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UNQUESTIONS 2016-05 (May)

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Kyle K. writes...

In Young Justice, who are designated as League Member 27 and 28, A08 and A09?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Joe writes...

I was re watching young Justice invasion and wondered why the guardians didn't have Hal or guy go back to earth if john wasn't there?They told him to go to Rimbor and that sector is unmanned for that entire time. Also the green lantern knowledge of the reach could have stopped the invasion.

Greg responds...

By the time they figured out what was going on, Tseng had welcomed the Reach and they COULDN'T go back.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

If the Light's ultimate goal is to make humanity more advanced and evolved, then why would a Lord of Choas like Klarion be one of the main members? I understand him wanting to cause chaos for fun like he did in the episode Misplaced, but in the end does he really care what happens to Earth?

Greg responds...

If he believes Earth brings the Chaos...

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Drew Lung writes...

Hey, Greg
If Disney ever wanted to reboot Gargoyles instead of picking up where it was left off, would you resist it or try to get on board with it?

Greg responds...

Both, probably. But I'm not big on hypothetical questions. There are too many variables to answer it with any meaning.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Max writes...

Hey Greg! My question is in regards to the letters sent by Xanatos in Vows:
1. What details were included in the first letter? Did he just say "here is a coin" or were stock tips or other future knowledge included?
2. Who did young David think sent the letter? Could someone as intelligent as X really leave that alone for 20 years?
3. Are the letters constructs of the time stream or out of David's head? Did he read (or copy) the originals before traveling back in time?

Greg responds...

1. Just the coin, basically, as I recall. It's been a while since I've rewatched the episode.

2. He never knew. He may have searched on and off for an answer, but didn't find one until the second letter came.

3. He probably had them memorized. So the content may in fact have been born with the time stream.

Response recorded on May 06, 2016

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Lorance writes...

Is Superboy aging at the rate of a human on the inside?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Drenton writes...

Wondering if that Tsabard guy ( ;) ) has notified you of when blue mug productions might make a return?

Greg responds...

There are no current plans. Though Tsabard's minions seem to be plotting...

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Burton writes...

Marie Logon was forty seven in episode Image. But she not look a day older than thirty right?

Greg responds...

Marie Logan was indeed 47 in Image. How she looked is, I suppose, a matter of personal opinion.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Paul writes...

Oops, I meant to say that there's 5 years' age difference between Artemis and Mary, not 6. Artemis obviously was 15 in Team Year Zero and you confirmed elsewhere on Ask Greg that Mary and Freddy were the same age as Billy, so sorry, my mistake. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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Paul writes...

It's interesting that you went with Sergeant Marvel for Mary instead of Mary Marvel, and likewise with Lieutenant Marvel for Captain Marvel Jr. In Mary's case, was this change made to protect her secret identity? I know that Artemis had no qualms with going by her own name, but with Mary we're talking about a kid who's six years younger than Artemis... So maybe it was thought best to go the extra mile not to announce her name to villains, especially since she wouldn't have been wearing a mask (if the Young Justice Mary takes after Earth-16 Captain Marvel and/or her comic book counterpart in not wearing a mask)?

Greg responds...

It has nothing to do with secret identity and everything to do with internal consistency.

Response recorded on May 05, 2016

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