Wayne started his crime-fighting career as Batman at age 21 (which is PRETTY young, considering a person of such an age would be just out of college or something), exactly how old was he when Joe Chill killed his parents and how many years did it take for him to learn his skills (ie. Martial arts, detective skills, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Bruce's parents were killed the year he turned eight. Beyond that, you can do the math.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Schweitzer-Man writes...

How was Cadmus able to make a clone of Superman (Superboy) but they didn't take any of his limbs like they did for the original Roy Harper?

Greg responds...

They didn't need an entire limb - not for Superman or Roy.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

If Superman landed in Kansas in 1978, his appearance appearing to be that of a one-year old at that time, and the fact that his birth date is not revealed, would it be safe to assume that he was placed in suspended animation during his rocket's journey from Krypton to Earth?

Greg responds...

It's never safe to assume anything.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Annonymous writes...

Why do you have to credit the creators of some characters (e.g. Miss Martian, Nightwing, Impulse, Batman) but not others (e.g. Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash, Rocket, etc.)? What aspect of the legal rights require you to say that Bob Kane created Batman but not that Dwayne McDuffie and Mark Bright created Rocket?

Greg responds...

I really don't know. Our scripts are submitted to DC legal department. They decide who gets creator credits. They tell us. We put those credits in. It's out of our control, else I'd credit everyone.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Arlo writes...

What are the stories of how you and the other writers came up with and developed the ideas for the Phoenix Gate, the Eye of Odin, and the Grimorum Arcanorum?

If you don't have time to post the full details right now, that's okay (I'm even expecting that to be the answer). But would you consider writing a ramble on it at some point? We have rambles and outlines for nearly every episode of the series, but no background on the creative process that went into designing these three talismans. I would love to hear about everything that went into them at some point.

Greg responds...

You're taxing my now-limited memory, but I don't think there's that much to tell. And frankly, I DO think I've told it all before.

The Grimorum was part of the story development for the pilot, even the development of the original series, I suppose, since we knew there would be a spell cast upon the Gargoyles pretty much from Day One. We just ran with it from there. Tried to keep track of it and its spells, etc.

The Phoenix Gate was created as "Vows" was developed as a story. If you look here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=131 you can see how it came about. And again, we just ran with it from there.

The Eye of Odin was originally developed by the video game people. We then used a version of that as a maguffin in "The Edge" and as a magical talisman in "Eye of the Beholder" and "Eye of the Storm", etc. I've discussed all this before. Search the archives.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello yet again, Mr. Weisman. Today, I'd like to talk about Gargoyles, particularly David Xanatos.

In relation to Xanatos' desire for immortality, I've noticed that, on two seperate occasions, an older, wiser man managed to pierce David's figurative armour through fairly simple methods (the methods themselves being simple, rather than the effect, meaning, or characters being so).

First, Petros, David's father, succeeded in giving his son pause through a few well-chosen words and "a simple American penny". Then, in "The Price", Hudson is able to discern and point out Xanatos' fear of growing old and dying (here, he cracks Xanatos' cool demeanor, but doesn't quite break it), and by the end of the episode, he had managed to escape Xanatos alive, simultaneously posing a question that, like Petros with the penny, gave David pause, and, I think, something to ponder.

Now, my point is that both of the aforementioned characters were, as I said, older and wiser than Xanatos, which makes me think (perhaps incorrectly; you'd know better than I would) that one of Xanatos' flaws is his inability to truly appreciate the values of age and experience, which ties in to his desire to be immortal.

However much he denied it to Hudson, Xanatos IS terrified of growing old and dying. It's something unknowable, uncontrollable, to a point, unpredictable (who knows when and how they're going to die?), and, barring a means of becoming immortal, it's unavoidable. The value of age and experience, as well as the wisdom that comes from it, is something that he, quite simply, does NOT want to learn firsthand. In fact, he even brushes off Hudson's descriptions of the downside to immortality, remarking that death and old age have a price, one too steep for him to pay. It is this unwillingness to accept his own mortality that makes Xanatos vulnerable to the metaphorical defeats he received from Petros and Hudson. The fear of mortality he possesses makes him blind to the wisdom that only comes from the passage, and indeed, the ravages (of which Hudson is all too aware) of time.

1) Do you agree with my assessment of this aspect of Xanatos' personality?

2) Is it possible that as he grows older, Xanatos will learn to appreciate the wisdom that accompanies age?

Whether you agree with my perspective or not, thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post, and have a good day, sir.

Greg responds...

1. I do. Very much so.


Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Taylor writes...

What did Artemis' acceptance letter into Gotham Academy say?

Greg responds...

You know... you could freeze-frame the image on your television set as easily as I could.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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guest writes...

1. So far, all members of the Justice League we've seen operate in the United States. Are any members of the Justice League or the Team active outside the United States?

Greg responds...

Your premise is incorrect, but the answer to your question is yes.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Olga writes...

Hello Greg!
I was wondering what's Mal Duncan role on the Team? Thanks for amazing series, it keeps getting better and better!

Greg responds...

It's stated in "Happy New Year". STATED. OUT LOUD. Not to mention, SHOWN (DEMONSTRATED, CLEARLY REVEALED), as well.

Olga, I don't mean to pick on you per se, but FOLKS, please do not come here to ask questions that the show has ALREADY objectively answered. You're just clogging up the queue and slowing things down for everyone.

And apropos of nothing, I've also noticed that sometimes the questions asked seem only to be asked for the sake of having something to ask. Like people are stopping by the site and TRYING to come up with a question that no one else has asked - even if they have no real interest in the answer - just so they can participate in the... "fun". Even if NOBODY could possibly have any real interest in the answer. Please do not do this.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Hi, Mr. Weissman, I truly, truly love Young Justice as well as the rest of your work. But I had some questions about Young Justice.

1.) When I was watching "Depths" for the first time, the beat with Nightwing looking at the photograph (of himself and Artemis at School) nearly killed me. When Dick took the photograph in "Homefront" was that included in the episode with the intentional purpose of paying it off in that manner? Or was it just an extraneous element that you took advantage of when developing the storyline for season 2?

2.) Was Jason ever a serious contender for the new Robin in season 2? I ask because I recently saw the episode "Darkest" where a building is destroyed in a manner similar to "A Death in the Family". I loved what you guys did, and I don't mean to imply that "it would have been better if you'd done it this way." But I do think it would have added an interesting layer if Jason Todd had been an unintended casualty of that event. Assuming of course that the network would let you do something that extreme in the first place. So was that idea ever discussed?

Greg responds...

1. I knew I wanted to pay it off.

2. No. By the time we got to that level of specifics, we had already decided (long ago actually) that Jason would already be dead and Tim would already be Robin by the start of Season Two.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Triela D. writes...

One question.

You once answered a question asking, "If the Light knew that Black Manta had a son?", and you stated that they did although it was questionable if Klarion remembered or not.

I've noticed in another episode (Misplaced, I think) that Klarion leaves saying "See ya later armadillos" instead of "See ya later crocodile". So my question is, does Klarion have a bad memory? Or what exactly makes him forget?

Love YJ:I so far, I've really come to enjoy it. :)

Greg responds...

It's not so much that he has a bad memory, but Klarion's mind is... chaotic.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Michael writes...

Re: an earlier question: "I know this series is different considering that this is another Earth, but in the comics the scarab was against causing physical harm to living things, even almost getting Jamie killed sometimes."

I don't know what comics they've been reading, but this is 100% incorrect. The scarab in the comics was created to be a killing machine, and is only tempered to non-lethality by Jaime's influence.

For a question of my own:

In the tie-in comics, it is mentioned that Jaime had met Guy Gardner, Peacemaker and Captain Atom prior to joining the Team. His connections to Guy and Peacemaker are references to his original comics, so I was just wondering why you added Captain Atom to the list, rather than continuing the theme with another hero comics!Jaime encountered early in his career, like say Batman?

Greg responds...

It has to do with the (Earth-16) relationship between Nathaniel and Ted. Plus they're both Charlton characters. Really, the guy I wasn't sure about including was Guy, because - unlike Cap and Peacemaker - he's NOT a Charlton character. But I got a good line of dialogue out of it, and it hooked up with the source comics, so...

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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celestia writes...

Hey Greg! I think you adviced people that wanted to become writters to read great literature and the classics.

Beyond Shakespeare (who is a must read :) ) What kind of literature would you recomend for this purpose?

Greg responds...

Homer, for sure.






Even Hemingway.

The list of authors are probably endless. Personally, I'm a big fan of mysteries/detective stories, and my favorite author in that genre is Ross Macdonald, who I believe transcends the genre. I also like James M. Cain, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly and Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, to name a few.

I'd scarf up myths and legends. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse, Arthurian, etc., etc., etc. And I wouldn't just limit myself to Western Culture. Chow down on the stories of the far east, of the mid-east, of aboriginal peoples everywhere...


History books. Biographies. Some are deadly dull, but others are fascinating.

Anyway, that should keep you busy for awhile.

Response recorded on December 05, 2012

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Side Trip


So yesterday, I took a brief - about four hours - side trip to an alternate (or parallel) universe. My counterpart in this universe, I assume, changed places with me, as I did not see him there. (And I also didn't see him here when I got back.) As far as I could tell, everything was EXACTLY the same in that universe as in this universe with one exception: the word for "pineapple" over there is "palm-apple". I brought back a 6 oz. can of "Dole's Palm-Apple Juice" as proof of my trip. I noticed no other differences, though of course in only four hours, I hardly had the time for a thorough investigation into every aspect of history, science, entertainment, current events, etc. But if it weren't for the pineapple/palm-apple thing, I'm not sure I would have even noticed the shift.

It makes me wonder if we're shifting all the time. But that the differences between universes are so subtle, we miss it.

Oh, and the juice tasted exactly the same too. And there's no difference visually either. A palm-apple there looks and tastes exactly like a pineapple here. It's just the name.

Weird, huh?

Bookmark Link

Beryl writes...

"Darkest" was some episode. I must say, Dick and Wally'a behaviour during the episode has split the fans' opinion of them into two, with the fans defending one and criticising the other. I must congratulate you for the nature of the argument. Both Wally and Dick had valid points and glaring flaws,which just serves to underline how human they are. In the end, I found it difficult to place the blame entirely to either one of them, especially since it's clear that the stress of keeping the secret is getting to both of them in a very bad way.
Bravo, Greg. I think whoever wrote the episode deserves a pat on the back.

Greg responds...

Thanks. And that writer would be my brother Jon Weisman.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Did it amuse you that the main villain in season six of Dexter was named Travis Marshall?

Greg responds...

It REALLY did! Or in any case, it freaked me out a little.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Marvelman writes...

1) Did Dick and Rocket date? (Zatanna seemed to suggest this in issue #20.)

2) Why was everyone so surprised that they were kissing?

3) I thought M'Gann covering Beast Boy's eyes was cute. But I was confused by the expression of amusement on Batgirl's face. What's up with that?

4) What is wrong with Nightwing? Zatanna, Raquelle, even Barbara... They're all awesome! Anyone of them would be entirely worthy of a long term committment. (Maybe Barbara is smiling because she knows better than to become another notch in Dick's belt?)

5) Initially, Superboy and Miss Martian had some difficulty separating their personal and professional relationships. During the five year gap, do you imagine that Wally and Artemis were as successful at checking their relationship at the door as Connor and M'Gann?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I assume you're talking about the Zatanna/Nightwing kiss, right? The reactions varied. Some were surprised, some were not. As to those that were surprised, you don't know WHAT surprised them, the kiss itself or the timing, placement and intensity of said kiss.

3. Read on.

4. Read on.

5. I'm sure there were bumps in the road. But they managed.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

The second season of Young Justice may either conclude or is close to reaching its conclusion by the time you respond to this, but I wanted to ask you this question.

Considering all the individual events that have been happening through out the second season and their seemingly apparent (and somewhat hinted) connection to that state of the world in 2056, would you say that the way that these events connect to Bart's future is almost like that of a spider's web, kind of like threads?


Greg responds...

If you like.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Is Rocket pregnant?

The reason I ask is because I got the vibe that she was having a baby shower before I got any indication that she was having a "bridal shower" (which I, as a guy, know nothing about). I know she's engaged, but is she also pregnant?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure where you got BABY shower out of that at all.

As for whether or not she's pregnant, c'mon: HOW COULD THAT BE ANYTHING BUT A SPOILER REQUEST?

I mean it's a perfect example.

Let's say hypothetically that she isn't, and I tell you that she isn't. Then the next time, if someone asks if another character is pregnant, and I refuse to answer, than I've just given away that that other character IS pregnant.

Having said all that, you might check out our companion comic, especially issue #20, for more clues.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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L'gann writes...

Many people in the Yj fandom dislike Lagoon Bpy. While a majority of the dislike is due to the fact that he 'broke up Supermartian' (as untrue as that is) a lot of it is for his cocky-ness. Was this trait something you put into him because you believed he would be trying to outdo all of Aquaman's previous trainees (eg. Aqualad, Aquagirl, maybe Tempest)? Is his desire to be on alpha, take down Nightwing in a spar, be better than superboy, all a ploy because he is filling the shoes of great people?

Greg responds...

In part.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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russianspy1234 writes...

1. This might be past tense by the time you get to it but: (Do you think it will be / Was it) difficult to give as much character development in Season 2 as you did in Season 1 since there is a much bigger cast?

2. What was the point of the charm allowing Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash to see Artemis's original self? I mean, I know it's a common thing to do in shows, but it seems particularly risky in this case (e.g. someone else could have been there, Aqualad might slip and call her blondie, Zantanna figuring it out, etc) and no reward, since they are all there and can see what she looks like with the charm and should have no need to see her original self.

3. Superboy mentioned that he isn't immortal, but doesn't age externally. Does that mean he is aging internally and will eventually have the problems therein, or just that he can be killed but will never die of old age if he isn't?

Greg responds...


2. It is what it is.

3. Watch "Earthlings" again. He states things very clearly.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Willow Tree writes...

It's seems that many characters from the first season in Young Justice are becoming the things they didn't want to - ex. Artemis is posing as a villain, Robin is using people, M'gann is losing control. Was this planned (most likely, I'm assuming, with your and Brandon's in-depth writing) or just a coincidetial thing?

Greg responds...

Most everything was planned in tremendous detail.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Matthew writes...

This is a question about the Gargoyles episode "Bushido."

In the episode, Taro had ninjas in his employs. Does this mean that ninja clans of feudal Japan survived to modern times in the Gargoyle universe (instead of being wiped out by Oda Nobunaga)? Or were they just martial artists in ninja costumes?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Tyler Reznik writes...

Hello again, Mr. Weisman.

I know you've previously stated that you don't play video games, but I was wondering: what's your opinion on video games as a story-telling medium?

Greg responds...

I'm all for it.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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