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VELATIONS 2013-07 (Jul)

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Grace writes...

1. Did Queen Bee partially choose to use the ruins as her base due to prior knowledge of it's history?
2. Was Roy throwing his hat way back in episode one in any way a reference to the Led Zeppelin song "Hats off to (Roy) Harper", or is this just a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. A coincidence.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Captain Hammer writes...

Was Batman: Under The Red Hood and Young Justice in the same timeline?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

What is your book about?

Greg responds...

A 13-year-old girl who lives on a Caribbean island and can see ghosts.

Pre-order Rain of the Ghosts now!

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Why were Wentworth Miller and Kittie recast?

Greg responds...

They were not available to record.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Just a Nerd writes...

In regards to Intervention....

Two simple comments. Summit and Endgame will have to be pretty amazing to top this weeks episode. And thank you for providing an amazing series that has given many people many hours of enjoyment.

One question: what were Zatanna's sp... Just kidding. Saw that asked, like, four dozen times in the queue.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Flydie writes...

1. In what year was Dan Garret born?
2. Was he a member oh the Justice Society?

Greg responds...

1. Don't have access to that information on my phone in the Oakland Airport.

2. No.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Is there a reason why in the episode "Intervention" its ALMOST and all-girl team again? You know, because it's in Bialya? Queen Bee maybe?
And you know, Impulse is there? And so is Tim?
I hope you know what I mean.

Greg responds...

I don't.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say I love how Jaime was still inside his body, just, you know, not able to talk out loud. Hilarious comments by the way! Like I needed another reason to love him and the show.
Anyway my question is since he tries to tell the scarab not to do things, like when he told it not to kill Impulse and Batgirl, what would he be saying to the scarab during "War"?
Specifically, what did he say to the scarab when he pinned down Wonder Girl?
I'm just curious because she was the only one not knocked out in the end of that episode! :)
Thanks for everything you've done with Young Justice. I cannot be more serious that this show has positively changed my life in many ways.
Thanks again!

Greg responds...

I'll leave that to your imagination.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Jim Harbor writes...

1. So greg, could you give some insight into picking the locations of fictional DC Cities. (For example Gotham, Connecticut & Central City Missouri and )

2. Also as a gift for the wikiheads, what states are Dakota City and Metropolis in?

Greg responds...

1. It mostly has to do with what city the fictional city is generally considered a stand-in for.

2. No.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

Hi Mr.Weisman, first off thank you far all your amazing work on Young Justice! Now for my question. Since Jaime was still conscious within his body while the scarab was on-mode in "Intervention" is it safe to assume he was in his body watching himself ascend to the the title of Ultimate Big Bad in Bart's dystopian future? If so, how did he try to cope with this? Did he try to fight back? Sorry I know that this is beginning to approach spoiler territory, but anyways I just want to thank you and the rest of the Young Justice team for making what has been the most well thought out, fascinating, and entertaining show I have ever watched.

Greg responds...

You're question involves too many hypotheticals.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Craig writes...

Why is it that the blue Scarab only gave Dan Garrett wings and few other things and not the full armor like it does Jaime?

Greg responds...

Relationships evolve.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Does the Green Beetle's scarab have a name like how Jaime's scarab in the Blue Beetle comics was called Khaji Da?

Greg responds...

Please don't mash continuities when asking questions.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Kaley writes...

What was the apparition that appeared behind Zatanna when she was casting the spell to free Jaime and B'arzz?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

1) Does the Fortress of Solitude exist in Earth-16, and if so, has Conner been there? Has Batman?

2) Was Joe Chill ever caught?

3) Are the Guardians of the Universe aware of Reach presence on Earth, and if so, how do they feel about it?

4) Does the Speed Force exist?

5) What is the state of Queen Industries?

Greg responds...

1. Yes, as stated in the series.

1a. As of when?

1b. No comment.

2. Spoiler request. No comment.

3. By now you know.

4. Asked and answered.

5. Non-existent.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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* writes...

Heya Greg!

Not really a question. I just wanted to let you know there was a feature on Gargoyles on Disney's (as in actually made by the Mouse House) "Oh My Disney" Blog.


In related news, some of the Ducktales and all of Rescue Rangers episodes are now available through Amazon Prime's streaming app.

Hopefully these are signs of good things to come for Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

By now you should know that Gargoyles S2V2 is available on DVD through Disney Movie Club.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

In "True Colors" Lex said the team took a sample of the additive as "expected". what did he mean by that? Why did he expect them to take it?

Greg responds...

Why wouldn't they take it?

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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SuperMartian89 writes...

I had nothing against La'Gaan personally so I felt for him because he geniunely loved M'gann. But SuperMartian belongs together so it was going to happen eventually. But he's now seeing Wendy or trying to move on?

I think that some couples need time apart to see what else is out there and grow and learn so when they come back together, they are better because of the break. That's what I think of SuperMartian although that wasn't the reason for the break.

1. Do you agree?

2. Is Conner going on a date with Wendy due to not seeing M'gann for weeks?

Greg responds...

1. On a theoretical level, I don't disagree. But I'm not commenting on this vis-a-vis Conner & M'gann.

2. By now you know.

Response recorded on July 10, 2013

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GARGOYLES NEWS - DVDS and CONvergence/Gathering

Well, I've been out of the country and OUT OF THE LOOP, but we have some REALLY BIG news on the GARGOYLES front.

Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles has been released on DVD as a Disney Movie Club exclusive. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm planning on getting at least a couple copies, as I'm told by reliable fan sources who have already received their disks that these are the uncut and correct versions of the last twenty-six episodes of Season Two, including such fan favorites as "M.I.A.", Future Tense" and all three parts of "Hunter's Moon".

Wish I knew more. I've e-mailed a Disney contact for more info but haven't received a response yet. But you can probably find all the information you need by asking the fans in the comment room:


Anyway, as always, I'm not asking you to spend money you don't have. But if you can afford it, please help us prove to Disney that Gargoyles is a viable property with a strong fanbase. You can do that in two important ways. (1) Buy the DVDs, of course. And (2) SPREAD THE WORD! Use Tumbler, Twitter, Pony Express, whatever. Just help us let people know that these DVDs exist and are out there for sale.


I was waiting until CONvergence was over on Sunday to announce this, but it seems they've already made the announcement here:


Next summer, one of my favorite conventions, CONVERGENCE in Minneapolis, will be dedicating their annual convention to the theme of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". And a major part of that theme will be the celebration of the TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF GARGOYLES!!! I'm going to be a guest of the convention, and we've already begun discussions to create a Gargoyles convention within the convention. That's right, folks, the GATHERING OF THE GARGOYLES is back!! There will be a RADIO PLAY! There will be a BLUE MUG!! There will be the ROCKY HORROR GARGOYLES SHOW-ING OF THE TRADITIONAL VIDEOS!! There will be ASK GREG LIVE!! And there will be other Gargoyles related guests to be announced!!!

If you came to any one of the thirteen Gatherings that we held between 1997 and 2009, you know how much fun this can be. You'll want to be there again! If you missed the Gatherings and always wished you had had the opportunity, now is your chance! If you've never heard of the Gathering, but like Gargoyles (or any of the other shows I've done or am doing - including W.I.T.C.H., Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice, Rain of the Ghosts and/or Star Wars Rebels, etc.) then this is an opportunity to talk with me and other like-minded fans about them. (We'll probably have panels on them all!)

And if you're interested in just attending a great comic book and science fiction and fantasy and genre convention, then Gargoyles aside, you just can't beat CONvergence:


The camaraderie of the Gatherings was truly something wonderful, and the closest I've ever come to that outside the Gatherings is CONvergence. I honestly can't think of a better con to merge with, even if it's just for one year. (For starters, the ENTIRE hotel is rented to the convention, and the parties go on all night. No more being told by management that we have to stop talking and/or move to some other location. We can and will continue until we drop!)

Now, let's think. Let's strategize. CONvergence is going on NOW. As I type this. And it will last through the end of this July 4th weekend. Next year's convention is exactly one year away. That's plenty of time to plan, to save up money, make travel and hotel arrangements etc. But mostly, what we've got to do in that year is SPREAD THE WORD!!! I want to see a HUGE GARGOYLE FAN TURNOUT at CONvergence 2014. Let's stun CONvergence, the world and DISNEY by showing them how immensely popular Gargoyles still is. And for sure, I don't want any Gargoyles fan saying, "Gee, I didn't hear about it."

So help me, please. I'm sure there are a lot of old fans out there that long ago stopped reading ASK GREG. Contact them. Contact EVERY Gargoyles fan you know, young and/or old. (Don't assume they must already know.) I want to see all my old friends. And a lot of new ones. So, please. Help me. SPREAD. THE. WORD!!!!!!

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