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Anonymous writes...

Hello. I'm the anonymous 7 posts back who asked about Icon not being at the big meetup in Nevermore, and I realized that I just missed his name in Guy's list. Whoops.

I'm also the anon who asked about the A-series designations between Tye Longshadow and Dolphin. As was the case with that question, I assume I'm gonna get a big old "SPOILER REQUEST" for most of this, but maybe you're in a sharing mood.

1. Did El Dorado and Cyborg receive B-series designations upon their joining the Outsiders?
2. On the Young Justice backpack that was given away at SDCC 2019, some characters had designations listed with their names. Should the ones not used in the show be considered canon? (I'm thinking specifically of the Z-series for "Batman, Inc." and Stone, Victor G-08.)
3. If Vic is G-08, and Halo is G-03... care to reveal who are G-04, G-05, G-06, and G-07? The only possible option I can come up with is Dr. Jace.
4. There are three Z-series designations missing on said bag (Z-03, Z-04, and Z-06). Should I assume they are Plastic Man, Hardware, and Metamorpho (in that order or another)?
5. Long shot time. Will you reveal the League designations between Aquaman 27 and Steel 36?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

1. Yep.

2. They are accurate (if now, as of the end of Season Three, outdated).

3. No spoilers.

4. No spoilers (but you're two-thirds right).

5. Nope.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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FallenLegend writes...

Hey Greg I got a question regarding Batman on earth 16.

I know the real-life answer is just that they are different characters and giving superpowers to Batman doesn't fit him, but, still, I've always wondered why no empowering entity ever chose Bruce Wayne as a champion.

Say Why didn't SHAZAM chose Bruce Wayne Over Billy? Bruce already had the training, maturity, and skills, and instead, he decided to empower an orphan kid.

Same for other people giving powers like the guardians of the universe (or is it the ring that chooses?) going over people like Guy over Bruce.

Have you thought of an explanation for that?

Greg responds...

I could say that Billy has a purity of heart that Bruce doesn't have. That Hal, John and Guy have a greater ability to overcome fear with willpower. But really, the premise of the question doesn't work for me. There are billions of people on Earth. Why assume that Bruce is the be-all/end-all of humanity?

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

1) So are the titles of the series just meant to be meaningful? Like for example, in Young Justice: Outsiders, Beast Boy's team is called "The Outsiders" even though Black Lightning, Halo, and Geo-Force are the original Outsiders.

2) Is it like a metaphorical title about characters feeling like outsiders?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure I understand the question. The Outsiders from the comics are an influence, but this is Earth-16 continuity. The Outsiders refer to a state of mind, a social phenomenon and, ultimately, a new team of heroes, founded by Beast Boy.

2. That's part of it.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

In the Young justice episode Overwhelmed when Super boy took Forager to Geranium city some thoughts crossed my mind 1. What do Benny, Erin, Kraig, and Karen all do for a living in geranium city? 2. What do each of the human disguises of the aforementioned Genomorphs look like? 3. Do thay each use the real names when outsiders are in town or fake names like Dubbilex does? 4. Are there any other secret Genomorph cities besides Geranium city?

Greg responds...

1. No spoilers.

2. No spoilers. For now, what you see is what you get.

3. They use their real first names and have adopted surnames.

4. Not at this time.

Response recorded on August 26, 2021

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Abdullah Khan writes...

Hey Greg,
Q1)I wanted to ask regarding the castings for Young Justice Outsiders, How did you and the crew decide to give the roles of Geo-Force, Terra, Halo, Forager,Cyborg and Darkseid to Troy Baker,Tara Strong,Zehra Fazal,Jason Spisak, Zeno Robinson and Michael Leon Wooley?
Q2)And for replacments decide on David Kaye and Greg Cipes to be Vandal Savage and Beast Boy, i know regarding Greg as Beast Boy u did not cast him in the initially because u did not want any Teen Titans reprisals at the time so what change your mind instead of picking another actor because Logan Grove was unavailable for S3?

Greg responds...

Geo-Force - Brandon had worked with Troy Baker before and knew he was a good candidate to play Geo-Force/Brion Markov. We did have him audition (against no competition) just to confirm he could do the Eastern European accent without it sliding into Boris Badenov territory. He could. So we cast him. And he's been great as Brion and other characters ever since.

Terra - We held auditions for Terra/Tara Markov, and Tara Strong just nailed it.

Halo - I knew I wanted to cast Zehra Fazal as Halo / Violet Harper / Gabrielle Daou, and basically wrote the part with her in mind. Brandon and Jamie and I went to see her in a stage play, where she played multiple roles, so that they could confirm just how great and versatile she was.

Forager - With Wally West largely out of the picture, we knew we wanted to find something else to keep Jason Spisak in our cast. Brandon thought Forager would be a good bet and talked about the character with Jason, who loved the idea. We hired him without any try-out, and he was instantly great.

Cyborg - We held auditions for Victor Stone/Cyborg under the false flag of a pretend show with a fake character name. Zeno Robinson was our clear favorite for the role. We brought him in for a callback (with no competition), mostly to see if he had the versatility to play any other roles (such as Steel). We decided then and there that he was our Vic, and seeing Brandon and I in the Control Room, he had already begun to suspect whom he might be playing. We told him he had the role and confirmed he was playing Cyborg, and he practically BURST right in front of us. It was great fun.

Darkseid - We had already discussed a number of potential people to find YJ's version of Darkseid, when Brandon remembered Michael Leon Wooley's performance of the character from Batman: The Brave and the Bold. Jamie and I listened, and immediately Michael had the job.

Vandal Savage - We held auditions to see who could do the best job performing in the giant shoes that the late, great Miguel Ferrer had left behind. David Kaye was the clear favorite.

Beast Boy - When it became clear that Logan Grove was not going to be available to us, we talked with Jamie about who might be able to take his place. After we described the character's journey in Season Three, Jamie suggested Greg Cipes, knowing that we might not go for it, but feeling like Greg'd be perfect for the part. I'd worked with Greg on W.I.T.C.H. and agreed, but our upper management had been pretty adamant about us not using Titans' lead actors to play the same roles they had played on Titans. (Other Titans' actors were kiboshed for certain parts for that reason.) It was something Brandon and I initially agreed with way back in Season One, but by this time, we felt YJ had established itself as its own thing, and we were less afraid of comparisons. And for whatever reason, TPTB were fine with us casting Greg as Beast Boy.

Response recorded on August 18, 2021

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg.

Watching Young Justice season 3, and was shocked by the appearance of designations A41 and A42. Given that the highest known A-series designation prior to this is A20 (Tye Longshadow), it seems like a lot has happened in the two-ish years between Endgame and Quiet Conversations.

I know you are loathe to reveal designations in an off-screen environment, so I won't ask who the missing twenty names are (or even the still-unrevealed A08, A09, and A14), but do you know exactly who those numbers are?

On another note, in Away Mission, the computer reads a designation as "Pierce comma Jefferson G01". But in Humanity, it reads a designation as "Zatanna Zatara A03". Is there any rhyme or reason to which designations are last-name-first or first-name-first?


Greg responds...

1. I do know exactly who the numbers are for. But, no, I won't be revealing any of that here.

2. The A-Designations are first name first. The G-Designations, hacked into the system by Dick Grayson are "[Last Name]-comma-[First Name]-G-[Two-Digit-Number]"

Response recorded on August 18, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Hey Greg, got two questions for you

1. How did you meet Brandon Vietti?

2. I ask because I'm a big of the DCAU, how did Rich Fogel get involved with the series?

Greg responds...

1. Brandon and I met a couple times when I was at Sony and when I was freelancing for WB. But, honestly, we really didn't meet for real until Sam Register teamed us up to develop a new series for WB Animation. (That series was a Green Lantern series that was never made, followed by a Space Ghost series that was never made, before we finally were assigned to Young Justice.)

2. Rich and I go way back to my Disney days. He and Mark Seidenberg were partnered up, editing Gummi Bears. We've kept in touch, on and off, over the years. And more recently, we were both staff writers on Shimmer & Shine. I truly loved the Shimmer & Shine writing staff (Stephanie Simpson, Dustin Ferrer, Kevin Hopps, Cisco Paredes, Andrew Blanchette and Rich), so when YJ started up again I tried to get everyone to write an episode for Season Three and/or Four. Stephanie and Dustin haven't had the time, but the rest have all pitched in for an episode or two. (Of course, Kevin was already a YJ writer.)

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Hello Greg, In YJ, what is the thought process behind each season's time jump, how do you and the creative team decide the length of each jump and how do you believe they add to the characters and the overall narrative?

Greg responds...

Again, this has been covered in the ASK GREG ARCHIVES multiple times. But generally, we think it allows us to show the growth and maturation of our young characters.

The length of the time jump is generally determined by both what we want to hide (and later reveal) about our characters and when in the timeline does the story fall that we want/need to tell.

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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Andrew writes...

Hey Greg, I've noticed in the credits for Outsiders, all of the Milestone characters are credited as "Created by Milestone Media." Are there any specific reasons why Dwayne McDuffie and the other Milestone creators aren't individually mentioned?

Thanks for a great season.

Greg responds...

It's a legal decision that's way above my paygrade to credit the creation of all Milestone characters to the Milestone company. That's all I know. But I don't think it began with Season Three. Didn't we do the same thing in Seasons One and Two?

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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tom writes...

in nevermore why did the light wanted garfield dead

Greg responds...

For the effect it would have on the League, Team and Outsiders - and because they felt they could leverage his death into creating a super-hero registry, which they could then exploit.

Response recorded on August 17, 2021

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