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Yojimbo writes...

1. In the episode "Private Security", Grant Park was visited by Artemis and Halo walk through Grant Park to meet up with Zatanna. Is Grant Park located in Star City or Gotham City?

2. In the episode "Evolution", at the end of the battle between the forces of Darkseid and Genghis Khan, was that a cameo by Gravyen among Darkseid's forces?

3. In the episode "Another Freak", what are the names of the following two girl students (image labeled "3a") and the boy student (image labeled "3b") in the classroom? (see link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301)

4. In the episode "True Heroes", what are the names of the three meta-teens rescued in Al-Qawiya? (image labeled "4" in the following link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301)

5.In the episode "Influence", what are the names of the girl and boy in the cell (labeled "5" in the following link: https://twitter.com/DCAUResource/status/1455094905068343301) aboard The Orphanage?

Greg responds...

1. Star City.

2. Yes.

3. We have, believe it or not, not named every single non-speaking character. Sometimes, as with Henry Fyff, we only come up with a name - identifying said character with a specific DC character from the comics - if and when that character speaks. There are exceptions. Some obvious, like Grayven. Others less obvious, where we were intentionally planting a seed like Lucas Carr's first appearance in "Welcome to Happy Harbor". In any case, I don't know the names of these three students. Might figure it out some day and retroactively indicate as much. Might not.

4. We were planting seeds with two out of these three. The middle one is supposed to be Celia Windward. I think the one on the far right is Wendy Jones. Although the picture's not too clear, and my memory is faulty. It's not Tara Markov, is it? The one on screen left? See the answer to question 3.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 21, 2022

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Masterdramon writes...

Aloha Greg! Finally caught up with the queue again, and figured I'd "celebrate" my asking my own question for the first time in a while.

First off, absolutely loving just about everything about PHANTOMS so far. The maturity of the storytelling, worldbuilding, and character exploration on display in just the first arc has been stupendous.

I particularly appreciated your acknowledgment in a recent answer of racial blindspots you and the creative team could see in hindsight with the way Mars-16's society was set up, and the genuine effort put into course-correcting here, resulting in a far more nuanced and topical take on racial prejudice and hierarchy than most contemporary shows would even dare TOUCH.

Meanwhile the animation, sound design, and voice talent remain top-notch as ever (particular props to Greg Cipes...people who have only heard him do Beast Boy in the VERY broad take from "Teen Titans Go!" have to have been thrown for a loop by his performance here). The dialogue, both dramatic and humorous, carries a sharpness that few other shows of its type can match. And that heart of mystery and black-ops intrigue, which always gave YJ its own strong, unique identity to set itself apart from other versions of the DCU, remains as strong as ever (though I totally called the king's murderer right off the bat, LOL).

All this combines to create what is shaping up to possibly be the best season of this show yet, and the reason why Thursdays are the day of the week I'll be most looking forward to for the foreseeable future. ;)

Now, to the actual question...

One element introduced in OUTSIDERS that really interested me were the Control Chips used by the Light and their associates. While they seem like garden-variety fictional mind control devices in terms of their utility and effects, their actual origin and functionality are never brought up on-screen, as they are clearly a well-known feature of the criminal underworld by Team Year Eight.

So these are a few of the questions that I've been mulling over since my last rewatch of OUTSIDERS. If any of these are considered to be spoiler requests or touch on unseen elements of PHANTOMS, feel free to skip over, but I figured I'd give it a shot!

1) Who first invented the Control Chips?

2) In "Auld Acquaintance" Vandal mentions that one of the Light's goals was cornering the market, as it were, on "every conceivable method of mind control." As he says this, we get a quick montage of examples from Season 1, including Starro-Tech, G-Gnome telepathy, the Joker's plant-controlling gloves, Queen Bee's pheromone abilities, and Psimon's psychic powers. Were any of these precursors or bases for the Control Chip tech?

3) Anything you're willing to share about how the Control Chip's level of...well, control, compares to the above-mentioned methods? For example, Starro-Tech explicitly only allows an external user remote control of the mind, without actually altering the victim's thoughts. If not neutralized by a Cure Chip, do Control Chips have this same limitation, or do they work along an entirely different vector?

4) Is there a "standard" Control Chip model used by the various meta-traffickers around the world, or is this the sort of case where once the technology exists, unsavory characters of all sorts reverse-engineered their own "flavors"?

5) How does the Control Chip imprint who the victim is supposed to be obeying? Clearly in Jace's case, for example, she had primed the chips she used on Brion and Tara so they would obey her, but is that done by a voiceprint sample, DNA, or some other method?

I'm probably overthinking this one little part of the worldbuilding, but hey, that's what this sight is for! That, and asking for the age of every character who has ever been mentioned for a single femtosecond, LOL...

Regardless, wishing you, the rest of the cast and crew, and all of your loved ones the absolute best! Cannot wait for the next chapter of PHANTOMS to enter my eyeballs.

Mahalo nui loa! :D

Greg responds...

1. They're a spin-off of Starro Tech, created, I assume, by Ultra-Humanite and his compatriots.

2. See above.

3. When activated - and they can be installed without being activated - one has to follow verbals commands, even against one's will.

4. Eh. Mostly the former, but certainly the latter may be happening, as well.

5. There are multiple options, but it does need to be prepped in advance of installation.

Thanks, Masterdramon - for your kind words here and for moderating Ask Greg. I and all the fans owe you a debt!

Response recorded on January 21, 2022

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Isaac writes...

Hello! I was wondering if you ever watched Robert Kirkman's Invincible (2021) animated series? It's about superheroes and gave me the same vibes as Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice (just WAY gorier). I really enjoyed it, and one aspect of it that I absolutely loved was the longer episodes, running about forty-to-fifty minutes each. I know it's way above your pay-grade, but I was just curious, if you had the choice, would you want to extend your episodes to fifty-some minutes like Invincible? Or would you want to keep them a little over twenty minutes? Assuming of course you'd be able to still produce twenty to twenty-six episodes for each season, which Invincible didn't do at just eight episodes per the first season.

Anyways, Happy Halloween! I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode of YJ Phantoms! Artemis' arc is looking to be fantastic!

Greg responds...

I haven't seen Invincible.

In some ways, I'd love to stop worrying about episode lengths entirely. But I'd still want the same quantity of episodes (or more). And budget is definitely a factor. It's been great on the last couple of seasons of YJ that if we have (within our budget) been freed from the constraints of a maximum length. But I don't feel like we've been hugely restricted by running between 22 and 27 minutes. Don't know that we need "fifty-some".

Response recorded on January 20, 2022

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Keira writes...

I do geuninely appreciate what you did with Halo in Outsiders. I thought you crafted the arc of an otherworldly being trying to outline its own identity very well. I thought the point of her arc was clearly communicated- last season she was trying to grasp the bare fundamentals of being human, and in this one, it seems like she's reached a place where she explore them in more depth.

Her arc was one of favourite parts of the last season, and I thank you for that.Looking forward to more.

Greg responds...

Thank you. I appreciate that. There is more to come.

Response recorded on January 19, 2022

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Caleb writes...

When (in Team Years) did King Orin retire as Aquaman?
Did Kaldur immediately take up the mantle after Orin?

Greg responds...

1. Team Year Seven.

2. Yes, as planned.

Response recorded on January 19, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Questions in regards to Batwoman:

1. Is her full name Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane?

2. Are she and Bruce Wayne maternal cousins?

3. When did she join the Justice League and what was her designation number during her time as a member?

4. Within the animated series, does her immediate family consists of Jacob Kane (father), Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane (mother), Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (twin sister), and Catherine Hamilton-Kane (stepmother)?

5. Within the animated series, when and why did Kate Kane become Batwoman?

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. Yep.

3. She joined the Justice League in Team Year Seven.

3a. I generally don't reveal designation numbers here, unless there seems to be no way in the future to ever learn said numbers.

4. No spoilers. But I will say she's related to Bette Kane, whom we met in Season One and in our companion comics.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Suzie writes...

Hello got a few more Young Justice questions.

1. To confirm are Bart and Eduardo a couple?
2. What are the names of Tula's parents?
3. When and how did Superboy make his engagement ring to Miss Martian?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not allowed to say - and before you ask - I really don't know why. But Eduardo is gay and is dating someone. Bart is dating someone.

2. I'd have to research that.

3. The when is before he proposed. As to the how, I haven't given it much thought, but I imagine it was much the same way I ordered an engagement ring for my wife.

Response recorded on January 18, 2022

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Elizabeth writes...

A) Does Roy Harper suffer from chronic phantom limb pain?

B) Is he going to college?

C) Does have a father-son relationship with Ollie?

Greg responds...

A. I don't know. I believe I'd have to do some research to answer that.

B. No spoilers.

C. Basically. Whereas, say, Clark and Conner really settled on a fraternal bond. And Bruce has a clear paternal bond with Dick. Ollie and Roy are somewhere in the middle.

Response recorded on January 14, 2022

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Windy writes...

Hey Greg,

This is just a few quick questions:

1) Who was Tara's guardian during s3? I know Gregor became hers afterwards, but she needed someone listed as her guardian when attending school
2) Who's Violet's guardian?
3) Who is/was Foragers?

Hoping none of these are spoilers, and have a great Halloweekend!

Greg responds...

1. That's a good question. Brion, maybe. It's unusual for someone under 18 to get that gig. But given their unique circumstances it might've been allowed.

2. My knee-jerk reaction was Artemis, but thinking about it, maybe it was Will.

3. Megan, maybe?

As you've probably gleaned, this just never came up before now. I haven't thought about it much.

Response recorded on January 14, 2022

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Anonymous writes...

1 Was jace already insane before ultra humanite mentored her?
2 If the answer to question 1 is yes, did he mentor her because of her insanity since he thought she would be easy to control?
3 What does ultra humanite think of her insanity?
4 Was there a specific reason you picked ultra humanite as a member of the light?
5 When did ultra humanite mentor jace

Greg responds...

1. "Insane" isn't a technical term, so it's hard to answer.

2. I think he admired her scientific mind. The fact that neither let any pesky societal standards of morality stand in the way of their scientific goals probably didn't hurt.

3. I'm not comfortable with that word.

4. Yes. He seemed like the best possible replacement for the Brain.

5. Before.

Response recorded on January 14, 2022

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