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How often does the Justice League visit New Zealand?
I asked you this question for a number of reasons:
1. The most obvious one is that most superheroes do not use guns and unlike America, most of our police force do not carry guns and we will continue not to carry them. Our general policing is not and will never be the culture of the gun.
2. Crime still happens in New Zealand even though we are a very safe nation.
3. We handle terrorism, gun crime, police brutality and corruption very seriously.
4. We frequently show wanted faces and serious crimes in a popular and successful TV show called "Police Ten Seven". &
5. We are one of the least corrupt police forces in the world.
Cheers bro.
Sounds great.
But it also makes it sound like New Zealand is a place that doesn't need the Justice League all that much.
But I'd sure like to go!!
I have a question about Vendettas. When Vinnie first encounters Goliath and Wolf fighting he was driving a fork lift. Why was this? Was that his job at the time? It would amuse me to think that Vinnie brought his pie firing cannon to work. Then again he mostly encountered the Gargoyles at work, so maybe he wasn't being so illogical.
Boy, it's been a LONG time since I watched that episode. Wasn't he tracking them? Then he made use of the forklift because it was there? Honestly, I just can't remember. But what you're suggesting doesn't sound right.
*** Dexter Season 7 spoilers ***
Hey Greg,
After two lack luster seasons of Dexter, I thought Season 7 had some great writing and I really enjoyed all the call backs to previous events. Most of the episodes had me on the edge of my seat especially during the Dexter/Deb scenes and during the later Dexter/Hannah scenes. I was fairly certain that Deb took a page out of Dexter's book of deception and poisoned herself to frame Hannah. I felt that the writers were building toward the complete corruption of Deb, but I never realized that it would be in the way that it would happen in the finale. I loved how Dexter used Hannah's words on Deb which felt like honesty with a hint of manipulation. The overall theme of the latest season laid the groundwork for the final season while still providing great satisfaction with each plot element. Sadly, the season was not without flaw as while the main characters shined, the minor ones did not get that same opportunity. I really have no idea how the show is going to end and I like that. I want to be surprised. I don't want to see it coming. What did you think?
Thanks for taking the time to respond and good luck with the second half of season 2 of Young Justice: Invasion. Take care.
- Tony
Well, for starters, I wouldn't agree that the last two seasons of Dexter were lackluster. I enjoyed both thoroughly. But I also thought this season was great. I thought it was structurally VERY odd - with characters building to less (and even more) than you'd expect - and like you, I thought Deb had poisoned herself, but I think that was a red herring that they wanted us to think.
I do wish that in the very last scene, both Dexter and Deb had been wearing a change of clothes, but...
Did Mal Duncan become involved with the Team before or after Bumblebee joined?
A few questions about Artemis and Icicle Jr(Cameron) on Young Justice
1)a)Does Artemis still like Icicle Junior (as a friend)? since they used to be friends and b)does he still like her? OR c) do they despise each other now in season 2?
2)What kind of relationship do they have?
3) Have they ever spoken to each other as friends again since the time they saw each other when Artemis was "arrested" ?
4)a)Does Cameron know that Artemis died? b)How does he feel about it?
5) Did Cameron ever find out about Artemis being a hero?
1a. Still? You're assuming she ever liked him. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.
1b. I'm sure he's still attracted to her.
1c. Despise is such a strong word.
2. You're assuming they have ANY relationship. I won't confirm or deny that assumption.
3. Ever? I guess so.
4a. Probably.
4b. Probably thinks it's a waste.
5. Ultimately, yes.
1. Was the ash not raining down anymore and Happy Harbor being slightly larger after Impulse left the Future intentional?
2. Do all Team Members have stealth tech?
3. Are Bette Kane and Dick dating as of "Before the Dawn" or was she a one-night stand?
1. I didn't notice Happy Harbor being larger. Frankly, I can't recall if I noticed Happy Harbor at all.
2. Not all of them need it.
3. Neither.
Hi there, Sir!
I think I may be one of your biggest Russian fans! I'm visiting Australia at the moment, but I always try and watch and get new episodes off iTunes when they come out.
I know you've heard this a billion times before; but condolences to you, I am so sorry for what CN did to you and your fantabulous show! I am so happy that it will be coming back soon!
I have a few questions, IF you don't mind me asking.
1.Why can you not comment on the situation that CN has put you in? Is this legal issues, or just plainly because you do not know why they did what they did? I'm hoping by the time you reach this question, the whole waiting game will be done, and the episodes will be back on TV.
2.How do you feel about music montages in shows? Would you even consider doing something like this? And if you would- would you use already known music- tunes that had been in the charts, or even just well known tunes- or do you prefer using music that is plainly made for your show?
3.Would you be allowed to use the type of music in my previous question- or would there be legal issues surrounding this? How would one be able to put that certain music onto the show? Licensing or...?
4.Concerning Superboy and the Real!Roy Harper (I have noticed people write it like this.)- why did Superboy need so much less DNA then Clone!Roy- did they not took a whole arm, right? Why could they not have just took DNA in the way they took genetic material from Superman- or was this because of the fact that Superboy also had Lexs' DNA in him?
5.About Superboy and DNA- why does he not look like both Superman and Lex. I know he is a clone of Superman, but if he had Lexs' DNA too, wouldn't this give him some shared physical attributes with Lex? Or am I just overestimating how much of Lexs' DNA was used?
Thank you very very much, Sir, for your time and your great efforts with the show.
1. I DID comment: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=982 I may feel free to say more after episode #220 has aired.
2a. Uh... I'm not constitutionally opposed to them. Though I often think they've been misused and abused to the point of being reduced to cliche.
2b. Sure. Though often that's a luxury of time that we can't afford. Our episodes tend toward the jam-packed. And even with that, people complain weekly about what we LEAVE OUT of every episode.
2c. There's no way we could EVER afford to use a pre-existing tune in our series. Those are very expensive, and it's not in our budget.
3. Well, of course, there would be legal issues if we tried to use existing music without paying for it! (Which, of course, we would never do.) But otherwise, it's a budgetary issue.
4. Both Roy Harpers are real. Roy was cloned YEARS before Superman was. Project Cadmus had made advances since then.
5. Human DNA was only used to bridge gaps in the Kryptonian sequence.
This will be risking DELETION huh?S
Spectacular spider-man ended...but it was an awesome show that adapted the great elements about spider-man.I don't have a problem with Ultimate spider-man but your show was amazing,SPECTACULAR even. Also love Young Justice!The five year time skip was surprising but the writing is great.Hope superboy doesn't punch reality;)That would be really surprising.Anyway, in a vain attempt to not get DELETED I will ask a question:
1)How do you feel about 52 joker
2)How about him,um,uh,losing face
Yours questioningly,
1. Haven't seen it.
2. I don't know what you're referring to.
Hi Greg
First of all, I really want to thank you and everyone on the YJ crew for this amazing series! Now, for the question:
In regards to additional seasons, do you guys get any indication as to whether or not Cartoon Network is interested in continuing the series earlier on in the season, later/ near the end, or whenever they feel like it?
That last one.
How much research did you have to do before starting on Young Justice? How did you go about doing research (ie wikis, movies, comics, etc)?
I feel like I've answered this before, but...
I read a ton of comics, starting with the big black and white Showcase Teen Titans reprint volumes and all the Young Justice comics that I could get my hands on, plus a few other random things, including most of my own collection of New Teen Titans, Flash, Green Lantern, DC Comics Presents, Captain Atom, etc. I also watched a bunch of episodes of Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans. (Although this was mostly done to avoid copying what they had done.) I also read through (or at least skimmed) pretty much the entire DC Encyclopedia. Occasionally, I'd do a quick check of something on Wikipedia and/or ComicVine or my own old issues of Who's Who. And when I needed to go deep - John Wells was there to help out.
Plus, keep in mind that I'm a huge geek that's been in this game professionally since 1983 and reading comics since, 1969ish... So I knew a lot of stuff already. Plus there's Brandon and Phil and a ton of other geeks that worked on the show.
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