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UNQUESTIONS 2016-04 (Apr)

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Anonymous writes...

Does Nightwing like Wally in the series Young Justice? To go behind Batman's back and reveal his identity knowing it was against the rules seems pretty extreme.

Greg responds...

Yes, of course. They're best friends. Which is indicated by the fact that Dick revealed HIS OWN identity to Wally. (Wally figured out Batman's identity from that.)

Response recorded on April 19, 2016

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Osamu writes...

Does Garfield like or dislike Miss Martian's true form?

Greg responds...

Is "like or dislike" really a thing? He's fine with it.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Yasmin writes...

hi Greg! I love you show young justice! I'm currently rewatching the show for I think the 3rd time now? sounds lame but what can I say, the show never gets old! anyway I have to ask some questions, they're stupid questions but it's bothering me.
1) when is Artemis's birthday? I don't know if this counts as a spoiler (if it is I apologize)
2) is Atemis younger or older than Wally? I know that they were both the same age, but I'm confused because there was an episode where Wally turned 16 and I don't really know if she was 16 or still 15 turning 16 or...?
thank you and keep up the good work with your projects. I have hope that young justice will one day come back(:

Greg responds...

1. Haven't set it yet.

2. Younger - though by less than a year.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Lorisa214 writes...

1) Would you agree that Artemis, Dick & Wally are the closest on The Team as far as being real life friends.
2) would this hold true for all 5 years?
3) Who signed as witness(es) at Jade & Roy's wedding?
4) Would Clark & Bruce hang out if it wasn't work related.
5) You said Lois Lane exist. Do they have any romantic feelings towards each other? Are they dating? -ish?

Greg responds...

1. Uh. Well. Artemis and Wally are obviously very close. And Wally and Dick are best friends. Kaldur and Roy are close. So is Kaldur and Conner. Obviously Conner and M'gann. M'gann and Artemis are pretty close. And so are Artemis and Zatanna. Zatanna and Dick are pretty close. Billy and Zatanna are friendly. And toward the end there Raquel and Kaldur seemed intrigued with each other. I don't know. They're all friends.

2. Uh. Sure.

3. I don't know. But if I did, the answer would be No Spoilers.

4. I think so. They're pretty close friends. Always have been, right?

5. No Spoilers.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Harrison writes...

Why did Miss Martian change her hairstyle between season one and season two?

Greg responds...

For variety?

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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EXALT writes...

1)Why do you think that Irma from W.I.T.C.H. is a lesbian? Even after watching the series twice, I must admit I don't see it.
2)We know that Nerissa is bisexual, but is Cassidy a lesbian or bisexual?

Greg responds...

1. Then you don't see it. For me it has to do with her only truly being interested in guys that are obviously out of reach. She's fighting to be straight, which I think is not uncommon in our culture. But by choosing unattainable choices, she's guaranteeing that she won't have to actually wind up with a guy. (And when she actually comes close to landing one of them, she bolts.) None of this makes it impossible for her to be straight or bisexual or whatever. But in my gut, that's what I sense is going on.

2. I think she's a lesbian.

But I should say, this is all just my opinion.

Response recorded on April 18, 2016

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Lorisa214 writes...

Hello Grreg! :)
1) What Roy Harper had to get a new SIN?
- (Social Insurance Number. I'm not sure what it's called in the States. But everyone gets one and it identifies you & only you)
2) Can we agree that Artemis' Birthday would be in December.
3) Would she we 21 at the end of Season Two?
4) What kind of funeral did Artemis have? Did her whole family show up? Was it formal?
5) What kind of funeral did Wally have? Did he /Artemis have two funerals, one dealing with the JL, & one for the public/friends and family.

Greg responds...

1. Which Roy are we talking about?

2. No. I'm quite sure I haven't decided when in the year her actual birthday is, so why would I "agree" to December?

3. Not necessarily. She would be 21 by the end of the year in which Season Two is set. But not necessarily by the end of the season, which ended on July 4th.

4. I'll leave that to your imagination for the time being.

5. Ditto.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Jacob Kilner writes...

As a fan of Spectacular Spider-Man (I pretty much hold it as THE gold standard for Spider-Man and indeed, adaptations in general) and Young Justice, I like many others were crushingly disappointed by their cancellation.

My question is; as well as focusing on current projects, do you still, if occasionally, look for ways to continue or even complete the stories you started in the past series cancelled?

Even if it has been years since cancellation, do you still hold out hope or even consider options for revival?

Greg responds...



Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Sarah Anderson writes...

Hi Greg :-)

Would you elaborate more on the concept of "all things are true" but yet "few things are accurate" in the Gargoyles universe? It Seems a contradiction--how can all things be true yet most things inaccurate? I apologize if I'm missing a simple concept but I was never good at logic or philosophy. If you could help me get this idea I would greatly appreciate it, thank you. :-)

Greg responds...

The devil's in the details.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Ruskin writes...

Did Noor Harjavti know Queen Bee kill Marie Logan? Does Noor know the team adopted the orphan Garfield Logan?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

But the Team didn't adopt anyone.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Margaret writes...

What is youngest age person can be to become part of the team?

Greg responds...

Well, Conner was 16 weeks. Can't see us going much younger than that. But you never know.

Response recorded on April 13, 2016

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Toonami Squad Podcast

Toonami Squad podcast here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV9GjwtrQpI

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Stevie Velasquez writes...

Hi I was wondering why you chose who you chose for the Light on Young Justice?

Greg responds...

ASKED AND ANSWERED. Look at the ASK GREG archives for Young Justice.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,
I've really enjoyed all your work. Spectacular Spiderman s one of my "gateway" superhero shows! Thanks for that and Young Justice. This is a retype of my question because I forgot to mention how much I love Rain! I love big mystery/treasure hunts that build on themselves, and the way that Rain and Charlie save the day (no spoilers!) was so fun and cathartic. Rain's relationship with the other generations in her family is such a valuable dynamic that you just don't see elsewhere. :)

One thing still confuses me about Young Justice, though-I'm trying to understand some of the logic behind Dick's decision to keep Wally "hanging back," as you said.

Why would Dick feel there was "no shortage" of heroes? At the least, they were down the six most powerful heroes on Earth with most of the JL off-planet, and in the War World episodes, almost the entire Team was kidnapped. Why wouldn't he call Wally in then? (M'gann is really powerful, but that was a small planet they were fighting. Also, later, the Reach showed that they had an armada with hundreds of ships left over the fight with the War World - surely he'd want all hands on deck, particularly with so much of the League gone?

Why would Wally's appearance be able to catch the bad guys "off guard" after Bloodlines? Wally was already in the game; the nuclear bomb in Central was well publicized; why would his appearance be any more a surprise after that?

On the War World, Dick knew Artemis wouldn't be an issue because M'gann knew she was down under the ocean, so that wasn't a big concern. Even if Artemis did teleport to the alien world, it seems foolhardy in the extreme (almost unbelievably so) that Dick would attempt to take on a planet with only one other hero when another was supposedly waiting in the wings, ready to help whenever.

It doesn't make sense to me that Wally's appearance would be most needed and the biggest surprise only in Summit, when Dick had more backup than at any other point in the entire season and Wally had already showed up in Bloodlines. How was he more useful or a bigger surprise in a huge crowd than in a group of three on the War World, propotionally, when Dick was in the biggest trouble?

It also seems very, very strange that Dick wouldn't let Wally contribute to the efforts of bringing the people who nuked his hometown to justice. No one died that day, but their livlihoods were destroyed and there would be nuclear fallout. Even if Dick was too worried Wally would hurt himself (?), or whatever, Wally showed in Homefront that he was very capable of support - moral and technical - without necessarily getting into the fray. It seems just so strange that, if Wally really *wanted* to help, that he'd shut him out of something that had so ruined Wally's home. It seems strange that Artemis wouldn't have an issue with Dick forcing Wally to stay home, too.

As an aside, why would Dick initially try to keep the truth about Artemis's death from Wally if he *wanted* Wally to hang back for some reason? How would they guy who wanted to kill every alien robot dead in when he really believed Artemis to be dead in Failsafe be easier to control and tell to "hang back" if he REALLY thought Artemis was dead?

Logistically, to me it feels like Dick was more adept and logically minded when he was 13 than 19 with five more years of experience, which is strange. No real judgement against "Dick," really, but none of this seems to hold water at all.
I'm just trying to wrap my head around it.

I enjoyed the rest of the show a lot, though! And Rain is the best!

Thanks. :)

Greg responds...

Dick has learned the value of (1) holding heroes in reserve (for example, in "Failsafe") - and (2) of not making any single squad too big or unmanageable and (3) of keeping people who had trained together working together.

As for Summit, Kid Flash was certainly useful there, but mostly he was there because Artemis' undercover op was coming to an end, and Wally wanted to be there, which at that point was fine with Nightwing.

Beyond that, if it doesn't work for you, it doesn't work for you. But it works fine for me, and I won't apologize for it. Nor do I agree with your interpretation of Dick's skills as a leader, season to season. But your mileage may vary.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Ashlee writes...

Hello there~
First of all, I just recently re-discovered Gargoyles. I watched some episodes as a kid, but after rewatching the whole series again (minus TGC because I can't find that ANYWHERE), I only now as a 21 year old understand how fantastic that show really was. I'm only sad I'm just now finding this out, just to see that it was cancelled for various reasons.

However, I still want to support this series as much as I can. I just bought the 2nd part of season 2 from Walmart (was very shocked to see that in the Disney section!), and I've recently discovered you made a comic series that takes place after the end of season 2. I want to read this so bad, but this is such an old series now that any trace of scans are all gone due to the sites being dead. And unless I used my credit, I couldn't even afford the comics because Clan Building 1 alone goes for almost $200 now...

Sorry for the splurge of info, but I would like to know if you know of another way I can read these comics? I know I'll buy them someday, but for now I just want to read them - I'm really interested in it!

Anyway, hope life's going well, and would love to see a Gathering maybe in Wisconsin sometime! ^^

Greg responds...

I can't recommend Goliath Chronicles. We don't consider it canon.

As for the comics, I don't have a good answer for you now. They're just flat-out out of print. We're trying to rectify it, but unless you want to spend bucks on used copies - or can borrow 'em from a friend, you're just out of luck for the time being. That does NOT make me happy, as I want fans to be able to read them. But there's not much I can do about it now.

We don't really do Gatherings anymore. But I was in Madison for a convention last summer. Were you there?

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Doug writes...

Was Queen Bee's order for Garfield to hurt himself remove from Garfield's brain by Miss Martian and her uncle?

Greg responds...

The effect of her power doesn't last beyond her presence/influence.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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Donald writes...

Was Monkey still living with Garfield when Marie died?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on April 06, 2016

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A History of Disney Television Animation, Volume One

I've contributed to this worthy Kickstarter. I thought some of you might want to also: http://kck.st/1WRcqGd

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Daniel writes...

How does Uncle John feel about Miss Martian and Garfield treating each other as brother and sister? Has Garfield been to Uncle John's apartment?

Greg responds...

I'm sure he's good with it. He seems the sympathetic type.

And probably.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Out of curiosity, what is your opinion about the title of the new Star Wars movie (The Force Awakens) and what do think is the possible meaning/interpretation behind the naming of title?

Greg responds...

I didn't know when you asked the question, and to be honest, I still don't know now. The title is just the title for me in this case. Or maybe it refers to the two young leads stepping up.

But I do like the movie.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Emma writes...

After Marie died who on the team and or on the league raze Garfield and was his legal guardian before his training to join the team begin ?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Andres writes...

Dear Greg

After so many years what is your opinion of the current status of Animation in America?

Second with how animation in motion pictures is telling more diverse type of stories than before with DC having great success with there direct to video animated films having success directed at a more general audience the success of anime as a genre and animation widely accepted as a medium for adult comedy why don't great series of drama action and adventure, intelligent well told stories such YJ fet taken more serious?Why are they seen as directed ot young boys who buy toys?

Greg responds...

Let me answer your second question first and work my way through the others from there.

I don't know.

I don't know why animation isn't taken more seriously by the general audience of adults. But the fact is: it isn't. Wish it wasn't so, but it is so. Even Pixar movies are largely viewed by MOST adults only if they are parents taking their children. There are a ton of exceptions, of course. And, of course, parents would rather see a movie that works on multiple levels, so that there's something for their kids, but also something for themselves, i.e. for adults. So parents/adults have learned to expect more from the animated movies of Pixar/Disney/Dreamworks/etc. because they've seen good movies from those companies and have started to learn the difference between a good animated move and a bad animated movie. And what is that difference? Well, your mileage may vary, but it's basically the same difference between a good movie and a bad movie, period.

As for a series like Young Justice, your thinking is backwards. Young boys don't buy toys. How could they? Where would they get the money? Parents buy toys for kids (boys AND girls) based on (a) what they think their kids like and (b) what their kids tell them they like.

A show like Young Justice is PAID FOR by the money that toys bring in. If there weren't toys, there wouldn't be any money to make the show. So, frankly, bitching about the shows being directed to kids for the purposes of selling toys is basically bitching about the show being made at all. Because, again, without the toy component, there is no show. NO SHOW.

That's why YJ didn't get a third season. The toyline failed. (We can spend hours discussing why, but that's another topic.) So no more money was coming in from the toy company. No money. NO SHOW. (Or no third season under that financial model, anyway.)

And I am 100% fine with that. Because I WANT kids watching Young Justice. Like a good Pixar movie, YJ is written on levels. There's plenty of eye candy for younger kids. Explosions, young heroes in costumes, etc. And plenty for tweens, teens, college students, adults and geeks of all ages to enjoy as well. That's the game plan. We have a target audience, we MUST hit, i.e. boys 6-11 years old. As long as we are successful in that demographic, everyone is happy. And everyone is HAPPIER if we also get girls 6-11 and boys 11-13, and girls 11-13 and teens and adults of all genders, etc., etc.,etc.

As for anime, and/or the DC animated movies, they are doing well - or better, at least. But let's not kid ourselves. They are still only serving niche audiences in the United States. They serve geeks of various flavors (myself included). On a grand scale - say, compared to LION KING or SHREK - they're not doing big numbers. They're just not. Fanbases on the internet fool themselves into thinking things are more popular and money-generating than they really are. "I like it and my friends like it and a bunch of strangers on the internet like it, therefore nearly EVERYONE must like it!' But that's a fallacy.

Which finally brings us to your first question: what is [my] opinion of the current status of Animation in America?

I don't know.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Christopher Jones "'... (we were going to get both Supergirl and Donna Troy as Troia), ..."'


Is this true?

Greg responds...

Donna Troy/Troia and Mary Bromfield/Sergeant Marvel were scheduled to appear in Season Two at both Rocket's bridal shower and among the crowd of heroes in the season finale. But we ran out of time to design them for the shower, so she didn't appear in either episode, which was a bummer.

Supergirl was never going to be part of Season Two.

As for Season Three: NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on April 04, 2016

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Young Justice Interview

If you're interested in seeing Young Justice come back for a third season, check out this interview here:


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