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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

You walked out of Meet the Parents. If this was your second time, what was your first?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Dan M writes...

My dog's name is Norman too.

Greg responds...


My dog's name is actually Air Commander Bentley Norman. (It's a long story.) We usually just call him Normie.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

i was surprised that you said that had the Wyvern massacre not happened Brooklyn would probably still have been chosen as a future leader of the clan. i guess i always thought that Goliath chose Brooklyn out of lack of other options, that he was the best among the trio, i suppose his leadership qualities would've shown up in any event, huh?

Greg responds...

Why not?

But I'm not big on hypotheticals.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

when the clan moves into the clocktower, the clock doesn't work and later on it does, i'm assuming because Lex fixed it like he said he could. what did the people of New York think when suddenly the clock was working again, wouldn't someone go up there to investigate at least?
i realize its another stupid question, but i figured i'd ask anyway...

Greg responds...

Lex was constantly fixing the clock. It was constantly breaking down. (You'll notice that sometimes the time on the face made sense. Sometimes it made no sense.) Before Lex, workmen did the same thing but had largely given up due to municipal budget cuts. No one noticed that it continued to be inconsistent.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

More Illuminati questions:

1-Membership simbols: Xanatos and Matt have pins, the Ambassador had a ring, and Mace Malone a hand tatoo. Is this a pattern? There are other simbols?

2a-Xanatos, a rich, smart guy, is a low-rank member. This bores him?
2b-When happened his filliation?
2c-What was his fee?

3-Do you have something _good_ to say about the Illuminati?

4-Do you have something _good_ to say about Duval/Percival?

Greg responds...

1. The symbol remains the same. There are many ways to express it. Tatoos were in favor for awhile, but it became obvious that they presented a denial problem.

2a. What bores him? What does boredom have to do with anything?

2b. Don't have that info handy.

2c. Fee?

3. They're persistent.

4. He meant well.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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MR writes...

Where are reruns of Gargoyles shown in New York City?

Greg responds...

Toon Disney, maybe?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Wouldn't it be cool if gargoyles was done in amine?

Greg responds...

Do you mean "anime" or maybe "mime"?

And what exactly do you mean by that? Do you want bigger eyes?

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

while reading Greg Bishansky's great rambles on "CoS" i thought of a question, or rather, a comment: was it me or were there an awful lot of people outside, on the street, driving around, etc. at dawn when they all turned to stone? i can't imagine people would be shopping and whatever so early, oh, well... maybe i'm wrong.

Greg responds...

New York. The city that never sleeps.

But you have it backwards. Those people were out at Dusk, not Dawn. They turned to stone at NIGHT. Sundown. Not sunrise.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

In the episode, "The Mirror", why did Elisa act as if Goliath had turned back into a gargoyle when he already was one of course, whenever she was transformed into one? Vise versa when the clan was transformed into humans, why did they act as if they always had been humans? What I mean to say and what I always got confused about is, that Puck's spell shouldn't have made them forget what they were. When Elisa was transformed I would have expected her to be a little shocked at first, and then calm whenever she realized that she and Goliath were now of the same species, but she would still long to become human again deep inside.

Greg responds...


I mean why are you setting limits on Puck?

The whole point was that NOBODY noticed the transformation. When all of Manhattan was transformed, the former humans didn't run around panicked and screaming over their new bodies. The transformation was so complete they thought they had always been that way. Same with Elisa and the gargs until logic forced them to take a closer look at it.

Anyway, it worked fine for me. If it makes you feel any better a lot of my staff originally agreed with you. They thought I was nuts. But most vindicated me later.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

when the Magus died on the bed of the Sleeping King, did they just leave him there? i can't imagine they would unless there was some sort of magic there that would keep the Magus from decomposing, which would be kinda gross. so if they left him there, will he decompose or not?

Greg responds...

It seemed a fitting resting place. And crypts aren't that unusual. But I'm guessing they sealed off the Hill.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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