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POSTS 2015-06 (Jun)

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Peter writes...

How long does a hero have to be on the team that they are no longer a freshman on the team?

Greg responds...

The "Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior" thing is not an official IN-SHOW notion. It was a convenient way for us OUTSIDE the show to talk about these distinctions. But if you want to push the idea, then I guess that after a year on the Team, you move from being a Freshman to a Sophomore (basically).

Response recorded on July 01, 2015

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg,
I just rewatched the YJ first season finale , great episode and the New Year kisses and Tornado comment always makes me smile.
Anyway, regarding Zatanna and Nightwing:

1) Did they love each other when they were dating? If yes, did they get to say it?
2) When someone asked if they still have feeling for each other you said "Depends how you're defining 'feelings'". And other tim eyou said the same but you added a "yes" at the end. So, do they still love each other? (I'm not asking in a romantical or platonical way, but if could clarify that you would make me the happiest men in the planet)
3) Did the last part sound like a marriage proposal?
4) I just brought YJ: Legacy, great story (Tula's death almost made me cry) and voice acting, the graphics and the gameplay weren't great but they still satisfy me. And I loved when in the middle of a fight you can hear Dick say "Guys, I'm whelmed"
5) Was Mal in the team by the time Tula died (YJ:L)?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. I stick by my original answer(s).

3. Not to me.

4. :)

5. You saw what you saw.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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Michael Cohen writes...

Hi Greg. I am a big fan and I have a copyright question for you . The characters you use in Gargoyles are besides the main cast are mythological. So that would put them in the public domain, but your spin on them is that protected by copyright. Such as Oberon and Titania's connection to Avalon and their devours.
Thanks and Cant wait for Rebels and whatever else you do.

Greg responds...

Oberon and Titania, to use your examples, are public domain. But our designs of them are not. And it one began to hew too closely to the backstories we created for them, Disney could, in theory, sue.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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Anonimee writes...

Hello, what is the weirdest thing you have been asked to sign at a convention?

Greg responds...

Can't think of anything VERY weird. But I was once asked to sign a wool sweater, which is a challenge.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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Draconis writes...

Hey Greg, Long time no see. Anyway are you still being booked for convention appearances? If so is there any process to this. I hope this still works and is active

Greg responds...

I still do convention appearances. In fact, I do them more often now that I have novels to promote. Best way to reach me for this sort of thing is on Twitter @Greg_Weisman.

Response recorded on June 30, 2015

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Thomas writes...

I absolutely loved Young Justice; it was probably my favor take on the DC universe. Your take on the world and the characters was absolutely perfect. My only "criticism" is that their weren't more episodes or comics expand on earth 16. I especially loved Artemis's character and the fact that DC hasn't incorporated her into the New 52 in a significant way leaves me completely bewildered. I loved the buildup to Darkseid, my favorite comic book villain, because based on the effectiveness of the other villain I really felt like he was going to be a huge threat and finally be portrayed as the brilliant strategist, manipulator, and powerhouse that utterly dwarf the Justice League that Jack Kirby wrote. Hopefully we'll see some of the plans you had for Darkseid in the future.

Was it true John DiMaggio was set to voice Darkseid or was that just BS internet rumors?

I'm really looking forward to Star Wars Rebels.

Greg responds...

We had not cast or even thought about casting Darkseid. Love John, by the way, but I've never even heard his name mentioned for the part as a rumor.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Jason R. Carter writes...

Have you read this analysis of Eddie Brock?


If so, any thoughts?

Greg responds...

I hadn't. I have now. I'm not sure about the terminology, but I agree with the gist of the post.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Scott writes...

What happen to Monkey? He is not at the cave. Did Garfield go to Happy Harbor School for a time before being homeschool at the cave after Marie died ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Arlo writes...

Titania has clearly gone out of her way to help Goliath and his clan on more than one occasion (i.e. helping him in Ill Met By Moonlight, and then getting his clan reinstated to their home in The Gathering). The only reason she has given so far is to repay a favor rendered, that is, to repay Goliath for his assistance in stopping the Matrix in Walkabout. But this seems a bit much to do to repay a favor. But it seems to me that her motivation is a bit more.

1. Would you say Titania likes Goliath/has a lot of respect for him?

2. If yes, would you say the reason is more because of what she has witnessed of his character firsthand, or because of what Fox has told her about him?

3. Is Titania trying to make up for some of the things Fox and David have done to Goliath and his clan?

4. Would you say Titania's motivations for reinstating Goliath's clan to their ancestral home are more to repay a favor, more because she genuinely likes/respects Goliath, more to make up for what Fox and David have done to his clan, more to establish a good protector for Fox and Alexander, or some combination of the above?

5. You've said that you don't plan to reveal what Titania whispered to Fox because the fan community has built it up so much, that what you had planned would be, in your words, anticlimatic. But wouldn't the fact that you have no plans to use it be a reason to reveal it, since you have no use for it in future stories anyway? I kind of get the impression that the reason you're so steadfast in not revealing it is because you still have plans to use it in some way. Care to give any input?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Likes him, yes. Has respect for him, yes. A LOT of respect for him... well...

2. Neither, really.

3. No.

4. You're leaving out a major factor.

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Did Red Arrow comfort Cheshire after Artemis died? Also, will you tell me if Red Arrow and Cheshire decided to live together after they found Roy, but before the end of the series? I've read that they are now trying to make things work, but I am really curious as to their relationship during the events of the Invasion season after Bloodlines. Thank you for whatever you can tell me!

Greg responds...

They were making a go of it. And, of course, Roy attempted to comfort Jade. You can see how well he succeeded.

Response recorded on June 29, 2015

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