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What is more powerful Oberon or a Space-Spawn planebuster?
What is a planebuster?
you've said that Samson was raised in a communal rookery with many eggs in the rookery, so how does he know that he is descended from Demona? did Demona tell him or does he just know cuz he resembles Goliath THAT much and that means he is almost definetly descended from him and Demona?
Who said that HE knew he was descended from Demona?
Did I? Are you sure?
1. how long in advance did Nokkar know about the Space-Spawn invasion or was he completly surprised also?
2. was Nokkar still on Easter Island when the Space-Spawn attacked? if not, where was he?
3. between 1996 and 2198 has Nokkar had any communication or messages from his people or anyone on his side in the Galactic War?
4. was Nokkar still hiding from the bulk of humanity up til 2198 or was he known to exist by many humans? did the United Nations know of him? did Alexander Xanatos?
5. after 2198 will he be known to humnas or will he be fighting in the resistance while still hiding from the humans he is protecting?
1. Surprised.
2. Yes.
3. No.
4. He was still largely hiding.
5. He's not holding a press conference, because he's wanted by the Space-Spawn who are controlling things. But more and more people will come to know him... until he takes off into space with Demona, Zafiro etc.
ok, the Space-Spawn have the power to destroy a planet:
1. have they had this ability for a while? like more than 100 or a 1000 earth years?
2. do they have many such planet destroying devices or just one or two? are they common parts of Space-Spawn military groups?
3. if they tried to destroy the Earth would it completly blow up the planet like a Star Wars Death Star or Titan AE kinda thing or would it just kinda melt the surface, boil the oceans, kill all life way of destroying the planet?
4. if they did blow up the Earth what would happen to Avalon?
5. in 2198, do any of the races on Earth have anything that could stop the Earth from being destroyed if the Space-Spawn wanted to?
1. I don't know.
2. It's not a unique device, but not common either.
3. Blow it up.
4. Gone.
5. Potentially, but not with any guarantees.
So here's a G2198 question relating to my prize:
The cover page says "CGI Series Proposal - 9/21/00". I assume you actually submitted it to the powers that be. What kind of response did you get? (Yes, No, Maybe, Needs more work, Not right now?)
I never submitted it.
I was working with some guys to put a CGI presentation together by G2001. That never happened. And during the time we were working on it, it became clear to me that the time wasn't right at Disney.
In any event, the version you received would have gone through at least one more revision before being pitched. I would have cut stuff out of the proposal to simplify things for the execs. It wouldn't have changed the end product at all, but I've learned that less is more in a pitch. For starters, I'd have cut all the info on clans. That was written to clarify things for me. But it's extraneous information at this early stage.
Hi, Greg
This is just a ramble to say thanks again for the G2198 prize. I've read it several times, and I really hope the show gets made someday; I can hardly wait to see it.
Although it would be neat to have a document like this for any of the spin-offs, this is really the one to have. Gargoyles 2198 is really the culmination of everything we know. I see so many of the episodes (especially the World Tour) in a different light, and the other proposed spin-offs seem to be leading right into this one.
You said that the prize itself was worthless, but it has quickly become one of my prized possessions. Thanks again!
You're welcome.
I'm planning a new contest coming up soon.
By 2198, is Nokkar considered elderly for his kind yet?
In the future after the great war between earth and the space spawn empire would inhabitants of earth do the following things
1) allow alien races to settle on earth
2) hold diplomatic and economic relations with other alien races
You're way ahead of me. How do you know Earth survives?
What is the New olympians role in the liberation of earth against Space Spawn rule?
Eventually, significant.
Given the Space Spawn's reputation in 2198, am I right that Nokkar will have a bad rep to for just being from space? Or will he not have revieled himself to the public yet, and just work in secreat at HQ? What has his chain of Easter Island friends turned into by this point?
Nokkar's still largely a secret in February, 2198. I'm not saying more than that right now.
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