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RESPONSES 2001-3 (March)

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Patricia writes...

My fave S-A Response :) :

Faieq writes...
In the Gargoyles Universe, how much truth is there in fortune cookies?

Greg responds...

All cookies are true. Especially Peanut Butter cookies.

(This is my favorite question this month.)

Greg responds...

Yeah. That still makes me smile.

But i got lucky there. It was a good set-up.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

Well, first off, Smart Ass answers are my favorite...But I can't pick one, so here are just a few of my favs.

Airwalker writes...
In the 'ONCE UPON A TIME...' segments you've done, we've seen why Malcolm would need to ally himself with a Gargoyle clan. But why would Hudson want
to ally himself with Malcolm?
Greg responds...
Patience, grasshopper...

Scott Iskow writes...
That last question of mine got me thinking...
Are there flying pigs in the Gargoyles Universe?
(Believe it or not, that's actually a serious question. Go fig.)
Greg responds...
I've got the bacon, do you have the catapult?

ndrew writes...
In the episode the gathering (part 2) what did titania whisper to fox at the end of the episode. I have been wondering this for a long time.
Greg responds...
You and what army?
Oh, yeah. That army. <WAVES> "Hi, guys!"

Heidi Doeing writes...
I don't think, despite your multiple attempts to evade the question, that anyone will stop until the real answer is given:
What did Anastacia whisper to Fox?
( ;) just thought I'd try again)
Greg responds...
You misspelled Anastasia.

Greg responds...

Yeah, those are pretty fun. Particularly the middle two.

The last one's a bit feeble.

And the first is just a famous reference.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Siren writes...

Hey Greg, a while back, I asked you "Which came first? The gargoyle or the egg?". And you replied, "I did."...So which came after you?

Greg responds...

All the lovely folk at Walt Disney TV Animation.

(Most of whom were hatched.)

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Breath of Mystery writes...

Okay, I noticed this question has been circulating around the archives for a while. About what, if anything, was whispered to Fox by Titania in "The GatheringII." Due to the amount of smarty-pants responses you've been dealing out, I wanted to return the favor. So, my question is: Did Titania say "I will eat your heart" to Fox? And Yes, I know I am setting myself up to be brutally shot down, but hey. I was just wondering. Hav fun!

Greg responds...

I don't get it.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

My favorite smart-ass response was your answer to the question:
"Which came first, the gargoyle or the egg?"
Your answer: "I DID"

I even drew up a little comic around it in the New Yorker Magazine style.

Greg responds...

Cool. Can you post a link?

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

3 questions directed towards you:

Will you ever write a book? Maybe an autobiography or production series telling about what you've accomplished?

If you should ever be asked to tell about yourself on the A&E show, "Biography", would you?

Greg responds...

1. I'm writing a book now. Don't know if it'll ever get published.

2. That's less likely. I have no interest in writing an autobiography. The latter sounds interesting, but for something like that, I'd want a publisher interested in advance.

3. Sure. I'm holding my breath.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

when Goliath and Hudson return to Wyvern after the massacre is it me or did Hudson seem to take the whole thing pretty well all things considered? while Goliath goes into an uncontrollable but understandable rage, Hudson just makes some remarks about betrayal and bow strings having been cut. i don't want to say that Hudson had more reason to be upset than Goliath, but Hudson did have several generations of rookery children murdered and many friends that he has known most his life killed in the massacre, he doesn't scream in rage like Goliath or cry in sadness. did his long life in this "world of fear" and the death of his mate better prepare him for the death of his people than Goliath? Hudson just seemed really mellow about the massacre...

Greg responds...

For starters, I think he was in shock. But we all handle tragedy differently. He fell back on his training.

And it's certainly possible that past tragedies may have better prepared him.

But I hardly think his response was "mellow".

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

Greg, about what Titania whispered to Fox: you know what she said, right? so if we just started asking you "Did Titania say:......." it wouldn't be considered submiting ideas, right?

Greg responds...

Yes. It would.

The fact that I know already, changes nothing. I can't prove that I know already.

And if one of you should guess right, than that person could get pissed if he or she thinks I stole the line.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Fire Storm writes...

On 02-01-2001, you anwsered a question by Anonymous.
He/She wrote: How long is a female gargoyles' gestation period?

You replied: Didn't I answer this already? Check the Gargoyle Science archive.

I checked the Science archive, and then the entire archive, and the closest you have said is "6 months to a year".

So I pose these questions to you:
Have you refined your anwser to this question?

If so, how long is the gestation period for gargoyle females? (The time span the female gargoyle carrys the egg before laying it, for those non-scientifically inclined people reading this.)

And, when gargoyle females do end up laying their eggs, do they lay them on the same night or just generally around the same time?

See you at G2K+1!

Greg responds...

About six months is as refined as I've got it.

And the laying takes place within a span of a couple nights.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Shavri writes...

1. When gargoyles are hatched, do they have any teeth? I would hope they didn't have teeth, because if the females breast-fed the hatchlings, I'm sure it wouldn't have been a very pleasant ritual to have gone through if the little ones did. OUCH times 10!! And wouldn't it have been a bit difficult for the hatchlings with beaks to breast-feed?
2. How helpless are hatchlings when they're first born? Are they almost as helpless as human babies? What is the average age a gargoyle hatchling learns to walk; also, to glide? Oh, and at about what age do hatchlings learn to talk?

Greg responds...

1. Not sure. Not sure that there's consistency. Maybe no front teeth?

2. Almost but not quite. They can support their own heads for example. Walking on all fours comes fast. Walking upright takes much longer. Gliding can sometimes come before or after upright walking. Unfortunately, despite the fact that I have two kids of my own, I don't even remember or know enough about human development to give hard numbers I have confidence in.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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