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SPONSES 2014-04 (Apr)

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Darksuperboy writes...

Hi greg big fan of the show

did you know YOUNG JUSTICE just placed 5th in tvs.com Best "Kid" Animated Series of 2013. if yes how do you feel about it? if not then congratulations you and your team managed to beat star wars clone wars and legend of korra. and if it wasn't for some hacking from MLP fans you might of placed higher. How do you feel about that?

I hope this helps with getting support for season 3 or at least a dvd film to finish the story, since it was such an amazing show.

keep up the great work

Greg responds...

It's great news. I'm not big on cartoons competing in this way. I understand the desire to make lists, but ranking has never really been my thing. Still, it's wonderful and gratifying to be included.

Response recorded on April 09, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

When Doc Ock allowed May Parker and Anna Watson to get away in "Group Therapy" instead of just taking Rhino's suggestion to "plough through 'em", was it because he was just being a gentleman or because he was a little bit smitten with one or both of them? Or was it both him being a gentleman AND him having a crush?

Greg responds...

Mostly, I think he was being a gentleman. Put it this way, Octavius is not enamored of carnage and mayhem for the sake of carnage and mayhem. No point in ruling over a ruin and/or a burg of dead subjects.

Whether he found Ms. Parker or Ms. Watson attractive... well, I'll leave that to your interpretation.

Response recorded on April 09, 2014

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Charisma82 writes...

Greg Weisman: "I'd like to see a music video from Goliath's POV -- but featuring Elisa -- of "Amazing".

As per request:


I hope it's the right "Amazing." Thank you for your time and the suggestion.

Greg responds...


I'll be honest, I don't actually remember asking for this, so I'm not sure if it's the "Amazing" I was thinking of, but boy it's perfect, isn't it? Anyway, whether or not I was smart to suggest it, you did a fantastic job.

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! A question about The Spectacular Spider-Man: when it came to the arc subject titles (like Biology 101, Engineering 101, Drama 101), I noticed that you didn't revisit any of the same subjects i.e. you didn't get as far as Psychology 102 or Criminology 102. But I was wondering if you were planning on doing any 102s in season 3, or later down the line?

Greg responds...

Not if I could avoid it. But given enough seasons, who knows?

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Anon writes...

Were there any Young Justice scenes that were ever cut out for time?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Richard writes...

Hi Greg, I'm brand new here. I read the guidelines and I have a suspicion that this question might get deleted, but a member of s8 posted a comment on my video on YouTube that I should share my Gargoyles Official 2014 Trailer with you. I was a huge fan of the show as a kid and made a fan trailer for people to remember and honor your amazing show. This is not a question, but more so just wanted to share my video with you and thank you for your creativity that has inspired me for many many years.


Thank you for your time and enjoy.


Greg responds...

I'd seen this. Someone posted it on twitter. It's very cool. It's a little odd for me seeing Ms. Kreuk and Mr. Neeson as Elisa and Xanatos, but it works well in the trailer. Thanks for sharing!

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Who was the first super-villain to discover that Spider-Man was Peter Parker in The Spectacular Spider-Man?

Greg responds...

The obvious answer is, of course, Venom. Did you have something else in mind? Or is this like a trick question, trying to get me to admit that more than one super-villain knew Spidey's secret i.d.?

Response recorded on April 08, 2014

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Jenn writes...

When the shows are being edited, how is it decided what goes and what stays? How are some lines more important to the over all plot of the story than others?

Greg responds...

Um. They just are. I mean, if a character says something essential to understanding the plot, that'll stay in. If it's very funny, it'll probably stay in. If it's kinda off-point, and the episode is running long, then the line's at risk.

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

What are Zatanna's spells in intervention? The Wiki doesn't have all of them.

Greg responds...

Here's what's in my script. I don't have the time right now to go through the as-aired episode and compare. So some of what follows may have been trimmed or cut for time. But we recorded it all:

Eruces S'tekcor ecrof-elbbub htiw ym skcigam!

Eerf Lrigtab dna Eslupmi!


Tcerider ym seimene stniaga hcae rehto!

Retne a ecnart ot eraperp rof eht lautir…

Ho ythgim Sisi fo eht citsym baracs, evig em ruoy rewop!




Laever ohw slortnoc ruoy Sbaracs!

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

How well did Rain sell/is selling?

Greg responds...

Not as well as I'd hoped, I'm afraid. Still seems like very few people know about it. So anything you can do to help spread the word would be appreciated.

Response recorded on April 07, 2014

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