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Young Justice: Outsiders

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Marvelman writes...

Do you still consider the original five living team members to be leads in YJ season 3?

Greg responds...

Generally, across the season.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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YJ Fan writes...

Why are most of the questions here about Garfield? He's not even an OG character, I would like to know what jobs Artemis and Wally were going to get after their degrees. He was studying Physics and she was doing a double-major in Human Biology and Comparative Literature. What were they trying to get into with those degrees?

Greg responds...

1. I dunno.

2. By now, you probably know that Artemis is studying to be a Comp Lit professor. Wally might have been a professor, too, in Physics. Certainly, Artemis thought that might be the direction he might head.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Kimberly writes...

Why does tim drake not have a problem with dating his teammate wonder girl knowing she has super powers and tim drake does not ?

Greg responds...

Why would he?

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Ameera writes...

Will the Young Justice theme song for season 3 have any words? Also, how many episodes have already been recorded for Young Justice season 3??

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. 26.

3. 26 have also been fully recorded for Season Four. We have thirteen episodes in the can, seven more in post-production. The last six are being animated by Studio Mir now. Pre-production is virtually complete, except for a little bit of color on the last episode.

Response recorded on July 01, 2021

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Vegeta fan writes...

When Miss Martian visit Garfield after mom died was it orphanage or foster home Garfield was living at the time ?

Greg responds...

He was living with Rita Farr.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Hayden writes...

Will the complete young justice timeline be revel if all future seasons of the young justice you Mister Greg plan for the show to have are produce ?

Greg responds...

Never. Cuz we'll never run out of ideas for future seasons, and the timeline is constantly growing. Right now it's 694 pages on my desktop computer and 609 pages on my laptop. (I have no explanation for the discrepancy. It's the exact same document. My desktop is much older than my laptop.)

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Is David Hyde the real name of Black Manta in the Young Justice cartoon...?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Finkel writes...

Did Garfield replace the destroy picture of his mother that was lost when mount just blew up if how ?

Greg responds...

Yes. He got another one.

Response recorded on June 29, 2021

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Chuck writes...

Did Garfield have many friends his age play with at the place he live at were MISS MARTIAN visit him after his mom died or did he keep to himself ? Did Garfield relive the event of finding his dead mom like he did in episode Earthlings ?

Greg responds...

1. I think he largely hung out with the Doom Patrol, but he might have had some friends his own age.

2. Ever? Almost definitely.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anhaa writes...

Was Garfield anger or disappointed that M'gann who uses the Megan Morse form did not adopt him as her brother soon after her graduation from Happy Harbor High School ?

Greg responds...

No. I think he was with Rita when Megan graduated. She visited plenty, anyway.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Belloni T writes...

Was every human relative of Garfield Logan dead when Megan Morse became his guardian ?

Greg responds...

Marie, if she had any relatives, chose not to leave Gar with them. Instead, she chose his godmother Rita Farr. When Rita died, Miss Martian took Gar in. No one challenged that until years later, when Steve Dayton claimed custody on the basis of being Rita's husband.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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YJ Nerd writes...

Hey Greg, might I get the names of the animators and artists for YJ? I would like to thank them for all that they've done for the show.

Greg responds...

Check out the credits, dude.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Mason writes...

When do you estimate Young Justice: Outsiders will premiere?

Greg responds...

I estimate January 2019!

Phew. Hope I get that right. ;)

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anon writes...

How close is season 3 to the one you and Brandon had initially thought of when Invasion ended? Pretty close, nothing like it, or somewhere in the middle?

Greg responds...

Dead on - to the extent we had broken it back then. The basic game plan hasn't changed, though we've obviously fleshed it the hell out since then.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Harrigan writes...

Did Garfield live at mount justice for most of the years of the five year gape between young justice and young justice invasion ?

Greg responds...

He lived with his mom in Qurac until she was murdered. Then he lived with Rita and the Doom Patrol until they died. Then he lived with M'gann at Mount Justice until that blew up. Then, after he was rescued from the Reach, he lived briefly in Bludhaven in Nightwing's temporary base for the Team. Then he lived with his step-foster-father Steve Dayton somewhere in Los Angeles. Then after they had made some real money on Space Trek 3016, they moved to Brentwood. Then he legally became an emancipated minor and moved to the Premiere Building in Hollywood.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Green Arrow ever go on a cross-country road trip with Hal Jordan?
2. How long have Vandal Savage and Klarion known each other?
3. How old is Starro?
4. Where did Psimon get his powers?
5. Where did Brick get his powers?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers.

3. Which one?

4. No spoilers.

5. No spoilers.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Heather writes...

Did you have to make changes to the young justice timeline since young justice invasion air ?

Greg responds...

Since it aired? No.

Do you mean "Since we made it?"

Additions, yes. "Changes"? Not really. Corrected some typos. Got more specific about certain things. Etc.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg I wanna say congratulations on season 3 of YJ! It's my favorite show and i'm so excited it got renewed.

1. Is Barry Allen's mother dead?
2. Is Barry Allen's father in jail?
3. Is Plastic Man as ridiculously durable as he is in the comics? i.e. could he survive being scattered across the ocean floor for thousands of years?
4. What does the "G" in G. Gordon Godfrey stand for?
5. Did anyone ever figure out which Wildstorm character made a cameo in season 1? (If not, I swear I will trawl through every single episode until I find them)

Greg responds...

1. No Spoilers.

2. No Spoilers.

3. I wouldn't think so.

4. Glorious, I suppose.

5. Not that I know of.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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Loman writes...

Hey Greg, I love Young Justice and I am so hyped for season 3! I've read all the tie-in comics and the second season prompted me to start reading Blue Beetle, Zatanna and Teen Titans.

What comics would you recommend reading in advance of season 3?

Greg responds...

Um... I'm too late on this one, huh? Sorry.

But if you're still waiting, I'd read the various iterations of The Outsiders, especially the original run by Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo.

Response recorded on June 28, 2021

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ClarkeC writes...

How are you doing Mr.Weisman?
1.I had a question regarding spoilers for YJ season 3.I could be wrong but since the new season is going to be on streaming site similar to Netflix where you could binge it, how would you approach questions about spoilers for the season when it comes out?

Greg responds...

I'm generally pretty good - all things considered. (And there are a lot of things to consider these days.)

1. Once it's dropped, it's not a spoiler from my point of view.

Response recorded on October 29, 2020

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Kevin writes...

In the rise of tv shows being streamed on individual networks how can we support Young Justice and other shows like it? If this is a really simple solution, I am sorry as supporting shows and comics like this has been really complicated in the past with pre orders and toy lines and I would like a professional in the industry to clarify if it is not too presumptuous.

Greg responds...

Basically, subscribe to the service that carries YJ. Back in S3, that was DC Universe. For S4, that'll be HBO Max. That's the best way.

Buying Blu-Rays and merch helps too.

Response recorded on October 28, 2020

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Michael M. writes...

Hi Greg. Very excited for Young Justice: Outsiders. Finally glad to see Arrowette make her animated debut :)

1. What exact species would Cassie Sandsmark be? Her father is a Greek god and her mother is a mortal human. Wouldn't that classify her as a Demigod?

2. How old Helena Sandsmark?

3. Is Traci Thirteen Asian or Caucasian? The reason I'm asking this is that her concept art at Comic-Con makes her look more like the latter.

4. How cruel are the Lords of Chaos'? Do they get a nice kick of seeing mortals from different planets killing each other?

5. In Denial, Klarion mentions Nabu as an "old fart". Does this mean the latter is far older than the former?

Greg responds...

1. I'm gonna say yes.

2. She was born in 1976.

3. She's biracial. Her father is Caucasian; her mother is Asian.

4. They get a kick out of Chaos.

5. Mostly it means that the latter acts like an old fart to Klarion.

Response recorded on October 27, 2020

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Durkmenistan writes...

Hi Greg!

I realize some of these questions may be spoiler requests, so I'd really appreciate it if you could answer any parts of the questions that you can.
If Outsiders has aired or started airing, could you please include information up to whatever date it currently is in series, as opposed to 07/05/16 (Endgame, S2E20)?

1) Can you confirm or deny, and hopefully correct, the numbering for the following heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre?
2) For heroes/villains missing their other names, could you please provide them?
3) For any heroes/villains who were missed in numbering (such as another Kid Flash between Wally and Bart), could you provide their numbers and names?
4) If there any other heroes/villains sharing noms-de-guerre that you're aware of, could you please share their noms-de-guerre, numbering and names?
5) Would you define Doctor Fate as the nom-de-guerre for Nabu, or for his hosts? Your response to this may affect the list below.

Flash I - Jay Garrick
Flash II - Barry Allen
Green Lantern I - Alan Scott
Green Lantern II - Hal Jordan
Green Lantern III - Guy Gardner
Green Lantern IV - John Stewart
Black Canary I - Dinah Drake (Lance)
Black Canary II - Dinah Lance
Atom I - ?
Atom II - Ray Palmer
Blue Beetle I - Dan Garrett
Blue Beetle II - Ted Kord
Blue Beetle III - Jaime Reyes

Robin I - Dick Grayson
Robin II - Jason Todd
Robin III - Tim Drake
Kid Flash I - Wally West
Kid Flash II - Impulse
Guardian I - Jim Harper
Guardian II - Jim Harper
Guardian III - Mal Duncan

Firebrand I - ?
Firebrand II - Danette Reilly / Red Inferno

Icicle I - ?
Icicle II - Cameron Mahkent

Thank you for your help!
By the time you read this, Outsiders will probably already be out, but best of luck!

Greg responds...

I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist.

1. All seems right.

2. Normally, I wouldn't be too inclined to do this, but these seem pretty obvious, so...

Atom I - Al Pratt
Firebrand I - Rod Reilly
Icicle Sr. - Joar Mahkent

3. I'm only going to cover characters that have appeared in the series. For any facts that I know, which have not yet been revealed, I am - for purposes of answering this question - going to ignore/pretend they don't exist, so that you don't know whether or not something is missing.

4. Can't think of any off the top of my head.

5. Doctor Fate is the nom-de-guerre for Nabu AND his host-of-the-moment.

Response recorded on October 23, 2020

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Ruman Hassan writes...

Hi Mr. W, I've been a big fan of Young Justice since I was 12 (I'm currently 16) I really love your work on Young Justice and I was wondering if all the original voice actors/actresses will be back for season 3. If that question was a spoiler than my backup question is, what was your most memorable moment from working on Young Justice.
Thank you for reading x Ruman

Greg responds...

We always bring back previously cast voices if they are at all available to us. We only recast if we have no choice.

Response recorded on September 18, 2020

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PERLITHA writes...

English isn't my native language, but i really want ask you some questions.

I know you are color blind and maybe this question is more suitable for Phil Bourassa, but since both are currently working in Young Justice: Outsiders, maybe you should ask him if you can´t answer...

1)Why decided make the Bart's eyes green? In all the comics his eyes are yellow (except in New 52 where were red and that Bart at the end wasn't Bart). His yellow eyes were an important part of his design, even his googles are amber color in order to hiding his eyes color because were so unique what could reveal his secret identity. His eyes were the first thing we saw clearly in Bart´s debut in Flash #92 (and i thought he was a girl because this close up of big eyes and hair locks looked like an image from a romantic comic XD) Change the yellow for the green, is like turning Superman blond.

2) I've noticed the Reach Scientist's dress look like a hijab with a niqab, and according to Young Justice wiki, i'm not the only who think that. So Is this intentional?

2-a) All the Reach women dress like her?

It´s a bit hard to see a woman with a "hijab" being ignored, despised and silent by a man (although she was smarter).

3) Why Traci 13 was redesingned like caucasian to the season 3? She was asian american in the comics and Young Justice had being doing a great work including divertsity in the members of the Team

I love Young Justice and i'm very happy for the season 3. Thank you very much for your great work

Greg responds...

For the record, I'm red-green color deficient, not full on color-blind.

1. Maybe because of my color deficiency, I wasn't aware of Bart's eye color. I can't speak for Brandon, Phil or our color specialist James Peters, but it is certainly possible they weren't aware of that detail either.

2. Not that I know of.

2a. Not necessarily. No spoilers.

3. Look again. Thirteen/Traci Thurston is biracial in Young Justice. Her father is Caucasian. Her mother is Asian. I think that's always been true in the comics.

Response recorded on October 29, 2019

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