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SPONSES 2014-09 (Sep)

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry if this has already been asked, I couldn't find anything on this.

1. What's J'onn's relationship with Garfield? Does gar call him Uncle J'onn?

2. How did J'onn react to him? Was he happy, upset, (doubt he was) or worried?

Please answer, I'd like to know about this

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. He was sympathetic.

Response recorded on September 10, 2014

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Sal Gutierrez writes...

Before I get into my questions, I would like to say I appreciate the effort you and the creative team put in for your sensory and background details on Young Justice. Personally, what keeps me coming back to Earth 16's universe is how you and the creative team have a well thought out timeline and detailed analysis to make sure where and how things occur in your show. From Justice League political relations to the structure of galactic communication to mystical dealings, these little sensory details were honestly what made the show seem more grounded to me than say any live-action superhero movie I've seen(with the exception of The Dark Knight). Of course it still requires to hold some suspension of disbelief, but rather than creating situations from coincidence with no consequence was very effective way of handling how superheroes affect their world. Of course superheroes and extraordinary crises are the forefront of any superhero media interpretation, but what engulfs me completely is realizing the writers know how their world works from inside and out. Your answering fan questions and creating a personal timeline for your DC universe is something I wish to aspire to if ever I can head stories either of my own or retell a version of someday.
And since I'm very fond of the occult and all things mystical, I would like to ask you a few questions on how pantheons affect their domains.
1. Are the various pantheons of Gods on Earth brought into being through faith, worship, and prayer, or are they born through other unspecified means?
2. Is sorcery not an earth-bound phenomenon and can be practiced on other planets? I assume that is the case, given L-Ron's recognition of Zatana's powers.
3. Do other planets with civilizations have their own Gods that are corporeal? As in their existence is proven, similar in vein to Wonder Woman's Greek pantheon and other biblical-based figures on Earth.
4. To what extent are the ramifications of pantheon crises? Their effects wouldn't extend outside of the planet, would they? I am usually confused with the way DC cosmology is structured. In the Sandman, everything seems pretty much simple as everything in existence seems to have its own system. In Lucifer and various other comics dealing with Judeo-Christian religion, it is implied their actions put the fate of the entire universe at risk. Not to insinuate that your universe follows any similar guidelines in regards to other media representations, but I would just like to know some form of clarification on this front given your exceptional talent at making almost every element from DC Comics fit.
Thank you and please take care!

Greg responds...

1. Spoiler request.

2. You pretty much answered your own question.

3. Odds are, yes.

4. I honestly don't think I understand the question. Or if I do, it just seems to depend on so many factors, I don't see how I could ever give a specific answer to it.

Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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Miikka writes...

Before I ask my question, I should warn you that I'm from Finland and while my English is pretty good, I make mistakes all the time. So excuse me, if my text is completely unreadable. Anyway, onto my question!

You have always said that SSM takes place in the larger Marvel Universe, even thought you couldn't do any direct references to that in the actual show. So I was wondering, that while the concept of Venom Symbiote makes perfect sense in the universe full of Cosmis beings, time travel, made-up science, magic and whatnot, it kinda sticks out like a sore thumb when you place it to Spidey's more down to earth (pun not intended) "personal universe." So were there ever any plans (even in very early development) to update Venom something more realistic?

Greg responds...

Well, first off I don't agree with the premise of your question, but basically, what you saw on Spectacular Spider-Man, is what you got.

FYI, your English seems pretty flawless.

Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

my question must have gotten deleted last time i asked this, because i cant find it anywhere. it was part of a post with a bunch of questions, but this one is the only one i really want to know about, so i hope this one wasnt the one that made it not go through

after his journey through time, does Brooklyn still consider himself a rookery brother to Lexington and Broadway?
also, since he is a generation older than Goliath, does he still consider himself his rookery son?
would he now technically be a rookery uncle to any or all three of them, and Angela?
if so, how does he view his relationship to Hudson, since they cant technically be rookery brothers? (like cousins mabey?)

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. He never did, so no.

3. No.

4. He still sees Hudson as a mentor/father/grandfatherly figure.

Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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JC writes...

You've said that "sides were taken" during the war between Mab and Oberon.
I have a few questions regarding this conflict:

1) Were the "sides" you refered to composed of, lets say "morally ambiguous," Children like the Wierd Sisters, Banshee, Anansi, and Raven versus the relatively benign Children like Puck, Odin, Coyote, and Grandmother?

2) Does Oberon hold any animosity for those who sided against him, ranging from general distrust to outright distain? Does he forgive any of them completely?

3) Do any who took Mab's side still prefer to be refered to as "Mab's Children?"

4) Were any Children who fought against Oberon imprisioned along with Mab?

Greg responds...

These are all spoiler questions. No comment.

Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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EXALT writes...

I rewatched "Sanctuary" recently, and I have a little doubt. When Goliath sees Thailog, he doesn't seem really surprised (I mean, he is suprised to see him there, but he doesn't seem suprised to see him alive): did Xanatos alert him, somewhere between "Double Jeopardy" and "Avalon Part 1", that their "child" was probably still alive?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 03, 2014

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Al writes...

I've checked the archives for this question to have been asked, but found nothing on the subject, so if this has been asked and answered already, I appologize in advance.

How long is a typical "reign" (for lack of a better term) for a clan leader - barring that leader being killed in battle, relenquishing the role early, being forcibly removed, etc.?

If you feel like pinning down a specific (which I verry much doubt, but hey, fingers crossed), how long did Hudson lead the Scotish clan before turning leadership over to Goliath?

I'm going to hazard a guess of arround 50 years...basing that assumption (and that's all it really is) on him/her being between at least old enough to mate (40) and hatching their last egg (90) - but probably older than both of those "landmarks"...am I even close?

Greg responds...

I don't think there's a typical length, certainly not a set term. Death or retirement come when they come.

As to Hudson specifically, I don't have that information here at this office. Sorry.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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abnormal matt writes...

Hey Greg I was wondering where do you feel you've stepped most out of your comfort zone as a writer. sorry for not using a question mark my keyboard doesn't seem to have one.

Greg responds...

What kind of keyboard doesn't have a question mark? That's just... bizarre.

Anyway, I try to challenge myself all the time. Writing the novels was WAY out of my comfort zone, and even in that, I challenged myself by creating a fairly unique narrator.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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JC writes...

Hey Greg,

One of my favorite clans in the Garg universe is the Mayan clan, especially because of the magic pendants. Now I've always been one of those "magic comes with a price" believers, and I loved it when you said the consequence of wearing the pendant was that they age at a Human rate.
But then I was perusing through the archives recently and discovered that you have since changed your mind on that, because doing the math was just too hard to calculate.
But don't Gargs only age at twice the rate of Humans? Wouldn't you only have to divide everything by two?

And as far as I can see it would inly be the breeding cycle that would get a little confusing, but it could still work. Assuming that they pendants arent given to a successor untill they reach maturity...a female pendant wearer would lay her first egg alongside her peers, then lay her second egg the same year the first one hatches, and finally lay her third egg when her peers are laying their second.

Now the second egg would hatch in the "off season"...but only if they even laid that egg. I would think that since a Gargoyle's fertility is attuned with the Earth's cycle, that only the two cycles that match up with the others could even result in an egg.

Anyway, it's past 3 am so my math could be off, but I think it's solid.

Greg responds...

I just can't address this now. (Because the math is overwhelming, and my head's just not there at this time. Too full of other projects.) Let's leave it as an open question, until I get back to writing Gargoyles, someday.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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I'm A Fan writes...

Hey Greg! I've watched and absolutely adore the work you've put into both Spectacular and YJ. You're an amazing producer who definitely respects the franchises that you have worked on and deserve more than second-season cancellations :P

Fan appreciation out of the way:

1) How is creating Star Wars Rebels' story and characters compared to YJ's and Spectacular's, considering those were in alternate continuities rather than part of official canon?

2) (If you're allowed to answer this) How much input is there from the higher-ups in Disney/people in control of the Star Wars franchise for the show? (I'm saying this because I was disappointed with Ultimate Spider-Man, also controlled by Disney, which had many good names attached to it, but ultimately felt forced and plainly interfered with by corporate executives who wanted the show to pander to kids.)

I'm looking forward to rebels and hope you have enough creative freedom to work your magic! Thanks for answering!

Greg responds...

1. It was very different. But it's impossible to discuss without spoiling. Ask again after the first season airs.

2. I have no opinion on Ultimate, which I haven't seen. But rest assured, Lucasfilm was calling the shots on Rebels.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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EXALT writes...

OK, I know that usually this question would count as SPOILER REQUEST, but...
What happened between Black Manta and Sha'lain'a that brought to Kaldur's conception(because you said that it wasn't rape)?
I ask you this because, even if YJ was to come back, I seriously doubt you'd be allowed to talk about it.

Greg responds...

Spoiler Request. No comment.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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