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REVELATIONS 2012-12 (Dec)

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Anonymous writes...

From all the VAs, Jesse McCartney is arguably the most famous/popular. How is it to work with him?

Greg responds...

A pleasure.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Melbie writes...

I know by now the original members of the team all know Dick's identity, but do the newer members know?

Greg responds...

Some do, some don't.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I feel horrible post three back to back, but I forgot to include a link to an article I found when I was looking up stuff about the comic rumor.

When I first read about the comics ending, my research led me to: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/young-justice-comic-canceled-tv-show-implications.html

Greg responds...

I'd seen the article, but I still can't comment at this time.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I'm sorry to post back to back, but I notice a couple of mistakes.

The website is Fanfiction.net and I meant to say that I'd hate to see the series end.

Greg responds...

I got the gist, but thank you.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Reiena Grayson writes...

I was reading some stuff on fanficion.net and there is a rumor going around that the YJ tie-in comics will end after February. I have several online friends that are upset by this rumor, but so am I, YJ is the first series of comics ever that I started collecting and have every one so far. I'd have to see the series end after the five year gap is filled in. Please, if you can, is there any truth to this rumor or is it just that, a rumor.

Greg responds...

No comment.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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hmmm... writes...

What is Black Lightning's civilian identity?

Greg responds...

What are my options?

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Khayyaam writes...

Hey Greg. I'm wondering if you've seen Arrow, the recent Live-Action series about Oliver Queen. Personally, I liked it a lot, especially with the focus on the character's civillian identity rather than his antics as a vigilante.

If you've seen it, what did you think? Did you like some of the ideas they had?

And I know you're a fan of Black Canary, which is also why I asked, since Laurel Lance is a major supporting character. Did you like what they did with her?

Thanks for taking the time to ask all these questions!

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Connor writes...

Hi Greg! I wanted to ask about your methods of storytelling. For adapted shows like The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice, you seem to have planned out certain events and arcs in advance and seem to include nothing if you aren't going to follow up on it later. Do you have a personal set of rules or guidelines for when you work on projects like these?

Greg responds...

It's no different on any project. We try to plan as much in advance as possible, while still leaving ourselves open to discoveries along the way.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Kaitlyn L. writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,
I saw that Disney.com is streaming the complete series of Gargoyles after such a long time of being off the air. As a result I wanted to ask if this meant we might be getting another Gargoyle comic series? Or some form of continuation in the near future? Hopefully with you being a part of it (if it happens)
I also wanted to say thank you for all the work you've done over the years with Spider-Man, W.I.T.C.H, Gargoyles and Young Justice.

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

I don't see how the two things are connected. I'd always love to do more Gargoyles though - in any medium.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Esteban writes...

Hey Greg, I have a question regarding Young Justice.

We all know that Superman and Batman are allies and such but there are some works that treat their relationship differently. In your take with Young Justice are they best friends or just respected teammates? I know they have some type of kind relationship sense they talked to each other at a restaurant.

Greg responds...

They're good friends.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Nerd1001 writes...

When I was watching W.I.T.C.H., I always wondered one thing. Does Mr.Huggles have some sort of increased intelligence when he's in his Regent form? Normally, he's just a regular dormouse. Napoleon was already magically enhanced, so does the same apply to Huggles so he understands when to regent up?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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David writes...

How old is Black Lightning in Season 2.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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David writes...

Well. I've been trying to look at things like the designation's numbers and such. I believe to have figured out the whole designation list for the Justice League designation list but not the whole Team list so here are my questions:
1.Please confirm if this is correct
Justice League Designation's:
01. Superman
02. Batman
03. Wonder Woman
04. Flash
05. Hal Jordon
06. Aquaman
07. Martian manhunter
08. Green Arrow
09. Hawkman
10. Hawkwoman
11. Zatara
12. Captain Atom
13. Black Canary
14. John Stewart
15. Captain Marvel
16. Red Tornado
17. Doctor Fate
18. Atom
19. Plastic Man
20. Icon
21. Red Arrow
22. Black Lightning
23. Guy Gardner
24. Blue Beetle
25. Zatanna
26. Rocket

Greg responds...

Let's start with this:

Why would I confirm or deny this?

Why should I confirm or deny this?

I've already stated - more than once - that I wasn't going to reveal designations but let the revelations flow naturally from the series and comics (and the video game).

Why would I change my mind now when we still have plenty more episodes and issues (and the game) still to come?

The whole thing is a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Rikki writes...

I've browsed through the archives and didn't come across a question like this but apologize if I did miss something simliar to this question that has been previously answered.

Do gargoyles ever mate just for the sake of being intimate with their mate and receiving pleasure or do they usually just mate when it comes time for reproduction?

Greg responds...

The former. (And did you check the "Gargoyle Biology" section of the ASK GREG archives? I find it hard to believe it wasn't answered there.)

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Paul writes...

When Tempest and Beast Boy were on the Team at the same time (so around the time of Legacy), did any of the characters joke about how similar their first names are and/or have a "Not you, the other Gar" type moment?

Greg responds...

It's Gar and Garth. Not Gar and Gar. I'm not saying there was never any mis-speaking, but it's not like you can't hear the difference between the two words, so the kind of joke you're suggesting wouldn't play. And certainly, during missions they'd be using Tempest and Beast Boy anyway. But if there was a way to milk some humor for it, we'd try to find it.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Liam writes...

Ha, Dingo's name is Harry "Monmouth", and he's taken in by John Oldcastle, who takes the name Falstaff. I just got that. Well played, sir.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Jonathan writes...

1.Does superboys invulnerability apply to his hair and fingernails and if so how does he trim them? I was curious because you mentioned that they gave him a haircut to disquise him as tommy terror and i was curious as to how that happened. In the Golden Age it was established that superman used his heat vision to do these tasks but seeing as how Conner doesn't have heat vision it makes me even more curious.
2.Are there any chemicals that are harmless to humans but could mess with the body functions of the four flavors of aliens? Is this to broad of a question cause I feel like both of these are a bit supeerfluous.

Greg responds...

1. They're not as invulnerable as the rest of him, but they're stronger than human hair.

1a. Heat vision isn't the be-all end-all in cutting implements.

2. I don't know. Maybe.

2a. You feel like both these questions are a bit superfluous but you posted them anyway? Why?

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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EXALT writes...

In the episode Before the Dawn, was the big bad Blue Beetle of the future played by Eric Lopez, or by someone else?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Jennifer K. writes...

Hey there Greg W hope your fall is going well. I have to say I have continually been impressed with how you handle the comic book universe(s). As I am sure you are Marvel has new shows in the works. All of which have the potential to be good. I am sure many fans are looking forward to them including myself. Which leads me to my question. Would you if you had the chance to work on something like Live Action "Cloak and Dagger" would you or would your current work with DC and Young Justice prevent you from doing so?

Greg responds...

As I've stated OVER AND OVER again, I'm not too interested in hypotheticals. And here's a good example why. Your question contains too many variables for me to answer it. Here's just a FEW of them:

1. Are we specifically talking about "Cloak and Dagger"?

2. What are the schedules of the respective projects?

3. What would my role be on the live action show?

4. How much money is involved?

If what you're asking me is whether (in general) I'd like to work for Marvel and/or in live-action, the answer is yes to all of the above. But I can't answer your question in a vacuum. And PLEASE don't try to create a more detailed hypothetical scenario to generate an answer. For every variable you nail down, I could come up with twenty more.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Hila writes...

You hinted before that Klarion has memory problams by saying that he know something (I'm don't remember what it was) but if he remembers or not is a different question.
1. Does he have memory problams?
2. If he does than is that because he is a lord of chaos?
3. Does his memory works in a different way than ours (like Starfire's in the new 52)? If so how is it different and how does it work?
4. If he doesn't have memory problams (and by this I mean that his memory works in a different way than us, humans) what did you mean by your comment?

Greg responds...



3. I have no knowledge of Starfire's memory in the New 52, but as for Klarion - ASKED AND ANSWERED.



Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

As more and more teenage superheroes join The Team in Young Justice, would it be safe to say that the members of The Team treat each other more as if they were family to one another instead of just treating each other like mere fellow teammates?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what the "more and more" part has to do with that equation. "Family" is a metaphor in this situation anyway. So the answer is both.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Colton writes...

You recently stated that only robin aqualad kid flash red arrow and rocket were the only public figures on the original team,so my question is,do batman and the justice league necessarily want to keep the others a secret?or is it just that the young heroes don't really advertise their existence?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I got into an argument with my boyfriend the other day that I'd like your opinion on: is the Joker really crazy? I say no, because he always says he's crazy and acknowledges that what he is doing is crazy. So if he knows that he is insane then he can't be, because people who are truly insane don't know they're insane; they think they're sane and everybody else is nuts. Like Two-Face, I think he's seriously off his rocker because he honestly believes he's administering justice by flipping a coin. The Young Justice version was a little different since he tried to kill all of them because their mission failed...but what's your personal take on the character?

Greg responds...

I think he's insane, and I think you're statement that as long as someone admits he or she is crazy, then he or she can't be, is, frankly, a bit silly if you take it to its absolute extreme. So... I guess I agree with your boyfriend.

But I will say, the two of you argue about fun stuff.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

Today's posting is in regards to Batman's and Alfred's past prior to the events of Young Justice. Here are my questions below:

#1 - Obviously we know that Bruce Wayne uses the bat as an inspiration in his war against crime, but the way he discovers this inspiration is done differently in various media. In one example, the Christopher Nolan films, Bruce gained his inspiration from the time he fell in the well as a child and ended up in a cave filled with bats. In another example, the graphic novel "Batman: Earth One," Bruce discovers this inspiration when he sees a statue of a Japanese samurai wearing a bat-like mask. In comparison with other media, how did Bruce Wayne discover his inspiration (the bat) to become Batman on Earth-16?

#2 - I'm under the impression that shortly after Bruce Wayne started his career as Batman, he was probably initially regarded as vigilante, an urban myth, and other things by the people of Gotham City before he was accepted as a hero. Can you please confirm whether this is true or not on Earth-16? If it turns out to be true, then how many years did it take before he was acknowledged for his good deeds by the people of Gotham City?

#3 - Batman has a large rouges gallery on his list; and that's true in ANY parallel DC universe. On Earth-16, which particular villains from Batman's rouges gallery has always given him a considerable amount of trouble (in terms of challenging him to the peak of both his physical and mental limits at the same time) and why? I'm asking this particular question because if you think about, every villain in Batman's rouges gallery challenges his limits very differently (sometimes it's his physical limits being tested, other times it's his mental limits, and sometimes it's BOTH of them).

#4 - Before his parents were murdered, what did the young Bruce Wayne wanted to be when he became an adult? In other words, what kind of career did Bruce wanted to pursue before his life was tragically changed forever as a result of Joe Chill's actions?

#5 - Before being employed by the Wayne family and working for them as a butler, did Alfred had a previous job occupation? If so, can you please tell us what it was and what exactly did he do in his previous job?

Thanks for taking the time to read my questions,

Greg responds...



3. That's way too subjective a question for me to answer.

4. He was eight-years-old. He might have wanted to be a pirate for all I know.


Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I hope this isn't taken as an insult...but I really appreciate how the women are designed in Young Justice so that they're not all "flawless" looking. The reason I can't get more of my girl friends into comic stuff is because they feel like they objectify women by making it all about their appearances and not about their strength as heroes. However, in Young Justice, the characters are still beautiful but in their own individual ways and not the cookie cutter fan boy fantasy way. Was that a conscious effort?

Greg responds...

To the extent we've been successful at this, I'm going to say yes. But not just with the female characters. With the male characters too. And to be fair to most comics, I think the cookie cutter works both ways there too. Women aren't the ONLY characters being idealized.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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BigFan writes...

Hi! This really isn't a question but more of a praise session. Thank you so much Mr. Weisman for your work with Young Justice. The show, like Gargoyles, has kept me at the edge of my seat every week and leaves me begging for more. Keep up the good work and best wishes.

Greg responds...

See, you just fed my ego and assuaged my insecurities. Thanks.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I understand that since Young Justice became a part of the DC Nation Block, you decided not to use a 20 second intro during Season Two, as it was normally done for the majority of the Season One episodes. If you had been able to use a 20 second intro for Young Justice: Invasion, how exactly would the sequence have gone in comparison to the 20 second intro that was used in Season One? In other words, what would the differences have been between the two openings?


Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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dailyplanetintern writes...

I have some questions regarding the "Artemis" death timeline. It seems to have progress rather quickly.

She "dies" late in the night on the 19th of March, early in the morning of the 20th it's revealed that she's alive, and on the 21st Wally takes her mother to her "grave".

It just all seams really fast. I mean REALLY fast.

Now given that Artemis was taken under the wings of Oliver/Green Arrow and Bruce/Batman I can see a monument/grave marker being put up in her honor that quickly; but what dose Artemis' mother think happened to her?

I mean she's not dead so what proof was her mother given that she died other than the team and the league's word?

Was she shown a body that was a stand in for Artemis?

Or did she just take the word of the team and the league that her daughter was gone and didn't ask to see her?

It just seams odd that she wouldn't ask to see her daughter's body; though given how she "died" (in the line of duty) I don't see them going through a M.E. even if she really had been killed.

How are hero's that die in the line of duty taken care of anyway? Getting a death certificate issued without revealing that they were heroes?

Greg responds...

I'll admit it all happened fast. But what makes you think Paula didn't see a body?

As for death certificates, I haven't actually given it much thought. But that doesn't seem too difficult a problem to surmount.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I've noticed in La'gaan's design, he has lots of markings all over his body. The ones on his arms and the two on his head are fins of a sort I'm guessing, right? But the ones on his shoulders , chest and legs, are those markings or tattoos? Also, is the middle one on his head hair?

Greg responds...

His tattoos are all invisible except when he's using his powers. So I assume you're talking about his natural markings. He has no hair, though he has fins that look hair-like, I guess.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm really glad you included Tim Drake but so far it seems like he serves no purpose in the show...as I'm writing this half the season has passed and he's had maybe 10 lines and they've all been mission related. I mean, you gave his special relationship with the Super Cycle to Superboy, his friendship with Impulse to Blue Beatle, I don't see that brotherly relationship with Nightwing they had in the comics, he lets Batgirl take charge, and we haven't even seen him speak to Batman at all. At certain times in Before the Dawn it was so awkward that he didn't say a word. It left me wondering if you have to pay the voice actor $1000000 a word or something...Hopefully this has changed by the time you answer this :) Other than that this has been yet another awesome season of an awesome show and I hope there are going to be many more

Greg responds...

Not everyone is a lead. Tim is a supporting character. That's just how it is. He's not the only one either. I don't truly agree with your assessment that he's had nothing to do, serves no purpose and has said only ten mission-related lines. I assume even you know you're exaggerating for effect. I think we have shown his relationship to Dick. I think we've hinted at other things as well, and will continue to do so.

His voice actor doesn't cost us anymore than any other voice actor - and I'm sure Cameron Bowen would agree with you that Robin doesn't get to speak enough - but he does cost money, so if he doesn't have much to say in an already crowded episode, we will reduce, say, one or two lines down to zero to give us some budgetary breathing room.

I suppose we could have simply not introduced him, but our timeline dictated that he'd be around by now. And we thought it would be more fun to have him around as a supporting character, with potential to become a lead in time, than to leave him out entirely.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Thomas writes...

I know Beast Boy is young, but does he really know what Megan does to people like Aqualad or the Kroletean? He seems to be rather innocent.......and not as likely to be called a psycopath as Megan

Greg responds...

No, I don't think he knows.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

When writing a series, especially a superhero series, there usually are a set of recurring villains that the hero(es) face off against.

My question is once you've introduced a villain for the first time, how do you decide when or if you'll bring a villain back for another episode/issue?

Is it random? Do you say to yourself "I haven't seen this character in a while so I'm bringing him/her back"?


Is it more situational/theme-oriented? Do you say to yourself "This is the place my hero(es) are in right now and this is the message I want to convey"?

I'll use Batman as an example of what I mean by situational/theme-oriented. Let's say Batman has just lost a loved one, and since Batman is dealing with lost you use this as a perfect opportunity to introduce Mr. Freeze, a villain who is also dealing with the lost of a loved one. Mr. Freeze is thematically tied to the idea of isolation and lost; but you can't keep killing Batman's love ones just to bring Mr. Freeze back, so what do you do?

Greg responds...

If you follow ANY of the above paths, I don't think you're listening very much to your characters. Generally, when things are working right, they tell you what happens next.

See, you track them all. Track what motivates them and what they would do next and look for the intersections.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman

I was re-watching Gargoyles and I was looking at how you give your characters' arcs: Goliath learning to trust humans again; the Manhattan clan expanding their philosophy of protecting the castle from the physical castle to the city itself.

I recently read an article by another writing about a type of character she called the mysterious stranger. This character is basically a character that doesn't change. I've read that characters like James Bond have been described as such a character. These type of characters sometimes change the lives of other characters in story but by the end of the story they are still the same character they were at the beginning.

A lot of superheroes are said to be these type of characters. One writer said that Batman shouldn't become happy, Bruce Banner shouldn't learn to control his anger, and the Hulk shouldn't become intelligent (though it has been done), or these characters lose what makes them who they are.

I wondering what are your thoughts on protagonist that don't change.

Can characters be kept the same after going through major events and still seem believable?


Is character change necessary to make believable characters?

Greg responds...

I don't believe in hard and fast rules. And I don't think you've asked an either/or question.

Can characters be kept the same after going through major events and still seem believable? It depends on the character and the event.

Is character change necessary to make believable characters? Depends on the character and the change.

If a character is changed by everything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a leaf in the wind. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.

If a character is NEVER changed by anything that happens to him or her, than he or she is less a character than a block of wood. So unless THAT is the type of character you're trying to portray, you haven't succeeded much.

But VERY interesting characters can be created from leaves in the wind and/or blocks of wood too.

So, again - I'm not big on sweeping generalizations or hard and fast rules.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Irritated writes...

Some people who ask questions are so RUDE! They demand, they want to tell you how to answer, how to run your own blog, they whine...They claim to be fans but act with no respect. Greg, why/how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...

Some people say to me: "You have the patience of a saint." But anyone who knows me, knows THAT'S not true. The ugly truth is probably closer to this: "He has the ego and insecurities of a petty dictator." Generally, ASK GREG helps feed that ego and assuage some of those insecurities. Most of the time, anyway.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused here. If the years on the timestamps as indicated on Young Justice issue #20 are correct, then it seems that the entirety of Season One took place during Year Zero. The present day events of the issue indicate that 2015 is Year Five. If that is true, would Season Two technically be Year Six in 2016? Also, If Young Justice: Legacy takes place one year before Season Two, would that be Year Five or Year Four?

Greg responds...

As I've said before, all attempts to LOCK in a real world year are fruitless. If it pleases you or other fans to regard Team Year Zero as 2010, I can't stop you, and it should fit most (though not necessarily all) calculations.

But, yes, all of Season One of Young Justice takes place during Team Year Zero - except for the occasional flashback and the last couple minutes of "Auld Acquaintance, which take place during the early hours of Team Year One.

Season Two, i.e. Young Justice: Invasion (with the exception of the occasional flashback and the occasional flashforward to Bart's home era), all takes place during Team Year Six.

The action - though not all of the backstory - of Young Justice Legacy, all takes place during Team Year Five.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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fan21 writes...

Why couldn't Miss Martain or Psimon sense each other in Beneath like they did in image

Greg responds...

Ultimately, they did. But keep in mind in "Image" she was looking for him, and the very act of that registered. In "Beneath", neither were expecting - let alone searching - for each other.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Demi writes...

Hi Greg, thank you for taking time from your free time to answer questions for the fans. As a kid I was a big fan of Gargoyles and I still think it's amazing. I also watched W.I.T.C.H. but my questions are for your show Young Justice which I am currently obsessed with.
1.How did Artemis know so much about the League of shadows since she obviously didn't know that her sister was working with them and that she was the assassin Cheshire.(mentioned in Infiltrator).
2. Were Sportsmaster or Paula ever involved with the shadows before Paula was sent to prison?
2a.Did Sportsmaster get Artemis involved with the shadows in any way?
2b. Was Sportsmaster involved with the shadows before Artemis joined the team?
I'm really sorry if these are spoiler requests

Greg responds...

1. She was educated on the basics by her father.

2. Yes.

2a. Are you counting the company picnic?

2b. Yes.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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anonymous writes...

dear greg, i have a few questions about YJ (which is an amazing show) concerning Artemis.
I read in another question that you answered, that before the official decision for who the mole was, you initially suggested Artemis.
1. How do you think the story would have changed if Artemis was the mole instead of Roy?
2.Would Artemis be a mole from free will or would she have been forced to, or would she think she had to because she believed that she belonged with her family even though she didn't want to? OR would she have been a clone?(By the way, I know that all this would have needed planning with you and Brandon but these questions are to what you would want to have happened if Artemis was the mole)
2a. Would Artemis become a villain at the end of season 1 or help the team and regret her mistakes?
sorry for the long questions and I hope I'm not wasting your time. Thank you!

Greg responds...

Where did you read that? Not here. And it's not true.

1. I'm not interested in those kind of hypotheticals. (How many times can I say that.)

2. Again, the premise of your question is based on a fallacy.

2a. Ditto.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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EXALT writes...

Some questions about Macbeth and Shakespeare...
1)Did Macbeth have a particular reason to choose the names Lennox and Macduff as his alias? I mean, why those and not, for example, Donalbain and Seyton?
2)You previously stated that Macbeth was mostly amused by the shakespearean version of his story. Is this true also regarding Shakespeare's portrayal of Gruoch?
3)A)What do you think is Macbeth's favourite shakespearean comedy?
3)B)And his favourite tragedy?

Greg responds...

1. I seem to recall Michael, Brynne or Lydia having a clever reason for why Macbeth specifically chose those two, but I can no longer remember what it was.

2. Ultimately, it was so far removed from the truth, that all Macbeth could be was amused at the bad history (which he was already long-accustomed to) and marvel at the artistry and the truths revealed there even if they were not hi truths. As for Gruoch, he saw so little (really nothing) of his wife in the boy playing Lady Macbeth that he couldn't be too upset. It may have also helped that the name Gruoch was.never used in the play.

3a&b. I'll leave that for each fan to imagine.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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andrews luiz writes...

what are the powers of the hawkwoman? she can talk to birds and give sonic screams?

Greg responds...

Neither. She can fly and fight and has access to some advanced Thanagarian tech.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous Writes writes...

what the Scrab mean that Wonder Girl triggered biochemical changes in Blue Beetle's Body?

Greg responds...

It's hormones. He finds her chemically attractive.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you make Tim Drake so quiet? Do you interpret the character as being shy or is he just reserved and serious? He's my favorite DC character of all time by the way, thank you for including him; like actually him with his personality and not the "Timmy Todd" they had in New Batman Adventures (though that show was pretty awesome too). It's the only place I get to see the character now since the New 52 butchered him...

Greg responds...

He's reserved and serious and maybe shy also.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Kyle writes...

Hi Greg,

Can i say you're quite unlucky because first you're show Spectacular Spiderman was awesome and critically acclaimed then it gets cancelled and left on a cliffhanger (which people got so upset and frustrated) and then young justice is on hiatus when it gets better and better. Why does bad things happen to things that are going good?

Greg responds...

Dude, if I only knew...

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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C. David Cole writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman,

First I like to tell you that I'm a big fan of your work, especially Gargoyles, I sad that the series ended and that you didn't get chance to create the season 3 you envisioned; I hope that you get the opportunity to work with the series again someday and tell the rest of the stories you had in mind. Secondly, I like to thank you and the moderators in advance for taking the time out of your schedules to read my questions.

I read that when you worked on Spectacular Spider-Man you had a central theme for the series "The Education of Peter Parker." So I was wondering:

1. Did Gargoyles have a central theme? If so what was it?
2. Do you think that a series has to have a central theme?
3. Do you think that each episode within a series has to have its own theme? Can some episodes be non-theme oriented? (Ex: Can the heroes try to stop the villains from committing some terrible act without there being a deeper meaning to it.)

Greg responds...

I hope you've picked up our three Gargoyles Trade Paperbacks, which contains at least a portion of our Season Three.

1. I'm not sure I had it boiled down quite as clearly, but it was probably something along the lines of: "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

2. No. Not every series.

3. No. Not every episode. But most benefit from one, even episodes that are mostly one big fight.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Louissa writes...

Okay, I really want to know what is going on here. I mean another hiatus?! This is the best animated show in years and they just keep putting up hiatuses? It's not okay, dude. What if they decide to cancel it? I wouldn't bear it.
You know, this show really makes me happy. It's the best DC animated show yet, seriously. You and your team do an amazing job and you give it that DC Comics spirit I love.
I'm a huge fan of the show, ever since I saw it for the first time. And you know, I always said that your show gave me the feeling that it could even bring Jason Todd. And it did, there's no way you can deny something we all saw.
I just, I don't know, if you only knew how mad I ma right now...They can't do it. This show is big. Bigger that Teen Titans, bigger than The Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. Almost bigger than Batman Beyond. They shouldn't do that.
I just, I just wanted to congratulate and thank you for the fact that you created the best animated series ever. Being a fan since I was little(I'm 15)l, and not seeing one good animated series made me mad, but your show has it all. And with all that I'm sure that we'll see in Invasion, well, it's just perfect.
Not to mention that your characters are amazing. I love Wally and the way he is portraied. And thank you for bringing Artemis as his love interest, I never liked Linda, anyway. And in Invasion, let me just tell you that Bart Allen was the best gift ever. He's one of my all time favorites, and I really love the way he acts. It's just perfect.
Well, I hope that the show will come back on Cartoon Network soon and that it will last for at least 5 seasons(it's an ordrer).

Thank you for all!

PS: Please don't reply this just with a boring "Thanks" or something,I'm curious to know what you are thinking about the hiatus.

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but I have no comment on the hiatus, beyond what I've already stated here:


Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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VanDee writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman!

I just wanted to start off by saying that regardless of the sudden hiatus and some of the negative feedback the show got around the beginning of season 2, You are doing an excellent job on Young Justice! I can't even fathom the right words to explain how highly I think of this show, but basically it's the most intelligent, entertaining, and well thought out show I've seen, animated or not. As I'm constantly busy and stressed quite often, this show provides me a moment to submerse my mind into something I fully enjoy. I look forward to this show every week and I have to say I was literally heartbroken when I found out that "Before the Dawn" along with DC Nation entirely was postponed until January. I'm not sure if you've noticed but this fandom has your back! Since I'm not aware of the real reason for the abrupt hiatus, I haven't mouthed off to cartoon network or anything, but I'm doing everything in my power to support the show. I bought the episode on itunes, signed the petition (which is well past 10,000 signatures!), I watch both Sat. and Sun airings on both the East and West networks, and buy the comics whenever I can on comixology. And this I suppose leads me to my first question:
1) What can we as a fandom and individually do to support the show in the most respectful and effective way possible?
2 )I've been really interested in buying YJ merchandise like tee-shirts and iphone backgrounds, for a while. I've seen some around online, but seeing as I think they're fan made I haven't cared to purchase any of it as I don't think the profits would benefit the show. And I know purchase of the toys are encouraged, but as a 17 year old girl without younger siblings around, I have no use for them (and I've never seen any in stores regardless). Is there any talk of producing miscellaneous merchandise, sort of how Regular Show, Adventure Time, and other DC titles do through stores like Hot Topic? Seeing as Young Justice has quite a lot of older viewers, I think this would be a good idea.
Thanks for your time. I just really wanted to know the best ways I can support the show and hopefully do my part to help Young Justice get back on air and a season 3

Greg responds...

1. I honestly don't know anymore. But there are some obvious things: WATCH IT. Even the reruns. BUY MERCHANDISE licensed from the series. Buy it on iTunes, I guess. Buy the DVDs. Sending respectful correspondence to the networks can't hurt, I wouldn't think. Buy Happy Meals (or the like) when they have a YJ promotion. Etc. Buy the video game when it comes out. Buy our companion comic book.

2. None that I've heard about.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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YJ Maniac!!!! writes...

Dear Greg,
First let me say that you and your team are awesome! YJ is one of my favorite shows ever!!!
I have three questions:
1.) Did you plan from the beginning that Artemis would take on her role as super-villain Tigress.
2.) Whose your favorite new character from this season.
3.) In episode "Before the Dawn" Shimmer melts some metal with her hands...what's this power called?

Greg responds...

1. Well, I'm not sure we planned it literally from Day One, but we figured it out pretty early on.

2. I don't have one.

3. <shrug>. Transmutation, maybe?

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

I noticed Icon was removed from #21's cover. Did you do this or did someone else?

Greg responds...

Me? No.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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JB writes...

In Bloodlines was Bart's apparent interest in Blue Beetle foreshadowing?

Greg responds...

Well, if you remove the word "apparent" from your question, then you don't even need to refer to it as foreshadowing. He was objectively interested in Blue Beetle - now you know why.

But I guess from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, it was laying pipe or 'foreshadowing'.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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Riyan writes...

Hi Greg,
I love Young Justice very much, thank you for this great show.
Here is my question, in YJ comic book #5 and #6, the team have a camp and told the story of why they become young heroes. I appreciate these plot. But I found there is no story of how Roy became Speedy and when did he met GA and why did he became his partner. I'm really curious about it.
Hope this is not a spoiler question, somehow I don't think it would be.

Greg responds...

Well, of course it is.

Response recorded on December 10, 2012

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