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VELATIONS 2013-10 (Oct)

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Brian D writes...

I have two questions about Rocket.

1) who is she marrying?
2)did she take time off from the team when she had Amistad, if so how long?

thank you for everything, this was my absolute favorite show and I am sorry to see it go so soon!

Greg responds...


2. Technically, this is a Spoiler Request, too. Or at least, you're asking a question based on a non-established premise. But... yes.

2a. I haven't broken it down with that much specificity.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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CGYJ writes...

Hello Mr. Greg Weisman,

With Season Two finally at an end, I wanted to ask a question. When Impulse went back in time from the year 2056, everything gradually started changing from the moment he arrived in 2016. Even though we know at least a few things about what happened, can please tell us how events occured in the unaltered timeline that led to 2056? I realize that you don't like to explain stories, but can you tell us the list of the events in condensed, bullet-point form? This particular topic was something that's bugging me for some time, so I'm interested to know the Reach Apocalypse was successful in the original timeline.


Greg responds...

I'm not doing this. Sorry.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Kelso writes...

Wally West is my all-time favorite DC character. I just want you to know that you having him on your show meant a great deal to me <3 I don't think a question about him has been worded or asked this way so I will.
Was it your plan to kill Wally from the beginning? Or at what point was the decision to kill him made?
(My personal head-canon in order to cope with this is that he isn't actually dead, he's in the Speedforce. No body = no proof of death in my mind.)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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BPJ writes...

I don't get when Impulse said Green Beetle wasn't in the history books. Was it cause he changed history when he cured Neutron?

Greg responds...

Lots of possible reasons:

1. History changed.

2. Historians didn't know about Green Beetle.

3. History was imcomplete or lost.


Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Paul writes...

When Artemis Crock travels by zeta now, does the Computer recognize her as Artemis or Tigress?

When Bart Allen travels by zeta now, does the Computer recognize him as Impulse or Kid Flash?

Greg responds...

Starting with the tag of Engame, "Tigress".

Starting with the tag of Endgame, "Kid Flash".

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Roy writes...

Hey Greg,

So, in a recent interview with World's Finest, you gave the Justice League two extra designations (#27 and #28). Were they Blue Devil and Adam Strange?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Bianca Ruhland writes...

Hi Greg :)
My name is Bianca Ruhland and currently i have just started my final year getting my double major in Creative Writing and Animation. It's a big wish of mine to one day go on to write for or create a cartoon series of my own (especially of the superhero variety, haha.)
After the series final of Young Justice i just want to say, well done. It's shows like Young Justice i want to show to my own kids one day. It inspires me and i want to work with shows like it one day.
Visually, it's stunning, story wise it's even better. You've managed to find a way to introduce characters to keep existing comic book fans happy, but write it in such a way it introduces new fans as well. That's a very hard to do (from what i've heard). Not to mention, your show is built in such a way that it doesn't patronize children's intelligence. You have connecting story lines about big issues. You show them the power of love and friendship, but also show the realistic side that sometimes, friends fight and relationships end. People grow up on the outside, but not always on the inside. Also, the fact you broke the 'Rule of 3' and had such a large female cast was so awesome!
I'm writing to you as one of many voices of support for this show. It breaks my heart to see it go, especially in favor of other new shows that...well, that just kind of look like the same old stuff personally. It's really upsetting. After watching the final episode, there are so many cliff hangers! And Wally! Also, i've heard rumours that there were plans to bring in Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne into the next season. That would have just blown my mind.
I was wondering, Greg, exactly where the show stands right now. Is there a possibility at a Season 3 if Beware the Batman and Teen Titans Go don't fare too well? Can we get it outside of DC Nation or on another channel? Do you have plans for a Kickstarter (ala Veronica Mars?)Is there anything at all being done that you can mention? Like plans for a mini-series or an online follow up comic? (ala Smallville?)
If you can't tell me anything that's fine, but i just wanted to let you know Greg that you did a really great job on this show. You and Bruce Timm are my idols and i hope to be like you one day. If it's possible, please don't give up on the show just yet, not because I and other fans want it, but because i honestly feel that children everywhere NEED it, for what it is and what it teaches.
Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Okay, first of all, thank you so much for all the kind words. It's much appreciated.

In that spirit, and since you have stated a sincere interest in being a professional writer, I'd like to offer some advice, which I hope you'll take in the spirit in which it is given: you need to do a better job proofreading, especially when you're expressing your desire to be a pro to a pro. When I look at a potential writer, once I get to the second or third typo, I've generally written that person off. I know this wasn't a formal communication, but you took the time to give me your full name and to list your goals. You never know, and you don't want to poison the water by not ALWAYS putting your best foot forward.

As for the episode, I'm going to state again that there were no cliffhangers in it. Loose ends, yes. Cliffhangers, no.

As for the series' future, there isn't much to tell, but I'll try to answer your questions.

Our pick-up has absolutely NOTHING to do with the success or failure of either Beware the Batman or Teen Titans Go!

I don't know about the health of DC Nation, as I'm no longer at Warner Bros. But it is extremely unlikely that we'd ever get YJ on any channel other than Cartoon Network. Keep in mind that CN, Warner Brothers and DC Comics are all part of the same company, Time-Warner.

I have no plans for a Kickstarter and such plans are beyond my ability without the interest and cooperation of the folks who own YJ, i.e. Time-Warner. I've asked about this option and gotten no encouragement.

There are no current plans for more episodes, spin-offs, mini-series or movies, despite Brandon and I pitching multiple options for all of the above. I have asked DC Comics if they're interested in publishing more YJ or Earth-16 comics, and they have declined.

What there is, is YOUNG JUSTICE LEGACY, a video-game coming out next month with original cannon content, telling an important story from the five-year gap between Season One of Young Justice and Season Two. If this sells well - really well - then it represents our best chance of telling additional stories down the line. There's also the soundtrack album, the various DVDs and Trade Paperbacks collecting the comics. Again, the best way to get more YJ is to vote with your wallet or purse!!

And I'll NEVER give up on the show. It's important to insert reality into any conversation about bringing it back, but that doesn't mean I don't still have hope.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Carnistea writes...

Mr. Weisman, do you feel any remorse whatsoever about destroying your fans' hearts and cause floods of tears from the audience with your works, with one example being the episode Endgame from Young Justice?

Greg responds...

Are there more examples?

And, no. No remorse at all. I am remorse-free.

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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Christine writes...

I am so distraught about the season finale (never series!) is there just, honestly, anything you can console hard core wally west/spitfire fans with? Because its been a FEW hours now and I'm not exaggerating when I say I am still upset about it.

Greg responds...

Well, now it's been a few months...

But, no, I have nothing consoling to add...

Response recorded on October 07, 2013

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david writes...

How do you feel about the fans putting up petitions and, in a way, bombarding CN fb page and DC Nation fb page about bringing back Young Justice for another season? I mean i love young justice and would love another season, but i'm just wondering from your perspective

Greg responds...

I think as long as they're being polite and respectful, the fans have every right to make their opinions known to TPTB. (The fact that I share that desire may influence my opinion.)

Response recorded on October 04, 2013

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