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Young Justice: Outsiders

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Luke writes...

I'm not going to lie, it was heartbreaking what happened with Brion, and honestly I'm scared and depressed about thinking what will happen to him... so all I want to know: is there still hope? Hope for Brion? Hope for him to realize he's being used, like his sister was? Hope for him to FULLY realize that he had, and hopefully deep down has, with his family, friends, and Violet were always greater than whatever vengeance and the trappings of royalty can provide?

Greg responds...

No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Considering the first letter of each episode title in Season 3 of Young Justice spells out "Prepare the Anti-Life Equation," why was it decided to have it dealt with by episode 24; as opposed to having it last until episode 26?

Greg responds...

We felt we had two BIG plotlines to service and resolve this season. It made storytelling sense to put them in the order we did. Our story wouldn't have worked the other way around.

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Why is it that Hal Jordan appear to have aged so much in "Young Justice: Outsiders"?

Greg responds...

Lots of folks commented on that, and honestly we hadn't thought it was THAT big a change. His temples went a bit gray, as our adult heroes are starting to get up there into their late thirties and early forties. (That's happened to me, too.) Otherwise, what makes him look so old to you?

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Bluebird722 writes...

Hi, Greg!

First of all, I had just finished season 3 of Young Justice, and it was so overwhelming. It was very bittersweet, but so satisfying to see my favorite show again (and of course, congratulations on season 4! So excited for that!).

I wanted to ask a few questions related to season 3:

1. What was the hardest episode for you to write, and why?
2. I was also excited to see Geranium City and see what happened to the genomorphs! Missed those little guys!
2a. In what state is it located in, and why that state in particular?
2b. Do Jim and Amanda live in Geranium City, or do they have their own homes out of town but visit when they can?
3. I love all three seasons, but if you could change one thing and one thing only in each season, what would it be?
4. Was there ever a scene or storyline you wanted for seasons 1 or 2 that had to be pushed back into 3?
5. Which new character introduced in season 3 were you most excited about, and which one do you relate most to?
6. Thank you again for all the great work and effort you put into this show! Not only do I love the storytelling, but I love that you include characters that otherwise wouldn't have appeared in other adaptations!

Thank you again for a wonderful season!

Greg responds...

1. Script-writing on YJ is relatively easy, as we work off detailed outlines. And writing up the outline is fairly simple, as we're working off an extremely detailed breakdown on index cards. So the question becomes what was the most difficult episode to break on the cards. And it's been so long, I honestly don't recall. But I'd guess episodes 424 and 426 were among the hardest. And I didn't personally write the scripts to either.

2. We were excited to show you!

2a. No spoilers.

2b. They live there.

3. I try not to think that way.

4. Yes.

5. It was nice finally seeing Darkseid, but honestly, I was pretty pumped for a whole bunch of characters, including Halo, Forager, Geo-Force, Cyborg and Terra.

6. Thank you for your kind words! And for watching!

Response recorded on August 12, 2021

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Ravioli writes...

How did Ed teleport into the X-pit?

In YJI, he said that he could only teleport along his line of sight.

So when we saw him teleport with Wendy in YJO from a sealed room to outside the building, I thought he had just improved his powers in such a way that he could teleport to a place he can visualize, even if he can't see the place at the time of teleporting.

However, there was no way he could visualize the X-pit. He's never seen anything like it, never experienced it before, and I highly doubt Jeff, Dick or Kaldur described to him what it was like in detail before the Outsiders went off on their mission.

The best explanation I could come up with was that maybe he visualized his team members as his destination, but I don't really know, so.

Thanks in advanced!

Greg responds...

Even in Season Two, we showed Ed teach himself to teleport out of his line of sight.

By Season Three, El Dorado can just do it. And he was teleporting down into the studio warehouse below, which sent him to the X-Pit, just as it sent Kid Flash, Vic, Beetle, etc., there.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Young Justice Outsiders was incredible, but I'm a little unsure on something. Are Tim and Cassie broken up? I was very excited to see where this relationship would go, but it seems like their relationship has ended. Is season 3 the end of Robin and Wonder Girl?

Greg responds...

It sure looks that way... but until you know, feel free to dream. Because my only answer is NO SPOILERS.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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DoubleZero225 writes...

So, while browsing the Young Justice Wiki (aware it's not the official, of course). I noticed on Superman's page, it doesn't show Lois or Jonathan (Kent?) under relatives or such. And Jonathan's page is just written "Jonathan", not Kent or lane. And Clark isn't listed as his father.

I was wondering if you'd be interested in answering the question, in which I'm sure he is the father, but we'd like confirmation.

(Not so sure if this is a spoiler request or anything but just delete if it is)

Greg responds...

Well, I don't control the YJ Wiki, though I'll admit I use it as a handy reference OFTEN.

Anyway, yes, Clark and Lois are the parents of Jonathan Samuel Kent. That really wasn't meant to be a mystery. Just a reveal.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg!
Where is Ed supposed to be from? He sounds mexican (his dad too) but I thought his family was from Argentina

Greg responds...

I think they are both from Argentina.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1. How long has Barbara Gordon been Oracle prior to the events of Season 3?

2. Does the fact that Barbara becomes Oracle ultimately confirms that some version of "The Killing Joke" DID happen in the YJ universe? If so, how did her teammates reacted when it was revealed that Barbara would never walk again? Did they blame themselves for what happened? Did they wanted to get revenge on the Joker for his role in what happened to Barbara?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. It confirms nothing at all.

2a-c. No spoilers.

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the season 3 finale, Black Lightning said, "The hero gets lost fighting the good fight and becomes the very thing he or she is fighting against." We all saw how that happened with Geo-Force's case, but what exact circumstances caused it to happen in the cases of Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul, and Black Adam?

Greg responds...

No spoilers. (And I'm sure Vandal, Ra's and Adam might not even agree with Jeff's assessment.)

Response recorded on August 06, 2021

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