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SPONSES 2014-12 (Dec)

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Paul writes...

In Beneath, Nightwing said that Psimon had been in a coma since his last encounter with Miss Martian. Was he referring to the events of Image, or a battle that happened sometime during the 5 year gap?

Greg responds...

Both, kinda. Check out Young Justice Legacy.

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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Steve writes...

Hey Greg, I happen to have a question for Rain of the Ghosts that got me curious.

Sense 'Bastian became a ghost does he levitate? I'm going to assume that sense he is a ghost he can go through walls, he can't have contact with humans, though you can correct me if I'm wrong. The book wasn't really specific about that and there was one part that said he ran up some stars if I remember correctly so I got a little confused.

Thanks for reading my question and I enjoyed Rain of the Ghosts, can't wait to get the sequel!

Greg responds...

In the second book in the series, SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, all the rules of what 'Bastian can and cannot do are laid out in a chapter entitled, appropriately: GHOST RULES!

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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Walter writes...

Would Macbeth or Demona have to be in complete control to kill one another? I.E. if one of them were brainwashed or possessed, would it still work?

Greg responds...

I guess so.

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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Kevin writes...

Hi Greg, I just had a question about Klarion. I have read that he's supposedly the most powerful member of The Light and it seems his successes against the Team reflect this. The only person portrayed as capable enough to stop him is Dr. Fate, and so I had two questions:

1: Because the Justice League represents/maintains order, why had Klarion not made it his goal to annihilate them before the induction of Dr. Fate? It seems there was a period of time where Kent Nelson was out of the game and the mask was unused.

2: Is there anyone on the team (as far as season two) who is capable of handling Klarion? I feel like there was little potential to demonstrate this as Klarion was assumed to be overly powerful and relegated to support roles for The Light.

Thank you and I miss Young Justice!

Greg responds...

1. Klarion isn't the most... focused of villains.

2. Depends on circumstances.

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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A Fan writes...

Hi Greg,
I'm a huge fan of Young Justice, as I'm sure you hear all the time, but really, this world that you've built truly is a masterpiece. My sort of "theme" for this post is about potential ideas that ultimately did not end up being included in the run of the show (obviously doing my very, very best to avoid requesting SPOILERS, NO COMMENT. ;))

1.) The romantic relationships you crafted for the characters are phenomenal, and showcase a wide range of feelings from true love, to teen lust. Did you ever have a thought of including a potentially gay/lesbian character or relationship? (To avoid spoilers, this is directed solely at characters that you have decided definitively are NOT gay, but could have been at one point in the creative process.)
1a. If you had had such plans for a character/relationship, do you think this would be something Cartoon Network would have been okay with?

2.) Did you know from the beginning of the show, where you wanted Wally's arc to end up, culminating in his heroic sacrifice at the end of Invasion? I ask this primarily because, what with his role in the comics, there was a glaring potential other option available that you guys chose not to explore. I found this particularly interesting at the beginning of Invasion when we learned that Rocket and Zatanna had joined the League, and at the end of Invasion, with Wally's death. With Zatanna and Wally, as the second Flash, both being members of the League in the comics, it would have been an interesting segue to have them be the two team members that moved up to the League during the 5-Year Gap. Was this ever considered? Likewise, in the comics, Barry Allen heroically sacrificed himself in a (well actually THE) crisis, leaving Wally to become Flash and Bart to eventually become his Kid Flash. Was this considered as a possibility for the ending of Invasion?

3.) What led you to choose Batman for season 1, Captain Atom for season 2, and Black Canary for the potential season 3 as the Leaders of the League? Were other members in consideration at different times for different reasons, or did you have a pretty clear idea of who you wanted in charge?
Two things I found particularly interesting about how you handled the leadership of the league:
3a. How Dick and Bruce never lead the team and the League side-by-side, with Aqualad leading the team under Batman, and Nightwing leading the team alongside Captian Atom. Was this a conscious choice/deciding factor in the selection of leaders for both teams?
3b. How Captain Atom, a generally "less-known" member of the League (compared to say Aquaman, Hal, Barry, Black Canary, or Green Arrow, of the members that did not go to Rimbor) was selected as League leader for Season 2. I'm wondering both, how you came to the decision to make Captain Atom leader of the League during Invasion, and also, what is his status with the public on Earth-16? Is he as "famous" as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the others?

Thank you so much for taking the time to look at all these fan questions and share your ideas with us, it's a really amazing thing that you do, especially with the amount of rude or negative posts I've seen crop up on here. (Also, I am very sorry for how long this ended up being...)

Greg responds...

1. Um, I'm honestly not sure I understand the question. Why would I consider gay/lesbian relationships for characters who were not gay or lesbian? If you are asking whether we considered depicting a gay or lesbian relationship, the answer is yes. But I asked, and TPTB were not ready to depict that openly on television. So the best we could do was write consistently with what we believed.

1a. I vaguely recall that our WB exec asked CN, and they said no. But it's a while ago, and I'm not sure. I do recall talking to WB about it.

2. All sorts of things were considered. But we knew early on in Season One that we wanted Artemis and Wally to retire between seasons. And very early in the development of Season Two, we decided where we were going with Wally by the end of Season Two.

3. Batman made sense for us for Season One, given what his role was going to be with the kids that season. Plus, you know, he's Batman. My initial suggestion for Season Two was Black Canary, but Brandon felt that having the military Captain Atom as leader would work better for Invasion, which made sense. And we all liked Canary taking over at the end. All three of those characters had been leaders of the League at different points in pre-New 52 continuity.

3a. Not that I recall. The Team had its own leadership issues, of course, but I believe we considered those separately.

3b. See above. Also, Captain Atom was leader of the super-heroes during DC's own INVASION comic book series, so that felt right. And, he's pretty famous. Maybe not as famous as Superman and Wonder Woman - but probably more famous to the non-Gotham general public than Batman. Captain Atom has a publicist.

Response recorded on December 18, 2014

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Giant Boy writes...

If the Earth-16 depiction of Klarion made him a Lord of Chaos, would that make him Doctor Fate's archenemy?

--Giant Boy

Greg responds...

Basically. I mean isn't that what you saw on the series?

Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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Gabriel Fontana writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, I am a student attending the college at Brockport currently enrolled in a fundamentals of media course. For my final project, I have to interview a media professional, as vague as that sounds. I have been a fan of your works for a long time now, and thought you would be a great choice for my project. I'm open to whatever is most convenient, whether it's over email or over the phone. I don't want to take up any of your time, and I would completely understand if you declined.

You can reach me at:
email: fontanagabriel7@gmail.com
or over the phone at:
Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

Hi Gabriel,

You posted this way back in May, and it's now December - so I'm thinking I'm at least two semesters too late to respond. Sorry. For more urgent needs, folks can reach me on Twitter @Greg_Weisman or contact the site manager Gorebash, who knows how to reach me directly.

Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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ND writes...

If Greta was intangible and had to concentrate to touch things, how could the wind blow her clothes? (sorry for the grammar mistakes, I'm not a native English-speaker).

Greg responds...

Your grammar seems fine to me.

Her clothes didn't really exist. Maybe there was no wind either. Both may have been manifestations of her ectoplasmic psychic essence.

Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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Mike writes...

How was it working with Peter MacNicol? What brought him to mind when it came to playing his characters from Young Justice & The Spectacular Spider-Man? Do you plan to work with him again when possible?

Greg responds...

I love working with Peter. He's a consummate professional, who makes constantly interesting choices. I've been a fan of his since Dragonslayer, and have loved his various T.V. work. Though I had never worked with him before, I suggested him for Doctor Octopus in Spectacular Spider-Man, because I thought he could capture both sides of the Doctor Octavius we were creating, i.e. the shy, nervous man we first meet, and the megalomaniac he becomes. That worked out so well, that I knew he'd give us a great Professor Ivo on Young Justice and a great Tseebo on Star Wars Rebels. I'd work with him again in a heartbeat. Just need a show. ;)

Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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Kcops writes...

I'm guessing you're a fan of Star Trek? Anyways, you're the man. Gargoyles kicks butt.

Greg responds...

1. I am.

2. I like to think so.

3. Agreed.


Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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Blizzard Sprite writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman.

I had a question regarding the adaptation of original characters from television to their comic book counterparts. One of the more displayed occurrences of the comic book integrating a character from a television series was with DC comics integrating Harley Quinn from the Batman: The Animated Series. Since you had similar experience when the Aqualad character you created in conjunction with Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa became the official Aqualad of the DC comics universe, I thought you could answer a few questions on the subject.

1. What is the official process a comic book marketing company must use in order for its writers to begin using an original character? Do representatives from the comic book corporations contact writers from the television program and make negotiate to gain permission from you and other important figure heads on the television program?

2. How long does the process take for the comic book corporation to acquire all of the rights to the character and include the individual in the comic books?

3. How do these companies determine what makes an original character worthy of being integrated into the comic book continuity of these fictional universes? Since the version of the Aqualad character you created became the official one in the DC Comics universe, I imagine that the officials representing the comic book company would have explained what properties stood out the most.

4. Which party retains the copyright stemming from the creation of the character?

5. What are the chances that another one of your original characters from your Young Justice series, Green Beetle, will be adapted for the DC Comics continuity? After seeing the show, I was very surprised to learn everything about the character had not already been adapted from the comic books, but was an original creation on your part. Despite the limited screen time compared to some of the main characters, the character was fleshed-out and well-developed. I thought you had put enough creativity for the character to make a jump to the comic book continuity.

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not too comfortable answering this generically. I'm sure every case is unique. So I can only speak to examples I've been involved with, specifically - as you mentioned - Aqualad. In that case, the thing to keep in mind is that no one employed on the production has any rights in ANY of the characters we create. It's all being done under a "Work For Hire" contract, which means that Time-Warner, the company that owns DC Comics, Warner Bros Animation and Cartoon Network, owns all our work product outright. So they don't need our permission to use characters they already own, including Aqualad, which (a) was based at least in part on the existing Aqualad that they already owned and (b) they owned from the moment the idea for the new version came out of our heads, pens, tablets and keyboards. Geoff Johns did contact us and talk to us about the details of our version. He then went off and did his own revision on that for DC Comics.

2. See above. They already owned it. So it took NO time.

3. I think Geoff just liked the character - and/or thought he could do something with him - but you'd really have to ask him.

4. There are no parties. There is only one big corporation with multiple divisions.

5. I think it's unlikely, because if it didn't happen back when the show was on the air, why would it happen now?

Response recorded on December 17, 2014

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Endless Strategy writes...

1: Has Red Volcano attempted to erupt a super volcano again? If not, then why not?

2: "Bio" ship implies that ships like Miss Martian's can be grown, mass-produced. Is that the case?

3: Why haven't more Martians attempted to come to earth?

4: Why has no Zeta-Tube been built on Mars?

5: Why haven't more people been administered the Blockbuster or Kobra-Blockbuster Venom?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. Grown, yes. Mass-produced, no.

3. Not that easy to get here. Even harder to get back.

4. Until Sardath accidentally brought Adam Strange to Rann, it wasn't thought that a Zeta-Tube would work over that kind of distance. As you saw on the show, simply establishing communication between the two planets is controversial. Allowing teleportation between the worlds isn't going to be commonplace anytime soon.

5. Who says they haven't? In any case, no spoilers.

Response recorded on December 12, 2014

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Kelley writes...

1) Do you ever grow tired or weary of writing and working on only super hero type of shows? I'm assuming working on this new star wars series must of been a breath of fresh air for you?

2)When it comes to the projects you create and produce how do you pick the correct voice director for the project? Do you have a process you go through or that type of thing out of your hands?

Greg responds...

1. They're not that different. And I love super-heroes. It's a bastard genre born from every other type of genre fiction, which allows me to do almost anything.

2. Well, when it's up to me, I tend to go with Jamie Thomason, who's both amazingly talented and a good friend. We have our rapport down to a science, and so it makes the process both fun and phenomenal. But sometimes it's not my call. And then there are a number of other great directors I've also worked with, in particular Ginny McSwain, but also Andrea Romano, Curtis Koller, Dave Filoni, Sue Blu and others. I also enjoy voice directing myself, so if schedules permit, I'm game.

Response recorded on December 12, 2014

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Irving P. Freely writes...

Does the Jason Todd of Earth-16 have naturally black hair, or red hair that he dyed black to be Robin?

(If you want my opinion, I think the latter makes more sense, because I find the idea that Batman conveniently met and took in 3 kids in a row who all conveniently had black hair to be just silly)

Greg responds...

Spoiler request. No comment.

Response recorded on December 12, 2014

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Preston writes...

Hey Greg. I am working on setting up a podcast series and would love to have you on the show for an interview. The style would certainly be more casual than other interview shows and would just be a discussion of your thoughts on what you've worked on and their respective franchises. Shoot an e-mail to prestonyeung@gmail.com if you would be interested in it. Thank You!

Greg responds...

Well, it's been months since you posted this here. If you're still interested, contact me on TWITTER at @Greg_Weisman.

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, I just saw your episode of Transformers prime and I have a few questions!

1- Always been curious about this one, what is the process for freelance writing like? Do they call you and give you a generall rundown of what needs to happen? How much freedom does the freelance have? Etc etc.

2- When Agent Fowler pepper sprays Knockout... did that REALLY work or was Knockout just being his usual dramatic self?

Greg responds...

1. Every show is different. In fact, sometimes episodes of the same show can be different. In this specific case, story editor Duane Capizzi handed me the premise for the story. We talked about what to do with it, and I wrote up a a beatsheet/outline and then, after notes, a couple drafts of script.

2. It worked a little. Then Knockout got dramatic with it.

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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Jack Johnson writes...

Hi Greg,

I noticed that, in one of your previous posts, you answered a fan question by including a schematic of your "pie-in-the-sky" fantasy for the Spectacular Spider-Man (including how you wanted to do movies, certain numbers of seasons, etc. to tell your intended story with a specific road map) and I was wondering if you would do the same for Young Justice (I'm not asking for spoilers or specific details, just information such as how many seasons you would have done, if you would have, like with Spider-Man, done movies or spin-offs, etc.).

Greg responds...

We didn't have the same kind of "Business Plan" for YJ as we had for TSS-M. But we had definite plans for a Season Three and many, many, many story lines for either the show or the comic.

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

First off all I want to point out how much I love young justice and spectacular spider-man and how thankful I am to you and your teams for creating such wonderful stories that I hope will someday continue. But I have some questions about Young Justice.
1. How old is Troia?
2. Do you think how the characters fought in Young Justice Legacy is pretty close to how they would have fought in the show or comics? I ask this because I really enjoyed playing as Rocket but she could "shoot" a sort-of energy blast attack and I remember you saying from a long time ago that Rocket could only fly and create force bubbles, or did she learn this ability over the five year gap?
3. Have you talked to Brandon about Artemis, Zatanna, Miss Martian, and Wonder girl appearing in Scooby Doo Wrestlemania? Does that story take place on Earth-16
4. Did you have story arcs planned for some of the lesser established characters like Rocket and Tempest, that you would have told if you had gotten more episodes or comics?
5. One of Batgirl's alternate costumes on Young Justice Legacy is a Batwoman costume, does that mean Batwoman exists on Earth-16
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. The game took some liberties with the characters' powers.

3. Yes.

3a. Not so much. But clearly our girls have parallels on Earth-Scooby.

4. Yes.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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Richard writes...

What is you're favorite starwars space battle and why?

Greg responds...

Is this a quiz?

Response recorded on December 11, 2014

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MJKJ writes...

Do you have any favorite english dubs when it comes to anime?

Greg responds...

3x3 Eyes. ;)

Response recorded on December 08, 2014

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Anon! writes...

Do gargoyles (specifically the Manhattan clan) recognize / notice misogyny and sexism in human societies? If so, what do they think about it? Does a similar gender hierarchy exist among gargoyles?

Thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

1. It may sneak up on them. They'd probably think it was nuts. Especially since, from their point of view, ALL humans are so physically weak that the differences between male and female would seem negligible. Plus they certainly know that both male and female humans can be deadly and dangerous.

2. Largely no.

Response recorded on December 08, 2014

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Anonymous writes...

Do gargoyle babies ever get colic?

Greg responds...

I ... don't know. Probably. I guess so. It's whooping cough, I'm more concerned about.

Response recorded on December 08, 2014

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Mike writes...

your work on young justice was spectacular it is my favorite show and i hope it will come back at some point. the characters were so great the way you wrote them. thank you for writing this

Greg responds...

You're very welcome. Of course, I had help from a number of great writers, including Kevin Hopps, Nicole Dubuc, Andrew Robinson, Tom Pugsley, Jon Weisman, Peter David, Paul Giacoppa and last but not least Brandon Vietti!

Response recorded on December 08, 2014

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J writes...


I was just reading your latest responses and someone asked why the Justice League didn't regrow Roy's arm, to which you responded: "Is that easier than I think it is?"

I don't get it...your a fantisy writer. Everything is easy in fantasy fiction. I mean your own show has the technology for cloning, instantanious travel as far as other solar systems, shrinking to subatomic sizes, manipulating elemental forces, traveling through time, etc. Most of which break all known laws of physics.
Regenerating lost limbs really isn't that far fetched even in the real world, where we're growing ears on the backs of mice & cloning whole animals or just organs, and advancing every day.
And all that aside, couldn't Zatanna just say "Worger S'yor mar!" at any time?

I understand that Roy had to be missing an arm for the story to play out how you wanted it to, and maby he likes his cybernetic arm better anyway and doesn't want a regular one...but why act like a near-reality wouldn't be a simple task (even for an okay writer, but especially for you) in a universe where the impossible is commonplace?

Greg responds...

If Zatanna could regrow arms just like that, don't you think she'd be doing that ALL THE TIME. It seems that would take a TON of mystic energy. (Besides, I'm not sure Roy wants his "ram" regrown.)

And in essence, in fantasy and science fiction, I'm against making anything too easy. For example, yes, we do teleportation, but we make sure there is a Zeta tube at EACH end, in order to NOT make teleporting too easy.

What makes me an okay writer, I think, is that I take these things seriously, and refuse to come up with easy solves. Of course, I could. But it's a bad idea.

Response recorded on December 06, 2014

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Dave Newman writes...

Hi Greg,

I want to ask you a question in regards to Star Wars: Rebels. I've very much enjoyed previous shows you have worked on such as Gargoyles, Spectacular Spider-Man and the various productions you have worked on for DC Entertainment and I'm interested in checking out Rebels later this year.

My problem is that I'm worried that not being an ardent Star Wars fan may stand me in poor stead to watch Rebels. I've watched the six big screen "episodes", the Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series and the later Clone Wars movie and the first season of that Clone Wars series. Enjoyed almost all of them but can't say I'm a massive expert on the show. I can name and identify the main characters but couldn't run off the names of all the bounty hunters beyond Boba Fett without risk of error or tell you what the bald guy who works for Lando Calrissian is called, for instance.

My question is; what am I best advised to watch or brush up on in preparation for Rebels so that I'm not TOO behind, or is it being produced as a show that new fans can step aboard with and now be too confused?

Thanks for taking the time to read my question, look forward to your answer. All the best of success to you with this show and all the projects you work on.



Greg responds...

Rebels is absolutely being produced as a show that could easily be your first and only introduction to Star Wars. Obviously, the more you know and have seen, the more you'll appreciate certain aspects of it. But there is literally NOTHING you NEED to have seen to enjoy Rebels.

But if you're looking for recommendations, the canon six features and the Clone Wars television series are good bets. Also John Jackson Miller's novel, A NEW DAWN. Plus, keep an eye out for my STAR WARS KANAN comic book series due out in 2015.

Response recorded on December 06, 2014

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