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VELATIONS 2013-04 (Apr)

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SHAZAM! writes...

So, it was announced that Young justice had been cancelled, which is very unfortunate because it's one of the best shows around since JLU.

I was wondering, I know there are a few petitions going around, but is there a chance that a canceled contract could be renewed? Also, is there any other way that the show could go back in the air?

If not, I'm glad we did get two seasons, and i can't wait for the rest of season 2, but could you please not leave it on a cliffhanger :0 ? I hope you guys do get un-cancelled, and thanks for all your hard work and effort, i just hope the next DC show is as good or better, because honestly, we really don't need another batman show, we need good DC universe stories like Young Justice created.

PS. As for season 3, you mentioned you had an idea for it, is the story all written out, and did it ever get to the animation stage?

Greg responds...

To be clear, and it may seem like mere semantics, but the show was not cancelled. It simply has not been picked up for more episodes. The odds of that changing are slim, but not impossible. And the odds of something Earth-16 coming back some day are also not impossible. After all, a new version of Teen Titans just hit CN's schedule.

The best way to convince TPTB is with your wallet. By the video game, by the DVDs, by the Trade Paperbacks. By whatever YJ merchandise you can find.

And I'd suggest giving the new Beware the Batman show a real chance. I've read many of the scripts (and wrote one of them), and I really liked what I read. REALLY.

As for Season Three of YJ, no. Of course not. If we didn't get picked up, how would it have been scripted, let alone animated?

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

"Runaways" was a crazy episode, and bad things are definitely happening more often than good things are. Here are my thoughts below.

My thoughts about "Runaways":

Red Volcano is Back?! - That's impossible! We saw his demise in Season One! How is it that he came back?!

Blue Beetle's Aggressiveness - What a way for Blue to screw up! He tries to take on Red Volcano and nearly kills one of the people he is trying to help and loses their trust, all in one night. But then again, it's not his fault…

More like a Green Scorpion than a Green Beetle - It's insane. I thought he was one of the good guys, but now we see that he's in cahoots with Black Beetle and we don't know why. Worse, now we know that Green Beetle is part of the reason why the Reach Apocalypse happens; all because he rebooted the blue scarab to control Jaime…

What did Asami say? - I didn't understand a single thing that she said when she spoke. It would've nice if there were English subtitles to translate her language…

Deal with the Devil? - Lex wants the Runaways to join the cause of the Light? They'll probably say yes and that's not good. The Runaways would probably be viewed as heroes by the public but the Justice League and the Team would be viewed as villains…

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

I think all of your questions have been ASKED AND ANSWERED, but they may have been rhetorical anyway.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Markus L. McClellan writes...

1. Do any of the Reach have names?
2. How old is Despero?
3. How old is Lobo?
4. What year did Lagoon Boy joined the team?
5. What exactly are Sam's powers?

Greg responds...

1. None that you could pronounce.

2. I don't know.

3. I don't know.



Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Oh, and why were there no subtitles for Asami's dialogue? And what was she saying throughout the episode "Runaways"?

Greg responds...

There were no subtitles because we intentionally wanted the audience to be in the same boat as Ed, Virgil and Tye.

Below is all the Japanese dialogue and the translations that are in the script. Some of it might have been slightly different in the final on screen product.

(I want to state in advance that we did the best we could. The translations and transliterations were all run by a Japanese native in advance. And the actress who played Asami, Janice Kawayi, is fluent in Japanese. I have no way of knowing if there are errors, but no one can claim that we didn't do our very best to get it right.)

Wilcox: Mo oshi my. Oyasumi nasai, Asami-san. [We're finished. Goodnight, Asami.]

Asami: Domo, domo. [Thank you, thank you.]

Asami: Suimasen? [Excuse me?]

Asami: Suimasen!

Asami: Suimasen!

Asami: Suimasen!

Asami: Suimasen?

Asami: Yabai. Yasura ga kulu. [Trouble. They're coming.]

Asami: Suimasen!

Asami: Tahsukute kureru no? [Will you help us?]

Jaime: <sigh> Hai. I'll help you.

Asami: Nadaka yoku wakaranai kado, ja ishoni ikuwayo. [I have no idea what's going on, but I'll follow.]

Asami: Doitashimashite. Achoto, suimasen! [You're welcome. Now, please, excuse me!]

Wilcox: Virgil, Asami-san. Domo. Thank you.

Asami: Suimasen.

Virgil: "Suimasen." That means "trouble", doesn't it?

Lex: Kimi no chikara ni, naritain da. [Lit: I want to be a power behind you. Fig: I want to help.]

Asami: Ah… domo?

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Rose Jackson writes...

This isn't a question, but just a show of appreciation.
I'm not a fan of DC myself but I have younger siblings and cousins who are. Let me start by explaining that my family is a mixture of cultures: Hispanic, African, and Native American. The younger children are often perturbed by the lack of diversity they see in the cartoons they watch, especially in the superhero shows. I once had the youngest of my cousins state that she wished that she was Caucasian, because that was the only way she could be a superhero. I instantly went out to buy her a DVD of Static Shock. She loved it, but it made me sad to realize that this show isn't on tv, and it scared me to think how many other children must feel the same.
But recently the little ones have come to me declaring their love of the show Young Justice currently playing every Saturday on Cartoon Network, because they finally see characters they can relate to. I can't tell you how many times I have heard about Aqualad, Bumblebee, Blue Beetle, and others. They have even chosen who they want to dress up as for Halloween! So I'm just sending out my thanks to you Greg because I don't think many people realize the impact cartoons can have on kids and their self image. And I'm glad that my siblings and cousins can finally see a positive superhero icon they can relate to.


Greg responds...

Thank you, Rose. This is a big concern to me. So I'm glad that in our own small way we're making a difference.

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Eagle-Owl writes...

Called it! I KNEW Green Beetle couldn't be trusted!

So, how did Red Volcano come back?

Greg responds...

Does it matter?

Anyway, there's a whole story involved, but this isn't a forum where I tell entire stories. And even if it was, it'd be a spoiler request. So I'm back to: Does it matter?

Response recorded on April 25, 2013

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Brock writes...

So, what exactly is Asami's power? It just didn't seem explained in the episode

Greg responds...

Brandon Vietti answers that (and other things) here:


WF: Lots of fans asked this one: Could you break down what is Asami's power?

BV: Asami's power gives her the ability to gather and channel the flow of her inner energy (chi, ki, or chakra). She can expel this energy to propel herself forward, cushion a landing or push things away from her. She can also reverse that flow which allows her to stick to a vertical surface for a short period of time. Reversing the energy flow only has an affect on things she touches and not objects outside her grasp. The pattern of concentric circles that trail behind her when leaping or project in front of her when pushing are supposed to represent an air disturbance. Asami's body glows slightly as she utilizes her energy which also provides her a little protection from rough landings and impacts but won't stop a bullet.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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J writes...

Since Red Volcano is back (this shouldnt be a spoiler to anyone...you said this yourself in your latest post in the response section), does that mean Red Inferno, a.k.a Firebrand, could still be "alive" (for lack of a better term) as well?
I never believed she was gone in the first place...I mean wouldnt she have been designed to withstand extreamly high tempuratures? How could she melt from lava? I know lava is really hot...but if Red Volcano can survive it (and he was shown to have melted, at least partially), then she should too...at least thats my theory.
Poor Red Torpedo though, he has no excuse to have survived...but he kind of came off to me as suicidal anyway, and he went out like any hero should...so maby its for the best.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Few questions about "True Colors"
1. Did Lex Luthor want the Team to procure the additive that the Reach was using?

2. Did Luthor have any way of knowing that they had procured the additive (e.g. hidden cameras that Robin didn't hack, counting the inventory)?

Greg responds...

1. A sample of it, yes.

2. He has faith in their skills.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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HOPE FOR YJ? writes...

Is there anything us fans can do to keep YJ alive?! We love the show! Don't tell us this is the end!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, please find another network to air this amazing show you've got.
I mean seriously, Young Justice made me feel more confident with myself. I became healthier and smarter because the characters are like role models on this show.
I cannot imagine not waiting for new Young Justice episodes every weekend, a hiatus is bad enough!
I'm on the verge of tears. I cannot be more serious.
Please Greg, we're going to keep supporting Young Justice and make Cartoon Network change their minds. Help us!!

Greg responds...


I don't know how many ways I can say it: I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THIS SITUATION. NONE. I can't take it to another network. I can't make anyone change their minds. It's just flat out not within my power.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Craig writes...

Is J'onn a Cubs fan or a White Sox fan?

Greg responds...


The DH rule disgusts him.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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dailyplanetintern writes...

Cries inconsolably.... T_T

CN has pretty much officially/unofficially put the last nail in the coffin of YJ:I.

It's just such a cop out, giving people and fans the run around, saying that the show isn't canceled since they still have new episode premieres left.

That isn't what people are asking, we already knew that the end of season 2 was going to air. We wanted to know about a season three.

And then to list the show a not returning but not officially say that she show isn't coming back due to cancellation? There's a big difference between a show having run it's course and end, than a show that's going fine and then just not renewed. The public views that as canceled, not just when a show is yanked mid-season and the episodes that remain are never shown.

And why won't they just say GL:TAS and YJ:I are not coming back? Why can't they say that officially? Why treat the fans so badly? We had horrible hiatuses, and then the stunt they pulled back in October. They owe us that much. They should just officially say that they're killing both series.

I just don't understand why. Both shows do well in ratings as far as if can tell. They may have not done so well in toy sales but I could never find them anywhere except Target and there's no Target where I live; had they sold them at Walmart then I would have bought Conner, Wally, Artemis and Robin. But the Young Justice Comic sales are HUGE so I don't get it.

The people are right, what there needs to be is a DC Channel on tv. I think DC shows would fair better if they did so.

I just thought that DC Nation would rotate between GL:TAS and YJ:I and TTG and BTB. It made sense to me. I mean that doesn't bode well for any DC Nation show, I mean either they are going to be on air forever with no room for anything new or no series is going to last long which isn't fair to fans who hope for more than 2 seasons.

Where's the petition to bring back YJ? I want to sign it.

I knew I was fortunate that Smallville lasted as long as it did and was able to end properly, and even it is still going in comic form. Pretty much for every other show I watch I don't hold out for it. I'm thankful when they get renewed, but I'm not so attached to live-action anymore, because almost everything new I like gets cancelled. When the shows brake during the year or for the summer I don't feel like I'm going to die anymore like I did with Smallville and for that I'm thankful. But I am that way with Young Justice. I've just never come across an animated series that is as amazing as YJ is.

As much as I live GL I could survive if it didn't come back, but not with Young Justice. It's just so perfect. If it is really gone this is officially the last time I'm going to allow myself to get attached to ANYTHING that comes on tv. It just if you find a show to love be thankful you have it while you can because no matter how popular or well written/animated a series is the next season isn't promised.

It'll be like life.

I just keep hoping that they'll say that the show will come back because even though YJ:I isn't coming back it's under another production name like they've done with all the Ben 10 series. The new shows are separate from each other as if there's no relation even though it's the same continuing storyline, but I don't think that's going to happen.

Which is sad because something like YJ could go on for quite a while. It's open to SO many more stories and adventures. With these 2 season we've seen a lot but at the same time we haven't. I would love to see inside these characters lives more, not just what happens on mission or the fall out from missions. I want to see how Conner handles his state as his friends "outgrow" him. That would be very interesting to see.

Why is it that all the thought provoking, and engaging series are the ones that get axed, and stupid humor/comedy somehow has immortality?

I think it's because people don't want to watch anything that makes them think, or watch a show where they can't figure out the ending within the first five minutes.

I just wish you could post and tell is that Young Justice is really gone. I won't believe it until you say it.

Morning with you...


PS: I am though very much looking forward to seeing "The Runaways" this Saturday. I can't wait to see Virgil/Static. It just pains me that I maybe won't be seeing him past these next seven episodes.

Greg responds...

Um, I'm mostly going to assume that you just felt the need to vent. And chose Ask Greg as your vent-location of choice. Which is fine. But there's not much for me to say.

YJ returns this September in the video game Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly owns the rights to the Young Justice TV show? Cartoon Network?...DC?...you?

Greg responds...

I was tempted to answer this sarcastically, but I just know someone would take it at face value, so I refrained. (Aren't you all proud of me.)

Warner Brothers owns the cartoon. DC owns the characters. Both are divisions of Time Warner, as is Cartoon Network.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Mark of Jargon writes...

B'arzz O'oomm is Jemm, isn't he?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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Bruce Watkinson writes...

As it was mentioned in the episode "Earthlings," Conner had stated that he doesn't age physically. While it's common knowledge that Young Justice is coming to a close later this year, I'm still curious if this problem would've been addressed in a future conflict/subplot for the series.

Greg responds...

With enough time and episodes or issues, yes.

Response recorded on April 24, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Mr. Greg Weisman,

I don't want to believe that Young Justice is going to end! IF it does, then it defeats the purpose of introducing the New Gods and the use of New Genesis and Apokolips technology on Earth-16. I still suspect that the entire cast of the New Gods are somehow coming to the Earth-16 universe (if not because of what's happening in the New 52, then for another reason altogether). The hints are there, and I'm sure some people are suspecting the same things as I. If the New Gods are going to get a big role in Young Justice, we'll know, right?

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. For the sake of the fans who love your show, please find some way keep Young Justice (and the Earth-16 universe, by extension) alive!

We're counting on you!

Greg responds...

Okay (a), the New 52 had nothing to do with YJ. That's not a value judgement, it's just a pragmatic FACT of the schedule we were on. And (b), DON'T COUNT ON ME!!!

I've said it over and over FOR YEARS!! I don't control this stuff. I have no influence. NONE.

If I COULD control this stuff, frankly, I'd still be doing Gargoyles fulltime, and I probably never would have worked on anything since.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, please please please dont let Cartoon Network do this!
Young Justice has motivated me to start working out (with amazing results!) and become more intelligent!
I cannot imagine no new Young Justice episodes to look forward to.
We won't let them cancel Young Justice!

Greg responds...

And, again, I have NO control over whether or not ANY series is picked up or not.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Black Friar writes...

I have a few questions, but first let me congratulate you on an absolutely incredible show! I've only recently started watching Young Justice (being from Ireland, it has a rather spotty airing schedule over here) so it was actually a friend who introduced me. And right from episode one I was hooked! The artwork is GORGEOUS, the dialogue snappy and fun, the storylines clever and intriguing, but most importantly (to me anyway) the characterization is phenemonal. I love all of the characters you have created on the show (especially Wally, Artemis and Black Canary), but Robin is my absolute favourite. In fact, speaking as someone who's absolute favourite Superhero is Dick Grayson's Robin, I will pay you the highest compliment that I can; YJ's season one Robin is the best animated Robin EVER! And I am including Batman: The Animated Series in that. Up until now, there hasn't been a single animated Robin who even comes close to touching BTAS' Dick Grayson in terms of brilliance, but your little Robin has even blown him out of the water. I take my hat off to you on that one, Sir.

Now, on to my questions. I do apologise if some of them were asked already, but I've looked through the list and haven't seen any of them. However, there were SO many questions that I developed double vision for a finish and may have missed them.

Q. 1. I noticed that you already responded to the question "why did Queen Bee want Robin taken in alive in Bereft?" with the answer "think of Speedy as a cautionary tale." However, my question is was it just Robin that she wanted, or was she hoping to make clones of the rest of the team? And if it was just Robin she wanted to capture, then why?

Q. 2. How or why did Robin reveal his identity to Wally? I've read the Face your Fears comic but it never explains why Robin revealed who he really was to Wally.

Q. 3. Who came up with the idea of having Robin play with prefixes? (well done to whomever it was, sheer genius and brilliant characterization) And was it intended as a nod to Dick Grayson's corny one liners from the Golden age of Batman comics?

Q. 4. This is probably like asking do you have a favourite child but…do you have a favourite character from season one and if so, whom?

Q. 5. When it came to the design of the female characters, who decided they should wear flat boots? Because I would like to shake the hands of that person. The design is the most realistic portrayal of any female superhero that I've ever seen on an animated show. I've seen some nasty digs on this site at the female characters in YJ, and I don't know what those people were smoking. Your female characters are incredible (especially Artemis and Black Canary).

Incidentally, thank you for taking the time to respond to fans like this. It's very good of you.

Greg responds...

1. I think she would have taken any of the heroes she could get.

2. They quickly bonded, and over time, Robin just decided he wanted to tell Wally the truth.

3. My kids and I did.

4. I don't have a single favorite character.

5. I didn't want physically active characters in high heels, and I expressed that, but I got no argument from Brandon or Phil. We all wanted to be as realistic as possible. On the other hand, I had no problem with a character like Zatanna being in heels, but when she had to run, she magically changed her shoes.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What are your thoughts about:

1- The Gargoyles fandom?
2- The W.I.T.C.H. fandom?
3- The Spectacular Spider-man fandom?
4- The Young Justice fandom?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for here. Generally speaking, I love all four fandoms (and there's a lot of overlap). My life has - without a doubt - been enriched by my associations with the fandoms of the series' I've worked on. Some of the Gargoyles' fans are some of my best friends.

In person, the fandoms are almost without exception fantastic.

Sometimes on line, less so. I think that the anonymity of the internet does at times encourage bad behavior. And I think that's gotten progressively worse with each passing year. But that has more to do with the internet than with any individual fandom. And, yet, even with that caveat, I love interacting with fans on line. At least most of the time.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Louissa writes...

Greg, please, don't let them end your show. I'm begging you, you have no idea how much this show helped me! I have been a hardcore comic book fan ever since I was 4. I know every episode of every superhero show that's ever been done. I grew up watching Batman Beyond and Justice League. I grew up hoping I'll see Jason Todd, Bart Allen, Blue Beetle, Cassie Sandsmark. I wished to see Deathstroke as he is, not Slade or anything. I wanted to see Vandal Savage fierce as he is. I wanted Stephanie Brown. I wanted Static Shock.
I was having quite a rough time last year, around this date I think, when I discovered Young Justice. Rough time? Let's say depression. Reasons aren't necessary, I was just lost.
Young Justice was something I could hang onto. The plot was just so smart and well-made. The characters were so realistic and true to their comic selves. It was just perfect. Better than Teen Titans, Batman Beyond, Justice League. It was that show I had been waiting for all my life.
Now, really, with only 2 seasons, and the second one is not even complete, on FanFiction, Young Justice is place 8 in cartoons. The first places are occupied by shows that were around for some time(Avatar: The Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Danny Phantom, X-Men Evolution).
It became so popular because it is so good! In the first season, that dynamics between Artemis and Wally, along with the secrets that started to float around, the mystery, that Dick Grayson you created, the lies and all made this show one of the best that was ever made.
Season two is just as full of surprises. I had never ever thought, but hoped that I'll get to see all the characters that made it to the screen in your series.
I'm sure that Cartoon Network can't complain about the number of viewers, seriously. This show has an army of fans. I know it because I was one of the founders of a Young Justice army on FanFiction.
I don't want to believe that this show is going to be cancelled. I don't want to understand that. I want to wake up and find out that Young Justice is having a third season. You just can't let them do this.
Do you have any ideas of how many thngs I was hoping from this show? It already gave me so much, but I was hoping for even more. I am sure that you had plenty of ideas for a third season. I am sure that the characters that would have been part of it were some of those I had always wanted to see.
Please, move it anywhere, on any channel, make episodes and put them on Itunes, anything. I just...I just want this show to go on. Cartoon Network can't just ignore us, right? Well, they can, but it should be clear for them that they'll lose at least 1/2 of their watchers. I mean, other shows they have are lame, except for Adventure Time, maybe.
You know what, you should make them(them whoever cancelled your show) read all this, all the stuff you get from fans that just don't want Young Justice to fade away. They have to know, they have to find out what we think about their decissions.
Well, I hope that there's still hope for this amazing show. Thank you for putting my childhood and all my hopes and dreams into your show. Thank you!

Greg responds...

Louissa, you HAVE to know I have no control over whether or not a series gets picked up. If it was up to me, I'd still be doing YJ forever. But IT'S JUST NOT UP TO ME.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Jasser writes...

Well I'm really sad now, like proper, legitimately sad. I really liked this show, beautifully complex narrative, engaging characters(although it takes awhile to get to know them, wish you focused on fewer characters), and phenomenal animation-something that has been lacking of late. There goes another of the few threads binding me to television, now I just have Avatar the last Airbender and I'll be done with TV whenever Korra finishes. Sigh..

Wish you the best, thanks for the interactivity and devoting some of your time to us. Well, /continuing/ to do that, but I won't be around, so yeah. Just wanted to waste your time with a redundant sign off.

Greg responds...

I wouldn't give up on all television just yet, Jasser. There's a LOT of great stuff out there. I personally watch a ton of television every week.

And in any case, I hope you didn't give up on YJ in JANUARY! We had two more months of episodes!

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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YJ Fan writes...

Can I ask what the inspiration was for Green Beetle (assuming there was one at all). Or rather, what made you decide to write a Green Beetle at all?

(Also, nice shout-out with his name!)

Greg responds...


Gang, you NEED to check the queue in front of you to make sure no one's already asked your question. Otherwise, you're just clogging the queue.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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SuperMartian89 writes...

What's the episode where Miss Martian's eyes glowed red, not green? While she's in her usual form, not her white martian form.

Haven't given up on the renewal of Young Justice or SuperMartian. May you have many more seasons as you can create and may SuperMartian get back together and STAY together.

Greg responds...

I don't recall them ever glowing red. (But I won't deny it might have happened.)

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Elizabeth writes...

As I was looking at the official ages for characters in Young Justice, I grew confused about Paula Crock's age being 48. That would mean she was born long before 1975, and before then there were practically no Vietnamese in America. I could understand if she came to America as a refugee, if it wasn't for her first name. If she wasn't born in America (which given her age, seems most likely) how does she have a first name as non-Vietnamese as 'Paula'?

Greg responds...

Many Vietnamese took on more Anglo-sounding names upon moving to the West. Some orphans raised in Western orphanages in Vietnam were also given Western names. I'm not going to go into Paula's origins here, but there are any number of possible explanations. I will confirm that she was born in Vietnam.

Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In your post promoting "The Fix", you mention having been swamped with work lately. What have you been working on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Thirteen.

But once again, I've miscalculated. Because it's now clear that what I thought was going to be Chapter Thirteen is actually going to be Chapters Thirteen AND Fourteen.

So tomorrow, I'll start writing the new Chapter Fourteen, which started out as the second half of Thirteen.

(For a guy who plans his stories down to the last detail, I've really been doing this a lot. But that's okay. It is what it is. I've got to let the writing itself dictate where to break these chapters. It's not like we're going to commercial here. It's just has to be what feels right for the characters and the story.)

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DC fan writes...

Hey Greg, thank you for Young Justice, one of the best animated show ever made, thank you for Tim Drake, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Nightwing, Captain Atom, Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman,Superboy, Miss Martian, Aqualad, Wally, Impulse, Barry Allen, Jay,(Flash Family) Queen Bee, Sports Master, DeathStroke, Rocket, Wendy & Marvin, Mal Duncan, Despero, L-Ron, Catherine Cobert, Lobo, Arsenal, all the green lanterns,Black Canary, and many more. for a truly DC Fan like you. Bravo.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Grant writes...

What is your next project after Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I am currently freelancing scripts for a couple different companies. (Octonauts, for example.) Mostly, I'm working on the sequel to my novel, Rain of the Ghosts, which debuts in December 2013.

Beyond that, I'm looking, talking to people, etc. I've gone over 14 months now without a consistent paying gig, and it is nerve-wracking. But I'm hopeful I'll have something soon.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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colton writes...

would asking for more stephanie brown be a spoiler request?please tell me you get this.

Greg responds...

I get it.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Spectacular Spider-Man Fan writes...

Hi, Greg. I really enjoyed Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice.

I do know the reason behind the cancellation of SSM but it's been confirmed that Young Justice is canceled. Can you please tell us why? The show had great ratings!

Greg responds...

The show often had great ratings. And often had mediocre ratings. And occasionally had bad ratings.

There's also the fact that they had two other series waiting in the wings to get their shot in the limelight.

There's also the fact that our toyline was cancelled.

There's also the fact that we weren't in sync with the New 52.

There's also the fact that there is currently a perception that action is not doing as well as comedy in kids' television.

All, some or none of the above may be part of the reason why. I DON'T KNOW. I'm NOT part of that decision making process.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

Hey, Greg. Sorry to hear about the cancellation of Young Justice. I spent last night screaming at my iPad.
Watching Artemis's contemplation about the Glamour Charm in The Fix, I got to wondering, how exactly did Nightwing convince Zatanna to give him the charm? What justification could he have come up with? I mean, they have "history", but why would he want a charm to change his appearance?

Greg responds...

He gave no justification. Told her he couldn't. But she trusts him.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

I've read on various sites around the internet that Young Justice was going to be cancelled by Cartoon Network once Season Two is over. That seems rather unfortunate, because I was hoping to see characters like Damian Wayne and Terry McGinnis get their Earth-16 debut. I've seen on the internet that there are at least two petitions going around to try to save and continue Young Justice. If in the event that the petitions fail:

A. Have you considered moving Young Justice to another network so the show can continue? ONE example HAS proven something liked this can work. In my lifetime, that ONE example was the television series called "JAG," which started on NBC from 1995 until 1996 and then later moved to CBS in 1997. The show itself has continued on up until 2005 and became a successful television series.

B. Have you considered rebooting the entire Earth-16 universe? If the show becomes cancelled, then the entire history of the Earth-16 universe would be left for open interpretation and countless theories and questions. If Young Justice was rebooted, then maybe you'd be free to give the characters a New 52 look and pursue things you could not have done before, such as introducing Wildstorm characters...

C. Maybe you could try a new series that takes place in the Earth-16 universe, just like Young Justice? Perhaps it's time to show a different era in the Earth-16 universe with new heroes and villains?

D. Maybe do a new series that serves as BOTH a replacement and a continuation of Young Justice? Marvel is actually doing something like that with the upcoming cartoon series called "Avengers Assemble," which in itself is serving as both a replacement and a continuation of "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes." This might be considered as one of my better suggestions, but it should NOT be confused with suggestions "B" (which is suggesting a complete reboot of the Earth-16 universe) and "C" (which is suggesting a new series that does not involve Young Justice but still takes place in the Earth-16 universe), as those two are completely different from this one.

I hope something will work out somehow; I just don't want Young Justice to end. You created something that a lot of potential, and it doesn't feel right that Cartoon Network would pull this outrageous stunt and put this potential to waste.

I'll be praying for Young Justice to continue somehow...

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting.

Greg responds...

A. This is not something I can control. (I don't know how many times or how many ways I can say that before it sinks in.) Time Warner owns Warner Bros, Cartoon Network and DC Comics. It's all one big company, and they aren't likely to let one of their assets go to a different conglomerate - if for no other reason than they'd risk it being a success there. But in any case, I'm not privy to this upper level decision making, and I have absolutely NO say in the matter.

B. Earth-16 is, in and of itself, a rebooted universe. How would this help even assuming I could command it? Which of course I can't.

C. This has been pitched in multiple and various ways. TPTB showed no interest.

D. See above.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Paul writes...

Did any members of the Team have a hangover on January 1st, Team Year Six?

If so, who?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

One of the best shows I have seen. I wanted to ask you if there is a possibility for a season 3 of Young Justice. And if not, I would just like to know why??? :(

Greg responds...

If you find out, let me know.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is Green Beetle a character made specifically for the show? Or is he an existing character in the comics? If he is, I'll search him up myself to see how he was done in the comics.

I'm really enjoying the concept of a Martian with the powers of a Reach scarab. Thanks for his introduction.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What were Zatanna's spells (besides 'etativel') in Cornered, and what was Kaldur saying in atlantean in The Fix?

Greg responds...

1. Zatanna's spells from Cornered:

Knis nwod otni eht-- (not completed before she was put out of commission)
Ees tahw I ees!
Etavacxe! (This one may have been cut for time. I can't remember.)
Etaerc a elbbub fo elbisivni ruomalg! (Ditto.)


Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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In my on-going shameless attempt to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.

I just finished writing Chapter Twelve. But that's more complicated than it sounds. Remember when I had to split what was originally Chapter Six into two chapters? ("No, I don't remember." "Quiet, kid, you bother me.") Well, I hadn't mentioned it before, but the exact same thing also happened with Chapter Three, which I split into two Chapters (Three and Four), also.

Anyway, as I was working on what was Chapter Twelve, I began to realize it really should be part of the already completed Chapter Eleven. So I combined the two together into a new revised Chapter Eleven. I was also tempted to combine the former Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen into this revised Chapter Eleven too. But it soon became clear that wouldn't work. So the new Chapter Eleven is the old Chapters Eleven and Twelve. And the new Chapter Twelve is the old Chapters Thirteen and Fourteen. And tomorrow, I need to start the new Chapter Thirteen, which is the old Chapter Fifteen. Except that, when you think about it, the old Chapter Fifteen was (before I split Chapters Three and Six) the even older Chapter Thirteen in the first place.

So now, from Thirteen on, the Chapters are all back to their original alignment.

Clear as mud, right? ("No, sir, I'm confused." "Quiet, kid, you bother me.")

Okay, so too much information, I know. But that's process for ya.

I'm hoping that when you read the book, you'll ignore all this. Then when you love it so much you decide to RE-read it, you can refer to these rambles and get more of a sense of HOW the book was put together, and thus find a whole NEW way to enjoy it.

That's my dream, anyway.

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wintersmith writes...

Are you cursed? If so please provide name of curser and last known adress, thank you.

Greg responds...

Let's please not perpetuate this "cursed" thing. I mean, seriously, that's all I need. For the next guy who might want to hire me to think I'm cursed and/or incapable of going beyond two seasons.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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James M. writes...

I'm very angry to hear about Young Justice being canceled and feel great sorrow for you as this is the FIFTH TIME IN ROW it's happened to your works. Why does this keep happening to you? You're Greg Wiseman, creator, writer and producer of some of the best American animation shows ever made which have gained a multitude of devoted fans and yet no project you start is ever allowed to finish. I just can't comprehend it. What do the TV Network executives have against you and how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...

True Colors
Batman of Shanghai - Still a loving parody of not my type of anime.
Amethyst- That's one weird meadow and lake...

Again- no questions, just comments.

1- Fantastic Voyage anyone? I can't tell if Karen's infatuation is with the science alone or just the man. Dr Cross...still with good eyes. Mmm...

2- 'Noted philanthropist Lex Luthor' J

3- GGG praises tours of the farm facility. Of course you won't see anything more than folks used to see on tours of the Hall of Justice. Touring the UN doesn't make it any more open than it's component parts. Even if GGG is just a normal human- he's drunk the Kool-Aid in this case. Ironic considering what's being made there.

4-"Your Scarab has had multiple opportunities to betray us. It hasn't...."
"There Jamie Reyes, listen to the Night Wing, his logic is flawless
-Setting it straight out to be ignored. Evil. ;)

5- Tim as team leader- liking the training of a leader.
Arsenal - An angry young man...just like his clone was. Ironic the Watchtower was the last straw back then too. Of course it sounds like this Roy doesn't know it is not weaponized.

6- Pa Kent :)

7-Now that's a Rutabaga!

8-Sportsmaster wants vengeance for form not love. (Ironically Black Manta genuinely loves his son.) It doesn't seem to me that Cheshire's eyes are smiling under her mask.

9-Roy screws the mission. The question is how much damage he'll cause before he learns. I'm thinking this won't be enough. This level of anger will have him walk away from the group before that sort of maturity.

10- Black Beetle is one scary dude.

11-Roy's arm cannon from Lex can at least damage Black Beetle. Lex is a 'partner' with the Reach. I'm guessing that isn't a coincidence...or at very least it won't be anymore upon Lex seeing that on the closed circuit tv.
I'm guessing that the Light joined with the Reach so humanity could be tested and progress.

12- "Nothing like a warm plasma bath...and clean off the tomato stains." HA!

13- "As a father myself I understand your pain." He's not much for fatherly love....

14- Cornfield or cornfield? Cornfield.

15- Green Beetle. Ba-az Ahom...Barsoom? I don't trust him. He may only think he's in control. Or maybe not even that. It's just too tight on Jaime's wants and fears.

Greg responds...

Now that's a Response!

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Laura 'ad astra' Sack writes...


Batman of Shanghi- I'm guessing it's a beautifully crafted parody of not particularly my thing.
Amethyst- cute enough

No questions- just comments.

1-Virgil ("Static Shocks" cute name drop.) The voice is familiar...sounds like the old voice but...internet...isn't.

2-Duncan and Karens' living situation makes Duncan so sad. I don't know if it is from the comics or new for the show, but he deserves better, at least I hope he has some better luck come his way soon.

3-LRon and Despero; I don't know enough outside of the cartoon to compare portrayals.

4-The Reach is smooth...set up the frame of dialogue to leave the JLA at a disadvantage- "When did you stop beating your wife?"

5- Shazam! Doesn't work? DANG. (Nice mid teen design on Billy.)

6- Can't quite catch all the JSAers at the end of the line as the tubes get smashed- ...Red Torpedo, Flash, Phantom Stranger. Was there someone else in red mixed in at the end?

7- Megan is totally debilitated by recent events, it actually speaks well for her character.

8- Duncan and the Guardian outfit was clearly telegraphed- still very nice. (Though Bumble Bee's taking out the 3rd eye helped a lot.)

9- Another headquarters destroyed....sheesh.

10- Watchtower revealed: I can't tell if it was a surprise to Eeling or not. The first view seemed yes, but the second seemed not.

11- Jamie's reveal of the Scarab and prophesy - I'm conditioned to think well of the Scarab from the Blue Beetle comics, but even this version, underneath every homicidal and over the top suggestion thus far, the Scarab's only impulse is survival. It wants nothing of the Reach, nor any grouping. Jamie is just too close to see it as anything other than a threat.

Random: The DC nation 'expert archer' looks like one of the cops in the current Gangster Squad movie.

Random two: I'm also enjoying Green Lantern. That Steam Lantern twist has got to be the most British stiff upper lip ever broadcast. I saw the big misunderstanding thing coming, but after that? Say some say the world ends in fire and some ice, but they say a pot of tea. :)

Greg responds...

6. No Phantom Stranger. You might be thinking of Sandman.

10. It was a surprise.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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JayEl20 writes...

Dose Black Manta think Kaldur and huntress love eachother.

PS:Love the show. Hope its not canceld, but if it is. Just wanna say thank you to you, Brandon, and the crew for the best comicbook show in years, and one of the best animated series ever.

Greg responds...

Yes, Manta was under the mistaken impression that his son and Huntress were lovers.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Devastated writes...

Young Justice was the only thing that could get me through long, hard and stressful weeks... Now I have nothing.

Greg responds...

Don't you think that was a bit premature to post. Back in January there were multiple episodes and a comic or two left. And Legacy is still to come.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Erica writes...

Why do networks love canceling your shows? Seriously, your shows are always my favorite on any network that they're on, and yet that network always thinks that it's a great idea to cancel it!

Greg responds...

It's nothing personal. Believe me. I'd love to indulge my paranoid side and think it is, but it just isn't.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Secret <- lol writes...

I don't know if you are allowed to make suggestions for merchandise, but can you suggest Young Justice T-Shirt?
Can you suggest T-shirts for each team member, such as a black shirt with the S-shield on it?

I know that there is a Young Justice shirt with the team on it, but these might sell better, maybe making enough money for another season.

Sorry, this might go against the 7th rule.

Greg responds...

None of this is within my power. Sorry.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Paul writes...

If it's true that Young Justice is cancelled, I hope it's all right if I ask this question:

Would you please reveal who the the Team members who joined and left the Team during the five year gap were (other than Tempest, Aquagirl and the second Robin)?

If the remaining season 2 episodes and Young Justice: Legacy don't answer this question (or only answer it in part) then I hope you'll answer it, please.

Greg responds...


Though, Paul, I have to ask, why WOULD you ask this now? Why clog the queue? Why not wait and SEE if your question is answered?

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Shellhead writes...

Well, another great show bites the dust before its time.
Thank you for all your effort on YJ. Your respect and enthusiasm for the source material shined through in each and every episode.
My question to you: Do you ever feel like you just can't catch a break when it comes to 3rd seasons? First Gargoyles, then Spectacular Spider-man, and now Young Justice. It's just a damn shame.
Best of luck Greg. I know you'll end up somewhere doing great things sooner rather than later.

Greg responds...

I won't deny a certain amount of frustration. But the circumstances for each of the shows you mentioned were all very different. It's the biz.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Kelly writes...


I was so disappointed to come home from school and see that Young Justice has been apparently cancelled. I know that you have nothing to do with the decisions made by greedy and corrupt network executives and are truly the better person in this situation. You have made a beautifully written and amazingly touching show with a strong and true message that no matter how young or old you are, you can still make a difference. I think this message has touched and brought joy to many people who have watched Young Justice. I know it has to me. I'm a huge Flash fan and I remember sitting down and watching the episode "Bloodlines" and just feeling pure joy at my favorite characters from different times and eras being brought together in such an awesome way. Thank you so much for that Greg. I love this show. I truly do and so do many other people. And just thank you so much for it. Thank you.

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. I feel more than obligated to point out that many, many people went in to making YJ the show you love, including - but not limited to - Brandon Vietti and the writer of "Bloodlines" Peter David.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Jarrod writes...

Hey Greg! I have loved Young Justice and I am very Sorry to hear that the show will not be returning. I never understand how great shows end up dying premature deaths. I look forward to your next work!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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