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It seems like Vandal Savage is the leader of the Light, but I would imagine Klarion is significantly more powerful. As a Lord of Chaos, why does Klarion even bother submitting to Savage's plan, rather than wrecking havoc on his own?
You don't think he's having fun?
In Spectacular Spider-Man, Dock Ock's power source or battery pack or whatever was called the Megalo Pack. What made you guys use that name. Was it something from the Comics?
I don't remember.
I think that when Lorisa214 asked, "1) What Roy Harper had to get a new SIN? - (Social Insurance Number. I'm not sure what it's called in the States. But everyone gets one and it identifies you & only you)" and you replied, "1. Which Roy are we talking about?" that that was her question: which Roy was it that had to get a new SIN? Or Social Security Number, here in the States.
Oh. Hm. Not sure. I'm sure clone Roy would have wanted to give his up. But he's the one with the adult life history that would make changing it difficult. So maybe Original Roy?
Did Jay Garrick when was in his prime did most of his solo crime fighting in Central City or Keystone City?
Are you sure there is a Keystone City?
1. Given that the Third Race apparently knows about King Arthur's burial on Avalon (the Weird Sisters asked "Where's the sleeping king?" during their battle with the Magus in "Avalon, Part 3"), what is the significance of Oberon's referring to Titania as his "Once and Future Queen" in "Ill Met By Moonlight?"
2. On this question http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=1414 Todd Jensen mentioned a little bit about Merlin's life according to legend, including his encounter with King Vortigern. An eighteenth-century forger named William Henry Ireland wrote a play about Vortigern's life that he falsely attributed to William Shakespeare, on the grounds that Vortigern's story was so tragic, Shakespeare ought to have written about it. Given that King Arthur appears to have a prominent role in the Gargoyles Universe, and given also your love of Shakespeare, I'm especially curious to learn what role Vortigern has in the Gargoyles Universe.
By the way, I'm even more eager to learn what Shakespeare's story is in the Gargoyles Universe, than what Titania whispered to Fox.
1. You're assuming Oberon knows the title of the book "Once and Future King"?
2. No Spoilers.
I'm about to depart for to GRAND RAPIDS COMIC-CON.
303 Monroe Avenue NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Here's my schedule for the weekend:
02:00pm - 06:45pm
I'll be at my table, which is "ANIMATION ISLAND 13". (Well, the con opens at 9:30am, but I'll be driving down that morning to Long Beach from Los Angeles, so I'll get there as close to 9:30am as I can manage it.) I'll be signing and selling copies of my novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM for $10 each. If you buy both, you get a free RAIN OF THE GHOSTS art print, illustrated by Christopher Jones. I'll also be selling CD sets of the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS AudioPlay for $30 This is an unabridged four hour production with 20 actors (including Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Ed Asner, Vanessa Marshall, Jim Cummings, Steve Blum, Thom Adcox and more), a full original musical score (by the composers of YOUNG JUSTICE and THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN) and sound effects. It's like a four hour movie in your head! Buy the CD set and you also receive a free print. If you ONLY want the print, it's $20. Plus I'll also be selling original Christopher Jones art prints of YOUNG JUSTICE and GARGOYLES for $20 each. Finally, I'll be selling copies of my animation scripts (from series including GARGOYLES, THE SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN, YOUNG JUSTICE, STAR WARS REBELS and many others) for $20 each. All transactions are cash only. Signatures - if you bring something of your own for me to sign - are FREE!
06:45pm - 07:45pm
River Overlook D.
Greg Weisman - writer, story editor, voice actor, producer and co-creator of YOUNG JUSTICE - discusses the popular animated series and answers your questions about the characters, stories, people and process that went into making it's unique take on the DC Universe's Earth-16.
07:45pm - 08:00pm - BOOTH 434
10:00am - 02:00pm
02:00pm - 03:00pm
River Overlook A&B.
Everybody loves a hero - they're the characters you root for and the people you want to be. Six-time Harvey Award nominated husband and wife Action Faction Comfort Love and Adam Withers lead this seminar in two parts: first, you'll learn what makes great heroes in both writing and in art. Then, Comfort & Adam will invite the audience to participate in creating a new hero which will be designed and drawn live. Comfort and Adam will be joined by Greg Weisman and Thom Zahler.
03:00pm - 06:45pm
10:00am - 11:30am
11:30am - 12:30pm
Grand Gallery A-C.
The producer of "Gargoyles" and "Young Justice" discusses the job of a television producer from concept to premiere and answers questions on how the magic happens.
12:30pm - 02:00pm
02:00pm - 03:00pm
River Overlook A&B
Creating great villains is essential for making great stories - whether you love their every appearance or just love to hate them. Six-time Harvey Award nominated husband and wife action faction Comfort Love and Adam Withers lead this seminar in two parts: first, you'll learn what makes great villains in both writing and in art. Then, Comfort & Adam will invite the audience to participate in creating a new villain which will be designed and drawn live. Dirk Manning, Greg Weisman, and Stuart Sayger will join Comfort and Adam with this panel..
03:00pm - 03:30pm
Rain of the Ghosts Typo contest entry.
Chapter One: Drums, Page 3.
Last sentence of the first full paragraph on the page.
"Then in perfect synch, the two teens turned down a dark alley, the bikes at at a forty-five-degree angle."
There shouldn't be a hyphen between forty-five and degrees.
I think that must be a judgement call. I'm not counting that as a mistake. Sorry.
When did Barry Allen first fought Vandal Savage?
Sometime previously. I haven't bothered to nail it down.
Question about Artemis' outfit:
i noticed in one earlier question how you said the writers wanted to make the costumes for the Teams outfits as realistic as they should be - thus why none if the girls had heels or anything. i was wondering why they chose to give artemis a cropped top, or was it just an aesthetic thing? its something ive noticed with a lot of other female superheros and i dont really get it; i would assume it would be colder and make that region slightly more vulnerable.
side note: i think its cool how the team behind young justice to make artemis half asian; its nice to seem more minority representation in superhero shoes, especially as a half asian myself :)
1. You'd have to ask Brandon Vietti and Phil Bourassa. Maybe in-universe it's a freedom of movement thing. But most likely it's an aesthetic choice. Artemis' and/or Brandon's and/or Phil's.
2. It's a priority for us, and for me particularly, to get more diversity in there.
Why can't you accept the public's ideas on their newly created superheroes?
Because I - or the company I work for - could get sued over it. I don't want to take that risk, and the companies I work for FORBID me from taking that risk. For more clarity, check out the introductory page of ASK GREG here:
(I mean it's clear you skipped over it and asked your question without bothering to read it. Because the answer was spelled out right there.)
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