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sdoh writes...


i`am a big fan of gargoyles and star trek. so my question is how many star trek actors played on gargoyles? can you tell me the actors names and the roles they played please? ty for you time

Greg responds...

I know this is in the archives... <sigh>

I won't pretend this is a complete list, but off the top of my head...

Classic Star Trek
Nichelle Nichols - Diane Maza

Next Generation
Jonathan Frakes - David Xanatos, Coyote (robot)
Marina Sirtis - Demona/Dominque Destine, Margot Yale
Brent Spiner - Puck
Michael Dorn - Coldstone, Taurus
LeVar Burton - Anansi

Deep Space Nine
Avery Brooks - Nokkar
Colm Meeney - Rory's father

Kate Mulgrew - Anastasia/Titania

Plus there are all sorts of actors who had guest rolls on the various Trek series, for example both Morgan Shepard (Odin, King Kenneth, etc.) and Salli Richardson (Elisa/Delilah) have guested on Trek. I don't know and couldn't possibly list them all.

But this is a start, right?

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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lisa writes...

HI Greg!

1,Why did Demona not get everyone out of the castle before the vikings arrived? ,I mean she was in charge when Goliath was gone.

Greg responds...

Ultimately, she was afraid.

How could she explain why she was calling for a retreat?

She wanted to believe that the plan that she and the Captain came up with would work. (It probably never would have, but she wanted to believe it.) So she couldn't admit that it was a likely debacle.

But she wasn't about to take any chances herself.

What can I tell you? The lady has a few problems.

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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Tara Ann Kokesch writes...

Greg, I have loved the show gargoyles for about 4 years now. I am a big DeMona fan, I think she is beautiful, and perfect in almost everyway. My question is, have you ever thought abotu DeMona and Goliath getting back together? Elisa Maza and Goliath is just not good... but DeMona and Goliath are made for each other, I remember city of stone perfectly, and It was clear then that they were perfect for each other, so why should it not continue now? Did you ever consider it? If so, how would you go about getting goliath and her back together? thanks... A HUGE FAN!!!

Greg responds...

Demona? Perfect? Maybe she's a perfect fictional character. (I'd like to think so anyway.) But I'd hardly say she's perfect.

And it's Demona. Not DeMona, by the way.

As to her and Goliath getting back together. No. I put that to bed with Vows. Elisa is the true love of Goliath's life. Demona has a couple of true loves coming. But Goliath and her... when it was real, it wasn't that real. It was love, but it was also youth. And no small amount of her hiding her true nature from him. You can't base a GREAT LOVE on deception. Not that the emotions weren't sincere, but Demona and Goliath never truly understood each other. Not the way Goliath and Elisa do. And not the way Demona and xxx will.

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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Watched this with the family half an hour ago...

More random observations...

RE: Our supporting cast...

Who knew that Brendan & Margot would wind up being so important? Credit Marina Sirtis, for making Margot so gloriously bitchy.

And then there's Vinnie's first appearance on that motorcycle. Of course, no one knew Vinnie existed back then, which is thoroughly appropriate to his character.

And credit Keith David with breathing real life into Morgan the cop. Morgan didn't even have a name then. He was just a place holder, someone for Elisa to respond to. But Keith made me interested in him.

Little things still bug me. Xanatos' floating ponytail in the scene where he and Elisa first meet.

In the Kitchen, the Freezer door was supposed to have one of those easy to open latches on the inside. The irony being that Broadway could easily extricate himself, if he just knew how to operate the latch (or even what it was). Something a kid could do, assuming the kid was born in the 20th century. But BW has to bust down the door.

In the original script and the recording of that script, it's Brooklyn who says "So many wonders..." and it's Broadway who says "Goliath said not to let anybody see us." But in those early days, lots of people in L.A. and in Tokyo kept confusing their names (and Bronx's) so the animation came back as you see it. And it was easier to re-record the voices then to reanimate. (Or am I getting all this totally backwards? I just saw the show again half an hour ago, and already, I'm confused.)

(CAVEAT: In all these little things, I'll probably be pointing out animation errors here and there. But please understand, I think most of the animation we got, particularly from Walt Disney TV Animation - Japan, was brilliant. I think those guys did a great job and don't get enough credit. But anecdotes generally come out of when things go wrong, not when they go right, so it may seem like I'm talking about mistakes more often than not. Sorry, in advance to Roy Sato or anyone else who might take offense.)

When Elisa is first being checked out by the Trio, there was a scene in the original animation where Brooklyn seems inordinantly interested in her behind. We had to call a retake, cuz the guy was practically drooling. I wonder if that's where I got the idea that Brooklyn would fall for anyone in a skirt (or with a tail).

Also, after Goliath saves Elisa from falling off the building we have a point of view shot from her. It begins at Goliath's feet and pans up to his face, as she takes him in. In the original animation, the pan started at his head and panned down. That seemed less effective, so we had our editors reverse the pan, without calling for a retake.

At the end of Act Two, the door slides open revealing Demona in silhouette, clearly plotting something with Xanatos. That always really bugged me. I didn't want to give away that she was alive in this episode. I didn't want to know who Xanatos was talking to. How did you guys react to this? Did that spill everything? Did any of you not know that Demona was alive? Did any of you, by this point, not know that she and Xanatos were the bad guys?

Elisa says something like "This is where Dracula shows up." when she's walking through the corridors of the castle. If you take that literally (and you might as well), then you gotta figure that someday, Dracula will be roaming that very hallway.

Elisa loses the first in her series of guns, when Goliath crushes it near the end of Act One.

Goliath tells a joke: "And please, don't fall off the building this time." Goliath tells a joke. Can you believe it? It wasn't bad either. We should have let him tell jokes more often.

Elisa's surprise that Goliath can talk is indicative of what I thought a 20th (or 21st) century initial response to the gargs would be. That's why Goliath Chronicles' trial episode bugged me so much. I don't think humans would take for granted sentience. And I think most humans, those less open than Elisa, wouldn't even buy talking as enough evidence that the gargs weren't just beasts. (Cf. Margot Yale.)

Goliath is a pretty begruding hero. That's somewhat unique for cartoons. Elisa asks if there are more gargs, and Goliath responds: "Barely." He cuts her very little slack. But already you can see their relationship developing. I still think Hudson's expression after Goliath sweeps Elisa up into his arms is just priceless.

In that same scene, Hudson gets named for the river. I love that scene, as I loved the scene where Tom, Brook and Lex are talking about names. Of course, the desire not to name most of the gargoyles until we got to NYC '94, was mostly pragmatic. It allowed us to use those fun, cool NY names for most of the characters. But once we came up with the rationale for it, and once I managed to explain it to everyone, I really fell in love with the concept. Hudson's lament, here, that humans don't think something is real until they've put there stamp on it, is, to me at least, so damn true. And Elisa's response is so feeble and circular. "Things need names." Pathetic. But I'm no different. <SIGH> I'm such a human. But I aspire to gargoylosity. Anyway, after Hudson points to the river, and Elisa basically tricks him into taking that name, she used to have a line, as I may have mentioned before, where she said (under her breath) "Good thing we weren't facing Queens" -- implication being that Hudson nearly ended up being called Queen, I guess. It was always funny, but S&P didn't care for it, and I couldn't really defend it. So out it went. We tried another version, where she just says, "Good thing we weren't facing East." But it didn't play. So out it went too.

The thing that struck me most, however, was the almost thorough lack of action in this episode. After all that Viking stuff in Part One, and Vikings and a full act of commandos in Part Two, Part Three is a mood and character piece. Sure Elisa falls off a building, but that was a problem easily solved. Until the commandos' Central Park attack in the last seconds of Act Three, nothing else happens that could genuinely qualify as action. That was mostly a result of what was once a four-parter being turned into a five-parter. The reason we made that change is because Michael Reaves wrote a brillaint four-part script. It was amazing. But it was WAY too long. I was faced with either having to make drastic cuts (as I would later have to do in Avalon and Hunter's Moon) or expand it. Fortunately, Gary Krisel and Bruce Cranston saw the wisdom of expansion. For one thing, it would save us money. But also, it made sense because we could run the five parts across a whole week of the Disney Afternoon like a mini-series special event. It wouldn't require us to re-program one day of that first week. So we were all agreed, the four parter would become a five parter.

But that meant adding act breaks, and redividing everything. The episode that most benefited was Part One. In the orignal version, Part One covered all of what is currently part one, plus the first act of what's currently part two, i.e. ALL the Scotland stuff. The episode ended with Goliath's "suicide". A great ending, but we would have obviously had to cut a TON out of the flashback. This way we were able to expand into part two and preserve almost all of the story.

So Part Three winds up being nearly action-free. And by the way, I love that. I still think the episode works great, and it proved to me that the charcters themselves could really hold the audience's attention. (I'm such a proud papa. Unashamedly so. It must be pretty obnoxious.) I wish we had always had the luxury to be so... well, luxurious. To expand and play character. But generally a half-hour format makes it tough. I'm very sick of writing half hours, actually. But the powers that be in Animation believe that kids can't or won't sit through an hour long show.

As usual, I welcome posts here responding to this episode. Both your original reaction to seeing it for the first time, and your current reaction if you've seen it again recently.

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"Awakening, Part One"

My kids and I have started watching the 66 chapters of Gargoyles from start to finish, so I thought I'd give a shot at rambling on each episode as we view them.

So starting at the beginning...

Random thoughts:

In the original script, there was a bit that came right after Princess Katharine reprimands the Captain for inviting the Gargoyles into the Great Hall. She says something to the effect of: "To allow beasts in the dining hall..." Right then, we were supposed to cut to a shot of one of those hounds that you can see milling about in the initial establing shot. The hound was supposed to grab a chunk of meat off of one of the nobles' plates. This would further establish Katharine's hypocracy, but also embarrass her further, lending believability to the things she says and does thereafter. I recall that the scenelet got animated, but not well. Frank refused to include it in the final cut. He may have been right, given what we had to work with. But I still miss the moment I envisioned in my head.

Katharine and the Magus are so nasty in this episode. Boy, did they go through some changes.

I'm also struck by just how much the Trio grew from this first appearance. They're kinda medieval ninja turtles here. But they show potential. I still love their exchange with Tom as he tries to get names out of them and they are baffled as to why names would be important.

I do wish we could have seen more Gargoyles flying around. (It really would have been nice to catch a glimpse of the Coldtrio, but frankly, they hadn't been designed yet. We knew they were coming, but we didn't have time to design them before they were necessary.) But it would have been great to see more beasts, more females. More young and old. But I guess we did all right.

The cliffhangers are interesting too. In both, the threat is the Gargoyles themselves. Princess Katharine says something nasty about gargoyles, just as Goliath enters the Hall. He growls, clearly having heard her statement. And we go to commercial... I could never have gotten away with that by even episode 2. But this early on, we didn't know the gargs well enough to know how they'd react. Clearly they had our sympathy. But would Goliath go berserk? Obviously, not. But that was the tension in that beat. Same thing happens between Acts II & III. The threat seems to be from Brooklyn, Lex and Bronx. Of course, they're bluffing. Annoyed with the humans, they are simply trying to put a scare into them. But the audience doesn't know that yet, so I can get away with the second cliffhanger being a Garg threat as well. Of course, by the end of the episode, we know just how noble they are. And that's a great cliffhanger I think. Goliath roaring to the heavens filled with grief over the death of his "Angel of the Night". 'SCool. (But how many of you really thought she was dead?)

There are also moments that are fairly mundane to us now. Elisa pulling up in her car. Goliath first breaking out of stone. Demona stepping out of the shadows. I'd be curious how all those moments made you guys feel the very first time you saw them, particularly those of you for whom this was in fact the first episode you ever saw.

I invite you to post your comments here on Awakening, Part One.

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Aris Katsaris writes...

In how much detail have you plotted the lifes of Macbeth and Demona in the years between 1057 and 1994? Do you know only some tidbits of their lifes (as for example the one you mentioned that Macbeth knew Shakespeare) or have you plotted them and their movements to some greater extent?

Did Macbeth and Demona meet any time between 1057 and 1995? Or was 'City of Stone' their first meeting after so many centuries? Did they meet the Weird Sisters again?

Greg responds...

The Weird Sisters were watching them, but I think largely with maybe a couple of exceptions, they stayed out of sight.

Macbeth and Demona definitely had a handful of encounters over the centuries.

As for what I've plotted, well, as you said, I have a few tidbits and a sense of the sweep. But, no, I don't have a detailed account in my head of what happened to each character.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Nemi writes...

We all know that Demona hates humans, she sees them as being basicly lower on the food chain to Gargoyles...So what is her attitude towards the Fey?

Greg responds...

Less overtly hostile. But she doesn't much care for them.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Is Demona aware of the existence of any gargoyle clan other than that of Manhattan and (after The Reckoning) the ones in Avalon and the clones?

Greg responds...

Probably. (Haven't I answered this before?)

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

In the gargoyles bible for the first season you had made mention of the existence of a 'very wise man' who first made an alliance with gargoyles building his castle of a gargoyle rookery and who ushered in the golden age of gargoyle-human relations...

Is this still how you picture it happening? The existence of a specific 'very wise man' was intriguing to me - is he just a generic figure, or someone whose name we would recognize? (I have my own idea on the subject ofcourse but I refrain from suggesting it in case it's considered a story-idea)

Greg responds...

I was being generic in the bible on purpose to simplify things. Honestly, I don't think I ever really thought there was just one person who did that. The world was too big a place and there wasn't any internet back then to facilitate communication. So that "wise man" was a place holder in my mind for a number of intelligent humans and gargoyles who made multiple alliances over multiple centuries in multiple places.

One such alliance of "wise men" was the alliance formed between Hudson and Malcolm, which was brokered by Robbie.

Another alliance was that formed between Xanatos and Demona, brokered by Owen, with a little help from Brooklyn, Mary and Finella behind the scenes.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

One of the scenes that most intrigued me, was the final action of Demona in the Hunter's Moon incident: throwing the container in the air, a deed through which she risked the annihilation of not only humans but her own race as well, including her daughter.

I always considered this a very nihilistic action of hers (I hope I'm using the term correctly) as if she was saying "I won't choose to destroy the world myself, but if the glass breaks and the virus escapes and we all die, so be it." Others in the fandom see it as just a way for her to buy some time and manage to escape. If so it was a very risky way indeed...

Your thoughts (and Demona's thoughts) on the issue?

Greg responds...

I can't put either argument any better than you just did, so my answer would have to be: ALL OF THE ABOVE.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

you said that demona would be a ally with the clan by 2158 would she have given up on her vendetta to humanity and accepted them as a part of the world?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

when demona told brooklyn about what she did during the centurys what did she tell him,did she tell him about macbeth?

Greg responds...

In "Temptation"? No. I think people have the notion that Demona and Brooklyn had a lot going on off-screen and/or between scenes of that episode. (Again, Christine, I've heard the rumors.) But it ain't true in the cannon. What you saw was largely what took place.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

do the wierd sisters have any future plans for macbeth and demona?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

is macbeth still hunting demona?

Greg responds...

Not actively.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

every time some one asks what demona or macbeth did in world war 2 you say a lot or your not going to write a novel length answer in this format could you at least tell us some of what they did during the war?

Greg responds...

No. Not today. Mostly because the ideas I have would require research into WWII that I have not yet had time to do. That kind of relative accuracy was one of the hallmarks of the series, and I'm not about to get sloppy now.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

will macbeth and demona ever reconcile?

Greg responds...

Depends what you mean...

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Stacey writes...

Hello! This is my first time asking a question, but I was alwayas very curious about gargoyle anatomy. Brooklyn in the character that puzzles me the most. I have noticed that his wings are the type that have little hands on the top of them. I have also noticed that the only other gargoyles that have this type of wing structure are female gargoyles. Why did you decide to make his wings look like that, and what purpose do the little hands serve?

Greg responds...

It just so happens that he and Demona have the same wing-type. Angela inherited hers from her mother. Not all females have that type. Coldfire didn't for example. Neither did Una. It's not a male/female thing. It's just one of the many minor garg anitomical variations.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something else that I've been wondering lately, about the betrayal of Castle Wyvern by the Captain of the Guard and Demona. There was one snag in it (aside from the use of the common enemy as allies in settling an internal dispute - always a Very Bad Idea) that I found myself suddenly noticing. Demona and the Captain's plan was to have the Vikings take away all the humans while the gargoyles were absent (foiled by Goliath deciding to pursue the Vikings with only Hudson), believing that then the gargoyles would have the castle all to themselves. But - did those two *seriously* believe that Goliath would, upon coming home to find that the castle had been sacked and the humans taken prisoner, just say "Well, that's that," and do nothing about it? I certainly can't imagine him just letting the humans be led away by the Vikings and do nothing about it, even if the massacre of the bulk of his clan hadn't taken place.

Greg responds...

I think that was a miscalculation.

But I believe that Demona believed that once the humans were gone -- long gone -- she could convince Goliath not to send the clan. The danger of being more than a night's glide from the castle was too great -- as proven by the Viking's ability to sack the place while they were all away.

I think she and the Captain were, of a measure, kidding themselves. But all that self-delusion is hardly out of character for either of them.

Goliath probably would have sent a small expedition. Himself, Hudson, Coldstone. Left Demona in charge back at the ranch. Anyway, that's my guess. We'll never know.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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"ALONE": The Demona Contest Results

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who entered: Shauntell, Airwalker, Derek!, Aris Katsaris, Jon and Bud-Clare. I'd like to state for the record that none of you gave a "wrong" answer. But this was, of course, a contest, and I had to choose a winner. My choice is quite subjective, but the winner by a hair is Airwalker with the following entry:

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Demona consciously chose the word ALONE for a password because in her perspective she is alone. Only she seems to see that humanity is a threat and that what she is doing has to be done. Her birth clan remains blind to that fact. Only she alone can see it.

Subconsciously Demona chose ALONE as a password because inside Demona lurks Angel, the sane innocent she once was. Angel is alone, trapped inside a villain, unable to stop being alone until Demona can accept a millennia of guilt, forgive herself, and allow Angel to be free once more.

A close runner-up was Derek! who gave another very interesting answer:

ALONE: The Demona Contest

A city of humans had been turned to stone and their only hope was about to be eliminated. And Demona had done it alone. She alone had survived while others didn't and she alone had eluded the Hunters for centuries. But why would the word ALONE suddenly enter her mind?

Subconsciously, the word had been with her since she kissed Goliath on the forehead in 994 AD. She covered up her pain with the mask of a mightly warrior. She made a mistake 1000 years ago and couldn't deal with the consequences, which caused her to forever be alone.

These are both great entries. I particularly liked Derek!'s first paragraph and Airwalker's second. Which is not to say I didn't like the reverse.

Anyway, Airwalker, I'm not at my office right now, so I haven't yet chosen the prize, but I will contact you via e-mail early next week and arrange its delivery to you. As stated, it will be worthless, but it should hopefully be of interest.

Congratulations and thanks for playing.

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The nominees are in...

Praise the Dragon,

I finally got through all the September posts.

That means the next entry you see will be a Ramble that declares a winner to "ALONE: THE DEMONA CONTEST ANSWER".

Sometime next week.

Then, I'm taking on October.

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lisa writes...

hi greg
1.how could macbeth have gotten his and demonas marriage anulled since he would have needed her there to get it anulled?

Greg responds...

I don't know what he had to do legally. I've never done the research. But if a spouse abandons you before the marriage is even consumated, I think that probably helps grease the wheels. It's also possible that Macbeth's lawyers were even able to contact Dominique Destine's representatives. I don't think Demona would have contested the proceeding.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Leong writes...

Hi Greg, just one question; whatever did Demona think of the play Macbeth?

Greg responds...

Probably that it represented poetic justice.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Jade writes...

Hi Greg just a few questions
1. Has Demona been wearing the same coths for a thousand years--but truning to stone would make it five hurdened right?
2. What was Demona thinking of the humans during the Would Wars?
3. Did Demona find another mate other than Goliath during the thousand years when Goliath was stone? If so what was his name?

Greg responds...

1. Geez, more clothes questions. Maybe she's changed a couple of times and just likes that style.

2. I'm sure, generally, she was hoping they'd all kill each other. Hiroshima and Nagasaki probably put a scare into her.

3. No.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is another question I've been meaning to ask for some time, but finally got around to. You once mentioned your feelings about "The Merchant of Venice" and Shylock here, and particularly the reasons for your ambivalent response to the play. What Shylock prompts in me, in relation to "Gargoyles", is this question.

Do you think that there is a certain similarity, in the basics, between Demona and Shylock? I see one myself, since both come from oppressed minority groups, and both became sufficiently embittered by the persecution that they and their people underwent to seek revenge. (Of course, Demona's genocide schemes automatically dwarf Shylock's demand for a pound of Antonio's flesh). I'm curious about what your own thoughts are on this.

Greg responds...

It's a great connection. I won't pretend that it was a conscious choice on my part (though wouldn't it have been cool if it was).

But I absolutely agree with your basic analysis. You call me a monster often enough and at some point as Lex put it, you get a desire to "live up to the name".

None of which translates into genocide or pounds of flesh, unless you've got some serious internal problems anyway.

But none of that precludes having some qualities that border on the noble. And I think both Demona and Shylock, for all their faults and flat-out villainy, have noble aspects too.

I think that's what makes them so fascinating.

Suddenly, I'm dying to read Harold Bloom's take on Shylock.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Bud-Clare writes...

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Consciously, Demona chose the password "alone" because she believed that she alone understood that the humans must be destroyed at all costs. She was forced to bear the burden of her crusade against humanity alone, since Goliath and the others were "too blind" to see that she was right.

I would think that her subconscious appreciated the irony of her choice. If Demona had succeeded, she would have truly been alone… permanently. Her murder of the clan would likely have placed her beyond all hope of redemption, and Angela would have been killed during the attack on Avalon.

Greg responds...

Another entry just under the wire.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Jon writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

"Alone..." Demona responded softly. She stood quietly, shoulders slumped in defeat. Her promise, her oath to bring a new world into being would be unkept. She had been the prophet, the visionary who saw the pitiful, cruel humans for what they were. She, and she alone, had seen the truth!

She stood and watched as the Hero Goliath rushed once more to save the world, her eyes filled with tears of hatred and frustration. All was quiet. No one was near. Once more, as it had been, as it forever would be, Demona-- with all her wondrous vision-- stood alone.

Greg responds...

Entered just under the wire.

Again, the winner should be announced shortly.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

Demona has finally broken her alliance of convenience with Xanatos: Once again she must work alone to do what must be done. And alone must all gargoyles be on this planet by destroying humanity before it destroys them. For her, for the gargoyle race, "ALONE" is the only way.

And "Alone" has indeed been the only way, hasn't it? For so long, nobody has understood her... or cared for her... or been able to comfort her. She doesn't even have the dream and hope of Goliath anymore... More so now than in a millenium of existence she is alone.

Greg responds...

Aris, thanks for entering.

As this was posted on September 29th, I should be able to announce the winner soon.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Catwoman writes...

I have looked in all the archives and I don't think anyone has asked this(even though many have discussed some things about it), but since a is Gargoyle at night and human by day, does that mean that she could not have any offspring because of the constant switching?

Greg responds...

I assume you're talking about Demona.

And I never said she couldn't have offspring because of Puck's spell. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've said that Puck's spell could compensate for a pregnancy.

Response recorded on February 02, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Probably irrelevent, but... In Reawakening, when Xanatos says "It's alive! Aliiiive! I've always wanted to say that." does Demona know what he's talking about, or does she just think he's being goofy. In other words, does she get the reference?

Greg responds...

It's probably funnier if she doesn't.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000

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Max Scott writes...

Dear Greg,
At the time before Castle Wevern attacked by the vikings
in 994 A.D., why didn't Demona led the clan away from the
castle, instead of cowarding in a cave beneath the castle,
since she was the one who ocastrated the fall of castle
Wevern in the first place.

Greg responds...

That's a very complex question, Max.

Or at any rate, any answer would be very complex. The short answer is she got scared.

If she leads them away, there are bound to be questions. What's to happen? Why should we go? How do you know? Etc.

And all that's assuming she has time. While all these questions are being asked, will anyone, including Demona, get away before the sun rises?

Ultimately, she chose to trust the Captain with everyone's lives but her own...

Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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MONKEYO writes...

Hi! i'm a first time writer and although i searched the archives, i couldn't find this question (hard to believe, i know)

Did you ever plan a romantic reunion between Goliath and Demona? even for a night?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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Fan writes...

I noticed there was considerable space between "Enter Macbeth" and the "City Of Stone" miniseries that explained his and Demona's history. Was it your intention to keep us guessing or did the storyline just work out that way?

Greg responds...

Are those options mutually exclusive?

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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shogun raptor writes...

Greg, I was the one who asked about the Demona/macbeth link carrying over to delilah, namely because if Delilah was created from half of Demona's DNA, would the link be part of her DNA or would it be connected to her in another way, like through her soul?

Greg responds...

I don't see any connection existing there.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Derek! writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest

A city of humans had been turned to stone and their only hope was about to be eliminated. And Demona had done it alone. She alone had survived while others didn't and she alone had eluded the Hunters for centuries. But why would the word ALONE suddenly enter her mind?

Subconsciously, the word had been with her since she kissed Goliath on the forehead in 994 AD. She covered up her pain with the mask of a mightly warrior. She made a mistake 1000 years ago and couldn't deal with the consequences, which caused her to forever be alone.

Jeez, Greg, that 50 word limit was hard to do, I had to keep erasing things. So if it sounds weird, that's why.

Greg responds...

Thanks, Derek.

Again, I'll announce the winner after I've reviewed all the entries submitted in the month of September.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

When "City of Stone" was first written and produced were you planning that the Hunter legacy would continue through the Canmore family or had you thought that Macbeth had taken up the mask and was now the last of the Hunters?

Greg responds...

Well, it's more complicated then that.

"City of Stone" was originally pitched as a Direct to Video movie. My boss, Gary Krisel, immediately rejected it as a video. (Though, obviously, he had no problem with it being done as episodes.) He felt that a Gargoyle video needed to focus on our heroes -- and I had to admit that "City" was really the story of two of our villains: Macbeth and Demona. Goliath and company have supporting roles at best.

But Gary liked the HUNTER angle. So immediately, Michael Reaves and I came up with the basic story idea for "Hunter's Moon". We made a sincere effort to make both multi-parters stand independent of each other. "City" came first, but the two ideas were born so close together, I can't really give you a definitive answer to your either/or question except to say (in my smart-ass fashion) "Both."

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

Just wanted to make a small comment on AWAKENINGS 5:

When Demona revealed her name to Goliath in AWAKENINGS 5, I know it's supposed to be this huge dramatic moment:

"I have a name too Goliath. You should know it before you die. I am..... Demona!"

But the moment that she said that, all I could think was "She's named after a city in Southern Israel?"

Greg responds...

I wasn't aware that Demona was the name of a city in Southern Israel. What's the etimology there?

It's kinda hard to imagine. "Hi, I live in Demona." Any fans from Demona out there?

Anyway, I think it was the whole scary demon association thing that she was going for. I never thought it was our most effective moment. But a city in Israel?

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

In HIGH NOON when Broadway and Hudson attack Macbeth, Demona feels his pain from across the house. Yet later when Demona is in a fight with Elisa 2 feet way from Macbeth, he feels absolutely nothing. Why is that? Does the spell that allows them to feel each other's pain only apply when she is in her Gargoyle form?

Greg responds...


I'd say that Macbeth must have been feeling something, but that he was steeling himself against the pain. (Something he couldn't do when he didn't know the blows were coming.) I realize this is a bit of a cheat, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Demona consciously chose the word ALONE for a password because in her perspective she is alone. Only she seems to see that humanity is a threat and that what she is doing has to be done. Her birth clan remains blind to that fact. Only she alone can see it.

Subconsciously Demona chose ALONE as a password because inside Demona lurks Angel, the sane innocent she once was. Angel is alone, trapped inside a villain, unable to stop being alone until Demona can accept a millennia of guilt, forgive herself, and allow Angel to be free once more.

(Since there is supposed to be a prize of some sort I figure that I should put my e-mail address somewhere in this post: Airwalker999@Yahoo.com)

Greg responds...

Thanks Airwalker.

Good answer.

Again, the winner will be announced when I finally get through the month of September.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Jeff Lenihan writes...

Mr. Weisman,
In "Grief," Anubis states that that which is dead and gone cannot be brought back. Why, then, was Demona able to bring the spirit of Coldstone (and those of Coldfire and Coldsteel) back from the dead? Was Anubis trying to say that he is under some sort of magical restriction similar to Oberon's law of non-interferece that prevents him from bringing back the dead, or something else entirely?

P.S. I wanted to thank you for answering my question regarding Hudson's feelings about Goliath and Elisa. Just to clarify, I didn't mean to imply that Hudson wasn't open-minded. I just remembered that you had stated a long time ago (I think in your rambling about gargs and sex) that you saw Hudson as being the one who would still hold on to the tradition of only taking one mate.

Greg responds...

Anubis had a very strict policy. And he had the integrity to stick to it.

(And thanks for the clarification on Hudson. I just wish you had posted the Hudson P.S. seperately. I'd like to have on-going dialogue as part of ASK GREG. But when you attach a piece of an unrelated discussion to a question on a different topic, it makes archiving all this stuff a disaster.)

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.what were your future plans for demona?
2.what were your future plans for macbeth?

Greg responds...

This is not a forum for novel-length responses. You're question is too broad.

I will say that both characters would have been involved in both the main GARGOYLES series and in GARGOYLES 2158.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.in city of stone part 3 demona said to macbeth that it was always the same he blamed her and she blamed him does that mean that they had met after 1057 and gone into a blaming fit?

Greg responds...

I think they've had multiple encounters over the centuries.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.did macbeth or demona ever meet the wierd sisters after 1057?

Greg responds...

The Sisters were watching them. I doubt that Macbeth or Demona would get to see them unless seeing them served the Sisters' purposes.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.did macbeth actually consider betraying demnoa?

Greg responds...

1. No. Absolutely not.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.what is macbeths opinion on demonas spying on him when bohde made the suggestion to betray her?

Greg responds...

My guess is he's pissed. But there's gotta be some self-loathing mixed in as well. If he had included her in the meeting. If he had just not chosen that moment to teach Luach a lesson. If, if, if, if, if, if....

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Shauntell writes...

Okay, I just have a couple of questions...
1) In "Mark Of The Panther" what sort of things were going through Goliath's mind after his discussion with Diane and as he was approaching Angela?
You had commented that what Diane said made him realize some things, but what other things would he have thought about on that? Would he and Angela have discussed their problem?
2) In, "Eye Of The Storm" what were the reasons for having Goliath done the Eye of Odin? Was he ever to be a sorceror? If not, why have him use the Eye? What was the significance of that episode?
Well... I think that's it for now. Chow!!

Greg responds...

1. That Angela was his daughter by anyone's definition, including his own. In the interest of trying to make her see the difference between gargoyle and human definitions of parenthood, he had neglected to be any kind of father. A lot of this came out of paranoia involving Demona. If Angela gave him special status as her biological father, she might also grant Demona special status too. Which in fact, she did. Though I don't think it harmed anyone.

2. Sorry, but questions on separate topics must be posted separately.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.did goliath and co ever tell macbeth or demona of what happened on avalon and if so how did they react?

Greg responds...

My guess is that no one filled Macbeth in. If they had, then Macbeth would have reacted differently to Arthur in "Pendragon". It's possible that Angela told Demona about it during her "Reckoning" incarceration. But then again, maybe she didn't. I'm not sure that Angela would feel any value would come out of bringing that up.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Derek writes...

In the RECKONING, Demona said that she knew every living Gargoyle. When she said this, was she assuming Goliath's clan was all that was left, or did she know of the London, Ishimura and other clans?

Greg responds...

I don't think she knew about Guatemala.

And she definitely didn't know about Avalon.

I'm on the fence about Ishimura.

But I find it hard to believe that she didn't know about London.

But to be honest, I haven't decided.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

Can you please give us some small tidbit of information on Demona's two great loves?

Greg responds...

Not counting Goliath?

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Shauntell writes...

"Alone: Demon Contest Answer."

Hi Greg! This is my guess on Demona's choosing "Alone" for her password. Some of my paragraphs may not be as long as you'ld like, but hopefully they'll have the correct answers.

Paragraph #1: I think one reason she consciously used the password "alone" is because she is alone. It is a fact built on her life due to events of the past and pressent. It is something she has lived with for centuries. She lost her clan in 994 A.D, her mate was turned to stone, she lead a clan for a few years before meeting Macbeth, but she never took another mate. She was afraid and angry. And that anger may be part of the reason why she used the password "alone." Goliath and Xanatos might not recongize her reasons for it, but to her, maybee it is used because of her anger. She blames Goliath for failing to protect the clan. She blames all humanity for the destruction of her kind - the main reason for her loneliness.

Paragraph #2: Hmmm... this one is a little more tricky. I think consciously, she used the password because of her anger - it was the only way to consciously show her feelings for her situation. But subconsciously . . . maybee the subconscious reasons are that which prompted the conscious use of that password. She is so angry inside she can't consciously act in any other way. She is also afraid. That is why she is alone. Consciously, she chooses to be alone, but subconsciously, she is torn up inside. She hides her pain in her subconscious mind, and so many of the real situations she is dealing with doesn't come up consciously. However, with the password, she is still consciously showing what she feels subconsiously without really consciously knowing what she is doing. She is letting people know the only way she knows how, how she feels.
That is why she used the password "alone." Or, at least in my take of things. ^_^

Greg responds...

O.K. Read your entry.

I'll declare the winner after I've read any other entries written before midnight on 9-30-99.

Thanks for playing...

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You said once that there were so few gargoyles left that there was a big question over whether they could survive at all. In your opinion, has Demona ever become aware of this, aware of the fact that even if she did succeed in destroying humanity, it might come too late to avert extinction for her race? (I don't think that it may matter that much to her in the long run since my suspicion is that Demona's war on humanity is primarily fueled by a combination of revenge and the need to blame her misfortunes and those of her race on humans rather than on her own actions, but I'm still curious).

Oh, and thanks for answering some of our questions while on holiday at Nantucket; that was really quite a pleasant surprise.

Greg responds...

Demona isn't stupid, so on some level she must have known this. But her mind is a fairly byzantine mess, so....

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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