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If you were to play a Nintendo game or two, what would it be and why?
I don't know anything about Nintendo. Couldn't name a single game with confidence.
Recently you implied that if people binge Young Justice it could get revived. While I want that is it possible? A lot of the writers and animators have broken up and are doing other things ex. Kevin is a writer for Star Wars Rebels. I'm not trying to be a cynic its just a huge hurdle that no one seems to be discussing.
Not every single person who EVER worked on the series would be back, certainly, but we'd get the cast back. And Brandon Vietti, Phil Bourassa and myself have all made it clear we'd come back, and I believe we're the three individuals who are truly essential to the show beyond the cast. Kevin isn't on Rebels anymore, but he does have other work. I don't know whether we'd get him back specifically, though I would hope so. But I can guarantee you that the writing would still be top-notch.
To be clear, this is all theoretical. The show isn't back. We simply are hopeful and optimistic.
Hi Greg,
In your opinion, what are some of the key factors that separate a good story/script from a poor one (especially as it applies to writing in episodic television)?
Good structure.
Story that comes out of character.
Dialogue that sounds like something human beings would actually say.
Some amount of surprise.
And if we're literally talking about the script itself: PROOFREADING!
If you were offered to write a Transformers series, would you be willing to do so?
I have already. Wrote an episode of Transformers Prime and multiple episodes of Transformers Rescue-Bots.
In your opinion what makes Superman such a great character?
Truth, Justice and the American Way. (Though what I consider the American Way and what others consider the American Way may differ.)
Hi, Greg.
Rewatching YJ on Netflix. In The Fix, Kaldur responds to Black Manta's presence after six hours of psychic therapy by M'gaan and Artemis. In Complications, it is revealed that Kaldur is fully healed and is only feigning his catatonia to maintain their cover. This is roughly fifty days (from April 9 to May 27). My question is this: at what point in that period is Kaldur actually healed fully? To put it another way, how long did the three have to keep up the pretense?
On one level or another, the whole time. If you're asking when his healing was "perfected," within that span, I don't know how to answer that. It's not like a switch was flipped. It's a process. He may not be 100% over it even now.
1: Have any of the Justice League gotten into a scuffle: As in the general hero meet and great of fighting with fists and blasts?
2: Do any of the Justice League have statues or museums in honor of them
3: Can Superboy vote?
4: Are the Justice League involved in politics (Do they endorse political candidates or take sides in issues like LGBT marriage or guns?)
1. If I'm understanding you right, then no.
2. Besides the Hall of Justice?
3. Which season are we talking about?
4. No spoilers.
Did Dick ever have romantic feelings for Artemis?
Not particularly.
Hello, Greg. Hope you're doing well.
Dropping in with another question. I hope it doesn't go into spoiler territory, but I apologize in advance if it does. I searched the archive and did not see it (then again, the archive is so massive, I may have overlooked it and for that I also apologize in advance).
The question has been bugging me for a while and it's regarding Young Justice: Invasion, particularly the episode "Endgame":
Is Black Beetle (in his original form after his scarab is destroyed via Blue Beetle), that is, is his species from the planet Rimbor or Raan or somewhere else? (I mainly ask because I thought his design was awesome. Phil did a wonderful job!)
Wish you well and I appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge my question (:
He's from the Reach homeworld.
OK, first of all: love YJ and I really hope to see a season 3.
Second: who is your favorite character out of all the villains, heroes and civilians in YJ, like Cat Grant or Green Beetle?
Mine is Blue Beetle and Impulse, they just make the best friends (Kinda ship BluePulse. Definitley see something there other than friendship, but it just might be the fact that Impulse just cares for him in the way that's like 'oh, I don't want you to conquer the Earth, so I'm gonna take care of you' way).
I really like Blue for the fact that he tries so hard not to succumb to the scarab and become super freaking evil. Also, he helps with me get a teensy bit ahead in Spanish. I like Impulse for the fact that he's like me, impulsive (Pun intended), eats a lot of food, is funny, and just tries to keep his friends safe. Thank you so much for the show, it was basically my late childhood and early teenage antidote from school and stuff.
Really hoping for a season 3!
1. Thanks.
2. I don't have a single favorite.
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