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1. When the Joker was the Red Hood did he wear a suit and tie and a dome shaped (covered his head and neck, and had no eye holes) hood like in the comics?
2. When wearing the hood did he use a red tinted two way mirror (inside the hood) to see?
3. Did the hood double as a rebreather and gas mask?
1. Who said the Joker was Red Hood? If he wasn't, how can I answer this question? And if he was, then no spoilers. So NO SPOILERS.
2. See above.
3. See above.
Does superboy have a longer lifespan than full human?
No spoilers.
1. Are Lieutenant and Sergeant Marvel older in costume then in their civilian identities?
2. Does Kit Freeman know Lieutenant Marvel's secret identity?
3. Are Freddy and Kit's parents still alive?
4. Are Mary's parents still alive?
5. Would Sergeant Marvel's costume have been red, white, or black?
1. No spoilers.
2. No spoilers.
3. No spoilers.
4. No spoilers.
5. No spoilers.
Sensing a trend?
I mean, seriously, if you've read Ask Greg at all in the last decade, you had to have known I wouldn't answer these.
In the Mirror Episode, When the humans (including Elisa Maza) turned into gargoyles, did that include Elisa's Family Xanotos, Fox, the cops, and the parents of Xanotos and fox? Or is it just the minor characters and Elisa?
Everyone on the island.
1. Would Lieutenant Marvel's costume have been a blue version of Captain Marvel's?
2. How old is Shazam?
1. No Spoilers.
2. I'm not confirming or denying that Shazam exists.
I loved season 1 of Young Justice, and was looking forward to watching season 2, until I saw that Artemis and Wally, my two favorite characters, lived together in season 2.
I hope I don't come across as rude, I'm not trying to be. I'm concerned and curious.
1.Why did you have Wally and Artemis live together in season 2 of Young Justice? (I didn't expect something like that in a PG-rated superhero cartoon, that attracts a young audience.).
I am honestly concerned. Kids shouldn't be shown this as something to be handled lightly. Scientific studies have confirmed that cohabitation is not a good idea, it has negative affects on a couple's relationship, and on society. Young kids are not experienced or aware of the consequences of some actions. They learn and distinguish what is right and wrong from what they see others do(And, who doesn't look up to superheroes?).
2. When you decided to make this a part of the story, did you consider the affect it could have on young kids?
3. Are you concerned about the influence it has on them?
1. Okay, I'm going to start by challenging your statement that "Scientific studies have confirmed that cohabitation is not a good idea, it has negative affects on a couple's relationship, and on society." I don't believe that for a second.
This is anecdotal and happily reveals my own bias, but I "cohabited" with my current wife for years before we got married, and I don't think it harmed our relationship, our eventual marriage, our children (or any one's children) or (for God's sake) society. So, if that makes me biased, fine. But we've been together since 1988 and happily married since 1991, and I resent the hell out of anyone who tries to tell me that was a mistake.
But beyond my own personal experience, I truly don't believe that scientific studies have demonstrated what you claim. My guess is that if you actually have read those studies - and I'm not sure I believe that either, because it's an easy thing to say to justify pre-existing opinions - then I'd lay odds that when I looked at who performed and/or commissioned those studies that I'd find a CLEAR bias in one or both of them. And/or that the studies you're referring to are so ancient that the bias was pre-existing.
As for us handling Wally and Artemis' cohabitation lightly, I don't think we did that at all. For starters, all you KNOW is that they were sharing an apartment as many college students do. You have no idea how many bedrooms that apartment had. Personally, I think it was a two bedroom apartment and they each had their own bedroom. And there's nothing in the show that would indicate anything else. All you ever saw was the living room/kitchen. If you're also saying that college age boys and girls can't share housing, I'd respond by saying there's hardly a university in this country that agrees with that assessment.
Now, I'm not trying to be coy. I ALSO think they had sexual relations. (Though that's merely my interpretation; your mileage may vary.) But I don't think there's anything wrong with that either. This was clearly a committed relationship. They'd been a couple for five years. They had a dog together. Long term, I believe the clear plan was to marry and have kids.
So I'm absolutely 100% fine with viewing Wally and Artemis as roll models in this scenario. If you don't agree, that's okay too. Don't let your kids watch the show.
2. Yes.
3. Sure. But I think it's a positive influence.
Question 1 What did Garfied do at the cave and happy harbor before he got his power? Question 2 the members of the team take Garfield on missions after before offically join the team ather he got his power?
1. I'm not going to confirm or deny that he did anything at the cave before getting his power.
2. You're making a lot of assumptions here. In any case, the basic answer to your questions is probably just NO SPOILERS, anyway.
You have stated that to do Dr. Fate's voice Kevin Michel Richardson (the voice of Nabu) and whomever is playing the host (Jason Spisak/Kid Flash, Khary Payton/Aqualad, Lacey Chabert/Zatanna, or Nolan North/Zatara) are recorded saying the same lines. Then in post production, the voices are double-tracked, so the audience hears two voices.
1. What is the process step by step in order to be able to double-track?
2. Is double-tracking something that requires a studio in order to be able to do or could it be done from a smart phone?
1. Um, it's pretty much what you listed above. It didn't really matter who we recorded first, so that was based on scheduling. If Kevin was in the recording booth first, we'd record Nabu first. If the host body actor was there first, we'd record him or her first. If they were both there, it was sort of Voice Director's choice. We then played the take from whomever recorded first for the second actor, who attempted to match the basic cadence and tempo. But we consciously chose NOT to have the second actor try to match the first exactly. We like those moments when they aren't perfectly aligned. Then during my attended edit of the dialogue, we'd lay those tracks over each other for storyboarding and animation purposes. (It helps that the Helmet of Fate doesn't reveal any lip movements, that might cause confusion between which track to animate.) Finally, in post-production, specifically at the mix session, we'd mix the tracks so that you can hear at least a taste of both flavors.
2. Uh... I don't know enough about smartphones to answer that question. I wouldn't know how to record one track on my smartphone, let alone two, let alone know whether or not I could double track 'em onto a single track.
Hello I have a few questions.
1. Has wonder girls birthday pass yet in young justice invasion making her 15? I know you stated before the second season on December 31st (2015) she was 14 which would mean that she would be aging another year 2016 making her going on 15.
2. Is tim drake the same age as wonder girl, making him also going on 15, and if so when?
3. What grade is wonder girl in? 9th going to 10th or already 10th?
Thank you
1. I haven't set a specific birthDATE for her as yet. And I'm afraid my memory isn't sufficient to even confirm what you've written here, since I don't have my YJ timeline here at my Nick office.
2. Ditto. But I believe they are the same basic age.
3. Haven't thought about it.
You might also check the YJ Wiki: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki
I can't give a blanket confirmation that everything on it at any given moment is correct, but generally it gets things right.
When talking to Megan about how long Robin and Wonder Girl have been a couple in Endgame Connor called Robin Tim.
1. How long has he known that Tim Drake is Robin?
2. Who told him that Tim Drake is Robin?
No spoilers.
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