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POSTS 2015-10 (Oct)

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Mina Geiss writes...

Why are you so awesome?

What's your secret?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not. I just play someone awesome on podcasts and at conventions.

2. Obfuscation.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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Liane Bertosch writes...

Hi Greg!
Thank you for answering questions, I really appreciate it.
I loved EVERYTHING about Young Justice.
But I have 2 questions:
1. Did Dick Grayson date Raquel after or before she gave birth to Amistad?
2. How old was Raquel when she got pregnant?

-A big fan from Austria

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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Artists Anomalous writes...

This question's been bugging me for years. How did norman osborn survive at the end of 'final curtain'? I'd hate for that cliffhanger to be left unresolved!

Greg responds...

Does the HOW really matter? If it does, make something up. That's all I'd be doing. Cuz the how doesn't really interest me too much.

In any case, I'm not sure what the how has to do with resolving the "cliffhanger". And that's on top of the fact THAT THERE WAS NO CLIFFHANGER.

It's become one of my pet peeves, but the definition of a cliffhanger has been stretched beyond recognition to include any plot thread left unresolved or any little mystery left unexplained. But that is NOT the meaning of cliffhanger.

At the end of Season Two of The Spectacular Spider-Man, no hero was left in jeopardy so there was no cliffhanger. Period.

But again, I don't see how knowing how he survived would resolve anything about the threads we intentionally left hanging. The one thing has nothing at all to do with the other.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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Harlan of the Ghosts writes...

Would you be able and willing to post your script for the pilot of Roswell Conspiracies? Every now and then, I give the bible a read and marvel at what a great show we missed out on. I'd understand if not, but given the years that've passed and the fact the full bible's still on the site, it seemed worth asking about.

Greg responds...

Um... I'd have to think about it. I often use it as a writing sample, which is neither an argument for or against posting it.

We did it as a RadioPlay at one of the Gatherings once, which again isn't an argument pro or con.

In any case, I don't have it here at my Nickelodeon office. But I'll give it serious thought.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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SM writes...

What was the full roster of the All-Star Squadron?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Jane The Dark Elf writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman I have a question about the Awakening episodes. Did you and your team want the audience to figure out Xanatos and Demona were the bad guys before Goliath found out? In the third part there is a scene where Xanatos says that everything is going just as planned which gives it away. And in the fourth episode there is that extreme close up on Demona's face when she and Goliath meet again and she smiles like a villain. If you did not wish for the audience to figure it out then why were these shots not cut? You could have kept the pretense going until the fifth part.

Greg responds...

Obviously, we wanted to let the audience know something was up, without letting them know exactly what.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Miya writes...

Hey Greg,
I know W.I.T.C.H must feel like forever ago for you now, but I want to say I really loved watching that show over and over again. It's really wonderful. I especially loved the whole Elyon story.

That being said, do you ever think W.I.T.C.H will see the light of day with a nice dvd release? Maybe you could nudge someone at Disney with a nice email asking about your other (less known) baby?

Greg responds...

I don't know. It'd be great. I no longer even have a contact at Disney Home Entertainment, I'm afraid. But fans can make requests as easily as I can.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Allison writes...

Hi, Greg, hope the tour's going well. Hope you have fun!

I've got a question about gargoyle eggs and customs. Does rookery parentage apply to every gargoyle in a generation of the right age to reproduce? For example, would Iago/Coldsteel be considered one of Angela's rookery fathers despite the fact that he never mated or had any involvement with producing eggs?

Greg responds...

To some extent, it's up to the individual. One doesn't have to be a biological parent within an appropriate generation to participate in the raising of hatchlings. (It takes a clan, afterall.) But if one in essence opts out of the responsibility, that's considered a bit odd, but allowed.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. How rare a sight are Atlanteans that look like Lagoon Boy?

2. Has Lagoon Boy ever met other Atlanteans that look like him?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

Response recorded on October 27, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

Megan shape shifted into a female version of Lagoon Boy in Chapter 4 of Young Justice Invasion.

1. Is the girl Megan shape shifted into actually (physically) exist on Earth-16?

2. Are Lagoon Boy's parents alive?

3. Do they look like him?

Greg responds...

1. Exactly that girl? No. Is there a similar one out there? No spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on October 26, 2015

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