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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

March 22nd...

Earth surrenders to the Space-Spawn.

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This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....

March 21st...

In Avalon, Angela, Gabriel, Ophelia, Boudicca and thirty-two other gargoyles and gargoyle beasts hatch out of their eggs.

Mace disappears with a fortune in jewels to become a full-time operative for the Illuminati. He writes a letter to Dominic Dracon, taunting him with false clues about the location of the jewels.

From around the globe, human heads of state and all twelve Gargoyle Clan Leaders come to Queen Florence Island for the hatching. The Space-Spawn attacks, abducting the gargoyle eggs and the human and gargoyle leaders, including U.N. Secretary General Alexander Fox Xanatos IV. And in Antarctica, Earth's Master Matrix Computer is stolen. The Space-Spawn invasion has begun.

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Galahad writes...

Hi Greg, I'm glad the forum's back up because I have a question that's been nagging me. On the GARGOYLES 2198 CONTEST RESULTS Ramble, you said that, because Delilah II is part human, she feels "like she's not truly a part of either (species). Upon learning of her "heritage", humans seem to react with fear and even disgust. And Delilah has never been confident that the gargoyles she was raised with don't feel the same way." If Gargoyles raise their children without knowledge of biological parents, Delilah shouldn't know she's part human, as it would require her to know she's a biological descendent of the first Delilah. If gargoyles raise their children collectively, how does Delilah know she's part human. Does the Labyrinth Clan have different customs, having been originally led by Talon, a mutate that was once human and thus having founded the Clan on human customs? Or does Delilah notice qualities about herself that are human qualities and subsequently realize she's part human?

Greg responds...

I'm mostly inclined to leave this to your imagination for now, but suffice to say the Labyrinth gargoyles are aware of their history and origins, making some things obvious -- independent of immediate bio-parentage.

Response recorded on October 29, 2007

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Rebel writes...

This question is in regards to the LXM Robots. How closely will they resemble Lexington? Will they resemble him to the extent that Coldfire resembles Desdemona, or to the extent that the original Coyote resembled Xanatos? If they do resemble him closely, could a timedancing Brooklyn accidentally confuse one with Lex? If they do look a lot like Lex it has occurred to me that something like that might happen. I've noticed in the wiki it says they will be five feet tall, but I have no idea what Lex's height will be when he fully matures or how tall he is if he stands up straight, so I don't know if that means they will be a lot bigger than him or about the same size. Thanks for giving any info you can!

Greg responds...

They look like metal Lexington's -- kinda like chrome Lexington's. Brooklyn couldn't confuse one for Lex himself, though he couldn't help noticing the resemblence. They sound like Lex too.

Response recorded on October 16, 2007

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jimmy writes...

hello greg,
im a huge fan of your show hope you make new episodes anyways ive been reading on the gargoyles wikipedia that goliath will die by 2198 and his descendant will be samson
any info on who he is cuz ive never heard of him

Greg responds...

Check out the Gargoyles 2198 archives. C'mon, gang, please check the archives -- or at least the FAQ -- before asking questions.

Response recorded on August 17, 2007

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Anonymous writes...

Would their have been any hatchling for the Avalon Clan by 2198? I did the math and if the eggs stayed on their island their would eight or so unhatched rookeries and all of the current Avalon gargs would still be in their prime.

Greg responds...

I've done the math too. Eggs from Avalon were brought to Queen Florence Island.

Response recorded on August 06, 2007

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Michael writes...

Is Nick Maza (in 2198) blood related to Nick/Natsilane from the episode "Heritage"?

If so, when or at what point in the ancestry of Nick Maza do the bloodlines of the Maza family and Nick/Natsilane meet? If you won't say when specifically then is it closer to the year 2198 or 1998?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I'm not answering this at this time.

Response recorded on June 20, 2007

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K9: The First writes...

By the time of Gargoyles 2198, what will Demona and Macbeth's relationship be? By that I mean: Will they still hate eachothers guts, or will their relationship be more aimiable in nature?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on June 13, 2007

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dph_of_rules writes...

Do you have how the gargoyle population of the present day makes it the point it reaches in March 2198 roughly mapped out?

Greg responds...

Roughly, yes.

Response recorded on April 26, 2007

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Wesley Nichols writes...

We seen that Demona has a great deal of affection for her child, Angela. Since Samson is a descendant of hers, won't that affect how she feels about him? Or will his similarities affect her normal affection for her kin?

Greg responds...

We'll have to wait and see.

Response recorded on April 05, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

The two LXM robots in Gargoyles 2198 are called LXM-994 and LXM-1057. These are the dates of the two massacres. Who named the robots, and why did they choose those names?

Greg responds...

I named the robots, and I chose the numbers for resonance.

Ohhhhh... you mean who named the robots in the SHOW? ;)

They are factory standard. No one "named" them.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

Is Macbeth still wealthy by 2198?

Is Demona still wealthy by 2198?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this information at this time.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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Makhasu writes...

You've said that Macbeth doesn't get involved after the Space Spawn invade Earth in 2198, until some time later. Why? Surely he wouldn't just ignore his planet being taken over. He fought in WWII. Why would he stay out of this far more important war?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this at this time.

Response recorded on February 20, 2007

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FordPrefect writes...

For your Gargoyles Future Spinoff, was the idea of Brooklyn travelling into the future to help against the alien invaders from the old Superboy and Supergirl comics where they travel into the future and join the Legion of Super Heroes?

Greg responds...

I can't deny that as a possible influence -- since of course I'm familiar with the Legion -- but I wasn't specifically thinking of that. The TimeDancer idea came to me before I thought to include Brooklyn in the cast of what eventually became Gargoyles 2198. It just seemed to make sense that if Brook was bouncing around, that one of the eras he'd bounce to is 2198.

Response recorded on February 16, 2007

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Nick Gawel writes...

If Samson is Goliath's great grandson in Gargoyles 2198 wouldn't Samson look more like Broadway since males look like their dad?

Greg responds...

Samson isn't Broadway's son. And look, we never wanted to be rigid about it anyway. One inherits from all of one's ancestors.

Response recorded on December 14, 2006

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John writes...

Hi Greg,

Ok, this might be a bit off topic (YAY) but first I want to say a BIG. HUGHE. GIANT. Thanks to Disney for releasing season 1 on DVD!!! I'll try to get my hands at it here in Europe and just hope I can help bring the series back on screen!!! And I hope Season 2 will follow soon...

Now the question:

You often stated the large number of spinn offs occuring even after the Gargoyles-timeline (meaning Timedancer, 21** etc.). Well, that would mean that eventually, Gargoyles would have a spot where it would end in time. Wich year would this be? Around 2030?

Thank you for awnsering and for pushing so much time in all that stuff (just SOOOO excited on the DVD finally REALLY comming out!!)


Greg responds...


I'm glad you're excited.

But as to your question, I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. I guess if you're asking: "Is there a point in time when the original "GARGOYLES" series would end?" I guess my answer is, "Yes, in March 2198." At which point, we'd change the name to "Gargoyles 2198" and the spin-off would become the series.

Response recorded on May 01, 2006

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Vashkoda writes...

More Lex-related questions:

1) Will Lex be lucky enough to find the love of his life on his first try (I'm not counting what happened in "Turf"). In other words, do you see him going on multiple dates or having many relationships before finally finding "the one"? I know that gargoyles mate for life, but since his significant other may be of a different race, I don't know if it will still be the case.

2) You've said the LXM robots are all chrome-colored and "all but indistinguishable from each other" before the Master Matrix is stolen. Don't you think it might be difficult for the audience to distinguish LXM-994 and LXM-1057 from one another? I understand that once they begin having separate experiences, separate personalities will emerge, but visually, it might still be hard to tell them apart, especially at the beginning of the series when the two teams are still together. Do you have plans for some other way to distinguish the two (some obvious mark or voice difference or such)?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not answering this. I've given too much away already.

2. The possibility for confusion interests me. There are ways to distinguish, but at least initially they won't be immediately obvious.

Oh, and technically these are two unrelated topics. (The fact that LXM looks like Lex doesn't actually help.) I'm only letting it slide because I'm NOT answering the first question.

Response recorded on January 26, 2006

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Anonymous writes...

B.Gargoyles 2198
Will Samson search for his allies (Demona, Macbeth, Noka, etc.) or will they come to him?
a)Will his biological siblings join the fight?
b)Or gargoyles from Avalon?
You wrote that there are actually many races fighting against the Space Spawn, are they losing(or simply have problems), because the Space Spawn.
a)is the physically superior race in the war compared with the other races like most gargoyles are to humans?
b)has the better technology? (like the Vorlons and Shadows in B5 to the other races)
c)increases faster in number and thus a bigger population overall? (Like the Invid in Robotech)
d)are masters of war? (Like the Klingons in TNG who are just good at it)
e)are simple crueller and without mercy? (Like theYuuzhan Vong in the Expanded Star Wars Universe)
What are the goals of the Space Spawn? I mean okay the want to win the war, but what want they do if they win?
a)Kill all other races?(Like the Yuuzhan Vong)
b)Making them to slaves like the Centauri from B5 to the Narn and the Cardassians from Ds9 to the Bajorans?
c)Making them to dependent colonies(under direct or indirect controle) like the Dominion from DS9?
a)Are there still governments on earth?
If yes are they:
a)Relative indipendent if they don't oppose the Space Spawn's rule.
b)Directly controled by the Space Spawn(by a representative perhaps)?

Greg responds...

1. Some of each.

2a. One way or another.

2b. One way or another.

3. They're winning. That's all I'm in the mood to reveal.

4. Mostly to expand territory.

5a. Yes.
5abc. Think Vichy.

Response recorded on November 16, 2005

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Hardwing writes...

Sorry for the last post.

1.a)You wrote Samson would be the leader of the resistance fighting the Space Spawn, wouldn't Demona be repugant to follow the orders by someone who is such young.
b)Wouldn't be the other gargoyles.

2.You wrote she would have an alliance with Manhattan clan of this time, means this she simple don't attacks them or has she helped them sometimes?

3.Did she have at any time between 1996 and 2198 any friends amongst the Manhattan clan besides her daughter?

4.Has Demona had much contact to Samson(or her other descendants?) when he was young so that they know each other at last a bit?

5.How is her relationship to her sister Coldfire, or to Coldstone at this time?

Greg responds...

1a. Demona comes in later. She is in fact reluctant to take orders. Isn't that fun?

1b. Samson is Second-In-Command, when his leader is abducted. I'm not saying there's no resistance, but it's the system they are accustomed to.

2. Who? Demona? I wrote that? Do you mean after the attack?

3. I'm not answering that.

4. They are aware of each other.

5. I'm not answering that.

Response recorded on September 29, 2005

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Phoenician writes...


Who's Nicholas Natsilane Maza?
The Decendant of a member of the Mazas' and Natsilane (From Heritage)?
I saw this on the Gargoyles Encyclopedia.

Greg responds...

Not my Gargoyles Encyclopedia. I assume you mean some website.

Anyway, I think the name kind of speaks for itself, and beyond that I don't feel like revealing many more details than those already available by checking out the GARGOYLES 2198 archive here at ASK GREG.

Response recorded on May 26, 2005

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Francois Ferland writes...

Hi Greg! I'm posting for the first time and it feels wierd, since I tried to send questions 4 or 5 years ago and they got deleted. Anyway...

First of all, I'd like to thank you for having been (and still being) such an important part of the Gargoyles franchise. You (and others of course) provided me with easily THE single best animated show ever. A well written series great voice acting, continuous plots, characters that are believable, and a complex universe that manages both to include lots of existing legends and myths while still retaining a distinct identity. I truly think that in terms of all-around quality for a dramatic show, Gargoyles was easily Disney's best effort by far. Reboot is the only other animated show that I've seen that seems to exhibit the same qualities, meaning well-written, clever and quite enjoyable for both kids and adults.

Also, I'm happy to learn that Gathering 2004 will take place in Montreal, meaning I might actually be able to attend! I don't know if you're the one who chose the location, but if you are, thanks on behalf of us Canadians!

Finally, I'd just like to thank you for actually answering the flood of questions we fans send your way. And especially your god-like patience towards people who obviously never took the time to read the FAQ OR archive. I can understand asking about a minor detail that could have been missed, but among the questions being submitted, I know there are some LAZY people I wouldn't mind slapping once or twice in the face...

Anyway, I have a number of questions on different subject, so expect a few one-question posts from me.

This one would fit in a "Writing" category if there is such a thing.

1. Regarding your current master plan (i.e. your ideas for the various spin-offs), it's obvious you've given lots of thoughts to the initial setting of each. The main characters and their immediate goals for example, as well as ideas for early stories as well as a few ideas for on-going plots. A lot of course would be dictated by the characters (and your muse I'm sure) as the shows would go along.

a) Now here's my question: Do you have an idea about the possible endings of some of your spin-offs? I don't want you to tell me anything, just if you have some "Ultimate goals" in mind for all your spin-offs.

Gargoyles itself has always been very open-ended. There never was a single overlying theme to the series, it just kept going on on its own, the plots and characters growing in complexity in a very organic and sometimes unpredictable way. It could potentially keep going on for years and years.

But some of your spin-offs have very specific premises. There ARE stories that are better told if planned from beginning to end as a whole. Others however are better if left to evolve on their own. An aimless story could potentially "find its voice" after a while, leading to an ultimate ending of sorts. Or, the initial premise could be transformed over time, leading the story in a quite different direction.

For example, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Initially, the show is about our heroes trying to restore a people (Bajorans) to a stable society following years of occupation by an enemy race (Cardassians). Yet, after two years, the show introduced a much bigger menace, a race who sought to conquer and control all others (the Dominion). From then on, the show eventually lead to a huge war with the ending signaling the end of the hostility.

a) How do you feel about long stories? About those that are open-ended and those that have some finality set for them? (I hope I'm not being to vague here. I'm really interested in how you feel about this)

And about some specifics spin-offs:

b) Bad Guys: The basic idea is about our main characters seeking redemption. Do you know if they ever find it? And would that be the goal of the show?

c) TimeDancer: Ultimately, the very final ending is, in a way, already known. Brooklyn makes it home a lot older with a family. But do you already have some sketchy idea about how he finally makes it there, like some final adventure dealing with the Phoenix Gate itself, or were you planing on dealing with it once you were forced to, like a series' finale?

c) Gargoyles 2198: This one seems to be mostly about the war against the Space-Spawn but as you often say, "Things aren't that simple". Would the liberation of Earth signal the end of the series, or would you keep the series going with the existing setting once the war is over? After all, there might still be other threats like Coyote-X, the Illuminati, etc.

d) Dark Ages: Since this one could theoretically run up to the beginning of "Awakening", I won't ask if you have an ending in mind.

e) Pendragon: It's obvious now that Merlin, Mr. Duval and Holy Grail would be important part of the story. Do you have an ending in mind for this one, or where you again planing on seeing where the story ultimately took you?

f) New Olympians: This one feels pretty generic, and feels like it could run forever like Gargoyles. The ultimate goal I suppose would be the acceptance of New Olympus by humanity, but judging by the response toward gargoyles, wouldn't likely fit within an entire series, no matter how long it might be. Still, got an ending in mind, even if it's pretty open-ended, like "Hunter's Moon pt.3"?

Thanks a lot for answering.

Greg responds...


Well, time delay means that I believe we met in Montreal (and, no, I didn't choose the location -- I don't make those decisions). You played Lex in the radio play, right?

1a. Some yes, some no. I know where Dark Ages ends -- with "Awakening, Part One". I know where "TimeDancer" ends... right where it began. I have a VERY good idea of how the Space-Spawn thing is resolved, but I don't think that necessarily marks the end of 2198. And likewise, I don't have a firm ending for Pendragon, Bad Guys or the New Olympians... but I have a good idea where I want to go with the first major arcs. As for Gargoyles itself -- that would end in 2198.

1a) [You had two (a)s.] Some stories -- whether long or short -- need closure. They're one-shots... no matter how long they last. Others can be open-ended. I lean toward the latter personally... because life is ongoing -- even after individuals die. But I respect the other form as well.

b) I'm not going to reveal whether or not they find redemption, but yes that's the goal. The thing is... even if I were to redeem all the original cast, the concept can survive them. And new characters may be introduced that give us a reason to continue. I will say, that I wouldn't be shy to bring a series to an end if I had no more stories to tell. That just has never happened to me within the Garg Universe. Not yet anyway.

c) See above for confirmation of your basic thesis. But I have a fairly clear general idea of how the whole dance, including the finale choreographs. But I won't pretend I have all forty years worth of adventures planned out to the last detail. I don't.

c) [You had two (c)s, as well.] See above. The war doesn't end the series.

d) See above.

e) I have endings in mind for some of the arcs that I plan to set in motion. But even the ultimate death of Arthur himself (which I was not planning anytime soon) might not end this series. I have at least one significant idea to go beyond Arthur...

f) Same deal. I have specific arcs in mind, and I have a solid idea of how they end. But I doubt that they wouldn't lead to more stories. If in fact they didn't and I was out of juice there, I'd shut it down.

Response recorded on April 14, 2005

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Stanley writes...

Would you update your Gargoyles 2198 outline at all since the events of 9/11?

Greg responds...

I haven't studied it -- so perhaps there's some little thing I'd change, but generally no.

Response recorded on February 15, 2005

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Gargoylie writes...

Have you ever thought of a sequel or prequel to gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Yes. The prequel is called GARGOYLES: THE DARK AGES.

The sequel is called GARGOYLES 2198.

For more info on either, check out the ASK GREG archives.

Response recorded on December 20, 2004

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Zarok writes...

Gargoyles 2198

Greg I have a question regarding "Gargoyles 2198", actually it's more of a comment, to be brutally honest it's a criticism.
Every time I read through the G2198 outline I am fascinated by the little glimpse I get of the new characters, Delilah's insecurities, Zafiro's spirituality and Guardian's embracing the Gargoyle way of life.
They all show great potential as characters, with one dubious exception
Samson has a 150 word long profile all to him self but do we get any of the same Character insight? No, instead we are merely told that he looks like Goliath and then are treated to a lot of speculation as to who his parents were. Even Brooklyn's dog gets more characterisation than Samson! What is even more distressing the fact that this is supposed to be the show's lead.
I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant because it really isn't. I'm sure you have lots of interesting character stuff in mind for Samson but none of that came across in the outline. I really think a great character should defined by their choices, personality and beliefs rather than their lineage, even if their lineage is as illustrious as Samson's. Don't you agree?

Greg responds...

Totally. And it's very possible I got distracted by less important stuff in that document. Rest assured, Samson would be a strong lead character -- as strong and interesting and fascinating, etc. as I know how to make a character -- if I ever get the chance to do that series.

Response recorded on December 09, 2004

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Death Hawk writes...

I must be a bit out of the loop, acording to the FAQ, the idea for 2198 was made a wile back, how did it take so long for me to hear about it? I didn't even know it exsisted until i read that question about it.

Greg responds...

I don't know how to respond to this question. You tell me.

Response recorded on November 23, 2004

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