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Jean writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!

I, like many others on this website, am a HUGE fan of Gargoyles- caught me when I was a nine yr old and never let go. I've been binge watching the show recently, and a few questions came to mind. I searched the archives but didn't find any answers. I hope I'm staying within the guidelines. If I'm not, I sincerely apologize.

Without further ado, my questions are:

1.What sports does Elisa like? (outside of Football or Baseball that is- she briefly mentioned going to a Giants game at the end of "Awakening" pt 5, and you stated in the archives that she is a Mets fan.)

2. Is she a causal fan of sports, or a serious fan?

3. Are there any particular teams/players she likes? (outside of the Home team, that is)

Thank You!

Greg responds...

1. She likes football and baseball and basketball.

2. Casual.

3. She's a New Yorker. Take it from there.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Todd Jensen writes...

In one of your most recent questions, you mentioned, among the characters that Keith David had voiced, somebody named Hades in something called "Kidd/Hero". I was curious about it, googled it, but couldn't find anything about it. Is this a series that hasn't come out yet (at least, at the time that I submitted this question)?

Greg responds...

It's a series that was never made. We tried to sell it. Even created what is called a "Sizzle Reel" for it, with the voices of Keith David and James Arnold Taylor as Hades and Kidd respectively. I think I showed it once at one of the Gatherings. But legal issues and other factors stopped it from ever happening, unfortunately. Too bad, too. It was fun.

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Chris writes...

After re-watching "Spectacular Spider-Man" episode "Gangland", I was left wondering... Where did Silvermane get that impressive armour.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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C. Ackles writes...

if you were in the position of malcolm, is it good to exalt vengeance to anyone who offended you,why?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I understand the question. But I don't think it's ever good to "exalt vengeance".

Response recorded on January 12, 2017

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Kapur Choksi writes...

Do you have any news regarding Young Justice? Also, please give us an alternative for Netflix in India. We don't use Netflix here. Would really like to contribute.

Greg responds...

The news - which by now is probably old news - is that we have begun work on Season Three of Young Justice.

I don't know what to tell you about Netflix in India. Can you buy them on iTunes? Are the BluRays or DVDs on sale in India? Can you get the YJ companion comics on Comixology, the DC App or iTunes?

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

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John Harmon writes...

I have read that outside of the mating season, it was incredibly rare for a couple to conceive a gargoyle child, my question is this, is there any stigma that the clans put on such a unlikely birth? Or would the clan accept such an occurrence?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, WHERE did you read this? Cuz I don't think I EVER said rare. Never is the word I'd use. Or as close to never as you can get.

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

hi Greg i love young justice and i love what you did with certain characters and i wanted to ask you about beast boy

1) did he get his powers from miss martian? if so who does he only have the power of transforming into animals and not anything else and why doesn't he have any other powers?
2) if he did get his powers from miss martian why is he green? since she is actually a white martian?

3) and basically overall where does he get his powers from?

Greg responds...

1. What you saw is what you saw. Anything beyond that would be a spoiler.

1a. No spoilers.

1b. No spoilers.

2. She was posing as green at the time, and her shape-shifting takes place at the cellular level.

3. You saw what you saw. Beyond that, no spoilers.

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Hello mr Weiseman. first of all i just wanted to say that i loved young justice and i watch it all the time on netflix, gotta keep binging am i right? anyway i wanted to ask you a few things, is superboy as strong as superman? if not how strong is superboy?

if you answer this thank you for answering

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Very strong.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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Mb writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!
Thank you so much for taking your time and giving us Fans the opportunity to ask questions:

Since rain of the Ghosts and Gargoyles include Supernatural Elements, I wondered: are YOU a believer of the Supernatural?

Greg responds...

Yes and no.

I do believe in it, but I also believe its better to live and behave in this world as if none of that exists.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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Todd Jensen writes...

This is more an observation than a question, but I decided it was time to share it with you.

We've discussed before the truth of Goliath's saying in "M. I. A." how "human problems become gargoyle problems" - which certainly showed itself several times in the series, such as the struggles over the Scottish throne in the 10th and 11th century affecting the Scottish gargoyles. But more recently, it occurred to me that human conflicts and their consequences, even when they didn't directly involve gargoyles, could impact them.

The example I noted was the struggle over the Roman world between Julius Caesar's assassination in 44 B.C. and the fall of Egypt in 30 B.C., ending with Caesar Augustus firmly in control of Rome. Its outcome definitely affected the gargoyles; I can't imagine Mark Antony and Cleopatra being as shocked by gargoyles waking up from their stone sleep without clothes as Augustus was, certainly not enough to order the Roman Magus to cast the Spell of Humility over them.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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