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Jon writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

"Alone..." Demona responded softly. She stood quietly, shoulders slumped in defeat. Her promise, her oath to bring a new world into being would be unkept. She had been the prophet, the visionary who saw the pitiful, cruel humans for what they were. She, and she alone, had seen the truth!

She stood and watched as the Hero Goliath rushed once more to save the world, her eyes filled with tears of hatred and frustration. All was quiet. No one was near. Once more, as it had been, as it forever would be, Demona-- with all her wondrous vision-- stood alone.

Greg responds...

Entered just under the wire.

Again, the winner should be announced shortly.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

Demona has finally broken her alliance of convenience with Xanatos: Once again she must work alone to do what must be done. And alone must all gargoyles be on this planet by destroying humanity before it destroys them. For her, for the gargoyle race, "ALONE" is the only way.

And "Alone" has indeed been the only way, hasn't it? For so long, nobody has understood her... or cared for her... or been able to comfort her. She doesn't even have the dream and hope of Goliath anymore... More so now than in a millenium of existence she is alone.

Greg responds...

Aris, thanks for entering.

As this was posted on September 29th, I should be able to announce the winner soon.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Catwoman writes...

I have looked in all the archives and I don't think anyone has asked this(even though many have discussed some things about it), but since a is Gargoyle at night and human by day, does that mean that she could not have any offspring because of the constant switching?

Greg responds...

I assume you're talking about Demona.

And I never said she couldn't have offspring because of Puck's spell. In fact, I'm pretty sure I've said that Puck's spell could compensate for a pregnancy.

Response recorded on February 02, 2000

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Aaron writes...

Probably irrelevent, but... In Reawakening, when Xanatos says "It's alive! Aliiiive! I've always wanted to say that." does Demona know what he's talking about, or does she just think he's being goofy. In other words, does she get the reference?

Greg responds...

It's probably funnier if she doesn't.

Response recorded on February 01, 2000

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Max Scott writes...

Dear Greg,
At the time before Castle Wevern attacked by the vikings
in 994 A.D., why didn't Demona led the clan away from the
castle, instead of cowarding in a cave beneath the castle,
since she was the one who ocastrated the fall of castle
Wevern in the first place.

Greg responds...

That's a very complex question, Max.

Or at any rate, any answer would be very complex. The short answer is she got scared.

If she leads them away, there are bound to be questions. What's to happen? Why should we go? How do you know? Etc.

And all that's assuming she has time. While all these questions are being asked, will anyone, including Demona, get away before the sun rises?

Ultimately, she chose to trust the Captain with everyone's lives but her own...

Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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MONKEYO writes...

Hi! i'm a first time writer and although i searched the archives, i couldn't find this question (hard to believe, i know)

Did you ever plan a romantic reunion between Goliath and Demona? even for a night?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 31, 2000

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Fan writes...

I noticed there was considerable space between "Enter Macbeth" and the "City Of Stone" miniseries that explained his and Demona's history. Was it your intention to keep us guessing or did the storyline just work out that way?

Greg responds...

Are those options mutually exclusive?

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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shogun raptor writes...

Greg, I was the one who asked about the Demona/macbeth link carrying over to delilah, namely because if Delilah was created from half of Demona's DNA, would the link be part of her DNA or would it be connected to her in another way, like through her soul?

Greg responds...

I don't see any connection existing there.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Derek! writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest

A city of humans had been turned to stone and their only hope was about to be eliminated. And Demona had done it alone. She alone had survived while others didn't and she alone had eluded the Hunters for centuries. But why would the word ALONE suddenly enter her mind?

Subconsciously, the word had been with her since she kissed Goliath on the forehead in 994 AD. She covered up her pain with the mask of a mightly warrior. She made a mistake 1000 years ago and couldn't deal with the consequences, which caused her to forever be alone.

Jeez, Greg, that 50 word limit was hard to do, I had to keep erasing things. So if it sounds weird, that's why.

Greg responds...

Thanks, Derek.

Again, I'll announce the winner after I've reviewed all the entries submitted in the month of September.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

When "City of Stone" was first written and produced were you planning that the Hunter legacy would continue through the Canmore family or had you thought that Macbeth had taken up the mask and was now the last of the Hunters?

Greg responds...

Well, it's more complicated then that.

"City of Stone" was originally pitched as a Direct to Video movie. My boss, Gary Krisel, immediately rejected it as a video. (Though, obviously, he had no problem with it being done as episodes.) He felt that a Gargoyle video needed to focus on our heroes -- and I had to admit that "City" was really the story of two of our villains: Macbeth and Demona. Goliath and company have supporting roles at best.

But Gary liked the HUNTER angle. So immediately, Michael Reaves and I came up with the basic story idea for "Hunter's Moon". We made a sincere effort to make both multi-parters stand independent of each other. "City" came first, but the two ideas were born so close together, I can't really give you a definitive answer to your either/or question except to say (in my smart-ass fashion) "Both."

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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