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matt writes...

after Angela learned Goliath was her father but before she learned Demona was her mother, who did she think her mother was? a gargoyle destroyed in the massacre? did she ever ask Goliath about his mate? she must have been equally curious about her mom.
also do Katherine, Tom, Gabriel and the rest of the Avalon clan (or some of them) know about Angela's parentage of Goliath and Demona?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure she was focused enough to give it any thought. She was thinking about Goliath-as-Dad-present-here-and-now, not some vague "mom".
2. Probably, if she gave it any real thought.
3. No. She was still trying to get him to acknowledge the significance of his biological paternity.
4. I don't know if they gave it specific thought. Neither Tom or Katharine or the Magus spent much time with the gargs pre-massacre. There's no way they could be sure. Angela's coloring might be a clue.
5. Do they know now? Probably. Angela probably told them.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

More of a comment than a question:

I think I know why everyone thinks that you were hinting at Angela-Brooklyn rather than Angela-Broadway.

Brooklyn, as you've noticed, is a popular character. He's my personal favorite. People recognize him as the member of the trio most oriented toward romance. He has the instances of Maggie and maybe even Demona (TEMPTATION), while Broad and Lex don't have any. Some viewers even consider him the "leader" of the trio, (I'd myself never thought the trio had a "leader" to itself, but some people have...) and traditionally, the leader gets the girl. You also have several instances where Brooklyn patrols with Angela and no other members of the trio, which could be interpreted as further indication that since they are literally "together" (as in in the same place) they are figuratively "together" (as in a couple.)

*Shrugs* Just my take.

Greg responds...

Well, Brook is CLEARLY the leader of the Trio. Particularly after Goliath makes him second in command of the clan.

Demona in Temptation is pushing it. (Sorry, Christine.) But there are two indications of Brook falling hard for a dame: Maggie and Angela. Both crushes, based on nothing else but physical appearance and apparent availability.

And I don't think we put Angela with Brooklyn anymore often than we put her with the other two. People saw what they want to see.

But at any rate, I'm not surprised people saw it going that way. Like I've said, it's the obvious choice. We just didn't feel it was the right choice. The characters told us different.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Dexter writes...

Why is Angela so DAMN sexy? Oh I love her SO much! Dude, do you think she'd go for a blonde-haired punk? I mean, her own dad even went for a human, so maybe there's hope for me yet. Hmm...I bet you're gonna give me a smart-ass remark like "she's taken" or something cuz "gargoyles mate for life" BUT Demona proved that it is not true! Go me! Long live the beautiful Angela!

Greg responds...

Hey, good luck, man. More power to you.

[Poor slob.]

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

Angela is genetically Thailog's daughter too, correct. now, i realize these are wierd circumstances but wouldn't he feel some sort of kinship to her or at least have feigned it to avoid a conflict with Demona? I just don't understand why he wanted to kill her so badly or at least why her death should come before the others. demona said that, "She belongs to me!" why didn't Thailog just let Demona keep Angela chained up, it would have saved him alot of trouble, really.

Greg responds...

I agree with your last statement.

But I don't think Thailog views Angela as a daughter at all.

And keep in mind that from Thailog's point of view, Demona had weeks to turn the girl and failed. Now he wanted to test Demona. And maybe he was more than ready to replace her with Delilah.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

by the time of "The Journey" does Demona know about Broadway and Angela being a couple? if not, when does she find out?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Xavier writes...

1)Just out of plain curiosity, why did Angela have the get "involved" with any one of trio? Did you ever consider just having her go with nobody? She just seemed to me as somone who was more interested in having family relationships with her parents versus a romantic one.

2)This may answer my first question, but in regards to having Angela go with Broadway, did you do it to set a good example for children? I mean,Broadway didn't exactly have the charm of a knight in shinning armor,and he was also fat which would have taught kids that "looks are not important,it's what's inside" So again,it makes sence and I was just wondering if that's why you decided to do it.Thank You!

Greg responds...

1. She didn't "have to" (I assumed you meant "have to" and not "have the"). But she seemed to me to be a young blossoming woman-garg, who might eventually be interested in both familial and romantic ties.

2. I wasn't unaware of potential lessons, I guess. But the answer is no. We did it because it seemed right. Gary Sperling and I sat down while working on "Turf". I felt that it was important that Turf not reveal a choice for Angela, but rather her independence. But I also felt it was important for us to know who (if anyone) she was going to wind up with. Brooklyn was in many ways an obvious choice, but as we discussed it, it soon became clear that they were a bad match. That she was just another pretty face for Brooklyn to get a crush on. But that Broadway, the sensitive, intuitive soul, would appeal to something deep inside her. And she to him, as well.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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DCB writes...

Silly hypothetical question.

What do you suppose Broadway and Angela were thinking when Othello suggested that he and Desdemona keep possession of their (Broadways and Angela's) bodies? Assuming they could hear them the way Brooklyn could Iago.

Greg responds...

They were probably SCREAMING!!

What would you think?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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SEM writes...

Greg, I've just finished watching the World Tour arc on TOON DISNEY (and the next few episodes after, up through "The Reckoning" as I write) and am intrigued about the introduction of Angela. At first I thought maybe you decided to have an Avalon Gargoyle accompany Goliath back to Manhattan just to renew that sense of wonder of the world that seems to disappear from the other Gargoyles as they become more familiar with modern times. But then I see how quickly Angela takes charge and adapts, and to be honest I was kind of surprised the childlike wonder of going to "your Manhattan" wasn't milked a little longer. Was it a conscious choice to design a personality that had her get up to speed so quickly, or did it just happen? (Or am I perceiving Angela incorrectly?)

Lastly, to the person who asked about the Max Steel video game: one was just released the start of this month for the Sega Dreamcast by Mattel Media and Sony Pictures Entertainment. These are the people you need to contact about getting the game made for other platforms. Greg has nothing to do with that.

Greg responds...

We may have had Angela ramp up too quickly. I think that's a legitimate criticism.

But I will point out that Manhattan wasn't the first big city she visited. We tried to start her out slow by returning to Wyvern, then taking her to Queen Florence Island. Both relatively primitive locations. Next was the equally primitive Loch Ness, where she was exposed to some high technology. If she wasn't WOWED by it on-camera, that may have been because she didn't have much time to react.

But by the time she arrived in Manhattan, she had been to Paris, Prague, London, etc. She had seen the Matrix, submarines, guns, airships etc. So we couldn't have her TOO naive.

As to our goal for Angela, renewing that sense of wonder was only a VERY small part of it. Mostly, we wanted to explore a positive female gargoyle, and explore the complex relationships that would evolve out of having a gargoyle who was raised by humans but was the biological daughter of Goliath and Demona.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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JADE writes...

Hi Greg,
I was wondering about this: In one show (Which I can't remeber the name) Demona, Angela, and Thailog were in it. What I remember the most about it was that in this show Angela said to Demona "I hate you!" And then Demona started to cry and went and fought with Thailog over something---I think it was something to do with Angela. After that I don't think we saw Demona again, but if Angela and Demona would ever sit down and talk about their feelings for each other, would it ever work out? I mean would Demona go back to the clan, or would her and Goliath work something out so Demona can see Angela once in awhile? I know this question isn't to understand able, mainly because I can hardly remember anything from this part of the show only the "I hate you" thing---but please try to answer the best you can. Thank you.

Greg responds...

I assume you're talking about "The Reckoning".

As for answering your question, I don't have any simple reassuring response. This isn't, for example, as clear-cut as a divorced couple arguing over custody of their teen-age daughter. Demona's a would-be mass murderer. She and Angela have much to work through. Stuff that includes mother/daughter relations, gargoyle/human relations, good/evil, nature/nurture, etc. It's an on-going discovery for both characters. And for Goliath as well.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

Greg, what made you decide to give Goliath and Demona a daughter? As opposed to a son, I mean. I can assume three things, one, to bring a female into the clan, two, to give a mate to one of the trio, and possibly three, to better relate to Demona. What was your thinking behind it?

Greg responds...

It was always going to be a daughter. It never occured to me to go the other way.

But your answer one was probably the reason for that.

Two might have been a small back-o-my-head notion, but it certainly wasn't forefront in my thinking.

Three, well, I don't think so. Though I will say that I did like the idea of having a character to contrast with Demona. Thus the name Angela.

Response recorded on January 11, 2001

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