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Anonymous writes...

You know that gargoyles don't age as fast as humans and Demona and MacBeth feel the same things is that whay MacBeth lived for a long time or is it because MacBeth is a king?

Greg responds...


They've been cursed, remember?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Jacob writes...

You said by day Demona is completely human, right?
But at the end of the episode when Demona and Macbeth finally have the three items (sorry, but I only know the German name of it) and they began to quarrel her eyes were glowing red. Have you an explanation for it?

Greg responds...

Well, artistic license. Either by us, or Puck, or both.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the Malcom Canmore's descendents start hunting Demona? I mean Demona didn't do anything to them?

Greg responds...

How do you know?

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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lesley writes...

does demona have any other childern besides angela?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

You refer to Demona and Macbeth as "foot-soldiers" in the context that the Weird Sisters used them for (or sought to use them for). Isn't that a bit of an under-title for them? Why go through all the trouble of obtaining Demona and Macbeth if only to use them as "grunts"? First off, isn't the entire purpose of foot-soldiers/grunts to have a lot of them? Merely two suggest specialization, and indeed, they seem to have been chosen because they were special. What was the Archmage's motivation behind obtaining these two in particular, and any two in general? Did he just not want to have to get his hands dirty with "menial" tasks? Did he want the ego boost of having underlings? Were Demona and Macbeth candidates because they were "the best" and therefore more of an go boost?

Greg responds...

Terms like "foot soldier" and "cannon fodder" were clearly used by the Archmage to make him feel more important. In fact, he was cherry-picking very talented warriors.

Or one might argue, he had nothing to do with the selections. How did he even know about Macbeth? Sure his older self told him, but how did he know? Sure HIS older self told him, but how did he know? And so on, and so on, and so on...

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Demona Taina writes...

This just ocurred to me. The night Puck put the spell on Demona, the "turn to human during the day" spell, wouldn't she had noticed that she was in PAIN when the sun rose? Instead she was just happily standing in front of a window, stretching and enjoying the heat.

1. Did Puck give her a little freebie in not letting her feel pain the first day?
2. Is it a script error?
3. If all of the above are negative, then what IS the deal?

Thanks for reading! :)

Greg responds...

1. Yes. He wanted shock value that first morning.
2. No.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Oberon writes...

In the Wierd Sisters incantation on Macbrth and demona they say "forever and eternal bound" so my quetion is
1) Can the Wierd Sister undo their spell
2) Can anyone else (with the exception of D and M killing each other)

Greg responds...

1. Nope.
2. Doubt it.

Response recorded on June 09, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

I've noticed that aside from her laser cannon or bazooka, Demona's weapon of choice is a mace. Given your comments on a mace being the natural enemy of the gargoyles, was making Demona's weapon a mace (rather than a sword, crossbow or Morning Star) a conscious decision on your part in regard to this?

Greg responds...

It was a conscious choice in "City of Stone" when she was smashing human "statues". When else does she use a mace?

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Josh Goldberg writes...

Can Demona get pregnant by a human at anytime? That is, is she fertile as a human at the same times as she is fertile as a gargoyle, or is she fertile like a regular human? What's Demona's fertility cycle as human and garg? (Garg's are only fertile every ten garg years, right?)

Greg responds...

Garg's are only fertile every TWENTY years.

Human females, or so I understand it, are generally VERY fertile one week a month. Potentially fertile the week to either side. And even possibly fertile at all times. At any rate, it's sure as hell safer to think that way.

Demona is a human when she's human. A garg when she's a garg. But she's extremely unlikely to get pregnant at any time. Cuz she's Demona.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, now a few questions about "The Reckoning"...

1. did Demona keep a "mosquito" in her belt buckle for each gargoyle or just Lexington?

2. did she and Thailog plan to get Elisa's DNA together or was everything about Delilah a secreat from Demona? what i mean is, did Demona plan on getting Elisa's DNA or not?

3. TGC episode "Genesis Undone" is not canon, and you've said that Thailog had not died in the fire, is that right? if so, would he have suffered any major lasting injuries from the fire? if he did survive, why did he let Demona go on running Nightstone Unlimited even though some of it belonged to him?

4. i'm guessing Fang went back to his cell, correct?

5. if Sevarius could so easily combine human and gargoyle DNA to make Delilah, why not mix and match different gargoyle DNA for a bit of diversity? or did he? i've noticed that the four main clones seem to have combinations of different gargs. for instance, Hudson's clone looks mostly like Hudson, but has Lex's coloring, and Brooklyn's clone looks mostly like Brooklyn, but has Broadway's coloring and fanned ears. was there mixing going on?

Greg responds...

1. More than one for each.

2. Not.

3. He was laying low.

4. For a bit.

5. No. The coloring changes were a result of the forced aging. The same thing that caused Thailog's coloring to be different from Goliath's.

Response recorded on May 08, 2001

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