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UNQUESTIONS 2016-12 (Dec)

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Fiddled writes...

1. Billy Batson's Zeta-Tube override code is H-O-J. What does it stand for?
2. Can Queen Be enthral Devastation?
3. How far can the batrope extend?
4. Can you tell us what would be Icon's role in the YJ Invasion comic arc if he hadn't been pulled?

Greg responds...

1. Hall Of Justice.

2. No spoilers.

3. Not all the way to Mars.

4. He was one of Kylstar's abductees.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. I asked this question before but you never really answered it. In "Alienated", M'gann tears information from a krolotean prisoner's brain and leaves him in a catatonic state. She does this in front of Martian Manhunter and Batman. I am just wondering why there wasn't some kind of a response from them. Didn't they realize what happened? And, if not, why not? Or, if they did, why didn't they confront M'gann about it? Batman and Martian Manhunter's acting like nothing unusual had happened seems odd to me. What am I missing?

The reason I am bringing this up again is that someone I was talking to pointed this scene as an instance of the "idiot ball" trope. So, I thought I would try to get to the bottom of this. Thanks.

Greg responds...

I don't know what the "idiot ball" trope means, so I have no idea if it's an instance of it or not. Nor do I recall what I did or did not answer before. It would seem to me that I'm hardly likely to give more information now than I was then.

But the short answer is that they did not fully understand what she had done to the Krolotean, keeping in mind that the Krolotean's mind was SO alien, that J'onn was having trouble reading it at all.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth 16 who founded S.T.A.R. Labs?

Greg responds...

No Spoilers.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Marion writes...

In "Welcome to Happy Harbor", Superboy asks why the JL left the Cave for the Hall, even though he "witnessed" the incident that Aqualad mentions as the reason for the change in issues 1 and 2. Didn't he simply "make the connection", like when he didn't recognize Snapper Carr, or is this one of those "what-happens-in-the-comics-is-"cannon"-but-none-of-it-is-ever-mentioned-or-acknowledged-in-the-show-because-the-comics-were-retroactively-written-AFTER-the-episodes" cases?

Greg responds...

He didn't make the connection. There was nothing in his vision that indicated the League was going to leave the cave.

The comics are fully integrated into the series and vice versa.

Response recorded on December 16, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Despero?
2. How old is Draaga?
3. How old is Kylstar?
4. How old is Maxima?
5. How old is Mongul?

Greg responds...

1. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old was Henry Yarrow when he died?
2. How old is Major Force?
3. How old is Henchy, Vertigo's henchman?
4. How old is Sharon Vance?
5. How old is Sackett?

Greg responds...

1. Henry Yarrow was born in in 1941.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Henchy was born in 1974.

4. Sharon Vance was born in 1978.

5. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 15, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Clement Lemar?
2. How old is Burton Thompson, the guard at Taos's STAR Labs?
3. How old is Bernell Jones?
4. How old is Carlo, the Haly's Circus performer?
5. How old is Maurice Bodaway?

Greg responds...

1. Clemant Lemar is dead. But he was born in 1911.

2. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

3. Bernell Jones was born in 1962.

4. I don't seem to have made that calculation.

5. Maurice Bodaway was born in 1966.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is King Sha'ark?
2. How old is Madame Xanadu?
3. How old is Erin, the G-Elf?
4. How old is Benny, the G-Dwarf?
5. When was Enos Polk born?

Greg responds...

1. Nanaue Sha'ark was born in 1994.

2. Madame Xanadu was born in 1991.

3. Erin was, uh, hatched in 2004.

4. Benny was hatched in 2007.

5. Enos Polk was born in 1947.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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Bob writes...

Did it ever get annoying having to make almost every single character in Gargoyles you wanted to kill fall off something?

Greg responds...

Eh. More amusing than annoying.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

1. How old is Dragon's Breath?
2. How old is the Scientist?
3. How old is Black Beetle?
4. How old is Richard Dragon?
5. How old is Starro?

Greg responds...

1. I seem not to have made that calculation.

2. I seem not to have made that calculation.

3. During Season Two, he's about the human biological equivalent of 40. But I haven't worked out the relative length of a Reach Warrior's life, so I don't know how old he is.

4. I seem not to have made that calculation.

5. I seem not to have made that calculation.

Response recorded on December 14, 2016

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