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UNQUESTIONS 2016-07 (Jul)

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Tyler writes...

Greg, I would like to inform you that I have been making several recommendations to Netflix to bring the show back through them. I do not know how much it will help but I feel like it is at least worth a shot.

Thank you for creating such a great show!

Greg responds...

Thank you for being a fan.

Those requests do help, I believe. But binge-watching Seasons One and Two of Young Justice on Netflix helps even more.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Tyler writes...

Do you think the newer live action movies based off of the DC comics will have any impact on the chances of Young Justice returning? Could it possibly make some new fans interested?

Greg responds...

Anything's possible. But the best ways to get a third season of Young Justice are:

1. #KeepBingingYJ on Netflix

2. Purchase and binge the episodes from iTunes or other LEGIT sources

3. #BuyYJBluRaysDVDs

4. #BuyYJComicsonComixology or iTunes

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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philalethistry writes...

Hi, Gargoyles fan here! Nothing plot-related, just curious about if Owen has as much of a sense of humour as Puck. Obviously Owen wouldn't show it for the sake of keeping up the Vogel-esque act, but do Owen and Puck share a funnybone?

Greg responds...

Owen tends toward wry and dry understated humor. Puck, obviously, is less understated generally, but has that side to him, as well. Whether Puck is simply choosing to not exercise his whackier side while Owen, or whether the transformation is magically submerging it, is a matter of interpretation.

Response recorded on July 20, 2016

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Kellen O'Rourke writes...

Hello again Greg,
A couple of things, I read the archives and I got a couple of answers to my previous questions. I'd like to ask your opinions on the Spider-Man film franchise, specifically the two The Amazing Spider-Man films.
1. Do you agree with the general response on those films or not. As you know none of those films were really loved much.
2. What do you think of it ending prematurly and the franchise getting a third reboot? Are you excited for that?
3. Also wondering, how did the sales go for the complete series of The Spectacular Spider-man on blu-ray? I got it as soon as it was released and let me tell you, it's one of the best investments I ever made.

Hope you're doing well and thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. I didn't see the second one and thus can't comment on that at all. I thought there was a lot to like about the first one, but felt I didn't really need the origin again.

2. I have no opinion on that specifically. But I did like Spidey's appearance in Civil War. So that's promising. Not sure about hot Aunt May. Seems ageist.

3. I have no idea. They don't give me that information.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Just A Nerd writes...

This message comes to you in three parts.

Part the first: a story. When I heard Marvel was publishing multiple new Star Wars comics, I realized that, if I allowed them to, these new books would consume all of my income. So I resolved to only read Star Wars and Darth Vader monthly, and get the rest as trades. That is, until I heard you were writing Kanan. I thought, three a month isn't much worse than two. So I went for it. And it has been amazing, even though I haven't watched any of Rebels because my TV service doesn't include Disney XD. It has been interesting even without the context of the show, and is just as great as everything else you have been a part of.

Part the second: Names. Thank you (both personally and as part of Marvel/LucasFilms) so much for creating a pop culture character with my name. There are so few Calebs in... anything, really. There's the Israelite spy from the Bible (not really pop culture, but I'm counting it), and Tris' brother in Divergent, and now Kanan pre-Order 66. It's incredibly cool to open a comic or a movie and see/hear YOUR NAME be part of the action. This probably just makes me a massive nerd... but I'm okay with that.

Part the third: a question, NOT to do with Kanan. In the Invasion storyline of the Young Justice comics, is there a reason you did not include Troia, Sgt. Marvel, and Lt. Marvel? If the original comics are any indication, they should have been strong enough to draw Kylstar's attention. Is there some reason (in- or out-of-universe) they weren't included?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Part the first: Thank you. But honestly, you should find some way to watch the Rebels. It's worth it.

Part the second: I can't take credit for using the name Caleb. My original name for him was Caine. The folks at Lucasfilm changed it to Caleb. (Not sure why, but maybe it was for you.)

Part the third: The answers would amount to spoilers.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Kellen O'Rourke writes...

Hello Greg,
I have recently got into Gargoyles and it quickly became one of my favorite series and I think you're one of the most brillant people in the business. I saw your name in the credits and I looked up your other works and I noticed that you where one of main heads behind The Spectacular Spider-Man, which I think had the potential to be the definitive Spider-Man series. I've come across several interviews of you discussing the series, you covered most of the characters but you didn't really get into Harry Osborn. He was one of the most interesting people in the show.
1. How did you develop him from being one of Peter's best friends to ultimately passing him over for popularity?
2.If the show had continued, where did you see his character going?
3.What was the reason for having his mother being alive?
Thank you very much for your time.

Greg responds...

1. It's mostly all right there in the original Lee/Romita comics. Harry wants to win approval from his father and therefore makes a number of choices that he believes will help him achieve that.

2. No Spoilers.

3. It just seemed like we had too many single-parent families. For both Gwen and Pete, having the lone parent seemed essential. For Harry, it didn't. Plus we had long term plans for Emily.

Response recorded on July 19, 2016

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Ada writes...

I was just rewatching Season 2 of Gargoyles and I noticed something...Angela and Demona's name. Angela=Angel, Demona=Demon. The names do fit the mother and daughter duo's personalities, but I am wondering whether or not this a coinendence that their names were set up this way.

P.S. Reading through your responses regarding people's questions on the Gargoyles, you keep saying, "No Spoilers." So, are you planning in the near future to continue writing about the Gargoyles in the comics? I hope so, because I am so looking forward to it! :D

Greg responds...

Of course, it was set up that way.

P.S. I hope so.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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How did the Manhattan Clan survive in the 10th century without n writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a huge fan of Gargoyles, but there's something that's been bothering me for quite some time... the fact that Goliath's clan, with the exception of Goliath, didn't name themselves until they awoke from their cursed slumber.

It strikes me that, at a bare minimum, they would have had extreme difficulty formulating plans for defending the castle and assigning roles. If they didn't have names, how did a typical strategy briefing go? How did Goliath make clear which gargoyles were in charge of which task? How did people get the attention of single gargoyles in the middle of a crowd?

Could you write a hypothetical dialogue of what they would say when setting up plans to defend the castle when addressing the entire, pre-slaughter clan?

Greg responds...

I could. But I won't.

Gargoyles didn't have defined specific names, but they referred to each other by relationships, signifiers, etc. (For example, "My Angel of the Night" or the "Gargoyle of the Sword".) I'm sure they made it work.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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Elizabeth writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman my name is Elizabeth although being since I put my name in the name field I guess that is redundant, but I still feel it is proper to introduce oneself when asking a question.

I was just wondering if you ever thought about making a Tabletop RPG of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Not specifically. I don't know much about gaming. And in any case, I do not control the franchise. Disney does.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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Anna writes...

When was Match created? How long was the gap between him and Superboy?

Greg responds...

The year before Superboy was cloned.

Response recorded on July 14, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Have you ever read Shakespeare's Dog by Leon Rooke? (It is the story of Shakespeare's marriage to Anne Hathaway as told from the perspective of Shakespeare's dog.) Here it is on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Shakespeares-Dog-Novel-Leon-Rooke/dp/0880010932. It's quite funny.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Are people turned to stone still conscious?
If Xanatos had used the cauldron of life , would he have remained fully conscious but unable to move or speak for all eternity?

Greg responds...

Fair question. I guess we'll never know. ;)

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Kelly Drew writes...

How many miles a person have to be away where superman and superboy cannot hear with their super hearing in the earth 16 universe?

Greg responds...

I dunno. Whatever seems reasonable in terms of sound waves not being interrupted by intervening stuff and/or spreading out so thin that sense cannot be made of the sound. It's a question for a physicist, not me.

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Corey writes...

Hello Greg,

My question deals with the mutability of time in the Gargoyles universe. The archives and TV series indictate that time loops are part of the timestream, there are no alternate timelines, and history cannot be changed (If I am missing anything or am being inaccurate, feel free to chastise me accordingly). However, I also remember you saying that the younger Demona could have acted differently then her future self, as could the non-Enhanced Archmage.

So then my question is if history is immutable due to the free actions of the characters or the mechanics of the universe (for want of a better term)? As you said in a previous post, freewill does not give you the ability to do whatever you want in any situation but that a character can strive for greater goals and independence (Please forgive my paraphrasing and or if I misunderstood). Characters like Demona, Xanatos, and the Archmage, knew (to varying extents) their future and (directly or indirectly) chose to act in such a way as to bring these outcomes about. If that is the case then, in theory, history could have been changed but, as it never was, it never can be. However, if reality is such that certain things must always happen as they are crucial to the integrity of the timestream, then freewill is illusory. Every action one takes will always lead them to an outcome they only believed they chose as they could not chose any other option. However, the former interpretation makes it so that, ironically, predestination is the product of life choices of living beings. If I am misunderstanding or letting my own opinions skew facts I apologize and thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

Paragraph One: No, I never said that. I may have said that the younger Demona THOUGHT she could alter her timeline. But she couldn't.

Paragraph Two: No. Free will exists. Forget time travel for a moment. Yesterday you ordered eggs and bacon for breakfast. That was your choice. No one made you do it. Looking back, you wish you had ordered oatmeal. You can't change it now. Too late, right? But that doesn't mean you didn't have free will at the time. It just means you're not omnipotent. So if one-day-older you goes back in time to convince one-day-younger you to change your order, you will fail. Because you can't alter the time stream. But that doesn't mean that (a) one-day-younger you STILL didn't exercise freewill in ordering the bacon he wanted in the time, nor does it mean (b) that one-day-older you isn't exercising free will in attempting to get you to switch to oatmeal. Free will is about choices. Not success.

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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sakura writes...

i looked at genomorphs and after seeing M'gann true form I just have this on my mind.

1: Are genomorph made with White Martian DNA? Because they look a lot like M'gann.

2: Is Superboy a genomorph since he was created in Cadmus?

Greg responds...

1. Not to me.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Anonymous fan writes...

I am a big fan of Young Justice and the Young justice comics related to the show. I was among the fans thats was crushed when it was cancled and even though its unlikely i still hope for more seasons. Anyway, on to the questions:
1.) in the comics i have noticed Artemis has blue eyes but in the show she has brown eyes. I was wondering if there is a reason.
2.) did Artemis character come off of DC Mia Dearden the 2nd speedy?
They both have the same arrow mark on their chest.

Greg responds...

1. Production inconsistencies.

2. No. She came off Artemis, the daughter of Sportsmaster and the Huntress. As for her costume, it's an amalgam of different characters, but the biggest influences were probably Arrowette and Green Arrow himself.

Response recorded on July 13, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

I've been re-watching Spectacular Spider-Man, and I'm now sure that it's the greatest Marvel show ever. There are a few questions I thought of while watching.

1. What inspired you to have Green Goblin be in a "rhyming mood" in "Opening Night"? I thought it was a really brilliant way to showcase how over the top he is.

2. Since Punisher, Cloak, and Dagger all first appeared in Spider-Man's comics, were you allowed to use any of them?

3. You've talked about where heroes like the Fantastic Four were during this show, even if you couldn't use them, but did you ever consider where Moon Knight, Black Widow, Hawkeye, or Dr. Strange were? Would you have considered using any of those characters if you could have?

4. When you were doing research on Spider-Man to write the show, were there any characters, especially villains, who you discovered and immediately felt like you wanted to use?

5. What made you decide to have Silver Sable be Silvermane's daughter instead of a mercenary? I really liked the change because of her chemistry with Hammerhead and because I think Silvermane is a very underrated villain, so I'm curious about what made you think of making those changes to her.

Greg responds...

1. It was to further equate him with Puck.

2. It didn't come up, but I doubt it.

3. Moon Knight was probably not Moon Knight yet. Hawkeye was probably still a circus performer; Black Widow, a Russian spy. Dr. Strange was probably still in Tibet. Over time - and given enough episodes AND PERMISSION - I'd have used anyone and everyone.

4. Yep. Vulture, the Big Man, the Enforcers, Hammerhead, Electro, Lizard, Shocker, Sandman, Rhino, Tombstone, Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Chameleon, Black Cat, the Sinister Six, the Burglar, Venom, Mysterio, Tinkerer, Kraven, Calypso, Master Planner, Colonel Jupiter, Silver Sable, Ricochet, Silvermane, Molten Man, Hobgoblin, Scorpion, Hydro-Man, Carnage and Kingpin.

5. Initially, their names.

Response recorded on July 12, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

You have said there were homosexual Gargoyles, are there also transgender Gargoyles that could transition? Also, how does surgery for Gargoyles work? Is that even a possibility for them, like something as easy as adding stone or shaping stone while they were in stone sleep, or operating on them while they were flesh or would it be impossible?

Greg responds...

There has been no such thing as gender reassignment surgery for gargoyles. Frankly, there's been no such thing - for the most part - as SURGERY for gargoyles, period.

You definitely cannot operate on a sleeping gargoyle. But you could, in theory, operate on a gargoyle at night. I suppose you'd use an epidural or something. (I'm not a doctor.)

But, yes, I imagine there have been transgender gargoyles over the centuries.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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Cheston Bulgin writes...

Was Spectacular Spider-Man set in the same universe as Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes? I ask because when Spidey was brought in to make an appearance, Josh Keaton was suppose to voice Peter before they dubbed him with Drake Bell. I heard they changed up the animation too when Drake was voicing him.

Greg responds...

No to your question. I wasn't involved in what followed.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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Wonderfulakari writes...

Are fairy-human shape shifts like Owen still bound by things like "Iron hurts you" and "No stealing magical items like the phoenix gate"?

Also just to say your shows inspired me to pursue a major/career in illustration and comics. I saw your shows and others like it and decided I wanted to find a way to contribute to them somehow. Hopefully one day I'll story-board something half as good as what you produce.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

Owen can still be hurt by iron. Can't you?

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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ND writes...


why does the Brain sound so stupid? I'm a native french-speaker and I would never do something as ridiculous as suddenly adding words in french when I speak english! (well, maybe once, as a joke, but doing it all the time makes no sense at all). I love your show but this I really don't understand.

Have a great day! :)

Greg responds...

He's unhappy speaking English at all.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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EXALT writes...

We know that separations and affairs are quite rare among Gargoyles; what about rape? How rare it is among Gargoyles, and how much heinous it's considered as a crime?

Greg responds...

It's rare and extremely heinous.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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Brian writes...

How did Lance Pedros know of Cool Hand Luke? Were the Eight still aware of the world progressing around them? Were they manifestations of Bahique's guilt?

Greg responds...

You're assuming that he was quoting Cool Hand Luke. Certainly, the AUTHOR was quoting Cool Hand Luke. But Lance was just saying what he was thinking.

Response recorded on July 11, 2016

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LynnL writes...

Hi Greg.
I just rewatched Alienated and I googled Malina Island to see it was real. The only thing I found was a privately owned island in New York called Rat Island, whose owner is considerating renaming Malina Island.
1) Did you know about this?
2) If yes, did you predict that the island named was going to be changed by 2016 (Season 2 "year")?
3) Did Tornado moved out of the Cave after Legacy?
4) Did Black Canary stopped training the Team after Legacy?
5) Thank you for your time

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. Nope.

3. He moved out. When would be a Spoiler.

4. No.

5. You're welcome.

Response recorded on July 08, 2016

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DJ writes...

I noticed that you did a radio show that was basically a crossover between Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles, and I was wondering a few things:

1. I've looked all over the website for the final act, but I haven't been able to find it. Is there a way I can read it and find out what happens?

2. Did you write it as a way of considering trying to merge the Gargoyles universe with the Marvel universe, or were you doing it just for fun?

3. Would you be willing to allow the Gargoyles universe to become part of Marvel or DC if they asked you?


Greg responds...

1. The production itself is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95V2vAFJmKs
But you couldn't have searched ASK GREG too hard. It took me no time to find it: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=846

2. Fun.

3. It would never be up to me. But I'd recommend AGAINST it.

Response recorded on July 08, 2016

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Lindsey writes...

I was wondering if you know if there are any planned reprintings of SLG's Gargoyles? I never got a chance to read them when they came out, and now the only copies I can find are around $100 on amazon.

Greg responds...

Sorry. No. Theyr'e out of print. Hoping to reprint all 18 issues of the Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Bad Guys runs someday. But there's nothing I can announce yet.

Response recorded on July 08, 2016

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Atelson Fitgerald writes...

By the time you answer this, I bet the movie is in quick production or you've been sworn to silence. With all the rumors of Marvel's untitled Spidey film coming up, there are tons of rumors saying that it's pulling from the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series including the title and teen dynamic. By any chance, are you involved in any way with the film?

Greg responds...

No. And that's NOT me being cagey. I'm not involved at all.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Cheston writes...

What are your thoughts on David Ayer's upcoming Suicide Squad movie?

Greg responds...

I haven't seen it. So I have no thoughts for public consumption. I try not to pre-judge stuff I haven't seen, and I certainly wouldn't post prejudice or supposition on the internet. It's too pristine for that.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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EXALT writes...

We know that, when Elisa dies, she's going to receive a Wind Ceremony, despite being human, because she's a full-fledged member of the clan. With that in mind...
1)Is she going to be the first human to receive a Wind Ceremony?
2)If, back in the middle ages, the Captain of the Guard had died without betraying the clan, would he have been given a Wind Ceremony?
3)If the Magus hadn't asked specifically to stay in the Hollow Hill, would he have been given a Wind Ceremony?
4)What about Katharine and Tom? When they die, are they going to receive Wind Ceremonies?

Greg responds...

1. That seems unlikely.

2. Odds are he would have received human burial.

3. Potentially.

4. No spoilers.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Random question. If the main cast of Gargoyles was in a horror movie, like let say Friday the 13th, what order you think they die in?

Greg responds...

I don't watch horror movies.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Keith writes...

1. Does the League's style of operations change much depending on who's leading? Or is there a fairly set bunch of rules and the leader simply acts as an coordinator?

2. Are there some Leaguers who don't put themselves up for leadership positions? For example, I can't imagine Captain Marvel gets considered because of his age, and the Green Lanterns might be too busy.

Greg responds...

1. There are actually very few "rules". And certainly, each leader has his or her own style. But in the end, nothing changes too much, because the goals are pretty straightforward.

2. There's a request for those who feel up to the job to submit their own names. Then there's a vote.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Connor writes...

Is asking if you are thinking of or are in the process of creating a new show count as a spoiler?

Greg responds...

No. Not if you aren't asking for details.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Have you read the DC Comics event "Convergence" yet? The final issue (#8) indirectly suggests that the "Young Justice" animated TV series, which is your version of the Earth-16 universe, can now come back and now your stories set in that universe can still continue...

Greg responds...

I never read it.

Response recorded on July 07, 2016

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