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Young Justice: Outsiders

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Anonymous writes...

Having watched Young Justice for all of its currently aired episodes, I can't help but feel that the quality seems to be going down every season. Season 3 is so unfocused and I had the same problem with season 2 as compared to season 1. You seem to be juggling too many characters and as a result not doing justice to any. Why haven't you kept the focus on a set of characters instead of trying to include every DC character for a couple of seconds apiece? I feel very let down by the treatment of characters like Zatanna and especially Wally. You pitched Wally as a main character and then gave him no story arc and killed him off. I really was very angry at that. Why didn't you give Wally a more meaningful storyline before killing him off and why has the focus been so scattered in season 3?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry you don't like it, but we like it. We have, of course, focused the action on about six to eight characters every season, while touching on a bunch of others here or there. That hasn't really changed. We just may not be focusing on the characters YOU would like us to focus on, so your mileage may vary. We feel we did give Wally an arc in Season Two. Sorry you didn't care for it, but, again, we were pleased with it.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Tom Cave writes...

How old is Katana in YJ: Outsiders?

Greg responds...

Asked and answered.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Charles writes...

Hopefully you are feeling generous when you get this, are there any events during the time skips between Season One and Two and Season Two through Season Three that you could give away like a preview or a tagline? I remember something similar to this. "This day in Gargoyles History", and I don't expect anything as detailed as that, but it would help with the timeline on the Young Justice wiki and add some context to what the Team did during that time to become who they are today.

Greg responds...

I absolutely could. I absolutely won't.

Nearly everything in "This day in Gargoyles History" was previously established.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Kevin writes...

1. At the end of the Rock of Age Peredur mentioned he was going to call a meeting of the upper echelons. Up to what levels/ranks was he make up the upper echelons? Are there other echelons as well?
2. Do ranks in the IIlluminati mean anything or is it at a certain level that it's semantics in terms of their role? I only ask because Blanchefleur was a three and it seemed like she should be a two since she is the wife of Peredur.
3. Thanks for creating Gargoyles and developing Young Justice they really are unique works of art and they bring great joy to me and my friends, I hope Young Justice gets picked up for more seasons and Gargoyles comes back as well!

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

1a. You mean are there lower echelons? Cuz, yeah.

2. They mean everything.

3. Me too!

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Do Conner and M'gann treat Jonathan (Lois and Clark's son) as their nephew?

Greg responds...

Conner does, certainly. M'gann treats him as her boyfriend's nephew.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Saarai-kaar writes...

Hello there,

I know you likely get flooded with questions/pleas for a continuation for many of your works, and with the return of Young Justice, that seems to have stricken wishful thinking to many, myself included. The DC Animated Universe (DCAU) had similar scenarios in which storylines were continued via comics in otherwise discontinued mediums, but I digress.

Onto the question: do you believe there's even the faintest possibility that any of your works could be continued via comics, novels, or anything at all?

Greg responds...

I do believe that's possible. I've been constantly trying to make it possible for decades now.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Hafiz writes...

How old is Donna Troy?

Greg responds...

If you mean Troia, that's been asked and answered.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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Nick writes...

1. How old is Victor Stone/Cyborg?
2. How old is Silas Stone?
3. How old is Cassandra Savage?
4. How old is Orphan?
5. How old is Kalibak?

Greg responds...

At the end of Team Year Eight...

1. Victor Stone is 18.

2. Silas Stone is 49.

3. Cassandra Savage is 16.

4. Orphan is 15.

5. Kalibak is biologically 24.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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YJ Fan writes...

I watched YJ episode 9 of season 3 and towards the end of the episode the light refers to nightwing by his real name. I understand that many of the other heroes don't take the same precaution to hiding their identity but the batkids are so secretive and Batman treasures his identity so they take extra precaution when maintaining it. Does this mean they also know Batman's identity? If they know the identities of nightwing and some of the other heroes why don't they expose them to the media and other people??? BTW I am so glad its back.

Greg responds...

The Light pretty much knows everyone's secret identity (though there are many exceptions). But Ra's knew Batman's identity.

What advantage is it to the Light to expose these heroes' identities to the media?

Knowledge is power. Shared knowledge reduces their power.

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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K writes...

Vandal Savage was Marduk?! I think most of us in the audience assumed that Tula's presence as a Non-Player Character (NPC) in YJ: Legacy meant that her death would be part of the story line, but the fact! That her conclusion! That she had to sacrifice her life because MARDUK! THE IMMORTAL! VANDAL MARDUK IMMORTAL DEMIGOD SAVAGE! "sacrificed" his so-called "life!" is just... exquisitely painful. I hate it, but only because I love it. Way to reward the obsessives who must have every single piece of the story. Mostly I feel bad for Garth and Kaldur and the rest of the Aquapeople.

(Speaking of, thank you for Home Fires confirming that Mera and Orin's son is still alive. I have wondered about that on and on off ever since Downtime aired.)

As for questions:

1. How old was Olympia Savage when she was killed?
2. Did Olympia inherit the metagene?
3. Will we ever know who, exactly, read the part with the bear? (I'm kidding. I think.)

Greg responds...

1. She would have been 83 by the end of Team Year Eight. So she was either 82 or 83 when she died.

2. No spoilers.

3. ;)

Response recorded on July 26, 2021

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