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I've noticed certain common threads in your shows, and I have to ask...what's the deal with your characters using giant staple guns?
I think they're cool. And different.
Can halflings with a Gargoyle and a Third Race parent have children with humans - or human/Third Race halflings with Gargoyles?
With or without the aid of magic or advanced science?
Dear Mr. Weisman,
I was wondering about a technical question that has to do with the steel clan. I noticed that these robots have jetpacks and wings.
If they can propel themselves with jetpacks, why do they have wings? Thank You for the best animated show!!!
Most airplanes have engines and wings, right? They need both.
The wings don't flap. They're for lift and to aid in steering. Like rudders.
What is a sense distortion laser beam
It mucks with things like inner ear function.
in "Walkabout" why didn't they just use the computer virus Xanatos obtained in "Legion" on the Matrix when they were trying to destroy it?
i have to ask, does a question like taht one bug you? i mean, i can understand how a question asked about something taht has yet to happen or why something happened a certain way is fine, but does it annoy you when we ask, "why didn't they do this..." questions? i think those kind of questions would annoy me cuz they sound so after the point, so unimportant. and when i begin to ask a question like taht i can usually look at it and answer it myself as well as you can. for instance, my question above, my guess is you'll say, "they didn't have the virus with them in Austrailia" or "they had no way to transmit the virus to the Matrix." sorry for the long ramble about nothing, i'll just stop asking these obvious and annoying questions...
boy, i'm tired :)
1. I'm not sure Fox knew about that virus.
2. You're second paragraph undercuts any annoyance I might have had with your first question.
when cloning a gargoyle, is there any way to predict how the coloring will differ, is there any order to it or is it completly random coloring? i mean does Lex's parent or grandparent have the same coloring as Lex's clone or what?
The color differences, according to Sevarius, are a result of the forced growing procedure. If you clone a garg and allow it to age normally, the coloring should be the same.
I believe that the color changes are predictable. They tend toward the photo-negative, I think.
Why do the space-spawn require ships if they have molecular transporters?
Transporters are very innefficient energy-wise. And they only work at the speed of light. They are impractical over great distances.
<<Just out of curiousity(I hope to what ever god/dess that I spelled that right.) I was wondering why Sevarius did gene splicing to make the Mutates? I watched this thing on one of the educational channels and it said that humans have little bits of DNA from every animal in their DNA codes. So, why didn't Sevarius just activate the exsting genes in them? Or, did he by that gene splicing?>>
In reference to your exasperated reply, lemme try to answer this. Humans don't really contain little bits of DNA from all animals. Its more like we share certain bits with other animals due to the fact that we have common ancestors. For example, a gorilla and a human's DNA is something like 99% the same due to the fact that we're so closely related. However, there's still a distinct difference between a gorilla and a human. In DNA, a little bit goes a long way.
To make a long story even longer, in order to get the kind of mutate hybrids Sevarious was shooting for, he would have to swap out some of the distinctly human DNA with say Cat genes for Maggie. So in the end, Sevarious would have had to "splice" in Cat DNA that we don't have.
Hope that made some sort of sense.
It does to me. Thanks.
>> Hey Greg,
Just out of curiousity(I hope to what ever god/dess that I spelled that right.) I was wondering why Sevarius did gene splicing to make the Mutates? I watched this thing on one of the educational channels and it said that humans have little bits of DNA from every animal in their DNA codes. So, why didn't Sevarius just activate the exsting genes in them? Or, did he by that gene splicing?
Well off to homework, "yeah".
Greg responds...
Anyone with a scientific background want to field this? Come up with an explanation that justifies what we put into the show?
Be my guest. <<
I believe that the reasoning here would be that as humans we contain DNA that is very similar to the DNA found in amimals (like proteins that have the same structure) but we don't contain the DNA of every animal per se. It may look like we do but that is just because of similarity of structure or similar proteins in our bodies. Sevarius spliced animal DNA to the mutates based upon which section of the animals DNA controlled a certain trait. But putting these DNA samples into their systems they eventually became grafted onto their own DNA structures, mutating the DNA, and causing their appearances to change in order to resemble their now changed genetic code.
I hope that helps Greg!
-Joe Wagner
It does. Thanks, Joe. See, gang, the fans are always your first and best resource.
1.Would you consider the golem to be an AI since it is artificial?
2.If you could rank the AIs of the Gargoyles Universe from most advanced to least advanced where does the Golem fit?
1. Uh, I suppose... but certainly not in the sense that the term is generally used.
2. I'm not sure we yet have any true AI's aside from Matrix.
Does even Coyote 4.0 qualify? He's certainly sophisticated by robotic standards, but is he truly artificially intelligent?
Would you categorize Coldfire & Coldsteel as A.I.'s when it is the sorcerous possession of gargoyle souls that engenders their intelligence?
Am I missing anyone?
So far all I've got is Matrix, who, yes, is more advanced than Golem, if you even want to put Golem on that scale, which I don't.
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