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VELATIONS 2013-05 (May)

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Here's another of my shameless attempts to maintain buzz about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.):


Since there's not too much to report about the first book now, I'm counting down my progress writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise, which should come out sometime in 2014.

I just finished writing Chapter Nineteen. This one had a few built-in difficulties. First off, it's basically one long scene of people talking around a table outside a fast-food joint. And of course, you want to keep that interesting, even when what they're mainly doing is researching stuff on a cellphone. Plus, because the leads are sitting in a very public place, there were a lot of characters to juggle in and out of the scene, and I wanted to keep that organic and graceful, not awkward and choppy. I think I succeeded, but I suppose you'll all let me know next year.

Tomorrow, I'll start on Chapter Twenty.

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James Hayes-Barber writes...

Hey Greg, I was wondering, since Earth-16 is (apparently) still in the DC Multiverse, and Grant Morrison is doing Multiversity, which will include a full map and profile of all the Universes, have you or anyone on the YJ team been in talks with Grant about the details of Earth-16?

Greg responds...

Nope. I'd love to be included, but it hasn't come up.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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sasha fierce writes...

Were Barbara and Dick each others' first kisses?

Greg responds...

For Barbara, yes.

For Dick, well, I guess it depends on how you're defining "first kiss". But Dick and Barbara's kiss in issue #25 of the comic takes place before Dick and Zatanna's kiss in episode 126 of the series. But Zatanna kissed Dick earlier then either of those two kisses in issue #20 of the comic. But it was basically just a peck, so I don't know if you'd count that.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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JIJI writes...

What happened during the time skip with Zatanna and Nightwing?

What history do they have together?

Greg responds...

They dated. They broke up. They stayed friends. Close friends. (Etc.)

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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YJ Fan! writes...

Hi Greg! Love the show -- especially the 2nd Season. So tense, exciting and AWESOME. For my money, it's the best serial drama on TV...

I was wondering how the season might have been different if you had 26 episodes versus the 20 we got. Would we have had more stand-alones like "Secrets" or are there important lost chapters in your timeline that were deemed to simply be less essential than what we saw onscreen? Not to say that the season feels rushed at all -- I love super-compact storytelling with all kinds of criss-crossing plotlines. I just love this season so much that I wish we had a few more adventures to enjoy!

Thanks for all your great work and I can't wait to see what you're working on next. (P.S. I pre-ordered Rain of the Ghosts -- so excited!)

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words. And THANKS VERY MUCH for pre-ordering Rain of the Ghosts!!!

I think I've pretty much covered your question already. We NEVER had 26 episodes, so we only built the season for 20. So I can't say for absolute sure what would or wouldn't have been included in the hypothetical situation in which we had six more. But I'm sure it would have allowed for more screen time for characters who got shorter shrift this season. And I'm fairly certain we would have had a Zatanna story and maybe a Red Tornado story.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Sean writes...

I recently read one of post about Reawakening and you said that even though some people saw the gargolyes and coldstone, the public still didnt know about them because there was no proof. I cant help but find this funny, because in todays day and age pretty much everyone carries a camera AND the internet in there pocket, so it is far easier to get phsiycal proof of something. So im curious but if you would have done things a little differently if the series had been set in a more recent time?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

First, I find it surprising how Earth-16's Brainiac is neither good nor evil, as opposed to how he is portrayed in the comics and recent television cartoons as an evil character... I guess that means Earth-16's Brainiac had nothing to do with Krypton's destruction after all... What made you decide to make Brainiac so different from all his other counterparts in the DC multiverse.

Second, I felt bad for Superman because he never got the chance to ask Brainiac if anything was collected from Krypton. Do you think Brainiac probably actually DID collect something from Krypton? If so, what are the chances that Brainiac probably preserved the city of Kandor before Krypton's destruction? Would Superman eventually have found out something at some point in time (probably after the events of Season Two)?

Lastly, I'm disappointed that the origin of Superboy's Kryptonian name has not been addressed. Will we find out in the video game, or is this going to be left an open-ended mystery?

Greg responds...

1. I went back to the core of the character's original mission. To collect sample cities from multiple worlds. And I ran with that.

2. I think you should look more carefully at the issues themselves. Beyond that, SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.

3. Given enough issues and/or episodes, all would have been covered. Unfortunately, we just didn't get them.

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is the West maneuver?

Greg responds...

Check out issue #24 of our companion comic. Or try: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/West_Maneuver

The youngjustice.wikia is a GREAT source for info about the show, and certainly would get you an answer faster than waiting from February to May to hear from me.

But I am curious? How did you hear about the West Maneuver without reading issue #24? And if you read issue #24, why did you need to ask the question?

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Algernon writes...

Hey Greg, not so much a question as congratulations on publishing your first novel, may it be the first of many. I already have "Rain of The Ghosts" pre-ordered on Amazon.

Greg responds...

Thank you!!! The more pre-orders and first week sales, the better the odds that the nine-book series will get past the second book!

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Paul writes...

In "The Fix", Artemis mentioned that someone once tried to teach her Atlantean. Was it Kaldur, Garth or Tula? Or more than one of the aforementioned trio? Were other members of the Team given some lessons too?

Greg responds...

<sigh> Watch the episode again. She clearly states that she took Atlantean during her Freshman year at college. (I mean, doesn't everybody?)

Response recorded on May 09, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In response to an earlier question, you said that Wonder Girl is probably Christian with a "new respect for Amazon Pagan." Just curious, but if her dad is Zeus, wouldn't she believe in the Greek gods? Is Zeus perhaps not actually a god in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

You're assuming she always knew her dad was Zeus. Heck, you're even assuming she knows that now.

Neither are safe assumptions. (Though one is safer than the other.)

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

i do not understand the ending of the young justice comic issue 10.
1.is Captain Adams evil?

Greg responds...

No. I'm not even sure where you'd get that idea. Are you confusing Captain Adams with Wade Eiling?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I am kinda confused with this entire plan that Nightwing,Aqualad,Wally,and Artemis has to find out the light's new partner.
1.When did they find out the light had a new partner?
2.Who started the whole plan?
3.how did each person come to be in on the plan?
4. what is the difference with venom and cobra venom?

Greg responds...

You've got the whole thing backwards.

They started out to infiltrate and bring down the LIGHT. Finding the new partner was something that came up along the way.

1. Watch the episodes. Sorry, but I'm tired of reiterating stuff that was 100% clear on the series itself.

2. Aqualad and Nightwing.

3. Watch the episodes.

4. Watch the episodes.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Artemis didn't seemed shocked when Cheshire mentioned Lian Harper. How long has Artemis known about her niece, and who else knows about Lian besides the characters that have already been shown to know?

Greg responds...

I haven't nailed down an exact date when Artemis learned, but she learned AFTER Roy, if that helps.

An ever-widening handful of people know.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1.Do Zatarra and Zatanna have magic? 2.like are they magical beings or do their magic come from the spells they read?
3.and if so does that mean anyone can read their spells aloud and do what they do?

Greg responds...

1. Is this a trick question?

2. The latter.

3. No. It takes training and focus and a certain natural inclination. The spells themselves are the icing on the cake.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1.Did aqualad know Kid Flash,Red arrow, and Robin before they became a team?
2.were they friends?

Greg responds...

1. That's stated in the show. Yes.

2. Yes. Again, if you watch the show, you'd KNOW that Kid Flash and Robin were best friends, and that Aqualad's best surface friend was Speedy/Red Arrow. And they all knew each other and got along.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't Martian Manhunter bring Megan when the team went to the hall of justice?
I assume she was who they were talking about when they told martian manhunter that is was good that they didn't bring her and he agreed

Greg responds...

I don't think he had quite decided what to do with her yet. He had more or less decided not to send her back to Mars, but he wasn't sure about the sidekick thing. Or if he wanted her revealed to the public.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

in the comics Megan tells the team that she won a competition to be Martian Manhunter's sidekick but we later find out that that was false and really Martian Manhunter found that she had snuck into his ship.
1. How exactly did Megan convince Martian Manhunter that she was his niece?, 2.wouldn't he be suspicious of a girl in his ship?
3.is it true that he wasn't really certain that she really was his niece

Greg responds...

1. He's psychic. Lying isn't too effective.

2. Initially, but he understood what she had gone through on Mars as a White Martian. And he was sympathetic.

3. No. What's true was that he didn't really know her at all. He has a LOT of nieces and nephews, and considering he's spent DECADES away from Mars, he does not have a personal relationship with very many of them.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

If Bart Allan, Flash's grandson got superspeed does that mean flash's children got powers as well?

Greg responds...

It seems logical. Plus, didn't Bart say he learned a trick or two from his dad?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

How did Dick Grayson think up the name Nightwing?

Greg responds...

That's a damn good question. I could write SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. But the truth is, I don't know yet. It's something I'll need to figure out if I ever get to revisit those years.

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Paul writes...

How do Jaime Reyes's parents feel about his secret identity as Blue Beetle now that he has gone public as of the end of "Complications"?

Greg responds...

Well, he didn't exactly go public. He opened up his face mask and showed that he was human, but he didn't give his name and social security number or anything. You couldn't even see his hair.

Still, I can't imagine they were pleased, can you?

Response recorded on May 08, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

When did Robin reveal his identity to Kid Flash?

Greg responds...

When he was ready.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Paul writes...

How can Sportsmaster look so young for his age? Are the Lazarus pits involved?

Greg responds...

Crusher credits his youthful appearance to good genes and an extensive exercise regimen. Plus he eats right. No pits involved at all. Not even olive.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Was there an element of you fearing that having Donna Troy on the Team in season 2 would be too much like having a female Superboy around?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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Soraya writes...

This might be cliche, but what was your favourite thing about working on Young Justice.

Surely as we're all telling you how much this show means to us and has had an effect on us, no one's been asking you about your experience on the show. Since obviously the writer goes through a different experience than the fans.

And thank you so much for creating this amazing show!

Greg responds...

You're welcome.

Um... there was a lot to love. I had a great partner, Brandon. I had great collaborators, including Phil and the other artists, Kevin and the other writers, Jamie and the ENTIRE cast (but particularly our regulars), Jho and everyone else in post, Lolita, Kris and Michael. David and so many other great people. They were all a dream to work with. The fan response was frustrating at times, but mostly and ultimately very gratifying. Voice recordings were always fun, but there's nothing like a sound mix when it all comes together. Plus, think of the characters I had the privilege to work on! And I'm proud as hell of the final product.

Response recorded on May 07, 2013

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