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UNQUESTIONS 2016-07 (Jul)

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

Decided to rewatch the making-of video for the Rain of the Ghosts audio play.


Around the :38 seconds mark, you mention you were developing "another series" set in New Orleans prior to fully developing Rain.

1. Was this series one of the other Dreamworks projects (Madison & MON-ro, Treasure Hunters Inc., etc?) or was it developed on spec without any studio affiliation?

2. If the former, would you be willing to divulge which of these series was set in New Orleans?

Greg responds...

1. I developed this right in between my tenures at Disney and DreamWorks. So I own it. I've tried more than once to sell it over the years. But no luck, so far.

2. It was called "The Trickster".

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!
About the League's leadership:
1) When Canary becomes leader, was it because Captain Atom's lenght was over or because he stepped down?
2) Can a member be leader two years in a row if he is elected?
3) In Legacy, Batman was acting as Team supervisor (or liason with the League), which is a duty of the League's leader. Almost at the end, he says "I've sent the League out to help quell the panic". So during early 2015, was he the leader?
4) If so, when did Batman's lenght as leader (during 2015) start and finish? And during 2010?
5) After Aqualad leaves, the task of recruiting new members falls into Nightwing. Does that mean he always recruits the freshmen or, like in season 1, the mentors bring them into the Cave?


Greg responds...

1. The former. In my head, I had a vague notion that it had been up for some weeks, but Cap stayed on to finish out the Reach crisis. But that's just a notion.

2. Yes.

3. Team liaison is not by definition a duty of the League leader. The leader can delegate that to someone else if he or she choses. But, it does seem that he's the leader from that quotation. On the other hand, he may simply have had monitor duty and was being a bit loose (and paternalistic) in his word choice.

4. It's a one-year term. I'm not going to be any more specific than that, at this time.

5. A little from column A; a little from column B.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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Josh writes...

Hi Greg. Why does Wonder Woman take Batman to task in "Agendas" for training Robin to fight crime at the age of 9 when she was trained to be a warrior when she was a child? Don't Amazonians start training young?

Greg responds...

Sure. But training and going into action are two different things.

Response recorded on July 27, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg!

About Zatanna's Glamour Charm:
1) Is the Glamour Charm an ancient magical object or just a gem Zatanna made a spell on?

2) If so, in "Depths", when Wally asks, Dick says something like "Glamour Charm, Courtesy of Zatanna. Physio-morphic spell, I think. She said it backwards." So is it safe to say that Nightwing was there when Zatanna performed the spell?
3) Do all Glamour Charm look the same? I ask this one because Ra's recognized it in Summit
4) Is it too hard to make a Glamour Charm? Could Zee have done it back in season 1?
5) Has Zatanna worked with Doctor Fate after she joined the League?

Greg responds...

1. I'd lean toward the latter.

2. Yes.

3. They all have something in common, certainly.

4. Probably not.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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Harlan of Ash and Foam writes...

You answered this question recently,


And I'm here to respond to your question. I actually had NOT suspected Renee, and here's why (minor Spirits spoilers, I guess?):

It's not the first time for your work to feature important, lead characters who're advertised right up front to not actually appear until later: Artemis, after all. It essentially occurs again when Miranda features heavily in the synopsis for Rain of the Ghosts but is really a small, supporting piece of worldbuilding to pay off later. So it didn't seem odd to me that Renee would be introduced in, and become important during, book two while reasonably being a lead who was planned to feature from the very beginning.

Cash makes more immediate sense, and I'd at least suspected him. But my other guess was actually a small cheat: the three Kimlets as a singular unit.

The Kimlets themselves are very episodically important, but are spoken of in a way that feels pretty thematically important to the direction the series seems to be going. I'd wondered if you, often describing them in the book as a singular unit, had given them some more thought to take them even more in line with the (speculated) importance they may have to the wider series arc.

Greg responds...

It feels like we're talking about two slightly different points.

The ORIGINAL point was that there were two characters in the book, who - when I broke the story originally - each had very minor roles. Two characters, who separately asserted themselves into more substantial supporting roles that will continue to play out as the book series progresses. The Kimlets do NOT fit this particular bill, as they pretty much played exactly the role (in the final draft) that I intended them to play when I first broke the story.

You seem to be making a separate point about what's thematically important to the book. I won't deny their thematic importance. But it wasn't a surprise to me.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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Richard Moore writes...

I know that Lexington is the tech gargoyle of the group, do you think Lexington ever thought of find a mate that has his science and tech mind?

Greg responds...

I think Lexington wants to keep his own mind.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg, I've been reading the archives and I have a question about Aquaman:
1) Here (http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=18518), you said Aquaman and Black Manta have been fighting for at least 16 years, but 16 years before season 1, Aquaman was 13. So have they been fighting since they are kids or it's just a continuity error?

Greg responds...

Well, Manta was in his early twenties. Orin was a kid. But I think my point was that Manta has been at odds with Atlantis that long.

Response recorded on July 25, 2016

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Matt writes...

Hi Greg,

Today I was reflecting on a few instances in my life where I had to make difficult choices: the easy road or the right road. I can specifically remember thinking about integrity in those moments, thinking about Renaud's "What have I become?" versus Demona's "What have they done..." Ultimately, despite the difficulties, I tended to do the right thing and tell the truth, both to myself and to others. In one case, this resulted in me being fired from a job.

The reason I'm telling you this is that, while I had some excellent role models growing up who showed me integrity, it would be unfair to say that Gargoyles didn't have a strong influence in my youth that would lead me to become the man I am today. I am now a teacher of elementary school students and see many young people with and without strong moral role models. In either case, it is clear to me that they are very influenced by the movies, TV shows, celebrities and social media in their lives. And it is my hope that mixed into all the stimuli they are receiving the kind of moral reinforcement that I had in Gargoyles. I am very grateful to you and your peers for creating a program that I not only wanted to watch, but that made me a better person. There is a lot of red tape that goes into public school education, and I know that in your field there is a lot of that too. But I wanted to encourage you to remember the impact you can have on young people. It is not all about ratings and toy sales and demographics. You have the power to guide the adults of tomorrow. You certainly helped to guide me.

Keep up the great work! And thank you from a lifelong fan.

Greg responds...

You just made my day. Thank you.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Paul writes...

What was Xanatos' contingency plan in case Goliath threw him off the edge of the Eyrie Building at the end of "Awakening, Part Five"?

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Broncos fan writes...

Do you watch Arrow,Flash,or Marvel Agents Of Shield?

Greg responds...

1. I did.

2. I did.

3. I do. But I'm almost an entire season behind, because I watch it with my son, and he's been away at college.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hey Greg

1) What year was Dan Garrett and how old was he when he died?

2) This will probably be answered with a SPOILER REQUEST NO COMMENT, but I'll ask anyway. Is the original Black Canary alive? If no, can you tell me how did she died? I mean, natural causes, a disease, death by supervillain?

3) How do superheroes who don't wear mask conceal their identities? In some versions, John Stewart and Guy Gardner are public heroes and Black Canary wears a wig.

4) Black Lightning and Plastic Man wear goggles, do those work as masks?

5) Where do the Hawks live? The Watchtower, maybe?

Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Dan Garrett was born in 1915 (which I assume is what you were asking).

1a. He died in 2005. I'll let you do the math.


3. I think in a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, it takes very little to keep your identity secret from strangers.

4. I think i n a universe where Clark Kent disguises his face with eyeglasses, goggles work just fine.


5a. No.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Cam writes...


I hope this question doesn't sound too nitpickey, but, I've been reading the archives and came accross something of aninconsistancy. I'll start off by refreshing your memory of this exchange beyween you and another poster:

"matt writes... what would happen at dawn if Demona put on a Mayan sun amulet? would she turn to a human or remain a gargoyle?"

"Greg responds... I think she'd turn human. But I don't think she'd be able to nap."

Now, you've also said before, when refering to magic, that Children of Oberon magic (ie. Puck's spell on Demona) does not mix with mortal magic (ie.the Myan Amulets)...and that both types of magic cannot be used at the same time or on the same object (ie. on Demona during the day), or the results would be disasterous.

My question is, in this specific scenario, why would both magics affect Demona (Puck's spell turning her Human & the Amulet preventing her from sleeping) without something more disasterous than a bout of insomnia?

It seems to me that, if anything, the magics would cancel each other out and she would remain a Gargoyle and turn to stone.

Greg responds...

I think it's fairly clear I was joking, when I wrote: "Greg responds... I think she'd turn human. But I don't think she'd be able to nap."

As for the actual answer to the question, my current answer is that it seems like a highly unlikely scenario, and I'm not particularly interested in hypothetical questions. But if it were to happen, I'd have to answer with NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Tyler writes...


Why did y'all decide to make Artemis be a good guy as opposed to being a villain as she is in the comics?


Greg responds...

Simply put, we liked the dynamic of a child of villains trying to forge her own way, but lying about it.

Response recorded on July 22, 2016

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Bringing YJ Back

Here's a short primer on how fans can help to bring Young Justice back for a third season:


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Tyler writes...


Why did y'all decide to expand the Team in season two as opposed to focusing just on the original members of the Team from season one?


Greg responds...

Time moves on. Life isn't static. People are born. They grow up. They join the workforce. There is turnover all the time. That's life.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Correct me if I am wrong but if I am correct then you and your team were not informed that Young Justice was being cancelled until post production had started. With that being said:
1) If you have been told YJ was to be cancelled during pre production would you have changed any elements of season two?
2) If so how would you have changed those said elements?

I do not mean for the second question to be a spoilers question so if you feel comfortable answering it then you do not have to go into specifics.


Greg responds...

You are wrong.

1. No. We were informed in time to change the ending of Season Two. Brandon and I chose not to.

2. See above.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Greg, I would like to inform you that I have been making several recommendations to Netflix to bring the show back through them. I do not know how much it will help but I feel like it is at least worth a shot.

Thank you for creating such a great show!

Greg responds...

Thank you for being a fan.

Those requests do help, I believe. But binge-watching Seasons One and Two of Young Justice on Netflix helps even more.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Do you think the newer live action movies based off of the DC comics will have any impact on the chances of Young Justice returning? Could it possibly make some new fans interested?

Greg responds...

Anything's possible. But the best ways to get a third season of Young Justice are:

1. #KeepBingingYJ on Netflix

2. Purchase and binge the episodes from iTunes or other LEGIT sources

3. #BuyYJBluRaysDVDs

4. #BuyYJComicsonComixology or iTunes

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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philalethistry writes...

Hi, Gargoyles fan here! Nothing plot-related, just curious about if Owen has as much of a sense of humour as Puck. Obviously Owen wouldn't show it for the sake of keeping up the Vogel-esque act, but do Owen and Puck share a funnybone?

Greg responds...

Owen tends toward wry and dry understated humor. Puck, obviously, is less understated generally, but has that side to him, as well. Whether Puck is simply choosing to not exercise his whackier side while Owen, or whether the transformation is magically submerging it, is a matter of interpretation.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Kellen O'Rourke writes...

Hello again Greg,
A couple of things, I read the archives and I got a couple of answers to my previous questions. I'd like to ask your opinions on the Spider-Man film franchise, specifically the two The Amazing Spider-Man films.
1. Do you agree with the general response on those films or not. As you know none of those films were really loved much.
2. What do you think of it ending prematurly and the franchise getting a third reboot? Are you excited for that?
3. Also wondering, how did the sales go for the complete series of The Spectacular Spider-man on blu-ray? I got it as soon as it was released and let me tell you, it's one of the best investments I ever made.

Hope you're doing well and thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't see the second one and thus can't comment on that at all. I thought there was a lot to like about the first one, but felt I didn't really need the origin again.

2. I have no opinion on that specifically. But I did like Spidey's appearance in Civil War. So that's promising. Not sure about hot Aunt May. Seems ageist.

3. I have no idea. They don't give me that information.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Just A Nerd writes...

This message comes to you in three parts.

Part the first: a story. When I heard Marvel was publishing multiple new Star Wars comics, I realized that, if I allowed them to, these new books would consume all of my income. So I resolved to only read Star Wars and Darth Vader monthly, and get the rest as trades. That is, until I heard you were writing Kanan. I thought, three a month isn't much worse than two. So I went for it. And it has been amazing, even though I haven't watched any of Rebels because my TV service doesn't include Disney XD. It has been interesting even without the context of the show, and is just as great as everything else you have been a part of.

Part the second: Names. Thank you (both personally and as part of Marvel/LucasFilms) so much for creating a pop culture character with my name. There are so few Calebs in... anything, really. There's the Israelite spy from the Bible (not really pop culture, but I'm counting it), and Tris' brother in Divergent, and now Kanan pre-Order 66. It's incredibly cool to open a comic or a movie and see/hear YOUR NAME be part of the action. This probably just makes me a massive nerd... but I'm okay with that.

Part the third: a question, NOT to do with Kanan. In the Invasion storyline of the Young Justice comics, is there a reason you did not include Troia, Sgt. Marvel, and Lt. Marvel? If the original comics are any indication, they should have been strong enough to draw Kylstar's attention. Is there some reason (in- or out-of-universe) they weren't included?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Part the first: Thank you. But honestly, you should find some way to watch the Rebels. It's worth it.

Part the second: I can't take credit for using the name Caleb. My original name for him was Caine. The folks at Lucasfilm changed it to Caleb. (Not sure why, but maybe it was for you.)

Part the third: The answers would amount to spoilers.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Kellen O'Rourke writes...

Hello Greg,
I have recently got into Gargoyles and it quickly became one of my favorite series and I think you're one of the most brillant people in the business. I saw your name in the credits and I looked up your other works and I noticed that you where one of main heads behind The Spectacular Spider-Man, which I think had the potential to be the definitive Spider-Man series. I've come across several interviews of you discussing the series, you covered most of the characters but you didn't really get into Harry Osborn. He was one of the most interesting people in the show.
1. How did you develop him from being one of Peter's best friends to ultimately passing him over for popularity?
2.If the show had continued, where did you see his character going?
3.What was the reason for having his mother being alive?
Thank you very much for your time.

Greg responds...

1. It's mostly all right there in the original Lee/Romita comics. Harry wants to win approval from his father and therefore makes a number of choices that he believes will help him achieve that.

2. No Spoilers.

3. It just seemed like we had too many single-parent families. For both Gwen and Pete, having the lone parent seemed essential. For Harry, it didn't. Plus we had long term plans for Emily.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Ada writes...

I was just rewatching Season 2 of Gargoyles and I noticed something...Angela and Demona's name. Angela=Angel, Demona=Demon. The names do fit the mother and daughter duo's personalities, but I am wondering whether or not this a coinendence that their names were set up this way.

P.S. Reading through your responses regarding people's questions on the Gargoyles, you keep saying, "No Spoilers." So, are you planning in the near future to continue writing about the Gargoyles in the comics? I hope so, because I am so looking forward to it! :D

Greg responds...

Of course, it was set up that way.

P.S. I hope so.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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How did the Manhattan Clan survive in the 10th century without n writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a huge fan of Gargoyles, but there's something that's been bothering me for quite some time... the fact that Goliath's clan, with the exception of Goliath, didn't name themselves until they awoke from their cursed slumber.

It strikes me that, at a bare minimum, they would have had extreme difficulty formulating plans for defending the castle and assigning roles. If they didn't have names, how did a typical strategy briefing go? How did Goliath make clear which gargoyles were in charge of which task? How did people get the attention of single gargoyles in the middle of a crowd?

Could you write a hypothetical dialogue of what they would say when setting up plans to defend the castle when addressing the entire, pre-slaughter clan?

Greg responds...

I could. But I won't.

Gargoyles didn't have defined specific names, but they referred to each other by relationships, signifiers, etc. (For example, "My Angel of the Night" or the "Gargoyle of the Sword".) I'm sure they made it work.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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Elizabeth writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman my name is Elizabeth although being since I put my name in the name field I guess that is redundant, but I still feel it is proper to introduce oneself when asking a question.

I was just wondering if you ever thought about making a Tabletop RPG of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not specifically. I don't know much about gaming. And in any case, I do not control the franchise. Disney does.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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