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HI Greg,
Is it true that is we binje-watch Young justice that it may bring back a season 3 .
It's possible, yes.
In Young Justice: Invasion, why does the Team use the Greek alphabet (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc.) instead of the NATO alphabet (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc.) for squad distribution?
Think about who the leader of the Team might have been when the system was installed.
Why is Shayera 11 years old younger than hakwman?
Im just curious behind the decision
"old younger"? I'm not sure what you're asking here.
Hi! I've finsihed YJ and it was so awesome! (Without that Wally died)
But how can I help to make a third season when Netflix don't have the episodes in my country?
Thanks again for the awesome series and #KeepBingingYJ !
I don't know for sure. You can always ask Netflix customer service in your country if they would start carrying it.
If the BluRays are available, purchase those. Or you could purchase the episodes individually on iTunes.
You can also purchase our companion Young Justice comic on iTunes or Comixology.
Earlier you had said the reason Batman told Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) to keep their identities a secret from the Team is so that a plausible deduction of his identity would not be made.
If that's the case, would the original members of the Team (plus Kid Flash/Bart Allen and Beast Boy) outside of the "Bat-Family"-16 be able to make a guess at Batman's identity if they haven't already since they know who Nightwing and Robin (Tim Drake) are?
--Christopher Chance
Certain individuals have been let in on the identities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne. No deductions necessary.
Hi again. As long as rules require to group questions by different topics, I've written that as separate questions.
1. If Puck is Oberon's servant, why can he be summoned by Titania's mirror? Not some Oberon's possessions, but Titania's.
2. Does the spell, that Demona used to summon Puck, have any translation? Was it in Latin? I failed to find it on Wiki.
3. Why didn't Oberon just use the mirror as Demona did in order to summon Puck? Was he just in a mood for stroll?
4. In the way I see it, there's kind of tension between Puck and the Weird Sisters, as they say they can hunt him down for Oberon. I mean -Hunt-. Not to bring him, not to call him, not to remind to him. Hunt him down. Why? If this IS a spoiler, please, just forget you've read 2d question. If I just dramatize, feel free to tell it in any form you like.
5. Would - if heard - the ringing of the iron bell be at least painful to ANY one of Oberon's children in their true form? If not to all, then to who will it be?
1. If the spell is powerful enough, he can be summoned by any magic mirror.
2. It's Latin and can be found here: http://gargwiki.net/Summoning_Spell
I don't have the translation here at my Nickelodeon office. But you can probably get it from one of the fans by asking in the S8 Comment Room.
3. Yes. He pretty much says that. (Are you asking these questions from memory without looking back at the episodes? Cuz, if so, you're really waiting a LONG time to get answers you could've gotten yourself.)
4. It's a spoiler.
5. To all.
Hello, Greg! I hope you're doing well.
1. So long after I've seen "The Mirror" episode for the first time, and I'm still deeply curious: what was Xanatos look like as a gargoyle? Preeeeeeetty interested. I know, that this is not the best question to be answered in writing, but if only briefly...
2. Episode "The Edge" starts with a sparring between Xanatos and Owen. And Owen gets the upper hand.
a) Why did Xanatos stopped the following sparring?
b) Was the purpose of sparrings with Owen in training him in hand-to-hand combat?
1. I'll leave this to your imagination.
2a. Didn't he have an appointment?
2b. No, it was to maintain his edge.
Hey Greg big fan of young justice. in season 1 wally cannot vibrate his molecules did he learn to do so by season 2.
No. It's not a question of learning. He's just not that fast.
I haven't received my cds on Rain of the Ghosts part of the Kickstarter project.
We are still gathering signatures. As I've noted through Kickstarter Updates, I'm VERY sorry that this is taking so long - especially since we got the bulk of the actors all in one night - but getting the last few signatures has proven very difficult. We're getting closer now. I hope to update Kickstarter again soon.
Can you please contact Buena Vista Home Entertainment and Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to ask them to release Gargoyles on Blu Ray?
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