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This a question about the Weird Sisters. In "City of Stone", they appeared differently to whomever was looking at them. Macbeth saw three crones, Demona saw three gargoyles, Goliath saw three children, Xanatos saw three fashion models, etc...
Was this the case in later episodes. Come "Avalon" and "Ill Met By Moonlight", was Goliath still seeing three children even if we in the audience were not?
Probably. Although at that point it might not have been necessary.
On Feb. 13th 2013 you stated that Dick probably had multiple parties since he had multiple identities.
We know Dick as Dick Grayson, Robin, Dan Danger, and Nightwing.
What other identities does Dick have?
I can't find anything on that date in the archives. But if Dick does have any identities beyond the three you've listed, then they are spoilers. No spoilers.
You have stated that Batman and Superman have discussed their mutual origins and the tragedies behind them. You stated that you weren't sure how deep the discussions went for either of them for very different reasons.
What are those reasons?
I'll leave those to your imagination.
1. Oberon comes off as a slightly arrogant, did he really not consider it beneath him to be intimate and procreate with mortals?
Only slightly arrogant?
Anyway, your question strikes me as a non-sequitor. I don't understand where the premise of it comes from, so I don't know how to answer it.
why aren't zatanna and rocket in the intro?
I assume you're talking about the season one main titles, in which case those were created long before either Zatanna or Rocket joined the Team. Including either would have been a massive spoiler. I'm not big on spoilers.
In what episode was the scene with Cadmus guards cut for time from?
I assume you're referring to "Agendas".
1. Did Jason have two funerals, one for Jason Todd and the other for Robin?
2. Who gave the eulogy for Robin's funeral?
3. Who attended Robin's funeral?
4. Was Robin's funeral held at the Watchtower?
1. Two memorials, at least.
2. No spoilers.
3. No spoilers, but obviously the Team and a good chunk of the Justice League.
4. Okay, again, not a funeral. But, no, the memorial would have been held in the grotto of the Cave, i.e. Mount Justice.
1. Was the Team and League being told that Artemis was not dead and Aqualad was not a traitor part of dialogue that was cut for time from Summit?
2. What was the dialogue?
1. It happened off screen. We didn't see any need to show it, so that scene was never written.
2. See above.
1. After their kiss on New Years, did Aqualad and Rocket ever date?
2. If so, why did they brake up (call it off)?
1. No spoilers (but yes).
2. No spoilers (for real this time).
Why did Miss Martian make her look and sound older in season twon than she was in season one if she is aging three time slower than a human?
She felt more mature, and her look tends to reflect how she feels inside.
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