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Basilisk writes...

In 'The Mirror', Demona is furious that all the humans in Manhattan are gargoyles. If she'd taken a minute to think on what advantages she could have in a gargoyle-populated city (ie, she would be accepted, she wouldn't have to hide, etc, etc) would she have decided to just let it all alone? I mean, she was clearly not thinking properly, she was just raging, but if she had been, what would she do?

Greg responds...

They'd still be humans mentally. I think she might have tried to take more advantage of the situation if she'd thought it out. But that wasn't a viable solution to her.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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matt writes...

if demona had succeded in destroying humanity in hunters moon 3 wouldn't she die as soon as she became human and was no longer under the protection of the praying gargoyle? also wouldn't that spell have killed macbeth and thus she would died or does the power of the praying gargoyle supersede the wierd sisters spell? im a huge fan thanks for a great show!!!!

Greg responds...

Hey, Matt. Check the Demona and/or Macbeth archives. I'm tired of answering that one.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

To the Angela topic

Hi Greg. I don´t know English well but I will attempt that you understand me. I very like your work in Gargoyles and my congratulations because Gargoyles is the best cartoon serie that I saw in my life. Then, I ask: If the series of Gargoyles will continue one day, how can end the relation of Angela and Demona (mother and daughter)? (friendly, badly,dramaticaly),... Thanks.

Greg responds...

Who says it ends?

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Razorclawz writes...

In City of Stone 2, when Demona rip off the Hunter's mask, Gillecomegain shot something like: "Do you remember me? The boy you disfigured?" Demona said no. Did she lie or she didn't remember the boy?

Greg responds...

I don't think she knew who the hell he was.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Vilija writes...

How and when did Demona get to North America?
I figured she must still have been in Europe during both wars...(Temptation) "I've seen horrors that would blast your soul."
(That was a very cool episode by the way. But I dont like how Goliath's face was distorted during the spell.)

Greg responds...

Which time?

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Does Demona really have a spell that can take a minute from a person's life?

Greg responds...

No. Not handy.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Vilija (Demona's greatest fan) writes...

In the "Hunter's Moon #1" Episode, Demona does her cool Human to Gargoyle transformation."If you want something done right...do it yorself!" (What a great line. It gave me goosebumps!) I noticed that she is shown with her trademark tiara. Is that thing attatched to her head, or does she keep it in her pocket? How does she get it on so quickly? Also, what metal is it made of? Sorry, I'm just curious. (Say hi to your kids for me!)

Greg responds...

It's gold. And yes, she's very quick with it.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Samantha writes...

I'm a juinor in high school and in my Advance Placement class for American History, we're reading the books The Crucible and the Scarlett letter, both about the puritains and the Salem Witch trials...my question is where was Demona during all this? Did she even know about it? And the holocust also, what did she think of these events in history, did she become even more enrgaed with humans that they could do this to their kind or could she of cared less and figured it only proved her more right that humans are just purely evil? Im hope this question didn't confuse you...Thanks!

Greg responds...

I'd say the latter, largely.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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XanaTOAST writes...

Why does Demona wear a crown

Greg responds...

Personal expression.

Or maybe she likes shiny things.

And it's not a crown. It's a tiara.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Gengar! writes...

what happened to Demona mother

Greg responds...

Which one?

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

I was thinking about the two next great loves of Demona's life.
Really, Greg, you're a good guy: After all that she did, there's yet someone that may fall in love with her. But this creats some doubts:

1 - I suppose that the first of them will appear in the normal series (Gargoyles), and the second in G2158 (oops, revamping :-). Am I right?

The next questions are about just the first of them:

2 - Is he a known gargoyle (Griff, Zaffiro, etc)?

3 - If no, is he from a known clan?

4 - Is he a good guy or another Thailog?

5 - Will he know all about the dirt things that she did?

6 - What's his opinion about this?

7 - Will they have one (or more) eggs together?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not answering this.

2 - 7. Ditto.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Warrioress writes...

Did Demona have any other children besides Angela (with another male Gargoyle, I mean)?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1) Has Demona already used all the spells available in the pages she tore from the Grimorum?

2) Did Elisa or the others do anything special with that page from the Grimorum with the spell that enchanted Goliath? If Goliath must obey anyone who holds it, couldn't someone say, "I negate the last command", and have Goliath fall right back under its spell? Even if that isn't the case, I would think that the possibility was enough that they would take certain precautions with it. Just wondering.

Greg responds...

1. All but one.

2. They burned it.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is in response to your answer to my question about future genocidal schemes of Demona. When I commented that it struck me as difficult to top the "Hunter's Moon" scheme, you pointed out that it might strike some as difficult to top the "City of Stone" scheme.

That is a good point, but I do think that it was quite possible to top the "City of Stone" scheme. Demona's scheme there was threatening the humans in Manhattan. In "Hunter's Moon", she'd upped the range of her scheme to threatening all humans on the planet.

Greg responds...

Yeah. And it would be hard to top her in terms of pure numbers. Aside from population growth, you can't really top the notion of "Everyone". But I think you can top a plan in terms of it's nature and specifics.

But I'm not particularly saying what Demona would try next. (I'm afraid of what she'd do to me, if I did.)

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg Here's another set of questions for you.
1a)How did Demona find those five gargs in City of Stone?
1b)Were the a few clans in Scotland?
2a)Did have a rookery?
2b)Did Demona contribute?
3a)Why did Demona treat her clan more like an army ten family?
3b)Why did Demona do nothing to stop the princess,magus and Tom when they took the clan's eggs?

Greg responds...

1a. She searched around. And there were more than five. But they lived in "cells" so that the Hunter couldn't stumble on any one location and destroy them all.

b. I know there's a typo in there, but I still am not sure what this question is.

2a. Demona's clan? Probably they had one when they needed one.

2b. No.

3a. Why do YOU think?

3b. Paralyzing guilt.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Adam writes...

I have another question about Demona. What does she do when she's not plotting the downfall of mankind? I mean, she can't ALWAYS be actively involved in some nefarious plot; that would be way too much like "Pinky and the Brain" (I can see it now PINKY: What are we going to do tomorrow night, Demona? DEMONA: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the…uhh…destroy humanity!!!). She has to have a hobby or something, and I'm betting it's not stealing candy from babies or tying attractive blonde women to the railroad tracks. Does she watch T.V., like Hudson; or read, like Goliath; or does she gnaw on bones, like Bronx? I'll limit this to the recent past (because this is not a "What did Demona do during WWII" question), let's say from the late 1980s onward. Also, before Puck turned her into a human during the day; since I'm interested in what she did as a gargoyle, not as Dominique Destine.

Greg responds...

I think she was more mono-focused than you think. Research, study, practicing her sorcery. Making investments. All steps toward her goal.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Adam writes...

Okay, now that somebody has won the clans contest it's time for me to ask an actual question. So here it is:

Where did Demona sleep while she was in New York before Puck cast his spell that turned her into a human during the day? More importantly, how did Demona sleep? We know that Goliath and his clan usually assume menacing postures, unless the sun catches them unawares. They're protecting the castle during the day (as much as they can) by looking scary. The Gargoyles at Ishimura face inwards, for a reason that I've forgotten. But Demona no longer protects anything. Does she still jump onto the nearest parapet and strike a pose just for old-time's sake? How does a gargoyle who isn't really a gargoyle any more behave during one of the moments that defines that species?

Greg responds...

Demona has a home in Gramercy Park. I'm sure she locked herself somewhere very safe.

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Another Demona question. One thing that I noticed was that while Demona and Elisa were serious enemies throughout the series, they haven't really had a head-on clash since "Avalon Part Three". In "Sanctuary", Elisa opposes Demona and is the one to temporarily kill her, but Demona never even notices Elisa, being too busy fighting Macbeth. They don't interact in "Future Tense" (which doesn't really count, for obvious reasons) or "The Reckoning", and while both play major roles in "Hunter's Moon", they never run into each other in that one either.

Did you have any Demona/Elisa confrontations planned for after "Hunter's Moon" (and I can't help but think that the Kiss and its consequences would almost certainly make Demona all the more hostile towards Elisa)?

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Did you have any further plans for "exterminate humanity" attempts for Demona after "Hunter's Moon"? I've sometimes wondered about this. On the one hand, it's a major goal of hers - and one which I imagine Demona would consider even more important to achieve now that the humans know that the gargoyles exist, aren't too happy about it, and have even set up the Quarrymen. On the other hand, it strikes me as rather difficult to top the scheme that she used in "Hunter's Moon".

Greg responds...

Did you think it would be difficult for us to top her scheme from City of Stone?

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Brian writes...

If demona is human during the day why do her eyes glow and why is her waist so thin?

Greg responds...

Her eyes glow, because the spell is imperfect. (And cuz it's cool.)

Also she eats well and gets a lot of exercise.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Melissa writes...

Hey again,

When I first saw that Demona had red glowing eyes (unlike the others who had white) I thought that was intended to be a hint that she was on the evil side. Usually in children shows, the evil characters are dressed in darker colors (i.e. black and red) while the good guys are dressed in lighter colors (i.e. white, light blue). I know the show is deeper than that, but was that the initial reason why Demona had red glowing eyes, or was it planned that female gargoyles would have red glowing eyes all along?

Thanks a bunch!

Greg responds...


But I had no problem giving Angela, etc. red glowing eyes later, even though they weren't evil.

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Hi Greg. I was wondering if you are in the mood to talk about Demona's next two great loves. I'd really like to hear about them.

Greg responds...

Can't. Revamping.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Ithica writes...

When do you think Demona and Macbeth became fully aware that neither could die without killing the other? Right after Canmore stabbed Macbeth? Later?

Also, Macbeth is quite clearly (at least at one point) a suicidal character. Did he ever try to just kill himself? If so, did he not know he had to kill Demona to do it, or just hoped it would work?

Greg responds...

Right after each got up after "dying".

Mac knows the rules.

Response recorded on September 02, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

OH and greg, hate to tell ya, but you know how you keep telling people to "check the archives" for the demona/macbeth dieing from virus/statue etc..? its not there. i dont know if its in the HUGE archives, but i read the demona archive and the macbeth archive. its not there. unless gore deleted it just as i went to go look for it. not that im asking that question, but i thought id let you know :)

Greg responds...

So check the BIG ARCHIVES. I know I've answered it many, many, many times.

The short answer is it depends on what was going on in Demona's head. (And frankly, the short answer should be enough in this case.)

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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Chris writes...

I couldn't find this question anywhere but if I just missed it and it's there in the archives, feel free to ignore, so here it is....

In all the centuries that the Canmores were hunting Demona, did it ever occur to any of them that there was something strange about the fact that they were hunting the same gargoyle for centuries when gargoyles only have twice the lifespan of a human?(That's around 200 years right?)I know i'd think there was something odd going on.I mean, did they know she was immortal, or was this hunter thing something they followed blindly just because their ancestors did?

Thanks for your time, and the show.

Greg responds...

They thought she (and all gargoyles) were demons. They didn't know about the half-speed aging thing.

Response recorded on August 23, 2000

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