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Congrats on Young Justice being continued. Always great if fans fighting for the favorite shows succeed.
I really liked Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam. Will you write Masque of Bones now things are going well again? The book series is as good as Gargoyles was both in quality, imagination and depth of characters and story arc... books so brillant should be continued. PLEASE!
Thank you.
I still plan to get back to Masque of Bones and the Rain series someday, but unfortunately I just can't afford to do it now. I need to make a living, and with no one interested in publishing and paying me to write the book, I need to focus on other (paid) work instead. Sometimes real life is uncooperative.
Let me just start by saying what a great writer you are. When I found out you were going to write a book I was elated. When I heard of your AudioPlay, I was ecstatic. Which is why I was so heartbroken when I read your comments about the Kickstarter experience and how jaded you were about it. More so because that basically means we won't get an AudioPlay for Book 2.
I'm really sorry it didn't work out like you were hoping. I haven't lost hope of you releasing Book 3, however.
A sincere thank you.
I haven't lost hope of producing an AudioPlay for Book 2 or of writing Book 3: Masque of Bones. It's not going to happen in the near future, but someday. Just not through Kickstarter.
Hi! Just want to say that I still look forward to read Masque of Bones. I keep my fingers crossed for you to find some time to write it. Any luck yet?
No, I'm sorry. I just can't afford to write it on spec right now. But my latest novel, WAR OF THE SPARK: RAVNICA (set in the Magic: The Gathering multiverse), came out last week. I hope you'll check it out. And I will get back to Rain and Masque eventually. The truth is that the more success I build with my commissioned novels like Ravnica, the more likely I'll be able to get back to the Rain series.
What's the status on Rain of the Ghosts? Are you going to do an AudioPlay for Spirits? Have you put Masque of Bones on hiatus?
For financial reasons, I've had to put both the AudioPlay of SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM and the writing of MASQUE OF BONES on hold. Unfortunately, we didn't sell enough copies of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS (in either paperback or ebook form) and we didn't sell nearly enough e-copies of the AudioPlay for RAIN. I can't afford the time to work on this project right now, which kills me. But I will someday.
1) I haven't seen Greg on Twitter for ages...what happened to him?
2) What is with "Masque of Bones"? Is there any hope left for the Rain of the Ghosts series? They were some of the best books I ever read and I would be so disappointed if the project just died...
1. I took a break from social media.
2. I'll get to it eventually, but it may be a LONG eventually. I'm afraid that neither book in the series sold well enough for my publisher to want to publish the third book. I was hoping that the audioplay version of Rain would generate some interest, both in itself, and the series as a whole. But that hasn't happened. So I will get back to Rain - and self-publish, if necessary. But right now, I need to pay the bills, with projects like World of Warcraft: Traveler.
I have really enjoyed the Rain of the Ghosts series and I anxiously await for Book 3 to come out. My question for you though is this: As you write the Rain of the Ghosts series, do you already have an idea of how you want the series to ultimately end, or is the story more fluid with ideas coming to you as you write?
I try to keep myself open to ideas that come to me or to characters who assert themselves, like Renée and Cash did in SPIRITS. But I know pretty much exactly where the story is going.
Hi Greg! It`s me again, Austrias biggest Gargoyles and Rain of the ghosts fan! I`m still hoping for more Comics and/or a continuation of the series.
I am deeply fascinated with the subplot about Demona and Macbeth. They are by far my favorites.
There is one thing I don`t understand. According to Gargoyles Timeline Gruoch was about 27-28 when she had to marry Gilcomghain. Judging by medieval standards she was a very old maid. Why wasn`t she married at "the right age" like 15 or so as it was the custom for a gentle woman?
Why didn`t Macbeth and Gruoch marry years before? They grew up in the same castle, were fond of each other, Macbeth was evidently wealthy and of noble birth so why did`t they just get engaged around the age of 18-22 or so when they were of age? What was the problem?
Best wishes for your current projects! Can`t wait to see "Masque of Bones" (P.S. Any news about its publication yet?)
Greetings, Gia
Historically, what happened, happened. We were only able to guess at the reasons.
So, in universe, Macbeth was without a father and had his inheritance ripped away. (So he was no longer wealthy, and he was virtually homeless.) That gave Gruoch's father pause about allowing Gruoch & Macbeth to marry. Gruoch wouldn't marry anyone else, until Macbeth was convinced by Bodhe to reject her.
And they didn't grow up in the same castle. Bodhe and Gruoch were VISITING the night Findlaech was killed. And that was the first time Macbeth and Gruoch met. They fell in love then and thereafter, but by that time Macbeth was S.O.L.
As for Masque of Bones, I haven't written it yet, because I've been writing World of Warcraft: Traveler novels for Blizzard and Scholastic.
May I say that your shows are amazing Mr. Greg :) My best friend got introduced to all of them :)
And my question is that in your book series would you like it to be something in the lines of a comic book?
Thanks again
I'd be happy to adapt it to a comic book. But first and foremost it's a series of novels. And an AudioPlay.
Hi there!
I'm Viennas (Austria) biggest fan of Gargoyles and want to thank you first of all for all the fun and inspiration it has given me! I really love it.
Your novel series "Rain of the ghosts" is just as brilliant and I can't wait to get my hands on "Masque of bones". Is it by now possible to say when it will be approximately released?
Thank you and good luck with your projects!
No, I haven't started writing Masque of Bones yet, because - to be perfectly honest - I needed to earn some money. So instead I wrote the World of Warcraft: Traveler novel, which will be out in November of 2016. And I just started working on the second Traveler novel.
I will get back to Masque eventually. But in the meantime, have you read the sequel to Rain of the Ghosts: SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, which is available at bookstores or websites like Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Spirits-Ash-Foam-Ghosts-Novel/dp/1250029821 ?
And have you heard our RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay, which is currently available for download at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts ?
Okay, first of all, I am really looking forward to Masque of Bones. I was more ambiguous on Rain of the Ghosts, but Spirits of Ash and Foam has really, really got me interested. Congratulations on your story and on the audioplay!
Second, a Star Wars Rebels question. Were there any LGBT+ characters that were slipped past the radar? Sure, general animation has been doing it since the 90s, but there's been a lot more attention to it recently and I was curious.
I don't feel I can answer that, as Lucasfilm controls those characters, and I'm not even on the series anymore. Plus, I signed an N.D.A. I have my own opinions, but they may or may not be shared by Lucasfilm.
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