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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

"The Fix" was a well-done episode and kept me guessing every other moment. Here are my thoughts below.

Topics of Thought on "The Fix":

Reach Apocalypse…Averted?: By the end of this episode, I felt that's what most likely happened. But then again, nothing concrete has been shown to tell the audience that Green Beetle is pure good. What would really shock me is if Green Beetle was actually later shown to be a bad guy; making him a scorpion of sorts. Heck, I'd be surprised if a later episode is called that name…

Artemis' Self-Doubt: Hearing everything she's been thinking to herself, I bet all Artemis fans might be reasonably worried. It would be a shame if she actually decides to become a villain for real. But then again, it would defeat the whole point of what she's been establishing for herself in Season One, and more importantly, Wally would be heart-broken if she defects…

Secrets and Lies = Divided They Fall?: With at least two more members knowing the truth about Aqualad and Artemis as well as the resulting frustration, I fear it might lead to an episode that might actually bear the name. The addition of Miss Martian's life being in jeopardy doesn't help much either.

The Additive: Well-explained… though I thought it would be some kind of mind-control drug to turn the public against the Justice League… I might be wrong, but I'll wait to see what else happens.

Tula, Aqualad's Mental Defense Mechanism? = What the heck was that all about?! I thought that Tula would be shown in some kind of flashback, but that was just crazy beyond belief. On the other hand, Aqualad is on the slow road to recovery; I just hope that as he does, he doesn't accidentally slip about Artemis or himself to his biological father…

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts.

Greg responds...

You're welcome. Seems like you'd like a gig titling episodes.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "The Fix" personally?

Greg responds...

I think the curb appeal was going inside Kaldur's devastated mind. Plus, the Artemis internal monologue.

Response recorded on April 17, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I'm going to direct you to Rain's page on Amazon:


They've posted some quotations from a handful of folks, who have already read the book. More often than not, these are merely partial quotes, so I'm going to post the full quotation here over the next few days. Next up:

"A thoroughly entertaining joyride." -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of Rot and Ruin

I've never met Mr. Mayberry, so this is the first quotation that came from a stranger.

Here's the full quotation:

"RAIN OF THE GHOSTS is quirky, clever and downright creepy. A thoroughly entertaining joyride into the world of the fantastic." -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times bestselling author of ROT & RUIN and ASSASSIN'S CODE

Salivating yet? (Ugh. That was over the top, huh?)

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J writes...

Does your version of Despro have telepathic powers like in the comics, or can he do anything other than paralize with his third-eye?

If he does have telepathic powers, why didn't he "hear" the conversation between Miss Martian and Guardian?
Was it because he didn't have his third-eye open at the time?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that his paralytic power isn't telepathic in nature.

You're assuming that all telepaths operate on the exact same frequency.

Neither of those are safe assumptions.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If each member of the Team on Young Justice were to be replaced with a character from Marvel Comics (regardless of which universe they are from) who would act as their potential equivalents (in terms of similar skills/abilities), who would they be and why (in one sentence per character)?

Greg responds...

Why are you asking me this?

If this is an exercise that interests you, go for it. But I have no inside information on something so arbitrary.

Guys, please, I appreciate that you want to have fun with these kinds of things, but that's not what ASK GREG is for. Creating make-work for me - because, I can only assume, you think I'll enjoy it - is not going to get a positive response here. And all it really does is clog the queue.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Kevin writes...

1. Do the inhibitor collars also take away invulnerability when they are used on individuals with super strength?
2. Does Black Beetle's strength come from the suit or is it a superpower from his own species?
3. Who was the person in the Star Labs coat besides Eduardo Dorado Sr. in Cornered?
4. Is Star Labs a public or private organization?
5. Who storyboard/animated the shot of Deathstroke with his sword between his shoulders in the Fix? I was actually a little intimidated.

Greg responds...

1. Depends on the nature and origins of said invunerability.

2. Mostly the scarab/suit. Though he is a fairly large specimen, and he has training.

3. I think you're referring to Dr. David Wilcox.

4. Private.

5. Oh, I'm sorry. I don't recall. It was pretty cool though. Brandon might remember. You could ask him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Which fandom do you honestly appreciate the most:
1- Gargoyles fans
2- Spectacular Spider-Man fans
3- Young Justice fans
4- Greg Weisman fans

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Chris writes...

Were Ivo or Morrow ever members of S.T.A.R. Labs?

Greg responds...

Morrow wasn't. Haven't thought about Ivo in that context. Honestly, I haven't given any thought to when S.T.A.R. was founded.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello, Mr. Greg Weisman,

I thought I might want to let you know about this. It's seem kind of funny when I think about it.

It seems that anything DC Comics-related is recently making the strange use of the number 5.

How do I know this? Well, to recap things:

A. Following the events of the DC universe-changing Flashpoint on 2011, it is stated that the age of heroes began FIVE years prior to the present day (which would be about 2006).

B. The first issue of "Earth 2," which was released on May 2012, also took place FIVE years prior to the present day (which is about 2007), and then the rest of the series takes place in the present day.

C. The time-skip between Seasons One and Two of Young Justice was FIVE whole years, a period of time of which whatever happened to our heroes (both old and new) remains mostly a mystery (probably about 90% unsolved by my guesstimate)...

D. Recently, DC Comics has just started a prequel comic for the upcoming video game called "Injustice: Gods Among Us" which will comic out in April. The first chapter (which was released digitally) came out the week prior to the date of this posting (on a Tuesday). The events of the prequel comic happens to take place FIVE years prior to the events of the game.

Does it seem like a coincidence that the number 5 is being used in such a manner by DC Comics?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. I'm interested to hear your opinions.


Greg responds...

It seems like five is a nice round number for a time skip.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Sam writes...

In "Happy New Year" aboard the Watchtower, Superboy, Nightwing, Miss Martian, Zatanna, and Rocket were shown privately in a psychic link during the discussion of the Kroloteans. This seemed to be similar to the psychic link Zatanna pointed out in "Humanity". Do the senior members, even Z and Raquel/from Team Year Zero, automatically link up psychically whenever they're together?

Greg responds...

Old habits. Of course, Miss M would need to be there.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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