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VELATIONS 2013-05 (May)

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Anonymous writes...

In your latest response to a question quite some time ago (tangent: you must be really busy. I hope thats a good sign), you said so far nobody has asked Batman to use the wrist mounted holo-computer cave tech.
And Bumblebee was using what looked like the same tech in 'War', so was she the first one to ask?
Also, nobody ever having asked implies Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) didnt use it either. Did he invent something better? Because, Ted NOT using ANY kind of nifty gadget he could get his hands on, especially if all he had to do is ask, just seems wrong.

Greg responds...

I haven't tracked this. The tech is available to all members of the Team and the League.

Response recorded on May 02, 2013

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Here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.): http://www.amazon.com/Rain-Ghosts-Greg-Weisman/dp/1250029791

Since there's not much to report about the first book now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise, which should come out sometime in 2014.

I just finished writing Chapter Sixteen. I like the ending of this one. It's chilling. Maybe even a little sick.

Tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Seventeen.

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Alan writes...

I know you dont like hypotheticals, and if I asked who would win if Lobo, Despero, & Mongul were put into a three-way cage match I would get a response about a fight between Hulk & the Thing. Now, I never read Marvel, but that response seems spot on & thought through...it makes me wonder why you dont answer the actual questions with that kind of simple but logical reasoning, that doesnt give a definative conclusion, but still offers a clear comparison of each's strengths/weaknesses in relation to one another.
I understand that any fight is situational, and if Despro was wearing a patch on his third eye, or Lobo was caught unarmed (as if), or Mongul had the flu, any one of those thigs would offer vastly different outcomes...but none of those things were part of the question, so there is really no reason to consider them in the answer. For example, your Hulk/Thing response itself would be rendered illogical by any number of "what ifs"...like, "what if the Thing was being mind controlled" would negate him keeping any kind of wits about him...but that was obviously not part of the imagionary question, so the point is moot.

And I know your not going to tell a story on this forum...but the Hulk/Thing example answers such a question (if it were ever actually asked) without telling a story.

So my question is...did you come up with the auto response of the Hulk/Thing, or did you get it from somewhere else?

Greg responds...

You write that you know I don't like hypotheticals, and yet then you try to make an argument for why that shouldn't matter to me.

I'VE SAID IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. These "Who would win?" questions flat-out do not interest me. And if it doesn't interest me, why would I bother answering? Simply because someone asked? Entitled, much?

As for where the Hulk/Thing thing came from, it's simply the classic version of the question going back fifty years or so. It's evolved here at Ask Greg as a stock response, like "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." or "ASKED AND ANSWERED".

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Barnabas writes...

1a. When you are working on a series and have to deal with a story bible or design document, is it inclusive of scripts and detail or just an over view.
1b. If they get to large is it common to separate them into their own documents? ex. A document for characters biographies and another for plots/timelines.
2. When changes are made to either a script or story bible do you use strike-through until it is finalized or simply delete the content?
3. When I am working on story boards or scripts I try to make characters actions be causality based and driven by their personality, moral alignment and available options. Is this similar to how you create your story lines?
4. How can I make characters engaging and direct through dialogue in scenes that are relaxed?
5. What is your going rate for projects and would you be interested in working with Mark Crilley or Luaren Faust?

Greg responds...

1a. Most series bibles are written in advance of scripts. Mine TEND to be very thorough, including plans for stories, etc. But, no, by definition, it does not include all the details included in all the scripts. I try to update/revise the bible as we proceed. But by that time no one's looking at the darn thing anymore, so keeping the bible on track is a luxury and a low priority and almost always falls by the waysid. I'm not sure what you mean by a "design document".

1b. For a television series that doesn't seem like something that would ever happen. Years ago, I did do the bible for the entire Platinum Comics Universe, and that was so long that I did split it into multiple sections.

2. See above. But I tend not to use strikethrough very often. I tend to just revise.

3. Yeah, pretty much.

4. Get in their heads. Be clear what they want. Be clear on the difference between what they want and what they know they want. HEAR THEIR VOICES.

5. I'm not going to tell you what I get paid. Sorry.

5a. I'm always interested in collaborating with talented folks, but I'm not going to get specific about any individual.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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jS-2814 writes...

1. Are you using Mongul the 1st or his son for the show?
2. Does the no green lantern on a Reach planet also include Alan Scott?

Greg responds...

1. The first one. I won't even confirm whether or not there is a son.

2. Potentially. Kinda moot now.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Luna writes...

Did Zatanna when she first met Robin in the episode Humanitylike him at first sight? Or did her likeness develope over a certain period of time?
I noticed how awkward she looked when he rambled asking her if she was joining the team, but never really expressed any discomfort when he flirted with her throughout the rest of the season.
Thank you for your time. :)

Greg responds...

I'm gonna say both.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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A Flash Fan writes...

Hi Greg...Me again...

I just wanted to say that thus far "War" has made it to be one of my favorite episodes. I really felt you went all out for this episode. So many characters, so much battle sequence, a deepening plot with the Light and the Reach, a lot of fun with Karen and Mal (Why did you go for guardian instead of the Herald?), really interesting sequence with Blue Beetle, amazing emotional outpouring from Arsenal, and of course Keith David! (How cool was it getting back again? Did you guys talk a lot about Goliath and Gargoyles?) I still rack my brains trying to figure out how you will solve this...All I can hope is that with so many heroes down, Wally will be making a big comeback (well at least that's my biggest hope for the rest of the season).

I really wanted to know, was part of War World inspired by the Death Star/Star Wars?

Anyway magnificent job. I'd keep writing praise, but I'd run out of room. This was terrific!

Greg responds...

Guardian fit our continuity best. And, frankly, I think he's a stronger, more iconic hero. Herald never really did that much for me.

Keith and I are friends, and our families see each other socially every once in a while. So I don't need a recording as an excuse to talk old times. But it's always great to see him, and it's always great to have his amazing talents on any show I produce.

As for the inspiration for The Warworld, you'd have to ask its creators, i.e. Len Wein and Jim Starlin. They also created Mongul in the same two-parter (DC Comics Presents #27-28). We got Warworld from those comics, and if you take a look at those issues, you'll see we used Warworld in very much the same manner as it was originally presented.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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anonymous writes...

Is it true YJ is getting cancelled when S2 ends? I really wouldn't want it to whether this is true or not. This series is unbelievably amazing, I was never really that into superheroes until I watched it for the first time. I'm 14 and I watch this show religiously (haven't even missed the ruruns!). I started drawing and making my own superheroes because of this show, which was my first influence. I now dream of working in animation and I already made a story about an archer superhero. I was very influenced by this show in plot structure (if that's what it's called), diversity, and art style (mine looks like a comination of YJ and classic Disney movies xD). The point is, I REALLY don't want to see this show,that's so amazing,go so early. :C (P.S. Sorry for my poor wording, I don't speak English too well.)

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. Good luck pursuing your goals. I hope this is just the start for you!

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Paul writes...

We know that Impulse is B-23, and Arsenal seems to have been the next one to join the Team (going by "True Colors"), so is Guardian (Mal Duncan) B-25?

Greg responds...


Though I don't know WHY you would have thought Arsenal joined before Guardian, when you saw Guardian with the Team BEFORE Arsenal.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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Matt writes...

Hola Mr. Weisman,
While I love that the first time I've seen El Paso or a Texan superhero in fiction is on your show, I was wondering if Jaime is the only character in Earth-16 from the Lone Star State.

Thanks for your valuable time

Greg responds...

Obviously not, since you've already seen Tye Longshadow, Shelly Longshadow, Holling Longshadow and Maurice Bodaway.

Response recorded on May 01, 2013

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