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1. Did Marvin White attend Ivy University along with Wendy, Conner and M'gann?
2. If not, did he go to college elsewhere?
2. Ditto.
How old was Jason Todd during Season 1/Team Year Zero?
1. If M'gann based her appearance off of Marie Logan (who has blue eyes), why are her eyes brown?
2. In last month's comic, you stated parental consent was needed to join The Team. Does that mean Commissioner Gordon knows Barbara is Batgirl?
3. Did Artemis kill anyone while training with her Dad?
Can't wait for Young Justice to come back in January! Thanks for being awesome.
1. Are they?
2. Barbara's over 18. So SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.
Before I ask my question, I just wanted to offer an explanation about something. I see a lot of confusion from people who aren't shall we say denizens of the internet regarding "trolling". Trolling is doing or saying something to rile someone up for humorous purposes, and everyone seems to be familiar with the cruel, schadenfreude usage of this. It can also be used affectionately- your friend could troll you by calling you that embarrassing nickname in front of your new girlfriend. When people say you are trolling the fandom, they're not calling you mean- it's saying you're kind of messing with us, playing with our heads. In a sense, it kind of means you're doing your job really well as a creator.
My actual question is that I was wondering about Green Arrow and Black Canary in earth-16. I actually also really love Black Canary, and ship them together really hard, and I was wondering
1) what their first impressions of each other were like. 2)Do they live together, currently, or do they have their own places?
3)What is your favorite relationship dynamic for them?
4) How long had they been together at the start of season one?
5) Who are they probably closest to, within the league?
Thank you for looking at this!
1. This question requires an entire story in response. And this just isn't the format for me to be telling stories.
3. Um... together?
4. See above.
5. Each other.
Are Flash and Atom (the shrinking guy) friends? Cuz you always see him (atom) riding on Flash's shoulder or is this just the best place for Atom to ride?
Yes. They are very good/old friends. Though you will see Atom on other shoulders as well.
Going only their designation numbers and other members of the team (that we know of) at the time, I'm assuming Robin joined the team just after Beast Boy, and that at the times of them joining the team, they were the youngest members by several years in comparison to the rest of the team. Because of this, are Gar and Tim closer to/more comfortable with each other than other members of the team? Are they considered as best friends?
I'm not going to confirm or deny your assumptions at this stage.
1. Do you keep and update your timeline in a notebook, or are they files on your computer.
2. If the second option is true, do you design the appearance of your timeline? (special font, for example)
1. The latter.
2. Um... I'm not sure what you mean by designed. It's all Times font, although I use different sizes and bold and italics for various things. It's nothing fancy, but it's functional.
1. How old is Vulko?
2. How old is Whisper A'Daire?
3. How old is Wilcox?
4. How old is Daddy Lidz?
5. How old is David Reid?
1. Vulko was 69 at the end of Season One.
3. If you mean the prison guard, I'm not tracking him. If you mean Dr. David Wilcox, the STAR Labs scientist, I haven't added him into the timeline yet.
4. Who?
1. How old is Singh Manh Li?
2. How old is Xiaping?
3. How old is Biggitz?
4. How old is Hauser?
5. How old is Cooper?
At the end of Season One:
1. Singh Manh Li was 67.
2. Xiaping was 45.
3-5. Were these all Belle Reve Prison guards? In the script, they weren't named characters, and I'm not tracking them at this time.
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And while you're at it, mark your calendars: December 3rd, 2013. That's the date when my first published novel hits bookstores, Amazon.com, etc.
The novel is called RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, and if you attended the second Gathering of the Gargoyles in 1998, you saw a version of the story as part of our very first Gathering Players' Radio Play.
I'm very excited about this. I've been working on this property for over ten years (obviously), and it's great to finally be getting it out there to people. I've already reviewed and approved the copy edited manuscript and the cover. Even got some great blurbs/recommendations from folks whose names you're going to recognize. Right now, I'm plotting the second book in the series. (LOTS OF INDEX CARDS!!) And I honestly believe that if you've enjoyed any of my previous work - and why would you be here at ASK GREG if you didn't -then you'll like this too.
More on this as the year progresses. In fact, I might just hold some kind of countdown to 12/03/13. Though of course, if you want to pre-order the book now, I won't try to stop you.
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